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Gargoyles 2158

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lisa writes...

you said that demona by 2158 would be a firm ally with the clan what about macbeth would he be a ally as well?

Greg responds...

Macbeth will be much less involved in 2158. Something of a hermit. (Although don't take that too literally.) Maybe in 2159 or 2160 he'd become more of a player again.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

in 2158 who would be the leader of the wyvern clan?

Greg responds...

Define "wyvern clan".

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Darkling writes...

Hi Greg,

I just read the post where you said the long term chances for getting a Gargoyles series back on the air were 'good to very good'. Since you've worked on CGI shows now, do you think a future Gargoyles show would benefit from being CGI, or would you prefer traditional animation?

Greg responds...

It would depend on the show.

I think G2158 would be perfect for CGI. But I'd hate to do Dark Ages in CGI, though maybe not for the reasons you think.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Alaxk writes...


Would Brooklyn's kids still be alive for G2158?

If so, is that where Brooklyn gets the ideas for their names (I realize that this is another time loop thing, but it would be pretty neat)?


Greg responds...

I can't answer this question.

It seems imperative to me that for G2158 not to render any present day series completely undramtic and moot, I need to be very careful not to reveal too much to Brooklyn or you.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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Christina 'MacBeth' Marmann writes...

Hi Greg,
some questions on my fave immortal Scotsman:
1) to which extent is MacBeth able to use magic? i guess he could handle the Grimorum Arcanorum.
2)what would happen if MacBeth killed Duncan McCloud?
3)what does MacBeth do in 'Future Tense'? for that matter, why is Xanatos able to kill Demona in cyberspace?
4)would MacBeth be one of the Good Guys in Gargoyles 2158? i sincerely hope so.
5)did you actually know that MacBeth's name means "son of life" in Gaelic, or was he chosen because of his particular history? if it's a coincidence, that's a nice one.
'K, this is it for now, keep up the good work, cy around
Perhaps you want to check out this url: http://wwww.blaschdo.de

Greg responds...

1. Sure.
2. Who exactly is your favorite immortal Scotsman? Look, I'm not too interested in theorizing about cross-overs. That seems like something you should have your own fun doing.
3. Macbeth isn't part of Puck's illusion.
4. Macbeth is still alive in 2158, but I don't see him having a major roll, at least not early on. Maybe in 2159 or 2160.
5. Didn't know. Thanks for filling me in.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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My DC Comics editor finally sent me a few copies of that Justice League comic with the Captain Atom/Gargoyles story. I had forgotten just how many Gargoyle in-jokes I put in that story. There's much more there for a Gargoyle fan then for a Captain Atom fan. Though I think the scenes of Cap kissing Bette (and the mention of Las Vegas) would make a couple people (Simon Del Monte, Melissa Page, for example) a bit nostalgic. I think the story turned out pretty well. Anyway, I'm happy. My editor made a couple small changes. He removed the two references to the year the story took place (1991). And he changed the title. It was called something like: "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence". Now it's called "The Flashback of Notre Dame". Both are accurate, but his is much more clever.

Lately, I've been giving away a lot of ASK GREG tidbits for some reason. Not sure why. I'm just in the mood, I guess. But it suddenly occured to me to register this caveat.

There's canon and there's canon.

As far as I'm concerned the only true canon is the 66 episodes of the series running from "Awakening, Part One" through "The Journey". As many of you know, I don't like to consider the other twelve episodes of Goliath Chronicles to be canon, let alone whatever other stories got published by Marvel or Disney Adventures Digest or whatever.

But to be honest, even some of my ASK GREG answers cannot truly be considered canon. They're closer. But I won't be held to them in any absolute sense. Part of the wonder of producing the first two seasons of Gargoyles involved things discovered along the way. I won't etch things in stone (pun intended) just for the sake of making these ramblings and off-the-cuff answers sacrosanct. If I got the chance to produce the show (or one of its spin-offs) again, I'd ABSOLUTELY incorporate much of what's here. But I'd be a fool not to hold everything up to a microscope and decide with consideration what would and wouldn't be best for the new series.

Having said that, I've been giving some particular thought to G2158 recently, studying timelines for example. And I've changed a few things in my head. Nothing major. But certain things have changed that would in turn effect things in TimeDancer and present-day Gargoyles. Maybe even New Olympians and Pendragon. (So far nothing that would alter Bad Guys or Dark Ages.)

The good news is that none of these changes effect our three current contests. (Wouldn't that be an ASK GREG disaster?)

And all this thought has gotten me thinking about how I might handle a couple of thorny problems in any revival of the original series, specifically the time gap between 1996 and whenever the new show hit the air, and/or the existence of those 12 non-canon Chronicle episodes.

And frankly, I think the internet is the answer.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that. But I think I can ignore it. For example, if I wanted to do my version of the trial of Goliath -- the one where the question before the court is his very sentience -- couldn't I just do it?

New fans wouldn't know about the Chronicles trial and thus wouldn't be upset about it. Old fans could check here and find out why it was being ignored.

That only leaves a small percentage of people, who, for example, see the Chronicles episode on Toon Disney and wonder about it, but don't have the resources or whatever to find a site like this and learn the rationale. Would they be very put off? Is that too selfish an approach for me to take?

Likewise, the time gap. What if in the fist season, I did that Halloween story I've mentioned before. I wouldn't mention what year it was. For a new audience, they'd just assume that the story took place in say, October 2002. No harm done. But I could post here and tell people it took place in 1996. Then, by the end of the first season, I could have the series caught up to 2002, but still have gotten to do the stories that would have depended (continuity-wise) on proximity to the events in Hunter's Moon and The Journey.

What about that?

I'm very interested in all of your opinions on these notions. Please post them here.

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Will Alexander by the year 2158 have a family (besides Titania and the possibility of Fox)? Wife, girlfriend, children?

Greg responds...

Not saying. Though obviously, he'll have a HUGE extended family.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm... I should have perhaps placed this question within the same post as the previous one...

Will Samson have a mate and/or children in 2158? Moreover will his attitude towards parentage be human-like (like his mother) or will he follow the older gargoyles ideas on the subject?

Greg responds...

Samson will have a fairly obvious romantic interest. Originally, I definitely wanted him to have kids and a dead mate, but now I'm hemming and hawing. Strangely, I don't want him to be too much like Goliath. And I'm afraid the absent wife and kids might push him to far in that direction.

As for his attitude, I think that inevitably it'll be an amalgam of both views. Biological progeny will matter to him somewhat. But hatchlings being raised communally by the clan will still be very important.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

It's my understanding that you pitched both DARK AGES and GARGOYLES 2158 to CBS and that then CBS did away with it's Saturday Morning schedule and staff thus killing off further interest in either shows. But now that CBS has decided to restore animated shows to it's Saturday Morning schedule, do you think it might be possible to re-pitch those two shows to them?

Greg responds...

I never pitched G2158 to CBS, because everyone I knew there was booted before I got the chance.

And none of them are back, so the idea that the executives (Judy Price, specifically) who asked to see G2158 would now be interested again, since policy has changed somewhat (though not exactly as you have described it above) doesn't follow. Judy is still gone. Disney still owns Gargoyles and now they own ABC. So I don't see Gargoyles appearing on another network anytime soon.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

I've heard that when you pitched DARK AGES to CBS they suggested instead pitching a future based series instead. Was that the first time you started to think about GARGOYLES 2158 or did you previously have a developed idea of what the Gargoyles future would be like?

Greg responds...

I can't deny that CBS' suggestion was the first time I really DEDICATED thought to a specific future. (It was after that conversation, that I nailed down 2158 as the year of the setting for example.) But some of the material that I had planned for the show, had already been racing around in my head. The Nokkar stuff in particular. The Demona stuff. The children of Angela and Broadway.

But it was more amorphous, timeline-wise.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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