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So, I've recently been debating Norman's mental state. Specifically his sanity or lack thereof. Mostly because I've seen a couple of individuals saying that you gave Norman Osborn Roderick Kingsley's personality. Norman was insane, Roderick was stone cold sane.
Naturally, I disagree with them. Sure, Norman doesn't come out and say he's insane. He even says he's in control. But don't most of those suffering from insanity and megalomania feel that way?
Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive, and do not conform to social, moral and legal norms. They may appear to be quite normal and often even charming, a state of adaptation that psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley named the "mask of sanity".
Or, as Gobby himself said, "We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which is real? The one that hides your face or the one that IS your face?"
That's how I see Norman. Your Norman as well. And while we haven't seen much of Kingsley yet (and I'm not asking for spoilers on plans for him), I am sure that they're both very, very different people. Just as different as they were in the comic books.
I agree they're different.
I feel Norman's more of a sociopath than a psychopath, but maybe I'm splitting hairs.
In a question i asked about using tombstone you answered "Have you seen Tombstone?"
Yes, I have of course i have i seen every episode like 30 times, and i love him i was just wandering why, my only reson was fosswell couldn't fight spidey and tombstone has the kinda muscle and speed, agility, etc. so that's why you used him, but seriously don't get me wrong he's one of my favorite characters in your show...maybe 6 or 7 in the top ten
So, something a little different. Like you, I enjoy the work of William Faulkner immensely. I gained a taste for him in my senior year of High School when "Sanctuary" was on the curriculum.
So, if you had to pick a favorite novel written by Faulkner, which would it be? I have a soft spot for "Sanctuary" since it was my gateway book, even though the man himself said:
"To me it is a cheap idea, because it was deliberately conceived to make money. ... I took a little time out, and speculated what a person in Mississippi would believe to be current trends, chose what I thought would be the right answer and invented the most horrific tale I could imagine and wrote it in about three weeks and sent it to (Harrison) Smith, who had done 'The Sound and the Fury' and who wrote me immediately, 'Good God, I can't publish this. We'd both be in jail.'"
I also enjoyed "As I Lay Dying" quite a bit. I haven't read all his novels yet, and very few of his short stories. But I love what I have read.
"Absalom, Absalom"
Though the short story "Two Soldiers" is so perfect, I'd probably choose that even over Absalom...
What Gargoyle arc would you say was the most enjoyable to write? I don't mean this as a question of 'favorites', but what do you think really made you pat yourself on the back more than normal?
Uh... I don't know. The prep on the "Rock" arc was extensive, so completing that was... a relief.
Truth is, I'm pretty proud of all the so-called canon Gargoyles work. (Maybe too much so.)
Hi Greg. I have a question about Demona's clan. When she was gathering her clan (before and after Mcbeth became King), did any of the gargoyles seek her out to join the clan or did Demona find them all? Also, were any of the gargoyles that joined Demona's clan part of a small group or were they all solitary. Thanks.
All of the above.
so is Elliot still in the bionicle comic thing? (ps you still havent answerd my question in the archive in bioniclestory.com
I don't know who Elliot is.
I don't know what bioniclestory.com is.
UPDATE: Okay, I just visited that site. I don't think I've ever been there before. And I don't even see an archive section. Besides, I haven't worked on Bionicle at all in YEARS.
In this picture. Eddie has a case/prosthetic limb. Why was it like that and what made you change your mind to make him normal/perfect condition.
Curt Connors has a prosthetic limb, not Eddie. We never intended for Eddie to have a prosthetic anything.
At what point would you say Stacy deduced Spidey's identity?
I always figured his "I know who you are, Pete" at the end of the Master Planner arc as having a double meaning. I can't decide if he knew during Thanksgiving dinner, it seems like it could go either way. But while he had certainly been studying him prior to "Persona," I didn't get the vibe that he had figured it out at that point.
So is there a definitive moment or time period you can point to that says, "He has figured it out now, we just won't let the viewer know for sure until 'Identity Crisis?'"
I don't see how I can comment on this one way or the other, as it seems to take for granted the idea that Stacy knows Spidey's secret identity.
Well Greg, I'm a big fan of Jeff Bridges and after seeing him on Iron Man as Obadiah Stane/Iron Monger and hearing that he will be reprising his role as Kevin Flynn/Clu for Tron Legacy, I was wondering. Did you ever wanted to or even thought about casting Jeff Bridges a part on Gargoyles? He has a connection to Disney with Tron. And it would be so awesome to hear his voice on Gargoyles. So if given the chance in the past would you cast Jeff Bridges to be on Gargoyles?
I think Jeff Bridges is great. But I'm sure it never occurred to us to consider him, because he's too big a star.
In a very hypothetical world, I'd love to work with him though.
Why hasn't the second half of season 2 of the Gargoyles been released on dvd?
Check the archives.
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