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Robbins, Jeffrey

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Shannon "Shan" Muir writes...


What is the significance of Jeffrey having a middle name of "MacClaine"? I have only run across it twice, when you mentioned Paul Winfield's death in the archives, and also in the video introduction on the DVD. Nowhere have I found a reference to why it was chosen, or why he needed a middle name at all. I am very curious... thanks.

Greg responds...

Don't know. Either Lydia or Brynne (or I suppose maybe Michael) named Jeff. And they gave him a first, last and middle name. I liked the sound of it, so I consider it part of continuity, but I wouldn't go to far out of my way to include it artificially.

Response recorded on December 21, 2006

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DPH writes...

1)Is there a story behind why Jeffery Robbins gave his dog the name Gilgamesh? 1a)If so, will you share it with us now? Admittedly, I didn't catch on until Todd pointed it that Gilly was short for Gilgamesh.

Yea, right now, in my World Literature class, we're talking about Gilgamesh. Yet another gargoyles connection. :-)

Greg responds...

Robbins wrote a novel about Gilgamesh called "Gilgamesh the King".

There may be more to it than that or maybe not. (I'm not being cagey. I just don't know.)

Response recorded on June 15, 2006

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Cyndy writes...

I'm sorry that I'm not going to be one of the people giving you a Gathering diary, since I wasn't able to attend this year. Hopefully, I'll manage to make it next year, though by all accounts I missed a good year.

But anyway, I don['t so much have a question as a comment that I've been dying to share. I've been a fan of the show since the very beginning, literally the first episode had me hooked. And, without sounding too biased, I really do think it's the best animated series I've ever been exposed to - it's definitely my favorite. One of the things that sticks out in my mind that I want to express is how incredible it was for me when I first watched "A Lighthouse in the Sea of Time" and saw Robbins and Gilly. I'm sure it was quite a shock for others, as well, to see a blind character in an animated show, but I'm a bit biased in this department since I am infact blind! And I definitely don't think I'd ever seen a guide dog in a cartoon before that...probably not since either. (Actually, speaking of guide dogs, mmy guide dog Dolly happens to be the reason I was unable to attend G2004 as she was extremely sick at the time. I'm happy to say, she's just fine now.)

I could ramble on about the various aspects of how that impacts everything from disability awareness to the price of cheese in Wisconsin, but that's neither here nor there and really not my point at all. (Though the curious side of my personality wonders how much of Robbins was spontaneous and how much was completely thought-out and solidified beforehand.) I will say it was a nice treat for me to see a blind character who wasn't depicted as a helpless pauper, mentally deficient, or the like. So I thank you and all those involved for that. I do have to giggle at the fact that poor Gilly seems to literally live her job as a guide dog (she's never out of her harness, I mean), which isn't really realisitic, but I both understand the need for the visual point of what she does to be made, nor expect non-guide dog users to know all that. (I think that sentence made more sense in my head.)

Anyway, I apologize for this seemingly random babble and I thank you for plugging away at this huge load of questions here. It's a pleasure to read your responses and posts.

Cyndy & Dolly

Greg responds...

It's always gratifying and welcome to find out both when we did something right and to find out how to improve upon it, so thanks. Robbins and Gilly will be back in the new comic book -- in or around issue #4, I think.

Response recorded on May 24, 2006

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Gipdac writes...

How old is Jeffrey Robbins?

Greg responds...

Robbins was 60 at the end of 1996.

Response recorded on March 28, 2002

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