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Hmm...with all this talk about the Phoenix Gate, I thought of an interesting question. Although it's hypothetical, I'm sure you won't mind answering it, since it doesn't really deal with characters, but "gargoyle science".
Let's say Goliath got his hands on the Phoenix Gate and decided to travel to a period in the past. However, the particular time he chose to transport to happened to be in the middle of the day. Would he immediately turn to stone since it was daylight, or is it the actual rising of the sun that triggers the transformation?
I suppose it would have made more sense if I had asked the question about Brooklyn with regard to his Timedancing, but you get the idea.
I don't know if it would be instantaneous, but I guess he would turn to stone relatively quickly. It's a pavlovian response to some extent.
About a week ago I asked if all gargoyles had black pupils or were there some gargoyles with a colored iris in their eyes. I'd forgotten that the iris controls the size of the pupil and therefore controls how much light enters the eye. Seeing as gargoyles are nocturnal creatures they would not need to control how much light enters the eye as they would get light from the dim moon which would enable them to see and their pupils would be dilated all the time.
But what about the Mayan Clan? Seeing as they don't turn to stone during the day, how do they control the amount of light that enters their eyes?
I don't know. Magical compensation?
Um, one more gargoyle science question that I am stumped on; what the heck is this 'earth rythms' stuff? How are gargoyles insync to that?
And, do gargoyles generally need to - uh, well, how to put this as carefully as possible . . . Do gargoyles need to excreete waste like we do? Or is most of that done through stone hybernation? I seem to recall a similar question being asked eons ago, but I couldn't really find an answer.
I've been dodging answering that question frankly.
As for the earth rhythms, what I'm positing is that the Earth has a certain bio-rhythm to it. Something that's part of nature as a whole. Something that we humans are generally too dense too get. But the Gargoyles' life-cycles are attuned to the cycles of the planet.
Hello again! ^_^
This is a gargoyles Science type question, and I'm not clear on how clear I'll come across. I'm starting to get tired now . . . it's almost 11:00 at night. ^_^
Anyway, I'm a little lost on the gargate/dinosaur evolution thing. There are hundreds, literally hundreds of different species of dinosaurs. And it seems that gargoyles have differences in their own species as well. Making them their own unigue species within a species.
But, what sort of dinosaur could have shared a common ancestory to evolve the gargoyles? What kind of dinosaur in your opinion would have been the better choice for their type of evolution? A theropod (T-Rex)? Ornithimimid (Galimimus)? Sauropoc (Brachiosaurus)? Or a teractosaur (Quetzaltous)?
I would think it would have to be a terycactyl type, don't you? I mean given the wings and the fact that a lot of the gargoyles have beaks. And the wings like Lexington. Most terydactyls' have wings that span the entire body length. Thus, the full body wing that Lex possess.
But am I wrong here? Am I confusing you? Wouldn't surprise me, I'm confused myself!! ^_^
I just don't know. I'm not sure they weren't their own category from the get-go, frankly. I'm just telling you they evolved and predated standard mammals.
Hi greg, thanks for answeering my last question.
my question are
1- Did you have a specific reason for giving the gargoyle eggs a ten year period for them to hatch? and if so could you please explain what were your reasons
2- Is a new born gargoyle more independent than a new born human?
thank you for your time, and such a wonderful show
1. I'm sure I did. I'm not sure I remember exactly what that reason was. It may have been at least part a function of story necessity. I need the eggs laid before the massacre, and I needed them to stay eggs long enough to hatch after Avalon.
2. I've answered this already too. Yes, somewhat. At the very least they can lift their own head and neck.
Hi Greg, i asked this question but it didn't show up
1- Are gargoyles in they're sleep made of real stone or something similar to stone?
2- if it's real stone, does it have anything to do with some spell, that made the race to stone by day, sometime in the past?
thanks for answering
1. "An organic substance that closely resembles stone."
2. No.
what color was hudson's hair before it went white or was it always white? did his mate have hair? do any female gargs not have hair?
I'm not going to answer questions about his mate. I'm sure some female gargs have no hair, at least by choice if not by biology.
As for Hudson, I honestly haven't decided. I'm leaning toward his hair always being white, like Brooklyn's. But I may change my mind.
why is it that we saw so few gargoyles with lex's wing structure? only one briefly in awakening and lex. there wern't even any on avalon (that we saw)!
It's not as common.
More cycles stuff... It seems that the gargoyles in Avalon have a mating season every ten months of their time. (sorry if I am making a wrong assumption here)
a) Have any (or many) eggs been laid and awaiting hatching in Avalon?
b) What do you feel this will do for the generations? Avalon alone from all the clans in the world will have eggs in the rookery set to hatch at different times, and gargoyles that are only ten months apart in age... There will probably be few "rookery siblings" with the earlier definition of the term...
c) How often would a female be able to conceive (Avalon-time)?
And finally...
d) How does Princess Katherine feel about the frequency of the mating seasons? :-)
You are making an incorrect assumption. It's every twenty years for them too. Or at least close to that. But they also attune to the closest outside world cycle.
The cycle is both internal and external. It is theirs. But tied to the earth's bio-rhythms.
All things are true. Which makes the math very damn complicated.
You've revealed to us (through chronological info) that the gargoyles' twenty-year cycle is "attuned to the earth" rather than something which is mostly internal (as I had earlier assumed).
How did this affect Katana during her timedances? Her and Brooklyn's two children are twenty years apart in age, as if the cycle had been internal for her, affected only by the time which passed for her, rather than affected by the "earth's cycles" and the different times she would journey to.
Is that simply a coincidence? Did she just happen in her travels to journey to two mating seasons, with a period of twenty years inbetween as subjectively perceived by the timedancers?
As I've stated recently, very little is truly random in the Gargoyles Universe. My mind just doesn't work that way.
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