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It's been a long time since we had a contest here at ASK GREG, so here we go:
There are two typos in my new novel RAIN OF THE GHOSTS that make me crazy - especially since they were both things I caught, which should have been corrected. (Most mistakes were corrected, but these two were not.)
Since there are two typos, I'm expecting two winners. So the first person to find each of these typos will receive a free signed copy of the book AND copies of the inspirational art drawn by Kuni Tomita, which we used to help sell RAIN OF THE GHOSTS to Nickelodeon back in the late 90s. (The series was indeed sold, but they ended up pulling the plug.)
[A caveat: I'm looking for two specific objective errors, which are the only two I'm aware of in the book. If you find another error that I've missed, I am theoretically willing to issue more than two prizes. But I reserve the right to decide for myself if it is an actual error as opposed to a stylistic choice or something along those lines. My decisions will be final.]
If you are searching a hard copy of the book, please indicate page number and be very specific about the error. I'm aware that some of you may be reading the book on Kindles, iPads and the like, where page numbers aren't clearly identifiable. If that's the case, indicate the chapter number and carefully count the number of paragraphs from the top of the chapter where you believe the error has occurred. If you're looking at a pirated copy of the book, please be aware that those copies contain many errors that were corrected in the final product. Those errors will not be awarded prizes, obviously.
And if you don't know where to find the book to search, try asking for it at your local bookstore. They can always order it for you. Or of course, you can order it online:http://www.amazon.com/Rain-Ghosts-Greg-Weisman/dp/1250029791/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1377806211&sr=8-1&keywords=rain+of+the+ghosts
Good hunting!!
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