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Robbins, Jeffrey

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Charisma82 writes...

Hey! It's great Ask Greg is up again. Well, I waited 2 years for 2 posts I made to be answered. The first one somehow got erased 1 month before you could answer it. ONE MONTH! Can you believe it? I waited 2 years and it gets erased one month before? Ahh! I'm not saying it's your fault or anything. It's just annoying, that's all….

Here is the question that somehow never made it to you:

I've been wondering about Hudson's human friend Jeffrey

1. I know that in the Goliath Chronicles that Jeffrey figures out that Hudson is a gargoyle, and I wanted to know if you had the same idea for him (if he doesn't already know. I wouldn't be surprised if he knew Hudson was a gargoyle the first minute they met). If not, does Jeffery ever figure out what Hudson really is? Would he be comfortable with the fact his friend is really a gargoyle or not? (personally, I think that Jeffrey wouldn't mind, but you never know what the story has in hold for you).

2. Are you planning on having one of the comic book stories based mostly around Jeffrey and Hudson? (them not being just a side dish to Goliath, Elisa, and the trio's main course?)

3. Are we ever going to learn more about Jeffrey's personal life? Was he ever married? Did or does he have kids? Does he have any family around, like siblings?

I looked for anything on Jeffrey in your archives and only found 3 posts under his name. I know it'll be a while before you get this, so maybe he'll have more posts when you read this. If you hadn't noticed, Jeffery if one of my favorite characters on the show, even if he was only in 2 of the episodes that you worked on. He was great in the "Lighthouse" episode. I wish that he could get a little more attention.

Thanks for your time and hope to hear back from you.


Greg responds...

1. I'm not revealing this at this time.

2. Jeffrey will be appearing before the end of Clan-Building.

3. Eventually, I'll get to everything (assuming I live long enough).

I like Jeff too. Keep your eye out for him in the comics.

Response recorded on March 09, 2007

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