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matt writes...

would there be any biological problems with two gargs of different races (i.e. Guatemalan and London) mating and having a hatchling? i know interracial humans don't generally have any medical problems but i'm wondering if it is any different for gargs.

Greg responds...

No. Despite appearances, the differences in garg terms are as genetically superficial as racial differences between humans.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

ah, Jim, i almost got the last post of yesterday too!!! oh, well.
Greg, garg eggs take ten years hatch, why? that is a mean blow for nature to give the gargs. do the embryos inside the eggs turn to stone? even so, that is egual to five years in incubation! why does it take so long for these embryos to mature?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Can you think of a reason?

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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gedoena writes...


[ Gargoyle Science Question: ]

This probably looks a little silly, but I was just rereading my last posting and decided to reverse my thoughts on the matter.

Because gargoyles mate for life, it is probably very important to them to have someone fill that role in their lives. In an isolated clan with an unequal number of each sex for one generation, there would be very little hope of finding a mate for some of the clan members. With no possibility of mating with the equivalent of a widow, this would doom the "left-over" clan members to a lonely life, with a great gap to fill. Would this feeling cause them to bond to one-another?

This explaination is probably much less romantic then the one you would give, but I feel that there must be something in the biology and culture of a species that will at least allow for any given behavior to exist (just as you said that you did not think gargoyles would be found with a particular pashion or talent for architecture, as this was not an area where their talents were likely to be useful).

I guess this was much more of a ramble then a question. But again I would be very interested in hearing your response.



Greg responds...

Did I say that about architecture? Is that an exact quote?

See my previous response for my explanation.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Gedoena writes...


[ Gargoyle Science Question: ]

I have been reading through the archives lately, and was surprised to see that you believe that there would be homosexual relationships between gargoyles. This is not because of any personal moral problems; I was just wondering about the background of it within this species.

According to your other posts, gargoyles mate for life, and are driven by biological urges tied to certain scents peculiar to their mates. I would assume that even though each gargoyle has a particular scent, females' scents would be much more similar to eachother then to the scent of any male (and vice-versa). Therefore, I don't understand how two members of the same gender would become attracted to one another.

Furthermore, gargoyles only mate once every 20 years, and only lay one egg at a time. Being a warrior race, there is a probably a fair likelihood that at least one of the parents has died before more then one or two eggs have been laid, making it hard to keep up a sustainable population. It would seem that it would be of great import to the clan to have as many mated pairs as possible.

I guess this was more of a comment then a question, but I would very much like to hear your response to these thoughts.



Greg responds...

I think your logic is flawed. Not that I'm a biologist. But taking humans as an example, it seems to me that there are plenty of people who are biologically geared to being homosexual (scents and all). In the nature/nurture argument, I think nurture has very little to do with it, save adding a sense of repression, generally.

I mean if it ain't biology, it's reincarnation or something.

So if that's the case with humans, why wouldn't it be the case with gargoyles. I've even read about homosexual ducks.

As to your "Furthermore", keep in mind that gargoyle mates have sexual relations as often as they are in the mood. Females are only fertile every twenty years. That doesn't define their sex drives. Or the males'. And yes, I do think there would be a cultural imperative toward mating pairs. But maybe the cultural imperative to find a soulmate for life would be even stronger.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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matt writes...

is it possible that Demona could lay an egg every twenty years since she is biologically a middle aged garg and (probably) still responds to those Earth rythm things? do gargs mate any time they want or only every twenty years? did Demona have sex with Thailog? sorry about the vulgar questions... :)

Greg responds...

Gargoyles potentially have sexual relations more often than once every twenty years. Fertility and lust are two separate issues, not that they are mutually exclusive either.

In theory, Demona could lay an egg every twenty years, assuming she had a mate who mated with her when she was fertile. That hasn't been the case.

As to Thailog, to be blunt, the answer is almost certainly yes. But they broke up years before Demona would be fertile again.

Response recorded on February 01, 2001

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Basilisk writes...

You've said that gargoyles concieve eggs every twenty years and the eggs take ten years to hatch. What are the intervals for gargoyle beasts?

Greg responds...

The same.

Response recorded on January 31, 2001

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IMPFAC Goldberg writes...

Hey Greg, I found this at IMDB and wondered what it was:
You and some others from Garg. are named. Just wondering.

'Nother question: How many eggs to gargs lay at once? Can it be more than one?

Greg responds...

What's an IMDB?

One egg at a time.

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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The One writes...

1) If a Gargoyle dies at night, what happens to the remains, do they turn into stone? If they do turn into stone, do the reamins continue to rot at night?

2) How exactly do Gargoyles have eggs? Does the female carry the eggs for a term and then lay out those huge eggs? Or do they lay something small that slowly matures and get larger?

3) Are Gargoyles warm-blooded? Cold-blooded?

4) Where do Gargoyles get the extra bodily mass when they turn into stone?

Greg responds...

1. I've answered this before. No. A dead gargoyle stays in whatever form it was in when last alive.

2. The female does carry the egg for a short term. The eggs are soft when laid, and don't get hard until the first sunrise after being laid. They stay hard after that, until the hatching.

3. Generally, I'd say they are warm-blooded. Though they might fall under a third category.

4. Who says they have extra body mass?

Response recorded on January 26, 2001

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zakhur writes...

Hey Greg, i Was wondering, what's the maximum amount of eggs, that a gargoyle female can lay in a lifetime?

Greg responds...

Generally, three.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

is it possible that the closest living relative of the gargates would be the platypus? i mean, if you compare them its interesting. both are warm blooded, egg laying while still nurse their young, have claws and beaks! they are probably even more similiar but i'm trying to remember the features of the platapi from a discovery channel show from a long time ago. this is probably a really stupid question but its really late and i can't tell. good night.

Greg responds...

I suppose it's possible, but I'm not ready to call the platypus a gargate without more evidence than the relatively superficial things that you mentioned.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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JADE writes...

I was just wondering, if a gargoyles died in battle would they turn to stone, or stay in their flesh form? Because I belive that in "Future Tense" it showed Hudson in stone and he was said to dead, or was that just some type of a memorial? Just wondering....

Greg responds...

That was a BRONZE memorial. Not stone. Metal. Not him. A statue.

When a garg dies, he or she stays in whatever form he or she was in when he or she died. Presumably, any garg that died in battle was flesh when he or she died. Thus they'd stay flesh.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

was sevarius' theory of gargs storing solar energy ever confirmed? i assume it was.

Greg responds...

I buy it.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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matt writes...

is it possible that in the distant past there were gargoyle clans living within the artic circle (I imagine mammoth and saber-tooth gargs!!)? if so, how would such clans deal with the six month day, six month night cycle of the poles?

Greg responds...

Possible. They'd adapt in some way.

But I'm not saying for certain that it's true.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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Tana writes...

"Or what if two interior digits fused into one?" was a response to somebody's post on gargoyle hands... I was playing around in my sketch book one day, thinking it would be cool to make an anatomical refrence book for gargoyles (okay you know you're too much of a fan when...^_^) But the idea of the fingers fusing together is what I chose to use, almost without thinking...that the way my diagram worked the gargoyle hand still has all 5 metacarpals, and the middle finger has two proximal phalanges rather than one per finger seen in humans...um, can you tell I've taken an anatomy class? I'll have to play around s'more and show you what I've done when I come to the gathering!

Aside from the wings (and therefore scapula), feet, hands, tails and brow ridges, would there be other differences you could think of between humans and gargs? Hollow bones (like birds) Perhaps a different rib structure... Not that you've probably thought about it, but like I said I'm really into anatomy.

Greg responds...

Unfortunately (for me), it's clear you know much more about anatomy than I do.

I don't see gargs as having two interior digits fused, and I can't help wondering if you aren't quoting me out of context. They evolved seperately from (and earlier than) humans with four digits, rather than five. So fusing doesn't make much sense to me.

I also doubt they have hollow bones like birds. Sure it would help explain how they glide, but the physical punishment that we've seen them absorb and dole out, doesn't suggest hollow bones to me. But I don't pretend to know this stuff. Still, I'd be very interested in seeing your work at the Gathering.

Response recorded on December 22, 2000

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering, even though most gargoyles only have one egg at a time, is it possible for them to have more, what i mean is are their chances of having twins the same as humans, or is it rarer in gargoyles to have twins?

Greg responds...

Much, much rarer. Much.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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LSZ writes...

On Garg evolution:

Quote: As to their numbers, it's a chicken/egg thing. They reproduce so infrequently. I think that once upon a time there was a risk of Gargoyles being a species that threatened to overtake the world - as humans eventually succeeded in doing. Gargs were tough, intelligent, mobile, cooperative and nearly invulnerable- even when asleep.Maybe Mother Nature gave them some handicaps on purpose. Maybe humanity was created as competition.

*snip a lot of very interesting stuff on evolution occuring on a planetary scale and the role of humanity in it*

1) Were the gargoyles 'created' as competition for the Lost Race?
2) Were the fae 'created' as competition for any for humans or gargs, or both?
3) If so, it seems rather unfair to give humans THAT big a challenge vs. nearly unkillable godlike energy being-esque things..why is a challenge THAT big?
4) Will a challenging race arise on the planet to challenge the current three someday?

Greg responds...

1. Don't take that quote too literally.

2. Ditto.

3. See above.

4. There will be challenges -- from many sources.

Response recorded on December 21, 2000

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Duncan Devlin writes...

I'm not sure if this has come up before, but:

Do gargoyles turn back to flesh during a solar eclipse?
How about Demona's reversion.

Greg responds...

I've always wanted to do an eclipse story, so I'm going to choose not to answer this at this time.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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Tk writes...

Me again,
I have a question about age.
I hope this makes sense.

Ok,In the Avalon episode where they end up in Egypt. They said that gargoyles age at half the rate of humans, correct.
Well does that mean that they age at the same rate as humans but just live longer example

:a human child and a young hatchling born on the same day when the human is walking and talking so is the gargoyle.

or for they age a half the rate literally, for example

:a human 20 years of age and a gargoyle who is 40 years of a age but appears 20.

thank you for listening, if this is in the archives i am sorry but i couldn't find it.
thank you

Greg responds...

If I understand what you're asking, then the latter.

The Trio are nearly 40 years old in chronological years when we first meet them. But they have the maturity of guys in their late teens.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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LSZ writes...

Your stuff on the Earth's biorhythms sounds vaguely like Lovelock's Gaia hypothesis..especially the part about Gargoyles being more in tune with it.

1) Were the Lost Race even more in tune?
2) Is there any specific reasons that make humans less in tune than gargoyles?
3) What about fae?

Greg responds...

I don't know who Lovelock is.

1. I'm not answering this.

2. They make too much noise. They adapt their environment instead of adapting to it.

3. The fae are attuned to Earth's magic.

Response recorded on December 01, 2000

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Donald writes...

Hmm...with all this talk about the Phoenix Gate, I thought of an interesting question. Although it's hypothetical, I'm sure you won't mind answering it, since it doesn't really deal with characters, but "gargoyle science".

Let's say Goliath got his hands on the Phoenix Gate and decided to travel to a period in the past. However, the particular time he chose to transport to happened to be in the middle of the day. Would he immediately turn to stone since it was daylight, or is it the actual rising of the sun that triggers the transformation?

I suppose it would have made more sense if I had asked the question about Brooklyn with regard to his Timedancing, but you get the idea.


Greg responds...

I don't know if it would be instantaneous, but I guess he would turn to stone relatively quickly. It's a pavlovian response to some extent.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Faieq writes...

About a week ago I asked if all gargoyles had black pupils or were there some gargoyles with a colored iris in their eyes. I'd forgotten that the iris controls the size of the pupil and therefore controls how much light enters the eye. Seeing as gargoyles are nocturnal creatures they would not need to control how much light enters the eye as they would get light from the dim moon which would enable them to see and their pupils would be dilated all the time.
But what about the Mayan Clan? Seeing as they don't turn to stone during the day, how do they control the amount of light that enters their eyes?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Magical compensation?

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maria writes...

Um, one more gargoyle science question that I am stumped on; what the heck is this 'earth rythms' stuff? How are gargoyles insync to that?
And, do gargoyles generally need to - uh, well, how to put this as carefully as possible . . . Do gargoyles need to excreete waste like we do? Or is most of that done through stone hybernation? I seem to recall a similar question being asked eons ago, but I couldn't really find an answer.

Greg responds...

I've been dodging answering that question frankly.

As for the earth rhythms, what I'm positing is that the Earth has a certain bio-rhythm to it. Something that's part of nature as a whole. Something that we humans are generally too dense too get. But the Gargoyles' life-cycles are attuned to the cycles of the planet.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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Maria writes...

Hello again! ^_^
This is a gargoyles Science type question, and I'm not clear on how clear I'll come across. I'm starting to get tired now . . . it's almost 11:00 at night. ^_^
Anyway, I'm a little lost on the gargate/dinosaur evolution thing. There are hundreds, literally hundreds of different species of dinosaurs. And it seems that gargoyles have differences in their own species as well. Making them their own unigue species within a species.
But, what sort of dinosaur could have shared a common ancestory to evolve the gargoyles? What kind of dinosaur in your opinion would have been the better choice for their type of evolution? A theropod (T-Rex)? Ornithimimid (Galimimus)? Sauropoc (Brachiosaurus)? Or a teractosaur (Quetzaltous)?
I would think it would have to be a terycactyl type, don't you? I mean given the wings and the fact that a lot of the gargoyles have beaks. And the wings like Lexington. Most terydactyls' have wings that span the entire body length. Thus, the full body wing that Lex possess.
But am I wrong here? Am I confusing you? Wouldn't surprise me, I'm confused myself!! ^_^

Greg responds...

I just don't know. I'm not sure they weren't their own category from the get-go, frankly. I'm just telling you they evolved and predated standard mammals.

Response recorded on November 21, 2000

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zakhur writes...

Hi greg, thanks for answeering my last question.
my question are
1- Did you have a specific reason for giving the gargoyle eggs a ten year period for them to hatch? and if so could you please explain what were your reasons
2- Is a new born gargoyle more independent than a new born human?
thank you for your time, and such a wonderful show

Greg responds...

1. I'm sure I did. I'm not sure I remember exactly what that reason was. It may have been at least part a function of story necessity. I need the eggs laid before the massacre, and I needed them to stay eggs long enough to hatch after Avalon.

2. I've answered this already too. Yes, somewhat. At the very least they can lift their own head and neck.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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zakhur writes...

Hi Greg, i asked this question but it didn't show up
1- Are gargoyles in they're sleep made of real stone or something similar to stone?
2- if it's real stone, does it have anything to do with some spell, that made the race to stone by day, sometime in the past?
thanks for answering

Greg responds...

1. "An organic substance that closely resembles stone."

2. No.

Response recorded on November 15, 2000

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matt writes...

what color was hudson's hair before it went white or was it always white? did his mate have hair? do any female gargs not have hair?

Greg responds...

I'm not going to answer questions about his mate. I'm sure some female gargs have no hair, at least by choice if not by biology.

As for Hudson, I honestly haven't decided. I'm leaning toward his hair always being white, like Brooklyn's. But I may change my mind.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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matt writes...

why is it that we saw so few gargoyles with lex's wing structure? only one briefly in awakening and lex. there wern't even any on avalon (that we saw)!

Greg responds...

It's not as common.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

More cycles stuff... It seems that the gargoyles in Avalon have a mating season every ten months of their time. (sorry if I am making a wrong assumption here)

a) Have any (or many) eggs been laid and awaiting hatching in Avalon?
b) What do you feel this will do for the generations? Avalon alone from all the clans in the world will have eggs in the rookery set to hatch at different times, and gargoyles that are only ten months apart in age... There will probably be few "rookery siblings" with the earlier definition of the term...
c) How often would a female be able to conceive (Avalon-time)?

And finally...

d) How does Princess Katherine feel about the frequency of the mating seasons? :-)

Greg responds...

You are making an incorrect assumption. It's every twenty years for them too. Or at least close to that. But they also attune to the closest outside world cycle.

The cycle is both internal and external. It is theirs. But tied to the earth's bio-rhythms.

All things are true. Which makes the math very damn complicated.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

You've revealed to us (through chronological info) that the gargoyles' twenty-year cycle is "attuned to the earth" rather than something which is mostly internal (as I had earlier assumed).

How did this affect Katana during her timedances? Her and Brooklyn's two children are twenty years apart in age, as if the cycle had been internal for her, affected only by the time which passed for her, rather than affected by the "earth's cycles" and the different times she would journey to.
Is that simply a coincidence? Did she just happen in her travels to journey to two mating seasons, with a period of twenty years inbetween as subjectively perceived by the timedancers?

Greg responds...

As I've stated recently, very little is truly random in the Gargoyles Universe. My mind just doesn't work that way.

Response recorded on November 14, 2000

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Maria writes...

Okay, got another question for ya. But it doesn't focus on
one character in particular. But rather on all gargoyles in General.
What sort of enzyme or bacteria in a gargoyles eye would cause his/her eyes to glow the way they do? How does that work?

Greg responds...

I don't know. Then again, I don't know what causes yawns in human beings either. But I know they happen.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Almighty Hat writes...

AH-- Hey, is Griff (or any other Garg) fuzzy all over?

GW-- By fuzzy, do you mean furry?

Yeah, I kinda do. So... Is there an answer in sight here, or is Gargoyle hirsuteness too personal? (Is "hirsuteness" even a word?)

Greg responds...

Leo's furry. Una too.

Response recorded on November 09, 2000

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Almighty Hat writes...

Hey, is Griff (or any other Garg) fuzzy all over? Just curious.

Greg responds...

By fuzzy, you mean furry?

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Maverick writes...

Something you mentioned from the Ep "Silver Falcon,":

'Elisa nearly shoots brodway.'

1) What would happen if a bullet go lodged in Broadway? Would it vanish at dawn with the wound or would it stay there forever? [Apu on the Simpsons has something like 8 in his body.]

2) If *Elisa* was *Showing* Broadway the gun (In deadly Force) and it went off, hitting him, how bad would the wound be? Life threatning like Elisa's wound was, or would he have much more stamina to survive untill dawn like Goliath did in 'Long way 'till morning'?

3) When a gargoyle gets shot in the wings, are there nerves that allow it to feel the shot?

4) Can gargoyles, during the day, stop a bullet, [assuming they are stone]? Would it just bounce off him, or actually make a hole?

B) Would the gargoyle then wake up?

Greg responds...

1. It wouldn't vanish.

2. It depends where he was shot. It could kill him instantly.

3. Yes.

4. Probably make a hole, but it depends on other factors like range, caliber, etc.

B. No.

Response recorded on November 02, 2000

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Siren writes...

I might spark a debat in the comment room on this one...but it's a free country!...
Are there gay and lesbian gargoyles in the Gargoyles Universe?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 01, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A weird biological comment:
I read that in almost all vertebrates (with the exception of newts and salamanders) digits II and III are formed first, then IV and finally I and V (digits being numbered from the thumb and moving to the pinky)

Now, when in the course of evolution a species of animal loses a couple of fingers, it's always done in the *reverse* order (because losing an "early" digit would destroy the development of all the following ones). So in evolution, when individual digits are lost, it's always either the "thumb" or the "pinky" first, followed by the other, then IV, and then II and III.

Which means that since Gargoyles have four digits in each hand, (and since they *do* have a thumb) it means that most probably it's the "pinky" that they are missing, and not one of the three fingers inbetween.

Now, was that more about digit evolution than you ever wanted to know? :-)

Greg responds...

Uh. Actually that was kinda fun.

But what if instead of "losing" a digit, they never had one in the first place?

Or what if two interior digits fused into one?

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Faieq writes...

1)How many sets of teeth do gargoyles have? Humans have two sets: their milk teeth and their adult teeth, (three sets if you count false teeth.) Do gargoyles have two sets of teeth as well, or just one set of teeth? Or do they have more than two sets of teeth?
2)At what age do the hatchlings start to teeth?

Greg responds...

1. I haven't given it any thought.

2. Born with teeth, I'd think.

Response recorded on October 26, 2000

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Faieq writes...

Are their any gargoyles that have eye color or do all gargoyles just have black pupils.

Greg responds...

Pretty much

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A small tidbit that you revealed through the last contest was that the hatching of the eggs takes place in March 21st - the Spring Equinox, that is.

Now, I always felt it would be on an equinox or a solstice- those are the only dates that make sense really... Is the laying of the eggs also done on the Spring Equinox (ten years earlier ofcourse)?

How about the egg's conceiving? Have you decided how much time is spent between the eggs's conceiving and laying?

Greg responds...

That's interesting. Maybe.

As for conception, maybe I'll make it a six month term and put it on the fall equinox.

The truth is I chose March 21st because it's my son's birthday. But sometimes things in the Garg Universe just seem to come together. It's cool that way.

Response recorded on October 20, 2000

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icemann writes...

Just one question I've been wondering for a while

What would happen if a Gargoyle were to go into space (on a shuttle or something)? would it go into stone sleep until it came back to earth?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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Skylar writes...

1. When I asked if there are any Gargoylebeasts whith wings you said they involved without. So if it is all an evolving thing and if there are only two kinds of gargoyles (the human like and the beast like), how does it come, that some gargoyles look totally different to the others and seem to have other bones, a much different skelleton?
For example Lexington looks much different (for example his bones in his wings) and a much more distinct example is Zaphiro. He seems to have no legs at all.

1b) How should I imagine Zaphiros skelleton? Is his "foot" exactly like a part of a snake or have the two legbones grown together into one?

2. Are there any other gargoyles out there that look much different than the rest? (as much as Zaphiro does)

3. How about feathers? Have some gargoyles feathers at their wings? Is that normal? Or is it maybe a genetic characteristic you find just in the genetic resources of the gargoylepopulation of some specific lands and not all over the world?

4. Do all Ishimura-Gargoyles have black hair? Is it normal, that in all countrys where the hair color of the native population is black, the hair color of the gargoyles is black, too?

4b) How about the Guatemala-Gargoyles?

Greg responds...

1. I think I said "evolved". You've never seen Zafiro's skeleton. The differences are superficial. The limb count is the same. Even Beasts, may have small vestigal wing bones, I suppose. But that doesn't mean there are flying beasts.

2. Yes.

3. Some have feather-like things on their wings, for example Zafiro and Griff.

4. Not all.

4b. What about them?

Response recorded on October 19, 2000

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J.K. writes...

Hello again..

So how developed are baby gargoyles at birth? Are they, say, as helpless as a human infant, or more along the lines of a deer or foal-able to walk shakily an hour or two later (bipedal or all fours.) Any other info will be appreciated. For that matter, how long might it take for a healthy hatchling to escape from the shell? Any bird can take several hours, just curious:)

Greg responds...

When he or she is ready, it's fast.

They are slightly more advanced than human infants. They are able to support their own heads for example. They start crawling much quicker. But mentally, they aren't that much further along.

Response recorded on October 05, 2000

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Kelly L Creighton / Kya White Sapphire writes...

gargoyle biology:

these may have been asked, but i couldnt find them. i wont be upset if you yell at me and tell me to look harder. ^_^

1. does a garg's vision change when their eyes glow?

2. if not, do they know theyre glowing just like ppl know when theyre blushing?

3. the stone sleep heals everything? i mean, if they started catching a cold one night, would the stone sleep cure it? i have strep throat right now (again. its my anual strep) and id REALLY like a lil stone cureall ^_^

Greg responds...

1. No.

2. Not consciously, no.

3. Yeah, it's a wish-fullfilment thing.

Response recorded on September 27, 2000

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J.K. writes...

Hi Greg!

Here's my questions: how do gargs behave during the female's season? You did suggest in the archives that the female gives off a scent, so does this scent affect a male, and if so, how? (needn't get too detailed, heh.)Is there aggression on the part of either gender? I somehow doubt clan males would fight, but maybe some generic shoulder shoving and bullying type behavior? Is there a ritual of sorts? Fanfic authors have some often alarming ideas of season behavior, and I wanted to know the real deal:)

Greg responds...

No shoving. Keep in mind, gargoyles mate for life. By the time a female is fertile, she's generally already chosen a mate. And the scents are VERY specific.

Response recorded on September 26, 2000

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Gengar! writes...

Does goliath ever go to the bathroom

Greg responds...

Some decorum, please.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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ILyssa writes...

Hello again I have another question about gargs.

1. Are Gargoyle hatchlings able to stay up in the daytime cause in Avalon pt 3 we saw Gaberial and Angela do so.

Greg responds...

No you didn't. You saw a bright moon-lit night. Or something where the color choices were bad, whichever explanation you prefer.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Faieq writes...

1) You said that twins are a rare thing in gargoyles. Is it as rare as octoplets are in humans or more rarer or even less rarer?
2) When the rare occasion of twins happens, would the female lay two eggs or would both hatchlings be in one egg?
3) Do hatchlings have, an egg tooth to help hatch out of their egg or do the parents help the hatchling out?

Greg responds...

1. Very rare.

2. They'd both have to be in one egg.

3. Neither.

Response recorded on September 25, 2000

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Heidi Doeing writes...

Ok, this is the first time i'm posting, but not the first time i'm reading, so i checked the archives first.

Do the "fingers" of some gargoyles' wings have any mobility?

If yes, how much?

Greg responds...

Yes. Some.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Dracolich writes...

Here's another question that might be alittle nitpicky.

I noticed that, when you refer to the ages of the Manhattan Gargs, you always add the 1000 sleep period in their age. Why? I thaught Gargoyles don't age when they sleep.

Greg responds...

Only when I refer to their chronological age do I add the 1000 years. That is when I'm making a reference to how long they have been on this earth.

When I'm talking about their biological age, I subtract the 1000 years from their chronological age, and then divide the result in half.

Unless I'm being a smartass.

Response recorded on September 21, 2000

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Lexy writes...

(Questions on Yama and Sora)

1) In "Bad Guys" you had planned on Yama being part of the crew. But I doubt that will occure exactly that way if the regular "Gargoyles" series ever comes back. So..
Did you plan on having Yama try to redeem himself in some other way?

2) You mentioned that Sora was going to be one of the females included in the Manhattan Rookery. Why did she go all the way there to lay her egg? Was it do to some clause in Bushido? (I personally don't think that gargs have a hang up on dishonor being passed down ..but thought I'd ask)

Greg responds...

1. No. If any garg-related series ever came back, I'd find a way to incorporate Bad Guys into it.

2. I categorically did not say that. I said they'd all be laying eggs around the same time. Not the same place.

Response recorded on September 16, 2000

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Matthew Smith writes...

If a gargoyle turns to stone in a place where the sunlight cannot reach him, would he be fully healed when he wakes up? If I'm not mistaken, a gargoyle heals itself by storing up solar rays, right?

Greg responds...

Yes. But it's o.k. to miss a meal on occasion, isn't it?

Response recorded on September 14, 2000

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