A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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For The Clan Contest:
Manhattan, NYC NY
London, England
Ishimura, Japan
Labryinth, NYC NY
New Olympus
Paris, France
Xandadu, China
Loch Ness, Scotland
Wyvern, Scotland
11 & 3/2 tyca
For The Clan Contest:
Manhattan, NYC NY
London, England
Ishimura, Japan
Labryinth, NYC NY
New Olympus
Paris, France
Xanadu, China
Loch Ness, Scotland
Wyvern, Scotland
11 & 2/2 tyca
The Clan contest:
Manhattan, New York
London, England
Ishimura, Japan
Labryinth, NYC NY
New Olympus
Paris, France
Xanadu, China
Loch Ness, Scotland
Wyvern, Scotland
11 & 2/2 tyca
Canada, eh? Looks like Queen Florence and Alberta are worth half points. On behalf of Canadians everywhere, thanks for giving us a clan! Here is guess number eight...
1 - London, England
2 - Ishimura, Japan
3 - Guatemala
4 - Swains Island, Antarctica
5 - Xanadu, China
6 - New Olympus
7 - Loch Ness, Scotland
8 - Avalon
9 - Manhattan
10 - Labyrinth
11 - Camlan, United Kingdom
12 - Wyvern, Scotland
13 - Paris, France
14 - Banff, Alberta, Canada
11 & 2/2 tyca
After further research,
Vierzehn Clans:
Eins: Isle of Manhattan, NY, NY, USA
Zwei: Isle of Avalon
Drei: London, United Kingdom
Vier: Ishimura, Japan
Fünf: Guatemala
Sechs: New Olympus
Sieben: Xanadu, China
Acht: Station Acht
Neun: Labyrinth, NY, NY, USA
Zehn: Paris, France
Elf: Wyvern, Scotland, UK
Zwölf: Loch Ness, Scotland, UK
Dreizehn: Mars
Vierzehn: Deutschland
11 points tyca
Vierzehn Clans:
Eins: Manhattan, NY, NY, USA
Zwei: London, United Kingdom
Drei: Sicily, Italy
Vier: Labyrinth, NY, NY, USA
Fünf: Guatemala
Sechs: New Olympus
Sieben: Xanadu, China
Acht: Station Acht (heir)
Neun: Paris, France
Zehn: Herr Weisman's House
Elf: Ishimura, Japan
Zwölf: The Isle of Avalon
Dreizehn: Herr Weisman's Office
Vierzehn: Deutschland!
Heh. enjoy
9 points
(What's tyca in German?)
14 clans:
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Merlin's Crystal Cave, Antarctica
5. Xanadu, China
6. New Olympus
7. Loch Ness, Scotland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Labyrinth
11. New Camelot, Castle Carbonek
12. Wyvern, Scotland
13. Paris
14. the Volcano, Queen Florence Island
12 and 2/2 tyca
Okay, so I'm going to try it again. [laughs]
Here's another fourteen guesses for the clan contest.
1. Wyvern, Scotland.
2. Manhattan, USA.
3. Avalon.
4. London, England.
5. Guatemala.
6. Ishimura, Japan.
7. Paris, France.
8. New Olympus.
9. Labyrinth, Underground Fortress.
10. St. Florence Island.
11. Xanadu, China.
12. Rome, Italy.
13. Cairo, Egypt.
14. Camelot
Let's see how well I do this time. [chuckles]
10 & 2/2 tyca
14 clans:
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. El Dorado
5. Xanadu, China
6. New Olympus
7. Loch Ness, Scotland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Labyrinth
11. New Camelot, Castle Carbonek
12. Wyvern, Scotland
13. Paris
14. Merlin's Crystal Cave, Antarctica
Am I correct in assuming that the one answer that no one has a clue about yet is the reason you think this contest is basically impossible? Is one answer really _that_ viscious?
I don't think it's vicious. It's certainly not impossible, not anymore. You guys are very close if you put everything together. But you're not there yet.
11 & 2/2 tyca
14 clans:
1. London
2. Ishimura
3. Guatemala
4. Merlin's Crystal Cave, Antarctica
5. Xanadu, China
6. New Olympus
7. Loch Ness, Scotland
8. Avalon
9. Manhattan
10. Labyrinth
11. New Camelot, Castle Carbonek
12. Wyvern, Scotland
13. Paris
14. Mesa Verde
11 & 2/2 tyca
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