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Carbonek! Ugh! I had spelled it Caradoc. Sorry. But since I doubt that the rest was 14 out of 14 correct, I suppose it doesn't matter. Besides Vashcoda beat me to it, and Bud-Clare has been keeping her guess a secret for ages... ;-)
No comment.
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Antarctic Peninsula, above the Antarctic circle
5. New Olympus
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. Wyvern, Scotland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Labyrinth
11. Xanadu, China
12. New Camelot, Castle Carbonek (*sniffles* I _knew_ that if I thought about it too much, it would get picked up on the collective subconscious... Oh, well.)
13. Paris
14. a colony on the far side of the moon
11 full points. two halves... tyca
14 clans:
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Antarctic Peninsula, above the Antarctic circle
5. New Olympus
6. Loch Ness, Scotland
7. Wyvern, Scotland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Labyrinth
11. Xanadu, China
12. Camelot
13. Paris
14. a colony on the far side of the moon
11 full points. two halves. tyca
Okay, we are certainly getting close. Clans guesses:
1. Manhattan
2. Labyrinth
3. London
4. Ishimura
5. Guatemala
6. Avalon
7. Xanadu, China
8. Loch Ness
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. Paris
11. New Olympus
12. New Camelot, Caradoc Castle
13. Quebec, Canada
14. Antarctica
11 full points. 3 halves. tyca...
Meow Greg,
I have my guess about the 14 Clans
2.New Olympus
7. New Orleans area (including Louisiana swamps)
8. Canada
9. Scotland
10. Labyrinthe
11. Rome
12. Tibet
13. Wales
14. Russia
7 full points. 2 halves. tyca
We've gotten so many scores lately that it must be time for me to submit my sixth guess for the 14 clans...
1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Queen Maud Land, Antarctica
5 - Xanadu, China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Tintagel
12 - Wyvern, Scotland
13 - Paris, France
14 - Queen Florence Island
12 full. one half. tyca
Clan Contest
1.Manhatten, USA
4.Ishimura, Japan
6.London, UK
7.New Olympus
8.Loch Ness, Scotland
9.Xanadu, China
10.Wyvern, Scotland
11.Queen Florence Island
12.Crystal Cavern, Antarctica
13.Cadbury, UK
14.Paris, France
12 full, one half tyca
Clan Contest
1.Manhatten, USA
4.Ishimura, Japan
6.London, UK
7.New Olympus
8.Loch Ness, Scotland
9.Xanadu, China
10.Wyvern, Scotland
11.Queen Florence Island
13.Cadbury, UK
14.Paris, France
Another backslider...
12 full points. one half. tyca
Clan Contest:
1. Manhattan
2. London
3. Guatemala
4. Ishimura
5. Avalon
6. The Labyrinth
7. New Olympus
8. Paris
9. Wyvern, Scotland
10. Cairo, Egypt
11. Tintagel
12. Xanadu, China
13. Antarctica
14. Loch Ness
Thank you!
11 full points, one half.
You're backsliding now...
(See it does help to wait for an answer.)
1.Manhatten, USA
4.Ishimura, Japan
7.Xanadu, China
8.Paris, France
9.Loch Ness, Scotland
10.New Olympus
12.Queen Florence Island
13.Crystal Cavern, Antarctica
12 full points, two halves. tyca
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