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Hello again, Greg!
here's the secon of the two post, about the other topic.
Is there any chance that the Team Atlantis video will be aviable in time of Gathering 2002, or perhaps a preview screening, like we had for Buzz Lightyear or 3x3 Eyes at the G2K?
a little note to close this post. a belgian TV channel is now airing the Roughnecks' episode set on Earth, and man, do those episode rock! great job! Also got the second DVD. I hope that they'll put the last episodes back in production for a DVD release!
That's all for now!
See you at Williamsburg in 7 months!
Hey! Well, I hope I see you in New York in one month.
Obviously, the Team Atlantis video wasn't ready a year ago. But it's out now. Out and available. We can certainly show a taste of it at this year's convention. If not the whole thing.
Hi Greg,
My grandson has been bugging me to purchase a "Goliath" figurine. (At LEAST 6" or 7" in height.) Do you know where one can be obtained?
Nope. Sorry.
I'd try e-bay or one of the dealer's tables at the GATHERING 2003. For more info, check out...
You know, one of these days I would actually like to attend a Gathering. However, I've found that the past Gatherings have been around the coasts, Virginia, Florida, and the next one is to take place in LA? Here's my problem: I live smack in the middle of the country (Nebraska). With college and a part-time job, not only do I lack the time for a lengthy trip, but I'm not exactly swimming in money, either. I may be a wee bit hopeful, but what are the chances of a Gathering taking place in or around Nebraska in the near-future (within the next 5 years or so)?
Well, here's the (abridged) history of the Gathering...
1997 - Fans got together and organized the first New York Gathering. Most of the work was done by Mae Li, who should be hailed by fandom as the woman who gave birth to our cons.
1998 - Out of the fist Gathering, a group of fans got together and organized the second New York Gathering.
1999 - Having completely exhausted the New York fandom, another group of fans got together and organized the Dallas Gathering.
2000 - Still another group of fans got together and organized the Orlando Gathering.
2001 - Survivors of the Dallas Gathering got together (with some fresh fan blood) and organized the Los Angeles Gathering.
2002 - Survivors of the Orlando Gathering got together (with some fresh fan blood) and organized the Williamsburg Gathering.
2003 - A new group of fans got together (with a few familiar faces) to organize this year's new New York Gathering. For info, check out http://gathering.gargoyles-fans.org .
2004 - A group of Canadian fans have gotten together and are already organizing next year's Gathering in Montreal.
2005 - Is up for grabs. As you can see from this history, there's no magic to it. Dedicated fans just decide to make it happen. In fact, it's a lot of hard work. But if you want a Gathering in Nebraska, organize a group of fans and put together a bid. You've got at least six to eight months to get your act together before next year's bidding process begins. Go for it.
As for attending before then... it's not necessarily as expensive and time-consuming as you may think. Look into cheap fares or ride sharing and/or room sharing. Just LOOK into it, before deciding it isn't possible. Give it a try. I guarantee you won't be sorry.
Hi, Greg! I'm a rather new Garg fan. Well, I've actually been obsessed with Gargoyles for at least two years now...but I have seen very few complete episodes in English. So, it's taken me a while to get to the point where I am now-total comprehension of the series. Mostly, that's thanks to fanfiction (predominently Owen/Puck ;)) and episode summaries from other fans. (I love you guys!) My new obsession now is getting to the next Gathering! I've gone to the main website and seen some fanpages with little anecdotes and pictures... but it seems rather obscure. I'm guessing it's more of a 'you have to go and see' thing. Well, I'm trying, but I live in Massachusetts and getting to Virginia for a convention might not be the easiest thing I've done. :( Another question I had about the convention is some sort of play (or something) that has been mentioned several times. Being an actress, that naturally caught my attention. Will something of that sort take place in Virginia in G2002? Okay. My last and most obscure question is; how aware are you of the Owenite Nuns and other such groups? If I were you I'd just stay far away, but who knows...do you have any idea why they've all seemed to dissapear these last couple of months?? Thanks. ;)
Well, I've been so slow (overwhelmed) getting to these questions, that I'm a bit late helping you answer your Virginia queeries. That con was a blast, but it was also nine months ago as I type this.
So maybe you should go for this year's con: Gathering 2003 in New York City, which has the virtue (among others) of being even closer to Massachusetts than Virginia was.
Check out the con's website at
And yes, in Virginia -- and every year, including this year in Manhattan -- I audition from among the attending fans and cast and direct a "radio play" (a reading) of an animated script. In the past, we've done either episodes of Gargoyles (Like Hunter's Moon III) or scripts I've written that for various reasons, have never seen the light of day. Unsold pilots, or episodes of the cancelled "Team Atlantis". Show up, audition and become a member of the Gathering Players. It's a blast!
Finally, I don't know what the Owenite Nuns are, though I could guess. And I have no idea where they've disappeared to.
Hi Greg! Sorry not for posting anytime soon after you commented on the lack of my Gathering Diary's presence. Actually... if you wanted to see what my Gathering experience was like, read Aaron's. Couples are cool that way.
(BTW, we both think you knew about our relationship before we did. You rule.)
Anyway, since you lurk in places you should not (because of their creative imput problems) you probably know about the bid for 2003 for NEW YORK CITY. As Goddess... no, sorry, as Vice Con Chair, I'm willing to bribe you with a big honking diary thingy if you use your influence as GOD to help assure us VICTORY. (Visualize me suddenly posing dramatically, making V-for-Victory signs)
Um, yeah. So you can archive this under... hmm. I guess Gathering 2003, and let it be a lonely entry for a LOOONG time.
Also, if you could be a darling, would you give some idea of what the process of choosing a con bid is all about, so we can start with the whole making promises speal.
"Cheetos and bjs for all my men!"- Drew Hayes
The dangers of letting the queue get old.
As most of you know, Mara and her fellows did wind up bidding to get the 2003 con. And their bid won.
For more information on what I'm sure is going to be a kick-ass convention back where it all began in Manhattan, check out:
I'll be there. Hope to see you guys too!
Something that I've occasionally wondered about the general "bring-back-Gargoyles" attitude that is so strong in the fandom. I've pondered, from time to time, the possibility that the general disappointment that nearly everybody in the fandom felt over the "Goliath Chronicles" may have been a major factor here, that one of the leading reasons why so many "Gargoyles" fans want the show to return is that they were disappointed with the episodes that followed "The Journey", and wanted to see the events following the gargoyles' revelation to the world and the formation of the Quarrymen done "correctly". Do you think indeed that this could be a major reason for this attitude?
You got me.
I guess I hope it has more to do with what we did right in the first 66 episodes than what they did wrong in the last 12. But beggers can't be choosers. Whatever keeps the fandom going is good news.
And just a reminder, the BEST thing you can do as a fan is to attend one of the yearly Garg conventions. Info on this summer's con can be found at:
Short answer: Not anytime soon.
For a longer answer, check out the archives.
Or better yet, attend the Gathering this summer in New York.
For info, check out
hey greg,
since halloween is coming soon, i've decided to make a grimorum for my costume and put some of the spells in it. But besides that, i'm curios. were and how exactly did you come up with the latin spells and poems? did you bring a latin team in to make all the spells? Who thought up the poems? Did they actually get some of the latin spells actually from old spell books that you might have heard about?
It's been a long time, and I know I've answered this question before, so you may want to check the archives for a response that was made when events were fresher in my memory.
But briefly -- no, of course, we didn't take the spells from real spell books. We made up the spells in English and then my story editors went to various sources for a translation. From what I've been told since, our sources were not that great, and there are mistakes in the Latin for almost every spell ripped from the Grimorum. Deslagrate for Deflagrate, I think was one example of an error.
(As far as I know, the Hebrew spells from "GOLEM" were correct. Not in a magic sense, but in a translation sense. Hebrew, being an ancient but still living language, was easier going for an accurate translation.)
We had better luck with the spells of the Children of Oberon, which could be in English, as long as they rhymed. Some of the rhymes are pathetic -- but even that adds to the fun, I think. As for who came up with them, it was either the writer on the individual episode, the story editor or me. (Or some combination.)
Speaking of magic spells, let me cast one on all of you...
That's right, we're bearing down on the Seventh Annual Gathering of the Gargoyles. This year's convention dedicated to the GARGOYLES series is taking place where it all began -- in MANHATTAN -- home of Goliath's Clan. The con staff is planning a fantastic event... and announced guests include Thom Adcox, the voice of Lexington, Character Designer Greg Guler and yours truly.
If you've been to the Gathering before, you know just what a blast it can be. And if you've never been -- here's your shot. I've mentioned this before, but if you'd like to see Gargoyles return in some way, shape or form, the single best thing you can do is to attend this con. Tell your friends. Bring your family. Come to Manhattan and glide along with us...
Check out the info at
Register NOW!!
Dragged myself out of bed Sunday Morning for the Roughnecks/Starship Troopers Q&A. We got the VCR working, but not the DVD player, so I couldn't show any of the new "Homefront Arc" DVD (now available in stores) as planned. But I did show those funny, funky Troopers music videos. They're always good for a laugh or two.
The Troopers Q&A bled right into a Team Atlantis panel with Greg Guler and myself. Lots of explanation of what happened, what went wrong, etc. Funny AND Depressing, right?
Then that panel led right into a VOICE ACTING SEMINAR. I had some fun playing with the Demona audition side, but we read a scene from M.I.A. and I just couldn't seem to get my act or thoughts together. Maybe I was tired. I'll try to do better next time. (I think I missed Thom.)
Next came the Auction. Greg G. and I sat in the back occasionally autographing things while the auction went on. As usual the free-flowing bids astounded us both. All my Team Atlantis/Gargoyles materials sold to Carol & Zach for $300. The high bid was for one of Roy Sato's original drawings of Demona: $510, I think. Though the funniest bidding was Kaioto desperately paying something like $276 for Roy's Lex sketch for Lexy. (More on that later.)
I think I signed WAY less stuff this year than in any previous year. Obviously no one has anything left for me to sign. Some of the stuff I did sign made me feel guilty; it seemed to me I was clearly spoiling someone elses artwork with my scrawl.
Some poor fools even asked me to do one of my horrible sketches in their books.
I also got to talk to some people. Noel stopped by. Glad to hear you're feeling better. I got to talk to Karine and her beau Adam. (Siryn's beau is also an Adam. Is that like a new rule?) Karine drew a very fun sketch of me looking tired and besieged. I'll cop to the tired. But I was hardly besieged. (Karine and Sara Berkeley's drawings are now both on my daughter's bulletin board.)
My kids' art tied for first in the Junior Division, among stiff competition, I assure you.
Siryn purchased Erin's "Ocean Sirin" and Kelly C. bought Benny's "Erika". Half the money went to charity. Half went right into my kids' hot little hands when I got home on Tuesday. (Thanks Si. Thanks, Kelly. It meant a lot to them. As did those cool laminated nametags.)
After the auction, Greg Guler and Carol Wagner had to leave for the airport. So we all said goodbye. They both did great, don't you think?
Somewhere in there, I feel like I must have had some lunch, if for no other reason then I love eating. But I swear I can't remember where I ate or with whom. Might I actually have skipped a meal? Hmmmm.
Anyway, closing ceremonies. Greg and I had already decided to give the Thom Adcox Memorial Award to Kai. Sure his fiancée has one already, but we felt he deserved it for emptying his wallet for a Lexington drawing for his bride-to-be. Jubes and I were supposed to call Thom and run our choice by him before hand. But we forgot. So he can live with it.
Afterwards, a group of us (myself, Derek, Lanny, Mandy, Jen, Kyt, Kathy, Patrick, Karine and Adam) went to a restaurant called the Whaling Company for dinner. I had some great shrimp, clam chowder and trout and most of a phenomenal dessert. The most astounding thing may have been the way the restaurant volunteered to give EACH of us separate checks.
Next we drove in cars to Yorktown and hopped on a bus to get on a boat for a little river tour. I have to admit that by this time I was so so sleepy that I could barely keep my eyes open. Before I knew it we were getting off the boat and back on the bus to take a walking tour featuring ghost stories of Yorktown.
(Around here we met up with Sarah and her relatives. NOTE: there are a TON of Sara/Sarah/Zehras at this con, including Dreamie, Jubes, Liz, etc. I mean lots!!)
The ghost stories were mildly interesting, but the tour guide was really getting on my nerves by punctuating every tale with a very cheesy maniacal laugh that made everything she told us seem phony as hell.
There was a funny moment when she looked at Kyt (on a leash) and Jen and asked if we were part of a fraternity prank. Kathy said it was a family reunion, which was both funny and true enough.
Cooler than the stories were the deer and fireflys we saw. The latter really made me feel like I was in Pirates of the Carribean.
We skipped a last bus ride and walked back to our cars. Then drove back to the hotel.
We stopped by the Dead Dog Party at the Con Suite. But eventually a few of us (Zehra, Zach, Lanny, Derek, Kathy, myself, Jubes, Mandy, Jen & Patrick) ended up in Kathy & Mandy's room. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard. When Kathy asked Zach why he was blinking (meaning his pager -- but we all thought she meant his eyes) I couldn't even look at Zach (trying to analyze his own eye blinks) without falling out of my chair.
I've known Zach for years now. He's been to Gatherings and I've taught him in my Animation Writing Class -- twice! But I only really got to know him on this trip. He is a really funny guy.
I always get a second wind REALLY late at night, but I knew I'd be hurting in the morning, so when Lanny & Derek called it a night, I did the same. I'm not sure I was coherent enough to focus on saying a real goodbye to the people I wouldn't see the next day. Whoops? Sorry.
I collapsed, more or less, and went to sleep.
I asked this before
Lady Leto writes...
Dear Greg.....
This is a respond to one of your ramblings. You asked:
'Is there anyone out there for whom City of Stone was your first Gargoyle experience? If so, I'd love to hear from you. Did you have a clue as to what was going on?'
Well I was getting my Dad to watch it with me for the first time. And throughout the whole thing he was asking me many question, most of them pointless like do all Gargoyles have tails? And kept on me about names. (Hudson right, nothing is real to humans till they have names.) So yes even with the flashbacks, "Previously" segment, and a hard core garg fan, he was very confused. I think next time I try to get him into Gargoyles I'll start at the beginning.
Also wanted say that it is really cool how you answer all these question. (I have been to the Archives.) It must take alot of time! And you even put up with the not so great questions! I just wanted to say thanks!
Greg responds...
You're welcome. Too bad about your dad. I was afraid of that. Did it at least intrigue him enough to make him want to see more? Or did the confusion just alienate him from the series?
I finally got my dad into the series! I picked an episode by random, it was Revelations. And he liked it! He doesn't like cartoons at all. We watch an episode each week. His favorite character is Hudson, and episode is 'The Mirror' (he thought Puck was really funny!). Well anyway, maybe I can talk him into going with me to the Gathering in 2003 (since we live in Tampa).
I'd love to see you both there.
For those of you who don't know, the site for G2003 has been chosen: NEW YORK CITY, site of the first two Gatherings ('97 & '98) and, obviously, the setting for the series.
But, hey, Lady Leto, how about grabbing your dad and heading for Gathering 2002 in Williamsburg, VA. It's a lot closer to you both physically and temporally.
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