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RESPONSES 2001-12 (Dec)

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Gipdac writes...

I just thought of something after the last post. As of 1996…
1a) Could Goliath read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic? (At the end of Light House on the Sea of Time he said we would read the Scrolls of Merlin to Broadway and Hudson, and they were written in ancient Celtic if memory serves)
2a) Could Lexington read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
3a) Could Brooklyn read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
4a) Could Demona read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
5a) Could Angela read/write Latin? b) Ancient Celtic?
6a) Could Coldstone (Othello) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
7a) Could Desdemona (Coldfire) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
8a) Could Iago (Coldsteel) read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
9a) Can the Avalon clan read/write English? b) Latin? c) Ancient Celtic?
10) and I'm guessing Broadway, Hudson and Bronx could not read/write Latin or ancient Celtic. Am I right?
(Sorry, I know you don't like laundry list, I tried to sent it up so it wouldn't really be that way.)

Greg responds...

1a. Yes.
1b. Yes.
2a. Yes.
2b. Not sure.
3a. A bit.
3b. I don't think so.
4a. Yes.
4b. Yes.
5a. Yes.
5b. Probably.
6a. Yes.
6b. Maybe a little.
6c. Ditto.
7a. Yes.
7b. Perhaps.
7c. Probably.
8a. Yes.
8b. Probably.
8c. Probably.
9a. Potentially.
9b. Yes.
9c. Probably.
10. You are correct.

Response recorded on December 05, 2001

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