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WEISMANSWERS 2009-11 (Nov)

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Hyun-Ae writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I was curious about Gargoyle twins, but I don't have any questions on the subject as much as I do have some rambles. Please keep in mind I am no expert on biology and I may be completely off. Having said that, here are my thoughts on twins.

I did a little research on egg twins -- double yolked eggs -- and thought it could _possibly_ be attributed to gargoyles. A twin yolked egg occurs when (for example) a chicken's ovary will make two yolks at once. The shell is formed over both yolks, and results in a longer, larger egg being laid. With chickens, twin chicks hatching is almost non-existent. Eggs must be turned so that the chick's head can reach the air cell to breath while inside the egg. Then it will peck it's way out if all goes as planned. In the case of twins, they fight each other inside the egg, fail to reach the air cell and suffocate. Human intervention can result in both chicks surviving (the egg is opened for the chicks) but, yet again, it's rare.

Okay, I know Gargoyles are _not_ chickens, but it still got me to thinking. IF a female gargoyle did lay a twin yolked egg, it would stand out as being a bit bigger than the other eggs. Surely the soon-to-be parents would notice this and probably deduce what the larger egg meant. I believe you said that gargoyle parents do not aid the hatchlings to break out their shells, but MAYBE an exception could possibly be made for the unhatched twins since such a phenomenon doesn't happen often anyway. IF the developing babies survived to the point of hatching and IF they either a) somehow managed to successfully escape their egg themselves, or b) had adult intervention, you would be left with fraternal twin gargoyle hatchlings, not identical twins. In theory, this could also further support the idea that no two gargoyles look exactly alike.

Oof, sorry if I am making no sense. I never was good at being succinct, but I suppose that's why they are called 'rambles'. Anyway, these are just some ideas on the subject and I thought you might like to hear them. :) Of course please feel free to disregard anything I've said. I am not out to "trip you up" or tell you what is what in the world you created.

On another note, I just wanted to say that Gargoyles is a wonderful, thought provoking universe with deep, multiple layered characters and absolutely terrific stories! I am deeply sorry that I will not be able to attend the final Gathering (you have no idea how sorry!!) but I'm still glad to have been given the chance to experience the world of Gargoyles. Thank you so much for sharing them with us!

Greg responds...

I'd think Gargoyles twins would be exceedingly rare. (At best.)

Response recorded on November 24, 2009

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