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Hi Greg,
I've posted on a forum site the following link: http://disney.go.com/disneyvideos/moviefinder/request/requestvideo.html
I'm just wondering: If many requested Gargoyles Season 2 Volume 2 on this site will it make any difference? Is this site taken in consideration for the release of DVDs? If not is there any petition sites for the release of this DVD?
I don't know. Can't hurt, I suppose.
I was wondering if Disney is ever going to release the rest of season 2 on DVD,and season 3?
I was wondering that too.
I've written you in the past, but it's been years, and you definitely wouldn't remember me. Hi! I grew up. :)
I just need to say (again) THANK YOU for Gargoyles. That show sometimes feels like it was my first love... only it didn't end in fire and brimstone. I've been enjoying the comic, which revived my interest (although 'Bad Guys' hasn't arrived in my mailbox yet)... and then a friend of mine asked me about my DVDs, and we sat down and watched all of 'Awakening.' I converted someone! Yay! We'll be working our way through the series.
Which is why I'm writing. I know you hate this question, but hopefully this is slightly different.
The DVD. You know which one I'm talking about.
Who can I write to say that Season 2 Volume 2 needs to come out RIGHT NOW? I don't plan on flooding them with letters or postcards and being annoying. I know it's not your decision, so I kinda would like to contact the people that ARE responsible for making that decision. Give them a polite kick in the head, basically?
Some of my favorite episodes are in the chunk that hasn't been released yet. (Future Tense, for one - yes, I'm a Brooklyn/Demona shipper at heart and I'll admit that freely.) I have them on tape, but I'm a bit scared of watching them because I'm afraid I'll break them. (I've done it before.)
Anyway, thank you. For the show, for the comic, and for not letting it die. Although you don't know me (and I don't really know you!), I love you. :)
(Cleveland, OH)
Krissy, you can try writing Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I don't think it's wise of me to give you the name of my contact, as I don't want him feeling targeted, harrassed and annoyed. (Not that you'd do that, but this is a public forum.) But if you write to that division about Gargoyles, I'm sure the correspondence will get to him.
I come in peace :P
Over here in Australia I was so surpised to find such a show existed - Thankyou!!
Need to know where is the best place to order the complete series on DVD!
I need them!! Because of you I went out and bought 5 Gargoyle statues...do you know hard they are to find over here. Nothong comes close to Goliath tho.
I'm thrilled your psyched. But I'm afraid I don't know where to tell you to order materials in Australia. Does Amazon deliver down there?
Hi Greg,
I am waiting very patiently for Disney to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD, so that I can complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD with Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1, and Season 2, Volume 2. I hope I will be very happy if/when Disney releases Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD to complete the entire series? When will Disney release Gargoyles: The Complete Series on DVD? How are DVD sales doing for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 to see if Disney will release Season 2, Volume 2 of Gargoyles on DVD containing the final 26 episodes and I have been emailing Disney to get their attention all over again to release Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD. Have you had any luck to get in touch with the new contact/point person at BVHE about releasing Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? What did the person from Buena Vista Home Entertainment say about releasing Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD to complete the entire series? Thank you.
Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny...
Am I the only one with deja vu here?
will there be a gargoyles season 3 dvd set coming soon to go with my season 1 and 2?
No idea. Right now, we're still hoping to complete season two.
Hey Greg. Way back in mid-November, 2003 you came into the Comment Room and asked everyone to list the top five reasons they were (are) drawn to Gargoyles. You received replies from nearly 500 people. You gave us a great summary of our votes, but you never told us exactly why you needed this information. I know I wasn't the only one who thought you asked us pretty urgently. So my question is, why exactly did you want/need all that information? What did you use it for and/or what are you planning on using it for?
Yes, I'm still curious after four years... Thanks Greg.
It was a request from Buena Vista Home Entertainment. I'm not entirely sure WHY they needed it, honestly, but any request from them seemed (seems still) worth fulfilling as rapidly as possible. Normally, I'd guess they used it to evaluate a marketing plan, except.... WHAT MARKETING PLAN, right? I mean, WHAT MARKETING?
So who knows?
For me gargoyes was the biggest thing ever created; but i'm a bit disapointed that the series didn't move on. in addition, season 2 vol. 2 is not of dvd. So i ask you, when is the season 2vol 2 is coming on dvd?
Well, we're moving on now. Check out the comics.
As for the DVD -- I promise I'll let you know as soon as I know.
Hi Greg,I love Gargoyles. I have Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD with 39 episodes. When is the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 going to be on DVD because I am anxious, worried, and have been waiting very patiently to complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD? Also when will Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get released on DVD?
So... Jonny.... at this point I have to assume that you're either not bothering to look at the answers to your multiple inquiries on this topic... or you're intentionally ignoring them. So I'll return the favor.
Hi,I love Gargoyles. When is Season 2 :Volume 2 of the show going to be on DVD? Also the rest of the series? 'Cause I'm really anxious.
You'll know when I do, I swear.
I'm sure you're sick and tired of the very mention anymore of season 2 volume 2 of Gargoyles, but I thought I'd pitch an idea out that maybe you could propose.
Instead of making loads of copies, I thought maybe Disney could try just releasing volume 2 in a limited quantity, either making it exclusive to certain stores or simply make it exclusive to Amazon.com or even their own website store. If they went the website route they could test the waters and make a limit of maybe 500 copies to start off (maybe alittle less depending on how many they would want to make to try it out).
Again, I know you're tired of fans asking about this and throwing suggestions out (if any have), and I'm sorry if mentioning this annoys or angers you, but I just thought it might be one way to get it out. What do you think?
I'm not annoyed or angry, but I'm afraid I have to tell you that your suggestion isn't big on the common sense. There are no economics of scale when you only make a few copies. It costs more per copy of DVD this way, which would mean it's (a) not worth their trouble and (b) the cost of purchasing an individual copy of the DVD would be prohibitive for all but our wealthiest fans.
I'm wondering what the word (if any) is on the season two volume two DVDs? Also, why I saw someone selling issue 6 of the comic book on eBay the other day & SLG doesn't show it on their site.
There's no new word on the DVDs.
Perhaps the reason SLG doesn't have #6 on its site is because it's reprinting the issue. But I'm not sure.
Hi Greg,
I am very excited about getting Gargoyles Comic #6 by Slave Labor. I will get the remaining Gargoyles comic books by Slave Labor of 7-12, Bad Guys, Pendragon, Timedancer, The New Olympians, Gargoyles 2198, Dark Ages, etc. I NEED to know how the sales of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One DVD sets are doing! How are the sales for Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One? I need to know if Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles will come out, so I can complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD with Season One, Season Two, Volume One and Season Two, Volume Two containing 65 episodes. Thank you.
I have no new news to report. And I never get sales figures. Disney treats those like state secrets.
Hi Greg!
This is the first time I'm asking a question here, so I'd like to start by saying thank you for keeping such a close relationship to the fans of your work. That's a rare thing nowadays.
I also want to thank you for creating the greatest animated series ever. I absolutely loved the Gargoyles TV show during the time it aired here in Germany and still do. Sadly, there were no re-runs to date. But I managed to get the episodes via some dark pipes of the internet and while doing so, I noticed that, although the german show had very good speakers, the original english version sounds even better. I'd really like to get those DVDs to enjoy the episodes a) in full quality, b) with subtitles for those parts that are a bit hard to understand, and last but not least c) legally, wich would calm my consience. Sadly, there's no way to obtain the show on DVD here. Disney's european partner, Buena Vista International, hasn't released the DVDs here and the american ones have a region code that prevents us europeans from watching them. I don't know why they didn't release them here, apparently the show was very successful in europe. Here in germany, it looked like it didn't recieve quite the attention it could have, because it aired on a channel that had a much younger audience than the one the show was aimed at, but everyone who knew about the show really liked it a lot and I for one knew a lot of people who knew it. And from what I heard, it was an even bigger big hit in france. But still these facts don't seem to be sufficient enough to convince BVI to consider a european DVD release.
So, summarized, it might be bad that there are only 1 and a half seasons out there with the other half of season 2 missing, but for everyone outside of the US it's even worse, for we have nothing at all!
But now there is the comic. Fortunately, paper has no region codes yet. ;-)
Finally I'm able to enjoy my favourite animated series of all time again, I asked my local comic book store if they could import the comic and they confirmed it. I have to catch up a bit now, because when I heard about the existence of the new comic via pure coincidence, the first three episodes were already out. That discovery re-lighted the torch I once carried for the Gargoyles show and I looked around a bit and found out about stuff like the GotG-Con and websites like the Gargoyles-Wiki and this one. It's unbelievably great to see that there are so many others who also love this show as much as I do.
Ok, enough babbling, let's get to my question:
How will the narrative of the Gargoyles comic book series look like in the future? Will we get more or less closed chapters, spread across a few issues but with a defined ending for each story arc? Or will it turn out to be like so many other comic series that seem to have no real endings, because almost every issue ends with another cliffhanger?
I really hope not... Cliffhangers are useful for keeping the reader's anticipation up, but if even the final episode of a story arc hasn't a real ending but introduces the next arc instead, just to be able to place yet another cliffhanger, it becomes very annoying. Especially with 2 or more months waiting time between two issues. I really hope Bad Guys will be a success, so all of the other mini-series can be produced and sold in between the regular series' releases as well. New stories from the Gargoyles universe every month sounds almost too good to be true... Keep up the great work!
Greetings from Germany,
I'm big on open-ended closure. We will have some cliffhangers, of course, but if you've managed to catch up on the issues you've missed, you'll see that both issues 2 and 5 ended small story arcs. The same will be true for issues 6, 9 and especially 12, which will conclude the Clan-Building arc.
Having said that, nothing in Gargoyles truly "ends". So even issue 12 will still leave some aspects unresolved, and in fact will intentionally raise more and new questions.
I know all about the drama that involves Season 2 Vol. 2 and getting Disney/BVHE to release them, so I'll spare you that much. However, I would like to know the following: Is there an alternative to purchasing said second half of the season, or has one even exisited in the past? You know, like that big black thing with the magnetic tape called VHS that is going out of style now?
Are sales picking up for Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD yet for Disney to release Season 2, Volume 2 of Gargoyles on DVD that I want to get to complete the entire series of Gargoyles on DVD? Thank you and have a nice day.
Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, whoops, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny, Jonny...
Yes, in the three weeks since you LAST asked this question the ENTIRE SITUATION has changed! YAY!!! All is solved! All is grand!! No need to spread the word!! Just camp out in your local dvd store! They'll be there tomorrow morning! In fact, they're free! In fact, they'll be delivered straight to your house without even having to order them in advance! In fact, God has decided they will fall from the sky like manna from heaven! At least that's what the Archangel Gabriel just told me over cards last night.
(Too much?)
Hi! My name is Rodrigo, I'm 28, from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. I got to know Gargoyles on TV down here. One of our networks showed the whole series back to back 2 or 3 times, I think, some time after it was already canceled in the US, or about to be. It was dubbed to Portuguese. Years later, with full grasp of the internet, I got to know more about it, and even managed to watch the whole series again, this time in English.
I was very happy when I heard about the series coming to DVD, and later about the new comic series. And even though I'm sad about the packs not progressing because of sales, that's kinda my question. You see, I know I could by the sets through Amazon.com. Thing is, even though I'm completely able to watch and understand them completely in English, it'd still be nice to have the option of the Portuguese dubbing, since it's how I got to know it in the fist place. Also, with dollar rates, the sets are almost twice as expensive to us down here. Of course, Disney considers risky to release the final set as it seems there weren't enough sales of the other 2, but wouldn't it help if they released it in other markets, International markets that may find difficult to acquire the Region 1 set? Do you believe is it possible for Disney to release the series in other regions, or is it your honest opinion that international fans should try their best to acquire the Region 1 sets?
Thank you very much for your time.
It's hard to imagine that Disney would invest it regional and international sets when they've decided that the property is a non-player. So if we don't get sales up on the merchandise they ARE releasing, it's hard to imagine them extending the release and spending money on alternatives.
To whom it may concern:
I have one question for Greg: Why do you think the "Gargoyles: Season 2, Vol. 1 failed to sell enought DVD's. It seemed like a popular show. Why did it bomb? Was it the fault of the Disney Company? Or the fault of the fans for not getting out to buy it?
Well, first, I wouldn't say "bomb". Just not sufficient.
Second, I'm not sure what the point of assessing blame is. I suppose there's plenty to go around, but I'm not interested in blame.
For better or worse, Disney counted on the hardcore fans to "market" their product, as they did with the first season DVD set. The fans -- myself included, I believe, were somewhat complacent, assuming that everyone who bought the first set would buy the second set. But that didn't happen. Word was not spread sufficiently.
So help us now to SPREAD THE WORD!!
With all the direct to dvd movies now a days and the pile of crap Disney puts out direct to dvd. Why won't they consider a line a of direct to dvd Gargoyle movies. It would sure make more money than a lot of the other crappy sequels that they keep putting out.
No, actually, it probably wouldn't -- much as we'd like to think otherwise. MOMS, the main purchasers of these things, are way more likely to buy Cinderella VII or Land Before Time LIX than Gargoyles. That's just a FACT. Now, do I think we could make them some real money on an original DVD? Yes, indeed I do. But it's very difficult to convince them of that when the most recent product they put out sold ... poorly.
And, yes, MARKETING. But their attitude is let's not throw good money after bad. They throw money at Cinderella because they feel confidant they'll get return on that money. The irony is that if Gargoyles sold more, they'd be willing to give it a marketing budget.
Hi again Greg! I'm not sure if you have thought of this or considered it before, but I had an idea for the rest of Gargoyles coming out to dvd that would be perfect for the fans and Disney!
I know you've said we can't expect Disney to spend time, money and resources on something that won't pay off. And I agree with you. As much as I hate that we may not ever see the rest of Gargoyles I agree.
BUT! What if, there was a way to give the fans what they want, and Disney still make profit?
I was thinking, what if there were a way for the fans to go to Disney.com or something like that, and specially order volume 2 and/or The Goliath Chronicles from Disney? Disney wouldn't have to create huge amounts of it. In fact they would only be making what is ordered. So Disney will be getting money for every set made.
As soon as an order is placed Disney could prepare a set. That way the fans can complete their collection of volume 2, and those who want the Goliath Chronicles could get them, and Disney wouldn't lose any money on the deal. I know it isn't as big or as fun as having them released into major stores, but it would be a lot better than nothing!
What do you think? Could it work?
Benji, I'm afraid you don't understand manufacturing costs. These things are only affordable if they're making HIGH QUANTITIES. Disney's not in the made-to-order business.
I was perusing some DVD news online, and it was posted somewhere that another show that Buena Vista Home Entertainment slighted after releasing a few seasons - Boy Meets World - has a possibility of seeing release due to ABC's contract with Buena Vista being up soon and them looking into other distributors to renew a contract with and push for release of further seasons. Would anything like this be possible down the road for the rest of Gargoyles?
Thanks for your time.... Love the sight and the comics.
Aaron Brooks
Disney owns Gargoyles outright. No partners. So that method isn't likely to avail us.
How many more copies of Gargoyles Season 2 vol. must be sold until we can get volume 2?
I have no idea. We have to get Disney's attention ALL OVER AGAIN. So we now have to sell more than we would have originally.
Hey Greg, I've asked a question on here before, in which you've responded. Concerning the release of Gargoyles Season 2 Volume 2. I believe you told me something along the lines of that there just weren't enough sales for volume 1 and Disney decided it wasn't worth their time to create Volume 2. I was wondering, could it have been possible that the sales for dvds didn't do as well as it expected or hoped due to lower advertising? I just remember that the only reason I knew about the Gargoyle dvds was because I was a fan of the series, and I kept up with it. But I don't remember ever seeing any tv commercials or anything like that. So could it have been possible that, that's part of why the sales weren't high? It just doesn't make sense, because Gargoyles was a great show, in some ways ahead of it's time. And you'll hear so many people who have only seen a small handful of episodes tell you it's great. So I'm just surprised that the sales were low. Anyway my question is, since you're the creator of the series, would it be possible for you to get your hands on the episodes out of Disney's vault and make Season 2, Volume 2, and Gargoyles: The Goliath Chronicles, The Complete Series, yourself?? So get the rights to them or whatever and re-master them or whatever you need to do, and then come out with box sets for the fans or something like that? Since I know, because I'm one of them, I know there still are a number of loyal fans out there who were happy with the previous releases, and would LOVE to get their hands on volume 2 and the Goliath Chronicles. I know you only worked on The Journey from that third season, but I don't think season 3 was as horrible as some fans make it sound. It definitely was the weakest season out of the 3. But I enjoyed The Journey and I really liked the last episode. Gargoyles is one of the few series that had a very good ending. Just some thoughts I had. I would love to hear your inputs on it. Thanks a lot!!
No, Benji, it's NOT possible for me to release a DVD on my own. The rights are not available, and if they were they'd be WAY WAY WAY too expensive for me to license. (I'm just an individual. I have no special resources.)
And you're right. There was no advertising to speak of. But Disney never intended to spend money on marketing. As I've said MANY MANY MANY times before they were counting on the fans to do the marketing for them. Not saying that's fair, just saying it's true.
Hi Greg,
Big fan of the show, and really think it's admirable that you keep in direct contact with the fans. My question for you is if it's at all feasible to arrange some sort of preorder, with say, a $5 or $10 deposit. It seems there's tons of dedicated fans who are willing to commit, and then you would be able to make a stronger case with hard numbers, guaranteed purchases, plus potential future sales from those who weren't in on the preorder. I understand that such things are most likely pipedreams, but when I read on the news about people sending in peanuts to petition that CBS show to come back for another season, and did so successfully, I thought it's a good sign that there's really room in the industry for unconventional methods of pursuasion.
Alternatively, is there anyway you could purchase the rights from Disney to release the DVDs independently? I would imagine funding (if you needed it) wouldn't be too difficult to procure, given the relative certainty of turning a profit.
Well... I just wanted to put out some suggestions on how there might be ways to actively get the ball rolling. I've got season 2 on the tivo, but I'd rather see it on my shelf! Best of luck!
Procuring funding is, I've found, exponentially more difficult than people seem to think. (Why people think it's easy is beyond me, but there you go.)
I like the idea of non-traditional methods, but they can backfire.
But say you wanted to send Disney Home Entertainment, I don't know, a walnut (for example) to prove that you'd buy the DVD. Sounds like a fun idea. And it could work if we had thousands of people sending walnuts in. They'd assume for every one person who bothered, about ten didn't, who would still buy the DVD. But what if only, say twelve people sent walnuts. Then what started as a good idea becomes the reverse. Proof positive that the fandom isn't out there.
So BEFORE one can organize something like that (and let me be clear that I do NOT have the time to organize this stuff in any case), you have to SPREAD THE WORD and make sure that you have a significant number of people willing to send walnuts.
I know the subject of this is getting old, but I was thinking. True, it would cost Disney a pretty penny to place ads on T.V for the Gargoyles DVDs, but wouldn't a cheaper and greater solution be to place ads in video game magazines and possibly other publications as well (namely Disney's own monthly mag)? It would help bring about season 2 volume 2, I believe. It's just something to think about.
I'm sorry -- and WHO pays for these ads?
That was very exciting that you finally got a new contact/point person at BVHE. What is BVHE's email address for the new contact/point person? Did you talk to the new contact/point person at BVHE about releasing the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD yet that I want to get to complete the entire Gargoyles series on DVD with Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1 and Season 2, Volume 2? Did BVHE decide to release the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? Thank you and have a nice day.
Greg Weisman says:
Believe me, I'm doing my best to get them to release the next volume. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but honestly, Jonny, you can STOP asking me if they've announced. I PROMISE I'll tell you as soon as I know anything. This isn't info I'd keep to myself.
I already gave you the phone numbers for Walt Disney Home Entertainment is 818-560-1000 and Buena Vista Home Entertainment is 818-295-5200 about asking them for the release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 to be released on DVD, so that all Gargoyles fans will complete the entire series of Gargoyles Season 1, Season 2, Volume 1 and Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD including me (Jonny) and also ask them what is going on with the DVD release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2. Please ask them to take a look at the sales figures and see if Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 sold well on DVD for them to release the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD. By the way did Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 get announced for a DVD release yet? Thank you.
And I believe I ALREADY told you that I didn't need generic phone numbers. (I already knew how to contact BVHE.) I needed an individual contact person, which I now have. Believe me, I'm doing my best to get them to release the next volume. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but honestly, Jonny, you can STOP asking me if they've announced. I PROMISE I'll tell you as soon as I know anything. This isn't info I'd keep to myself.
Hi Greg. You said earlier concerning BVHE that "I don't have a phone number either, believe it or not. At the moment, I don't even have an e-mail address, because my previous contact on the project at BVHE has been reassigned, and she hasn't been able to tell me who has taken over."
In that case, I thought I would pass on a contact phone number for BVHE I got from someone else: 818-295-5200.
I hope you find it helpful!
Thanks. But JUST before I left for the Gathering, I finally got a new contact/point person at BVHE. We've exchanged a few e-mails. It's not much, but it's a start....
jast wondering if you ever plan to finish off the dvd colection.it seems a shame realeasing season one and two vol two and leaving it at that.
Greg Weisman says:
I'd love to get at least the second half of Season Two. But right now, I don't even have a liason at BVHE.
Hi Greg,
When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment inform the sales for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD to see if they will release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I waited for a long time, so that I can complete the entire series? When will Buena Vista Home Entertainment/Walt Disney Home Entertainment announce the release of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD? On Monday, April 9, 2007, Amazon.com has sold out the copies of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 1 on DVD and it says ships within 6-9 days because the Gargoyles fans spread the word to other fans about buying the currently available DVD's. Can you please ask Walt Disney Home Entertainment/Buena Vista Home Entertainment to take a look at the numbers for Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1? Has Gargoyles Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1 sold well on DVD now for them to release Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD that I am waiting for a long time to complete the entire series of Gargoyles? Thank you.
Greg Weisman says:
Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
Most of us have been talking about the yet to be released Volume of Gargoyles, whether it's in the comment room or submitting in the Ask A Question. I do agree that that the Disney blaming has gone overboard at times (I'm guilty of it as well). I can't speak for everyone of course, but I'm going to do my best to describe why we tend to blame the company so to speak (I know you don't mean any offense). Since, you have more business experience than some of us, your POV would be helpful.
1. Again part of the reason why we aren't seeing anymore DVDs are lack of purchases from the previous sets. Yes part of it is due to lack of sales, but also lack of advertising. It's not just DVDs, but with say network television (Not just with Disney). Aside from quality there are many reasons a show would turn up with low ratings, like:
- Lack of commericals, hence the viewer doesn't know it exist.
- The show is aired so much that the viewer gets tired of it, or so little they don't have a chance to draw in fans. Odd thing about that is that a particular program is aired constantly when it only has 13/26 episodes, yet when/if it has 65-78 episode, then it's not aired so often. Should be the other way around.
- The show is aired in a timeslot that most people don't watch.
It just seems like the higher ups don't really understand their audience, or they do but don't want to take responsibility. After all, admiting to a mistake is viewed by some to be a sign of shame and humiliation rather than being responsible.
1a. Also, with the comics, I heard sales lowered for #3. That's due of course to lack of a consistant release. My question is if Disney will acknowledge that lower sales are due to delaying approval, or will they assume that the comic itself is the problem. You can count on us hardcore (in my case semi-hardcore) fans to stick with it to the end, but as has been said in the comment room newcomers or casual buyers are going to be put off by the delays if it keeps up. Regardless, I'm trusting that the situation should improve.
2. Then there's the concept of money. It seems like the higher ups in the business never heard of the saying "You have to spend money to make money". It just seems like with any product (DVD, Comics, etc) they expect to make a fortune by investing a few cents (not literaly mind you).
2a. I know that companies like Disney are in the business to make money and I repsect that. The problem is it seems their ambition is more of an obsession. For instance, I know that you're sure as heck not doing all of this work for free, but for you the money isn't a one-tracked mind thing. Same could be said of folks like Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, Tom Defalco, Peter David, Steve Loter, Mark McCorkie, Bob Schooley.
I really hope this came across as a constructive complaint, rather than a mindless hatefilled rant. After all, I'm not always good at using the right words, to voice my opinion.
You're preaching to the converted, but there is an element of naivete here. Marketing costs money. Disney has LITTLE evidence that they can make much money off of Gargoyles relative to what they could make off of, say, Power Rangers. So they are less inclined to spend the FINITE amount of money they have to promote a product which will without a doubt be profitable, but which without a doubt won't be AS profitable as others they might release. That's called "Opportunity cost".
Gargoyles was a good bet for them, when (a) it seemed that the fans would do all the marketing work for them... making the release very inexpensive and (b) the sales seemed relatively high... making the profit margin relatively high. But when the fans do NOT do the marketing for them and when the sales aren't high, then Gargoyles seems like less the good bet.
Again, I'm not saying that the marketing SHOULD be the fans responsibility. I'm simply saying that if the fans do not take responsibility, then no one will.
Companies don't have obsessions. People do. Individuals run companies, which is why as companies have employee turnover, the character of the place and the opportunites shit and alter. But comparing Peter David with "DISNEY" is truly comparing apples and ... I don't know... steam engines.
So in the end, yours is NOT a "constructive complaint". (Though it's not a hate-filled rant either.) It's just a complaint. Period. And you're entitled to complain. Believe me. But now that you've complained, the question is both individually and collectively, what's your NEXT move? Just more complaining? Or do you want to find a new way to help us SPREAD THE WORD?
i am sure you have been asked this several times, but when are they going to release season 2 part 2. I just purshased seasons 1 and 2 for my little girl, and found an old e-mail stating that disney wasn't going to release the second half. I'm hoping that they have changed thier minds about this. I was so angry when Gargoyles was on the air back in 95' . I lived in California, and the O.J. Simpson trail was going on, so I wasn't able to watch the show. When I heard that it was being released in DVD I was happy because I was finally get to see them. Please send me some good news. My daughter is only 6 years old and I rented them for her, and she didn't move or talk for the first disc. She loves the show, as do I. If you can send me an e-mail, hopefully with good news! Or some better news, you decided to start the series up again....... Ok so I might be hoping for too much! My e-mail is TrinityRain25@hotmail.comThank you
Greg Weisman says:
Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
Hi Greg,
If BVHE ever decides to release Season 2 Volume 2, is it possible we get more audio commentaries? I know they probably don't want to spend a lot of money on extras, but would you be interested in taping your own podcast commentaries, like Ron Moore does for Battlestar Galactica? All BVHE would have to do is putting them on the DVDs. ;)
Maybe you don't want to do that, but I just had to ask. I loved the commentaries on Season 1 and S2V1, they were my favourite extras. :)
I love doing commentaries. I'm happy to do 'em. Don't know how to podcast. Don't know if BVHE will want 'em. (THough I imagine they'll want SOME commentary.) But really, we're getting WAY ahead of ourselves. I can't even seem to find out who the executive at BVHE is that I should be in contact with.
Hi Greg,
I recently got into Gargoyles again after ten years and I fell into love with the series all over again for different reasons. It was an amazing childhood action cartoon and now as a young adult I love it for it depth in characters. But my heart broke when I found out that the remaining part of Season Two has not been released on DVD. I bought Season One and the first half of Season Two to support Gargoyles the best way I could but it's not enough for me now.
I have been trying to e-mail Disney with numerous e-mail accounts and they keep sending me the same copy-and-paste reply so I even went to make a Facebook group to get all my friends and other interested people to join the group and e-mail Disney themselves. But I really want to know, will Disney ever give in if people keep on e-mailing them? It's the best I can do since I can't force all my friends to buy the DVDs. But seriously, and honestly, do you really think Disney will release the other half of season two if enough people e-mail them? And please, don't tell me you can only hope. I really want to know if all I'm doing is just in vain.
It's not in vain, and it certainly helps, but I'm afraid it's NOT the most effective tack to take.
E-mail is wonderful, but money speaks loudest.
No, you can't make people buy the DVD, and no, you can't possibly buy enough copies yourself to turn the tide. But figure if you tell ten people about Gargoyles, about the DVDs, the Gathering, the comics, the SHOW itself... if you turn ten people on to Gargoyles, then maybe one will make a purchase. One out of ten doesn't sound impressive. But if you tell 1,000 people, then you'll have sold 100 DVDs. And if everyone YOU tell, tells 1000... Well, you get the idea.
I am NOT telling you to cease and desist with the e-mails to Disney. Quite the reverse, we need Disney to turn its eyes toward Gargoyles again and look at the sales figures anew. But if they look and the figures are still weak, then the e-mails didn't do much. So in addition to e-mailing DIsney, I'd say that job one is SPREADING THE WORD.
Now, I've been taken to task before for doing everything from being an ungrateful bastard to an apologist for Disney... so to be clear, I think the FANS are great! GREAT! And they've done great by me and by the property. Should this be the fans' responsibility? No. But if they don't take responsibility for spreading the word, then who will?
I wanted to know what is Buena Vista Home Entertainment's Phone Number that I have to get Buena Vista Home Entertainment's attention all over again about (i.e. increasing sales of Season 1 and Season 2, Volume 1) releasing the rest of Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 on DVD (second half of Season 2). I have been very good about waiting very patiently for Gargoyles Season 2, Volume 2 to get released on DVD to complete the entire series? Are there any DVD news for future Gargoyles DVD's about the release of Season 2, Volume 2 in Gargoyles #3 issue by Slave Labor? Thank you and have a nice day.
Guys, don't you think I'd tell you (SCREAM IT LOUDLY) if I had ANY news at all?
I don't have a phone number either, believe it or not. At the moment, I don't even have an e-mail address, because my previous contact on the project at BVHE has been reassigned, and she hasn't been able to tell me who has taken over. I'm glad you've been patient, Jonny, but believe me, I have NOT been patient. But I've made no progress. I'm hoping that will change. But I have no new info at this time. I promise to keep everyone posted, both here and in "ETCHED IN STONE".
Wow! Having just read issue 3 of the comic, I must say... I was astounded! I have had my reservations about the first issues, mostly because I was uncertain of the pacing of it all. But now, things are moving briskly, but we are still seeing flashes of our characters, even when they appear only briefly in an issue. It was amazing finally seeing NEW story progression after all these years!
In the letters page, you mentioned the idea of audio comics, and let me tell you... I'd pay a very reasonable (maybe even unreasonable) price to be able to listen to this issue read in the original voice actors' voices... but I suppose we should always have something to fight for out here in Garg fandom.
My question, at last- Since issues 1 and 2 equated roughly to one 22 minute episode... do you have any sort of fixed guideline you follow in a pages to minutes conversion? Does issue 3 feel like a 22 minute episode to you, or just part of one? I'm just curious, and I know that in teh long run my question's really rather irrelevant.
Thanks for making it so easy to keep having faith in the Gargoyles Universe, Greg! And if we ever get Season 2 Volume 2 on DVD, you better be at the front of every episode with introductions again. I loved those and found them charming, not goofy (as someone once commented here... or was that you?)
I do think they're goofy (which is not to say I didn't have a lot of fun doing them).
I'd also love to do audio comics, but we'd need to see more evidence that there's a market for them. Hopefully, now that we're on schedule again, we'll be able to build the sales up on the comic.
To answer your question, I generally view each issue of the comic as being equivalent to one act of an episode. This is not a hard and fast rule, but it seems to be how things are breaking down. I was able to fit my adaptation of "The Journey" into two issues because the first issue had extra pages. But normally, I'll need three issues to do MOST stories justice. (Three acts to a TV episode = three issues of the comic.) Or so it seems. I'll admit that I'm still thinking TOO MUCH in TV terms. Issue #6 is a more stand alone story, but issues #7-9 tell one story and issues 10-12 will tell another that will bring the 12 issue Clan-Building arc to an end. It's like this:
Story #1 - Issue #1 ("Nightwatch") and Issue #2 ("The Journey")
Story #2 - Issue #3 ("Invitation Only") and Issue #4 ("Masque") and Issue #5 ("Bash")
Story #3 - Issue #6 ("Reunion")
Story #4 - Issue #7 ("The Rock") and Issue #8 (TBA) and Issue #9 (TBA)
Story #5 - Issue #10 (TBA) and Issue #11 (TBA) and Issue #12 (TBA)
Twelve issues, five stories, one arc. As you can see, this barely scratches the surface of my Season Three plans, let alone my LARGER tapestry plans. But it's a start.
Howcome there's still been no word on Season 2 Volume 2? I can't speak for everyone here, but I've loved this show since I was 4 years old. I didn't really get to start seriously watching it until I was a bit older. I understand that the sales on the other dvds were not as high as what Disney wanted, but what does that tell us? Most of the time all Disney is interested in, is squeezing every last penny out of every person they can. So the sales could've been high enough to do the rest of Season 2 and Season 3. But still, what of the true fans? I've heard that some of the fans just didn't spread the word or just didn't buy the dvds. But what of the fans that did buy them? I went and bought season 1 and Season 2 volume 1. I can promise that I WOULD buy Season 2 volume 2 and Season 3 if they were released. Plus being a hardcore Star Trek fan, I also have a special loyalty to Gargoyles with having so many Star Trek actors voicing characters on Gargoyles. I'm not trying to demand the rest of the series right this second. But I still really want to at LEAST see the rest of season 2 out on dvd. Do you think that the second half of season 2 and season 3 will ever come out? I think Disney should finish what they started. I mean it would be different if Gargoyles had been on for years and had like 7 seasons or something with full 26 episode seasons. But it only had 3! 2 of those seasons only having 13 episodes. Disney has so much money as it is, I don't think asking for the rest of Gargoyles is really asking all that much...
Benji, you are preaching to the converted.
I'd love to get at least the second half of Season Two. But right now, I don't even have a liason at BVHE. (There's been quite a bit of turnover there over the years.)
Again, I'm not BLAMING the fans -- particularly the hardcore fans, who have been so great. But it doesn't change the simple fact that the DVDs didn't sell enough to MAINTAIN BVHE's intense interest. So now we have to get their attention all over again.
You can complain all you want about how it SHOULD be. I'm simply trying to tell you how it IS.
Hi Greg, Happy New Year. Did you get Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One on DVD at Amazon.com to increase sales to get Season Two, Volume Two released? Thank you.
There are no current plans to release Season Two, Volume Two. We have to continue spreading the word. I have not given up. Don't you give up either.
seeing season 1 and 2 on dvd when can we expect the others to follow as i am collecting them all.a estimate on dates to expect the rest is all i am asking ?
thank you
Greg Weisman says:
There are STILL no current plans to release the second volume of Season Two. We still need to get sales up on the first two releases, particularly S2V1. Help SPREAD THE WORD!!!
When is Season 2 Volume 2 comming out? I own both DVD sets and want the last two, Season 2 vol 2 and Season 3, to complete my collection.
Greg Weisman says:
There are STILL no current plans to release the second volume of Season Two. We still need to get sales up on the first two releases, particularly S2V1. Help SPREAD THE WORD!!!
It is December 2006 and Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two didn't come out on DVD yet that I was going to get the last set of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD to complete the entire series and where would we find Season Two, Volume Two of Gargoyles on DVD in the comic books, Amazon.com exclusive websites, stores? How are the sales doing now for Season Two, Volume One of Gargoyles? Why didn't we release Gargoyles The Complete Second Season on DVD with all 52 episodes? Thank you.
They didn't release the ENTIRE season, because they felt it would be so prohibitively expensive that no one would buy it. Or so I was told.
There are STILL no current plans to release the second volume of Season Two. We still need to get sales up on the first two releases, particularly S2V1. Help SPREAD THE WORD!!!
When is volume two comming out?
Greg Weisman says:
Volume Two is not scheduled.
It's been pointed out to me that one of my recent responses came across as harsh, as if I was trying to blame the fandom for the lack of sales on the DVDs. If so, I apologize. I didn't feel like I was blaming the fandom. I'm sorry if it came off that way. And I'm not saying I think Disney shouldn't have promoted the first two releases more. Of course, I think they should have. But I also can't lie and say they dropped a ball they NEVER intended to carry. I convinced Disney that there was a substantial built in audience for the DVDs. Perhaps I was wrong. I'm not trying to blame the fandom so much as get them to think in terms of more productive solutions. Just sitting around and blaming Disney isn't productive.
But again, if I came across as blaming the fandom, I truly apologize. That was never my intent.
I want to know why disney doesn't make volume two for season two on dvd... I mean they already make enough money as is, and gargolyes is getting more popular now, i think they should start thinking about bringing back the t.v series!!!... I know disney says there is not enough sales for season two to make the second half of season two, but come on guys is money really the only thing u can think of? what about the fans? think for just once about the little guy...
Who exactly are you addressing this too?
Look, Disney isn't a charity, and I don't expect them to act like one. They are a company with stock holders (including me by the way) that expect them to make money. That is their responsibility. You can argue over what would make them the most money but not over whether or not that should be their goal.
The responsibility was ALWAYS ours to get out there and make sure sales were high. If I had gone to them and said "In order for this to work, you need to dedicate a large marketing budget to the project, and you need to be prepared to release all the episodes even if sales don't justify it," they would have looked at me like I was nuts... or called security.
Don't push this off on Disney. I might not be happy with all their decisions or feel that they did all they could to maximize Gargoyles success, but at the end of the day they gave us our shot and WE the fandom wasn't large enough and/or didn't spread the word effectively enough to get the release of Volume Two. That's just reality. Perhaps it's unpleasant reality, but no sense living in a fantasy world. (Pun intended.)
Having said all that, I don't think it's impossible that Volume Two will come out. I'm going to try again this month to get them to take a second look at the numbers. But I wouldn't hold my breath.
I understand there is some doubt as to weather the season 2 volume 2 Gargoyles dvd will be released. What can be done to ensure this release and when will we know if it will be relesed?
I've answered this before...
What can be done at this time is to help us SPREAD THE WORD. We need to get sales up, and assuming you've already bought all the copies of both DVD sets that you plan to, then the only other recourse is to inform more fans or bring more fans into the fold.
And, yes, when I know, you'll know.
I hear that there may be no plans to release the Gargoyles 3rd DVD due to poor sales but i think you should release them world wide so the sales will go up i suspect there more gargoyle fans in the world then there are in America.
Please Please Please Please Please Please Please can you release the Gargoyles DVDs in the UK. If I could I would buy them from America but UK is reagion 2
Luckily I can buy the comic from America
It's really not up to me. Talk to BVHE.
I was just reading here that there may be the possibility of S2P2 not being released? Is this true? I hope not. I have my own site which I will advertise the heck out of the new comic as well as links for the DVD's to help.
Best wishes,
Greg Weisman says:
Volume Two is not scheduled.
Do you know if the second half of the second season is coming out? I have looked for any news but have found nothing re it.
Greg Weisman says:
I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath.
Hi Greg,
I am getting worried about the release of Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two on DVD containing the remaining 26 episodes of Monsters to Hunters Moon Part 3 and need to complete the series of Gargoyles Season One and Season Two, Volume One and Two on DVD that makes 65 episodes. Will Gargoyles Season Two, Volume Two be released on DVD this year? Thank you.
Greg Weisman says:
Volume Two is not scheduled.
Hey Greg,
I've been a longtime Gargoyles fan since it first aired when I was in High School. Being both a comic book geek and a literature geek, I've fondly remembered the show for as long as I can remember. I remember when the episode revealing Owen in Puck (I believe it occured after the World Tour), I was in shock for days and geeking out with my friends about it.
Sadly, as I live in far Eastern Canada (New Brunswick), I won't have a Gathering 2006 report. If I had the money for such a trip, I would absolutely love to attend one of the Gatherings. Maybe someday!
So, a couple of questions:
1) The first is regarding Volume 2 of Season 2. I picked up Vol.1 as soon as it was released and devoured the episodes within days. From your comment about Vol.2, I'm worried if we'll ever see its release. Would it be safe to assume that Volume 2 would be the final set for the series? I remember you listed how, ideally, you'd like to release the sets but I can't remember their set up.
2) An additional question regarding Vol.2. I loved the Gathering feature in the first season collection. Do you think that, should Vol.2 be released, that another Gathering feature (perhaps of 2004 or '06?) could be added?
3) Since "The Journey", the first and only episode you were directly involved with TGC, would it be safe to assume that it may be included in a future DVD collection? The rest of TGC, I understand, would not, but just the one leaves me curious.
Lastly, I'd like to say that I picked up the first issue of the Gargoyles comic and enjoyed it greatly. In many ways, it felt as if I was watching the show all over again. My only complaint, which I'm sure will disappear once the first 2-issue arc is completed, is that it feels a lot like a re-hashing of "The Journey". Did you want to alieviate concerns about whether that episode was canon or not by telling your own version of the story? I'd be curious to hear some comments on that if they haven't already been answered.
Thanks for all the fond memories, Greg. To me, Gargoyles was far too short but clearly has a power all on its own to last longer than any spell an executive could cast upon it.
(Also, if someone could maybe e-mail me either to answer some questions that Greg doesn't necissarily need to answer...or maybe inform me when these questions are answered, that'd be fantastic. My e-mail, done in long hand to avoid spam, is nick underscore piers at hotmail dot com.)
1. I'm not sure I understand your question. I'm still hoping that BVHE will release Volume 2, but frankly I'm not holding my breath. Beyond that, THEY may want to release the Goliath Chronicles, but that's not something that I'm going to fight for.
2. No way to know. But there is a "been there, done that" feeling that even I get, extras-wise.
3. I have no idea. It wouldn't be included in Season Two, Volume Two, as it was part of Season Three. My feeling is that now that the Journey has been adapted into "Nightwatch" and "The Journey", i.e. the first two issues of the new GARGOYLES comic, I don't feel the need to have it out on DVD. But that may just be me.
4. It's not a rehashing, it's quite consciously an adaptation -- though an adaptation that restores scenes that were cut from the televised version, cuts narration that was added to the episode (and not by me), reorders scenes back to the way I originally wrote it and adds some flashback material to help bring new readers up to speed. The main reason to do this was because I felt STRONGLY that I needed to find a good entry point into the universe for new fans and/or old fans who haven't been obsessively watching and rewatching the episodes for ten years. Also, I felt that this was a good story that deserved better treatment, and ALSO I felt that since I would finally be doing MY third season of the series in comic book form, I wanted to start it with the story that began that season. And, finally, yes, I see "The Journey" as canon. Now, it's clear. Canon consists, in my mind at least, of the 65 episodes that make up the first two seasons of the series and the two published issues of the SLG comic book. Other stufff, like Goliath Chronicles (including now "The Journey" as televised), the Marvel comics, the Disney Adventure comics and whatever else might be out there is NOT canon. And any hints or flat out spoilers I've given or revealed in ASK GREG or at Gatherings or wherever is AT BEST, canon-in-training. It reveals my thought process more than final product. So it's not real til it's real.
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