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Wyvern Clan

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Anonymous writes...

Where did most of the original members of the New Camelot Clan come from?
Where did most of the original members of the New Wyvern clan come from?
Where did most of the original members of the Paris clan come from?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 02, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

Care to explain why the gargoyles in the British isles are so different since in London we have animal headed ways, in Loch Ness aquatic gargoyles and in wyvern the generic ishimura/guatemala kind?

Greg responds...

'Generic ishimura/guatemala kind', huh? Don't agree with that.

But no, I don't currently care to explain it.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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Anonymous writes...

When did you decide there were gargoyles living in New Olympus and Loch Ness?
When did you decide there were gargoyles in Xanadu and Pukhan?
When did you decide that there was going to be a gargoyle clan in New Camelot?
When did you decide that Paris, Queen Florence Island and Wyvern were the sites of future clans?

Greg responds...

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1995 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Years ago. By 1996 at the latest.

Response recorded on September 11, 2001

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matt writes...

will any humans be living in Wyvern with the New Wyvern Clan? will they build some sort of structure or will they live on the cliffs?

Greg responds...

I'm not revealing this now. The exploration of the twelve clans is one of the fun things about 2198. I don't want to blithely reveal everything here.

You may trick me into answering more specific questions, but big large ones are sure to go down without a fight.

Response recorded on September 06, 2001

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matt writes...

1. when was the New Camelot clan founded?

2. when was the second Wyvern clan founded?

Greg responds...

Not saying at this time.

By the way, the Clan is based in New Camelot, but it's official name is the Camelot Clan. No "new" in the name.

Response recorded on August 08, 2001

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Gipdac writes...

Did Hippolyta survive the wyvern massacre?

Greg responds...

Who said she survived to the Wyvern Massacre?

Response recorded on July 27, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, If Dark Ages ever goes through, would there be any type of relationship between different clans, for example would the Wyvern Clan know the existence or be in contact with the Loch Ness clan?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually. And other clans too. Clans that didn't survive into our century.

Response recorded on July 11, 2001

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Sloth writes...

I seem to remember hearing that the Wiverin clan is about 40 or something members(although I could be wrong). If there were 36 eggs, that means there would have to be at least 36 females, who were old enough to lay an egg, and each of them would need a mate (unless they share them). So I guess my question is, how big was the clan?

Greg responds...

Approximately half the clan left to colonize a new location some time before the massacre. There were about 40 or so gargoyles at Wyvern at the time of the massacre.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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Sloth writes...

What was the 1000 years of sleep like for the Gargoyles? How consious were they of the passing of time? Did it seem like a 1000 years or was it over in a snap?

Greg responds...

Dreams went on and in and out, etc. Thus on one subconscious level there was an awareness of time.

But on the conscious level, they woke up and the massacre seemed like yesterday.

Response recorded on July 10, 2001

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matt writes...

i was wondering some things about Demona's second from "City of Stone" the rust-colored garg with the breastplate:

1. you've said before that the almost identical garg on Avalon is his son, so he was part of the Wyvern clan until it split, right? were all the new gargs in "City of Stone" from that clan?

2. was he from Goliath and Demona's generation or an older one? was he Demona's rookery brother?

3. you hadn't thought of a behind the screen name for him have you? if so, do tell...

4. did he ever have a romantic interest in Demona?

5. did he survive Canmore's massacre of Demona's clan?

6. would we ever see him developed more in one of the spin-offs? Dark Ages maybe?

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Probably not.

3. He had no name.

4. Maybe briefly. But I don't think that lasted.

5. No.

6. Yes.

Response recorded on June 27, 2001

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