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Just wanted to give a couple appreciations regarding some things on Gargoyles. Particularly the episodes "Grief" & "The Green," as you avoided certain tropes in those that I think are kind of done to death. Namely these:
"Grief" in Regards to Anubis
1. Everybody Hates Hades - A dark/death god of a mythology is portrayed as evil even though s/he was not originally.
"The Green" in regards to Zafiro
2. Reptiles Are Abhorrent - Reptiles are usually associated with evil.
Partly because of "Grief" Anubis was a favorite of mine as a kid, though I've grown to appreciate some other characters in Ancient Egyptian Mythology as well. And as for Zafiro, it's nice to have a snake-like character who ISN'T a total villain for once (i.e. completely & irredeemably malevolent). Both of the above tropes have been done to death in my opinion, but that's just me.
Glad you liked 'em.
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