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"Or what if two interior digits fused into one?" was a response to somebody's post on gargoyle hands... I was playing around in my sketch book one day, thinking it would be cool to make an anatomical refrence book for gargoyles (okay you know you're too much of a fan when...^_^) But the idea of the fingers fusing together is what I chose to use, almost without thinking...that the way my diagram worked the gargoyle hand still has all 5 metacarpals, and the middle finger has two proximal phalanges rather than one per finger seen in humans...um, can you tell I've taken an anatomy class? I'll have to play around s'more and show you what I've done when I come to the gathering!
Aside from the wings (and therefore scapula), feet, hands, tails and brow ridges, would there be other differences you could think of between humans and gargs? Hollow bones (like birds) Perhaps a different rib structure... Not that you've probably thought about it, but like I said I'm really into anatomy.
Unfortunately (for me), it's clear you know much more about anatomy than I do.
I don't see gargs as having two interior digits fused, and I can't help wondering if you aren't quoting me out of context. They evolved seperately from (and earlier than) humans with four digits, rather than five. So fusing doesn't make much sense to me.
I also doubt they have hollow bones like birds. Sure it would help explain how they glide, but the physical punishment that we've seen them absorb and dole out, doesn't suggest hollow bones to me. But I don't pretend to know this stuff. Still, I'd be very interested in seeing your work at the Gathering.
Hi Greg, I was wondering, even though most gargoyles only have one egg at a time, is it possible for them to have more, what i mean is are their chances of having twins the same as humans, or is it rarer in gargoyles to have twins?
Much, much rarer. Much.
On Garg evolution:
Quote: As to their numbers, it's a chicken/egg thing. They reproduce so infrequently. I think that once upon a time there was a risk of Gargoyles being a species that threatened to overtake the world - as humans eventually succeeded in doing. Gargs were tough, intelligent, mobile, cooperative and nearly invulnerable- even when asleep.Maybe Mother Nature gave them some handicaps on purpose. Maybe humanity was created as competition.
*snip a lot of very interesting stuff on evolution occuring on a planetary scale and the role of humanity in it*
1) Were the gargoyles 'created' as competition for the Lost Race?
2) Were the fae 'created' as competition for any for humans or gargs, or both?
3) If so, it seems rather unfair to give humans THAT big a challenge vs. nearly unkillable godlike energy being-esque things..why is a challenge THAT big?
4) Will a challenging race arise on the planet to challenge the current three someday?
1. Don't take that quote too literally.
2. Ditto.
3. See above.
4. There will be challenges -- from many sources.
I'm not sure if this has come up before, but:
Do gargoyles turn back to flesh during a solar eclipse?
How about Demona's reversion.
I've always wanted to do an eclipse story, so I'm going to choose not to answer this at this time.
Me again,
I have a question about age.
I hope this makes sense.
Ok,In the Avalon episode where they end up in Egypt. They said that gargoyles age at half the rate of humans, correct.
Well does that mean that they age at the same rate as humans but just live longer example
:a human child and a young hatchling born on the same day when the human is walking and talking so is the gargoyle.
or for they age a half the rate literally, for example
:a human 20 years of age and a gargoyle who is 40 years of a age but appears 20.
thank you for listening, if this is in the archives i am sorry but i couldn't find it.
thank you
If I understand what you're asking, then the latter.
The Trio are nearly 40 years old in chronological years when we first meet them. But they have the maturity of guys in their late teens.
Your stuff on the Earth's biorhythms sounds vaguely like Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis..especially the part about Gargoyles being more in tune with it.
1) Were the Lost Race even more in tune?
2) Is there any specific reasons that make humans less in tune than gargoyles?
3) What about fae?
I don't know who Lovelock is.
1. I'm not answering this.
2. They make too much noise. They adapt their environment instead of adapting to it.
3. The fae are attuned to Earth's magic.
Hmm...with all this talk about the Phoenix Gate, I thought of an interesting question. Although it's hypothetical, I'm sure you won't mind answering it, since it doesn't really deal with characters, but "gargoyle science".
Let's say Goliath got his hands on the Phoenix Gate and decided to travel to a period in the past. However, the particular time he chose to transport to happened to be in the middle of the day. Would he immediately turn to stone since it was daylight, or is it the actual rising of the sun that triggers the transformation?
I suppose it would have made more sense if I had asked the question about Brooklyn with regard to his Timedancing, but you get the idea.
I don't know if it would be instantaneous, but I guess he would turn to stone relatively quickly. It's a pavlovian response to some extent.
About a week ago I asked if all gargoyles had black pupils or were there some gargoyles with a colored iris in their eyes. I'd forgotten that the iris controls the size of the pupil and therefore controls how much light enters the eye. Seeing as gargoyles are nocturnal creatures they would not need to control how much light enters the eye as they would get light from the dim moon which would enable them to see and their pupils would be dilated all the time.
But what about the Mayan Clan? Seeing as they don't turn to stone during the day, how do they control the amount of light that enters their eyes?
I don't know. Magical compensation?
Um, one more gargoyle science question that I am stumped on; what the heck is this 'earth rythms' stuff? How are gargoyles insync to that?
And, do gargoyles generally need to - uh, well, how to put this as carefully as possible . . . Do gargoyles need to excreete waste like we do? Or is most of that done through stone hybernation? I seem to recall a similar question being asked eons ago, but I couldn't really find an answer.
I've been dodging answering that question frankly.
As for the earth rhythms, what I'm positing is that the Earth has a certain bio-rhythm to it. Something that's part of nature as a whole. Something that we humans are generally too dense too get. But the Gargoyles' life-cycles are attuned to the cycles of the planet.
Hello again! ^_^
This is a gargoyles Science type question, and I'm not clear on how clear I'll come across. I'm starting to get tired now . . . it's almost 11:00 at night. ^_^
Anyway, I'm a little lost on the gargate/dinosaur evolution thing. There are hundreds, literally hundreds of different species of dinosaurs. And it seems that gargoyles have differences in their own species as well. Making them their own unigue species within a species.
But, what sort of dinosaur could have shared a common ancestory to evolve the gargoyles? What kind of dinosaur in your opinion would have been the better choice for their type of evolution? A theropod (T-Rex)? Ornithimimid (Galimimus)? Sauropoc (Brachiosaurus)? Or a teractosaur (Quetzaltous)?
I would think it would have to be a terycactyl type, don't you? I mean given the wings and the fact that a lot of the gargoyles have beaks. And the wings like Lexington. Most terydactyls' have wings that span the entire body length. Thus, the full body wing that Lex possess.
But am I wrong here? Am I confusing you? Wouldn't surprise me, I'm confused myself!! ^_^
I just don't know. I'm not sure they weren't their own category from the get-go, frankly. I'm just telling you they evolved and predated standard mammals.
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