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Christal Miller millertime@ghcc.net writes...

8 Servivors
Ihav no clue if this contest is over but here is my try
3.Lady of the lake
6.Morgana La Fay

Greg responds...

day late and a point short...


Response recorded on March 22, 2000

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Another guess on the 14 Clans
7)New Olympus

Greg responds...

Six full points. 3 half points.


Response recorded on March 21, 2000

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Robin Wynn writes...

Ok..the Arthurian survivors:
3)Lady of the Lake
6)Morgan le fey
8)Pelles (Fisher King)

hope that's them!!

Greg responds...

By now you know the correct answers. Thanks for playing.

Response recorded on March 18, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A fresh effort to do the eight Arthurian survivors correctly.

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. The Lady of the Lake
4. Sir Percival
5. Blanchfleur
6. Morgan le Fay
7. Nimue
8. The Green Knight (the one whom Gawain had that encounter with)

Greg responds...

Eight points.

Thank you. Come again.

No, wait! Eight points. Eight out of eight. FINALLY, A WINNER! And Todd, I have to admit, I'm kinda glad it's you, since you've been the most dedicated to exploring the Arthurian angle here in ASK GREG.

As to the speculation of how they survived, well, I was gonna make another contest out of it, but I realized it would violate my NO IDEAS policy, so...

1. King Arthur Pendragon. Slept under a spell in the Hollow Hill.

2. Merlin. Son of Oberon by a mortal woman. Imprisoned in the Crystal Cave.

3. The Lady of the Lake. One of the Oberati.

4. Sir Percival. The Fisher King. Mr. Duval. Founder of the Illuminati. Spends a lot of time in Castle Carbonek, a sort of mini-traveling-Avalon, where time passes differently. Also uses the Holy Grail to maintain his youth, though at a very real physical cost, due to his, shall we say, sins.

5. Lady Blanchefleur. Percival's wife. Queen of Castle Carbonek. She lives there and uses the Grail. The only cost being her estrangement from Percival.

6. Morgana le Fay. A changling in the old-fashioned sense.

7. Nimue. A sorceress with connections to Merlin, the Oberati and Morgana. (Think about it.)

8. The Green Knight. An Oberati.

Anyway, the above revelations are a gift I'm giving all of you on Todd's behalf. Thank him. Todd, to claim your prize, have Gore or DemonaCrzy forward your e-mail address to me.

Response recorded on March 18, 2000

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Zeliard writes...

If it's not to late, the 14 clans contest.

6.New Olympus

11.Loch Ness
12.Valley of Kings in Egypt

Greg responds...

nine points


Response recorded on March 17, 2000

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Eric Lindberg writes...

I think I have solved the riddle of the Arthurian survivors:
1. King Arthur (Obviously)
2. Merlin (Imprisoned in the Crystal Cave)
3. Nimue (Trapped with Merlin)
4. The Lady of the Lake (A faerie)
5. Perceval (Heir of the Fisher King and thus preserved by the Grail)
6. Blanchefleur (Same extended to Perceval's wife)
7. Morgan le Fay (Preserved by her magic)
8. Queen Mab (Usurped by her son Oberon but imprisoned somewhere on Avalon)

The last is the uncertainty. You have already stated that she exists in the Gargoyles Universe but I have been wracking my brain to remember if she was an Arthurian character. I know she was a figure of British mythology and was in a great many poems (The Faerie Queene, Le Belle Dame Sans Merci) but her connection to Arthur is tenuous. So how about it? Have I guessed right?

Greg responds...


Though I won't comment on your parantheticals. Some are correct, some are not.


Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Perceval
5. Palamedes
6. Morgana
7. Blanchfleur
8. Nimue

Greg responds...


Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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niner writes...

Hello again Mr.Weisman, I thought I would take one more stab at this Arthurian contest:

2)The Lady of the Lake
5)Morgana Le Fey

Thankyou very much.

Greg responds...



Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Kar -kwannon@yahoo.com writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the lake
4. Morgana le Fey
5. Percival
6. Nimue
7. Galahad
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

six points

TYCA (Thank you. Come again.)

Response recorded on March 11, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Lord Oberon

Reason for #8 Um, can we say Loop hole? You said yourself that Oberon is Merlin's father, therefore he's from the Arthurian period. And we can clearly see he's still alive. :)

And YES, I'm a goober.

Greg responds...

Six points. (See my previous answers and forty lashes for you, since you didn't check the archives which long ago ruled out Oberon, Puck, Titania and Mab as contest-answer survivors.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Tana writes...

Arthurian Survivors:

1. Arthur Pendragon
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Nimue
5. Galahad
6. Percival
7. Morgana le Fae
8. Queen Maeb

Reason for #8 well, Maeb did figure into some of the Arthurian legends...even in the NBC miniseries "Merlin." And you've talked about possible inclusion of her in the series, that Oberon merely imprissoned her...She's still alive.

Greg responds...

Well, as I mentioned once before, I wasn't counting Mab as particularly Arthurian. Frankly, before the "Merlin" mini-series, I had never encountered that character in an Arthurian context. So yes, Mab survives. But she doesn't count in my book. By the same token, Merlin's father could be considered an "Arthurian Character" and thus Oberon could be considered a survivor too. But that's not the kind of thing I had in mind for the contest.

Having said all that, you scored six.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Blanchefleur
6. Morgana la Fay
7. Nimue
8. Lancelot

Greg responds...

Seven points.

(This is a cheezy strategy, Greg. But it's working.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Blanchefleur
6. Morgana la Fay
7. Nimue
8. Bedivere

Greg responds...

Seven points. (Didn't someone guess this combo already?)

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

With everyone trying to guess at the survivors (ofcourse I hope I have already discovered them :-) let me now try to guess at the clan again...
4.New Olympus
5.Greece (yay! :-)
6.Xanadu, China
11.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island
14.Bermuda Triangle

Not much hope I'll be close... but hopefully we'll get an extra clue... :-)

Greg responds...

10 points. Or rather nine full points and two half points.

(I really give too many clues to these things.)

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

Third shot at the Arthurian Survivors...

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Morgana
5. Nimue
6. Sir Percival
7. Sir Galahad
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

Six points.

You're backsliding.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

Second shot at the Arthurian Survivors...

1. King Arthur
2. Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Morgana
5. Nimue
6. Sir Percival
7. Blanchfleur
8. Pelles

Greg responds...

Seven points.

A new plateau.

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Blaise writes...

Me again, Greg! Just trying my hand at the Arthurian survivors.

1) Arthur
2) Merlin
3) Lady of the Lake
4) Parcival (Percival, however you spell it)
5) Morgan Le Fey (Morgana)
6) Nimue
7) Blanchfleur
8) (alright, this is the one I DON'T know, so I'm just going to take an [egotistical] shot in the dark with what limited Arthurian knowledge I have) Blaise

Just let me know the score!

Greg responds...

Seven points.

Whew. Someone finally got over the six point barrier.

Good work. (Just not quite good enough.)

And of course...

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 09, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Bedivere 8.Nimue

Greg responds...

Six points.

Thank you, come again.

(I feel like this guess came in already.)

Response recorded on March 08, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Here I go again

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Galahad
7. Nimue
8. Mordred

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(This is getting scary.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Anonymous writes...

Sorry to be back so soon with another line up for the Arthurian survivors but this one I just came up with seems more likely than the previous one (boy am I going to look stupid when this one turns out to be wrong too).

2)Lady of the Lake
4)Morgana Le Fey

Thankyou again.

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(I should have a function key, that just types that up.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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niner writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

First of all, thank you for answering my questions.

Here are my guesses for the Arthurain survivors:
3)Lady of the Lake
5)Morgana Le Fey
8)The Green Knight

Thank you very much.

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

(This is getting a bit repetitive.)

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

An earlier guess of mine but with a different Grail Damsel :).

1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Nimue 8.Cundry

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Greg Bishansky writes...

Another shot at the Arthurian Survivors

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Lancelot
7. Bedivere
8. Nimue

Greg responds...

six points

Thank you. Come again.

Response recorded on March 03, 2000

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Joshua writes...

Ok, Clan Contest

1. Manhattan
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Avalon
5. New Olympian
6. London
7. The Clones (I'm guessing they count)
8. The Bermudian triangle clan ! =)
9. Loch Ness clan
10. China
11. A station revolving around the earth
12. the moon
13. mars
14. Underneath the ocean

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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B5 Mark writes...

Ok, here's my guess for the clans contest:
This post has 2 lists, one with my reasons, and one straight list in case my reasons are too close to story ideas.

Known Clans:
1. London, England
2. Ishimura, Japan
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. New York
6. Avalon
7. The clones

8. Tibet (It's full of rocks and secretive monks)
9. The Congo (Where Mokele-Mbembe supposedly lives)
10. The North Pole (you said you had a story to tell about Santa Clause)

2 new clans by 2159:
11. Scotland (it has close connections to the N.Y. and Avalon clans)
12. California (why not)

2 new clans by 2259:
13. Underwater (75% of Earth's surface: yeah it's vague, but it's all I could think of)
14. BABYLON 5!!! (Our last, best hope... for Gargoyle-kind) <G>

London, England
Ishimura, Japan
New Olympus
New York
The clones

The Congo
The North Pole

2 new clans by 2159:

2 new clans by 2259:

Greg responds...

What good is publishing these two lists on the same post. If one got kicked, they'd both get kicked. We can't kick half-a-post.



Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A guess at the clans...

4.New Olympus
7.Xanadu, China
13.Easter Island
14.South Pole

Greg responds...

9.5 points, which doesn't mean you got nine completely right and one half right.

Response recorded on February 20, 2000

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Michael Norton writes...

My guess at the 14 clans.

1) Manhattan
2) Manhattan (Clones)
3) Ishimura
4) Guatemala
5) London
6) Avalon (from Wyvern)
7) Avalon (from Guatemala)
8) Moscow
9) Rome
10) Paris
11) Athens
12) New Olympus
13) Los Angeles
14) Jerusalem

Greg responds...

7 and 3/4 points.

Thank you; come again.

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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lisa writes...


My guess's for the 14 clans

4.montreal, canada
5.venice, italy
6.outer space
7.illuminati clan {having something to do with the illuminati}
10.moray, scotland
12.paris. france
13.loch ness, scotland
14.cairo, egypt

Greg responds...

seven points

try again...

Response recorded on February 17, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

A guess at the clans:

4.New Olympus
5.Xanadu, China
6.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island
14.(a wild guess) Bermuda Triangle

Greg responds...

Ten points.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Catwoman writes...

Okay, I've noticed that the contest of the remaining clans is still open so here are my submissions:
1.Manhattan (the castle)
2.The Labyrinth (Mutates & Clones in Manhattan)
8.Cairo (Eygpt)
10.Southeastern Canada
12.Journeying around the globe (Cold Stone, Steel, & Fire)
13.Scotland (Wyvern)

Greg responds...

You scored eight.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Okay, a clans guess. (it IS a hard contest...)

1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. New Olympus
5. Paris
6. Xanadu, China
7. Greece
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Clones (California)
11. Camelot
12. Loch Ness
13. Antarctica
14. Easter Island

Greg responds...


Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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"ALONE": The Demona Contest Results

First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who entered: Shauntell, Airwalker, Derek!, Aris Katsaris, Jon and Bud-Clare. I'd like to state for the record that none of you gave a "wrong" answer. But this was, of course, a contest, and I had to choose a winner. My choice is quite subjective, but the winner by a hair is Airwalker with the following entry:

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Demona consciously chose the word ALONE for a password because in her perspective she is alone. Only she seems to see that humanity is a threat and that what she is doing has to be done. Her birth clan remains blind to that fact. Only she alone can see it.

Subconsciously Demona chose ALONE as a password because inside Demona lurks Angel, the sane innocent she once was. Angel is alone, trapped inside a villain, unable to stop being alone until Demona can accept a millennia of guilt, forgive herself, and allow Angel to be free once more.

A close runner-up was Derek! who gave another very interesting answer:

ALONE: The Demona Contest

A city of humans had been turned to stone and their only hope was about to be eliminated. And Demona had done it alone. She alone had survived while others didn't and she alone had eluded the Hunters for centuries. But why would the word ALONE suddenly enter her mind?

Subconsciously, the word had been with her since she kissed Goliath on the forehead in 994 AD. She covered up her pain with the mask of a mightly warrior. She made a mistake 1000 years ago and couldn't deal with the consequences, which caused her to forever be alone.

These are both great entries. I particularly liked Derek!'s first paragraph and Airwalker's second. Which is not to say I didn't like the reverse.

Anyway, Airwalker, I'm not at my office right now, so I haven't yet chosen the prize, but I will contact you via e-mail early next week and arrange its delivery to you. As stated, it will be worthless, but it should hopefully be of interest.

Congratulations and thanks for playing.

Bookmark Link

The nominees are in...

Praise the Dragon,

I finally got through all the September posts.

That means the next entry you see will be a Ramble that declares a winner to "ALONE: THE DEMONA CONTEST ANSWER".

Sometime next week.

Then, I'm taking on October.

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Bud-Clare writes...

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Consciously, Demona chose the password "alone" because she believed that she alone understood that the humans must be destroyed at all costs. She was forced to bear the burden of her crusade against humanity alone, since Goliath and the others were "too blind" to see that she was right.

I would think that her subconscious appreciated the irony of her choice. If Demona had succeeded, she would have truly been alone… permanently. Her murder of the clan would likely have placed her beyond all hope of redemption, and Angela would have been killed during the attack on Avalon.

Greg responds...

Another entry just under the wire.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Jon writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

"Alone..." Demona responded softly. She stood quietly, shoulders slumped in defeat. Her promise, her oath to bring a new world into being would be unkept. She had been the prophet, the visionary who saw the pitiful, cruel humans for what they were. She, and she alone, had seen the truth!

She stood and watched as the Hero Goliath rushed once more to save the world, her eyes filled with tears of hatred and frustration. All was quiet. No one was near. Once more, as it had been, as it forever would be, Demona-- with all her wondrous vision-- stood alone.

Greg responds...

Entered just under the wire.

Again, the winner should be announced shortly.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer

Demona has finally broken her alliance of convenience with Xanatos: Once again she must work alone to do what must be done. And alone must all gargoyles be on this planet by destroying humanity before it destroys them. For her, for the gargoyle race, "ALONE" is the only way.

And "Alone" has indeed been the only way, hasn't it? For so long, nobody has understood her... or cared for her... or been able to comfort her. She doesn't even have the dream and hope of Goliath anymore... More so now than in a millenium of existence she is alone.

Greg responds...

Aris, thanks for entering.

As this was posted on September 29th, I should be able to announce the winner soon.

Response recorded on February 03, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Here's another try at the clans contest...

5.New Olympus
6.Xanadu, China
7.South Pole
11.Loch Ness
13.Easter Island

Greg responds...

Ten points if I'm generous.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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Todd Jensen writes...

A new guess for the 8 Arthurian survivors:

1. King Arthur
2. The Lady of the Lake
3. Merlin
4. Sir Percival
5. Blanchefleur (Percival's wife in Roger Lancelyn Green)
6. Lohengrin (he's Percival's son in the legends about him, so he probably counts as Arthurian)
7. Morgan le Fay
8. Nimue

Greg responds...

Seven points.

Response recorded on January 24, 2000

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Derek! writes...

ALONE: The Demona Contest

A city of humans had been turned to stone and their only hope was about to be eliminated. And Demona had done it alone. She alone had survived while others didn't and she alone had eluded the Hunters for centuries. But why would the word ALONE suddenly enter her mind?

Subconsciously, the word had been with her since she kissed Goliath on the forehead in 994 AD. She covered up her pain with the mask of a mightly warrior. She made a mistake 1000 years ago and couldn't deal with the consequences, which caused her to forever be alone.

Jeez, Greg, that 50 word limit was hard to do, I had to keep erasing things. So if it sounds weird, that's why.

Greg responds...

Thanks, Derek.

Again, I'll announce the winner after I've reviewed all the entries submitted in the month of September.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Derek! writes...

Arthurian Survivors-
1. King Arthur
2. Merlin
3. the Lady of the Lake
4. Morgan Le Fay
5. Percival
6. Nimue
7. Lancelot
8. Gwenever

Greg responds...


Six points though.

(Anyone with a basic knowledge of Algebra should be damn close to solving this contest.)

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

"ALONE: The Demona Contest Answer"

Demona consciously chose the word ALONE for a password because in her perspective she is alone. Only she seems to see that humanity is a threat and that what she is doing has to be done. Her birth clan remains blind to that fact. Only she alone can see it.

Subconsciously Demona chose ALONE as a password because inside Demona lurks Angel, the sane innocent she once was. Angel is alone, trapped inside a villain, unable to stop being alone until Demona can accept a millennia of guilt, forgive herself, and allow Angel to be free once more.

(Since there is supposed to be a prize of some sort I figure that I should put my e-mail address somewhere in this post: Airwalker999@Yahoo.com)

Greg responds...

Thanks Airwalker.

Good answer.

Again, the winner will be announced when I finally get through the month of September.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

And yet another survivors list:
1.Arthur 2.Merlin 3.Lady of the Lake 4.Perceval 5.Galahad 6.Morgana 7.Blanchfleur 8.Nimue

Greg responds...

Now we're getting somewhere.

You scored 7. (If this doesn't give it away, nothing will.)

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Shauntell writes...

"Alone: Demon Contest Answer."

Hi Greg! This is my guess on Demona's choosing "Alone" for her password. Some of my paragraphs may not be as long as you'ld like, but hopefully they'll have the correct answers.

Paragraph #1: I think one reason she consciously used the password "alone" is because she is alone. It is a fact built on her life due to events of the past and pressent. It is something she has lived with for centuries. She lost her clan in 994 A.D, her mate was turned to stone, she lead a clan for a few years before meeting Macbeth, but she never took another mate. She was afraid and angry. And that anger may be part of the reason why she used the password "alone." Goliath and Xanatos might not recongize her reasons for it, but to her, maybee it is used because of her anger. She blames Goliath for failing to protect the clan. She blames all humanity for the destruction of her kind - the main reason for her loneliness.

Paragraph #2: Hmmm... this one is a little more tricky. I think consciously, she used the password because of her anger - it was the only way to consciously show her feelings for her situation. But subconsciously . . . maybee the subconscious reasons are that which prompted the conscious use of that password. She is so angry inside she can't consciously act in any other way. She is also afraid. That is why she is alone. Consciously, she chooses to be alone, but subconsciously, she is torn up inside. She hides her pain in her subconscious mind, and so many of the real situations she is dealing with doesn't come up consciously. However, with the password, she is still consciously showing what she feels subconsiously without really consciously knowing what she is doing. She is letting people know the only way she knows how, how she feels.
That is why she used the password "alone." Or, at least in my take of things. ^_^

Greg responds...

O.K. Read your entry.

I'll declare the winner after I've read any other entries written before midnight on 9-30-99.

Thanks for playing...

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Another shot at the Arthurian Survivors

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Percival
5. Morgana la Fay
6. Guinevere
7. Lancelot
8. Bedivere

Greg responds...


You scored 5.

I think I'm giving out the points just to make the thing more interesting for me.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

And yet another survivors list:

Arthur, Merlin, Lady of the Lake, Perceval, Bors, Galahad, Blanchfleur, Morgana

Greg responds...

No. Boy. I never thought this contest would be so hard. I mean I knew the clan contest would be impossible, but I figured this one would have been nailed ages agot. Should I start giving points here too?

You're answer scored 6.

Response recorded on January 06, 2000

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DougJoe writes...

A humble guess at the Arthurian survivors...

1. Arthur
2. Merlin
3. Lady of the Lake
4. Morgan le Fay
5. Sir Percival
6. Nimue
7. Blanchfleur
8. Sir Galahad

Greg responds...

So close and yet...

Try again...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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David G. writes...

The Immortal Seven:
I'm not sure I have this completely right, but there's some sort of contest to guess which seven characters survived from the time of Arthur's Camelot to the present day. Here are my guesses. First of all, the definants. Arthur, obviously, and, supposedly The Fisher King (Pelles).

If the Fisher King is alive, that means you're probably using Wolfram's version of the Grail, so Pervivale the Welsh is the Grail Knight.

Now we have Arthur, Pelles, and Percival.

Nimue was supposed to be trapped forever with Merlin in the Crystal Cave, and was a nymph. We can probably include both of them.

Arthur, Pelles, Percival, Merlin, Nimue. That leaves 2.

You're probalby drawing mostly from Malory, so we can make some very quick eliminations. Lancelot died as a monk. Gwenivere died as a nun. Galahad died when he saw the Grail, but that's not certain, since Percival and the Fisher King have the grail. However, Galahad only exists as a character in Malory, and only exists to find the Grail. I'm willing to leave him dead. Mordred died at the Last Battle. That kills off most of the sentimental guesses.

Now I'm on my own. Morganna Le Fey is a likely survivor, as her magicks might extend her life. So, we have only one to go. The Lady of the Lake was a character, but I'm not sure she counts, since she's a Fey. I'm going to go with Palamedes, being kept immortal to pursue the Questing Beast.

Thus, the final list is Arthur, Pelles, Percival, Merlin, Nimue, Morganna, and either the Lady of the Lake, or Palamedes. (I lean toward the Lady)

Greg responds...

Well, it's a contest, so you have to decide.

But since their are eight survivors, not seven, you could include both. Or would that change your thinking?

Repost and let me know.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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HEATHER "HUDSON" writes...

heyya? OOOOPPPPPSSS!!!!!

Greg responds...

Well. Eight names. But some are incorrect.

Better luck next time.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Heather "HUDSON" writes...

here's my first try, at this thing...
I hope these are them ?

Greg responds...

Did you mean to list Lancelot twice? Or do we have a clone thing happening?

Anyway, there are eight survivors, so at mimumum, you are short two.

Better luck next time.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Jenna writes...

Greg, in the Gargoyles universe, what ever happened to Lancelot of Camelot? Did the imfamous love affair with the
Queen take place? Did he meet his demise?

Greg responds...

I'd rather not go into too many details here. For one thing it could influence the contest we're holding. But Lancelot did exist in the Gargoyles Universe. The tragic affair with Guenevere did take place. Ask me "Did he meet his demise?" again, after the contest is over.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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