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Hey, Greg! Love Gargoyles, excited for Rain of the Ghosts, and I just reread the comics and have a question about the clones.
We know that if gargoyles A and B are cloned, the clones, C and D, will have photo-negative coloration. Now, let's say A and C are female, and B and D are male. Let's also say that A and B do not become mates, but C and D do. The egg, E, is not artificially sped up, but develops over the ten year period. When E hatches, will its coloring resemble that of A/B or C/D?
Just curious about the practical application of the clones. Also, I think a Gargoyles Kickstarter would be a great idea! Have a nice day!
Oy, that made my head hurt.
Well, first - you need to remember that the color change was a result of the accelerated aging, not of the cloning process.
So the assumption that C and D are photo-negative assumes that they were accelerated. Not a safe assumption, but for the sake of argument...
Would E's colors resemble A/B or C/D?
I do not know. I'd have to consult my Garg-science buddies.
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