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WEISMANSWERS 2009-08 (Aug)

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F.Z. writes...

Hi Greg, first time that I make a question here Xp, that thing is I am from Mexico and i really wish to buy the comics and the DvDs and apparently neither of them where imported, so the question is if I am gona need to buy them in english because they are never gona be translated or i can wait for them to been Translated?
i ask that because the shipment is expensive Xp, But i really want the comics
P.S. Sorry the bad english, and congratulations fot TSSP the series is awesome

Greg responds...

I don't remember off the top of my head whether the DVDs have a spanish language track or not. The comics probably won't be translated.

Response recorded on August 13, 2009

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rayray writes...

hey greg, spectacular spiderman is my favorite show of all times.
when gwen chose harry on "final curtain" was it out of guilt or was she too shy to break up with him(for pete)
oh and does it help(for season 3)if more people watched spectacular spiderman on TV

Greg responds...

Doesn't hurt!


And it was mostly guilt. Neither she nor Pete could bare to "kick him when he was down".

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Todd Jensen writes...

I saw a promo for the "Bad Guys" trade paperback on YouTube this morning (an official one, done by Slave Labor Graphics), and was delighted by it. Especially the meeting between Dingo and a new (as in, introduced to us in this story) member of the Illuminati (we don't know his name yet - but I have my suspicions, which I can't reveal here because of the "no ideas" rule) - I enjoyed the Illuminatus's statement that the Illuminati are the "good guys" as an echo of the series title. And also the scene with Yama and Matrix at the end of the promo; it was great to see Yama, so solemn up until now, beginning to develop a sense of humor.

I'm looking forward to this book all the more now.

Greg responds...

Me too, believe me. It should be arriving in stores any week now. And I've been promised we'll have some copies available at the Gathering.

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Flint Marko/Sandman writes...

Hey, Greg. What's the deal now, man? I've seen "First Steps." What now? Am I a hero? Will I join the Avengers? Will I ever get my big score? Does that mean I'm spidey's friend now? Oh, I knew I shouldn't have saved those people. Now people like Doc Ock and O'Hirn think I'm soft.

Now I've changed my name to Norman Osborn. In the comics, was the drug that made me the Green Goblin called Globulin Green or did it have a different name?

Greg responds...

Well, Flint, only time will tell.

And Norman, I'm fairly certain I made up the name Globulin Green.

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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MisterDrBob writes...

Okay, so I know you haven't read my second question yet, so consider this an apology for it. Looking back it's stupid. (Beside the Tinkerer one, that one I think is justified.)

Anyway, what I meant with my first question, about Shocker, was there more to the thought process than deciding that Herman Shultz was boring and casting Montana? i.e. were there any other candidates besides Montana? Before you answered the question, I did go and look harder and saw that there were a lot of questions on this subject, so what I'm trying to do is ask a more intellegent question on this subject. But my wording obviously made it sound like the genereic repeated question the first time. So I apologize for that too. (Speaking of which, who approves these questions that get asked over and over again?)

On the subject of constantly asked questions (namely Kingpin), when I saw Foswell, I was sure that he was the Big Man like in the comics. Did you ever consider doing this when you found out you couldn't use Kingpin, instead of using Tombstone?

Greg responds...

Some things just flow. And that was the case with Shocker/Montana. No one else was ever considered for the "role of Shocker" as if we were casting it in a play. Montana evolved naturally into Shocker.

I never really planned to have Foswell become the Big Man. I just didn't buy it in a modern context. Kingpin was my original choice for Big Man. Tombstone became our immediate substitute.

You do understand that I see these posts in order, right? There's no way I'd see an apology (no matter how unnecessary) for a question before the question itself.

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Nicky Wan writes...

Hi Greg,

First off I think "The Spectacular Spider-Man" is a fantastic show; it's perfectly captured everything I love about the character, something I didn't feel was the case growing up with the 90s series.

I know that you probably don't know much about this but do you have any information regarding the release of the show on DVD in the Europe? It's available on iTunes in the UK but there's no word of any physical release.

*** SPOILERS for SEASON 2 ***

Apologies if this has been asked already but a search didn't appear to find anything relevant. I was wondering whether you made the decision to include the final scene showing Norman Osborn surviving the explosion because season 3 was not in the pipeline? Or was there some other reason like it just felt better for the flow of the story or for the target audience of the show?

Of course keeping his escape a secret would have made any later return more dramatic; almost as much as the reveal that the Green Goblin was Norman all along. I must say that that revelation was stunningly executed; the way the final episode kept planting seeds of doubt linking Norman to the Green Goblin until the dénouement was amazing!

Thanks a lot for reading this, I hope the executives see sense and let you make season 3 and many more!

Greg responds...

I'm afraid I'm not privy to Sony's international DVD release plans.


Norman's survival was a purely creative choice. Don't you get tired of characters "dying" and then inevitably returning. To me, it cheapens the very concept of death. So I didn't want our series to try to fool you on that subject (for more than a few minutes). You'd know right up front that he was alive and well, even if the cast all thought he was gone. That way no one feels cheated, right? I mean face it, if he had eventually returned would you really have been stunned?

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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dino writes...

which color is Samson

Greg responds...

You'll have to wait and see.

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Faust writes...

First I'd like to say, oh my goodness, spectacular spiderman basically took over my life for at least a week watching seasons 1 and 2 in order on youtube, and still watching it when it comes on Disney XD, crazymazing. Secondly, I'm kinda myphed how Gwenn just sorta stopped wearing glasses with no mention of when she got contacts or no one saying, lookin good, or, you look different.

Ramblings aside, my question is who is your favorite character out of the whole show specifically which was the (most fun?) most fun to draw/fabricate? Also, who is your favorite love interest for pete, liz, gwenn, MJ, or cat? (not who he will end up with, you know, just who is your favorite)

big fan :D keep rockin!

P.S. If you're about to type, "I don't have a single favorite" for any of the questions above then my question is, do you have any favorites in this show whatsoever?
P.S.S. Gargoyles was a badnasty show in its day very very high kudos, one of my favorite shows I grew up on :D

Greg responds...

I'm not sure how you missed the moment when Gwen first appeared without glasses (and, yes, of course, wearing contacts) in front of Liz's father's hotel and both Harry and Peter were starstruck. It's not like they didn't notice.

I don't play favorites among the characters I write. I just try to let them live their lives, as much as possible dictating to me what happens next.

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Bob writes...

Hey, Greg Weisman. Love the new Spider-Man show! (best one so far; better than Ramii's movies). My favorite episode so far is "Itervention" where Peter battles the symbiote in his mind. But there's one thing that confuzes me. I know Eddie Brock hates Spider-Man and Peter and blames them for loosing his job. At the end of "Intervention" Spider-Man brought back the symbiote but "killed" it. The symbiote didn't really die. If the symbiote didn't die, that meant Eddie could get his job back. But instead, he bonded with the symbiote and still hated both Spider-Man and Peter Parker. If the symbiote wasn't dead (which at that time were great news for Eddie) then why did Eddie continue to try ruining Spider-Man's life? And plus, in season 2 he got his job back and all so why does he still hate Peter?

Greg responds...

The symbiote is clearly influencing Eddie's mind. And the bond between them eventually becomes all-important to Eddie. And since the bond is based on hatred...

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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Greg Fan 123 writes...

Hey Greg ,man...congracts on this show....BRAVO !!!

I wanted to ask you that have u guys ever considered the idea of making a Spectacular spiderman Comic based on this series storyline.??? That would be so cool....i suggest making the comic after ending this show as a continuity u knw......and i hope u end the show after making atleast 12 or more seasons lol hahahaha

Spectacular Show !!!!

Greg responds...

Thanks. I have talked to Marvel Comics about doing the comic. There was definitely some editorial interest, but there were various contractual and/or strategic reasons why it seems to be impossible at this time. Too bad, huh?

Response recorded on August 12, 2009

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