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WEISMANSWERS 2009-11 (Nov)

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The...!!? writes...

I hope to God that by the time this question gets to you season 3 is commisioned.
I wanna believe that there is gonna be a season three but everybody keeps saying given enough episodes, all depends on the ratings on disneyxd (that frightens me the most). The Spectacular Spiderman is my favorite tv show and i will hate to see it get taken off the air for crap like...whatever they are airing.
anyway, if there is a season 3 i do have questions...

1. on wikipedia it says you guys expressed interest in using heroes like cyclops, beast, ant-man, hulk, etc. is this true?

2. are hobgoblin and scorpion already drawn and if so are you happy with there looks?

3. is there a possibility that you will ever be able to use kingpin at all.

this all i can think of right now...

Greg responds...

1. Yes, we expressed some interest in all the characters you listed plus Human Torch, Captain America and Professor X. Others too, I suppose. But if allowed guest heroes, we'd start with Human Torch and work from there.

2. No, they have not been drawn yet for the show.

3. Anything's possible.

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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Doceinholeite writes...

HI Greg I like all your Spectacular Spider-Man work i whant to know what do you plan on doing after all 65 episodes?

Greg responds...

Right now, I'm just hoping we get an episode 27...

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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Paul writes...

Does the timeline of The Spectacular Spiderman follow this pattern?

Biology 101: September
Economics 101: October
Chemistry 101: October
Psychology 101: November
Engineering 101: December
Human Development 101: January
Criminology 101: February
Drama 101: March

I'm asking because it's hard to pin down which month some episodes take place in. "Market Forces" and "Competition", for instance, could be set in September or October, but it's unclear which, and "Accomplices" could be set in January or February, but it's unclear which. Likewise for episodes like "Subtext" as well.

Greg responds...

That's basically right.

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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Geoff writes...

Did all the foreign people & gargoyles in "The Green" & "Bushido" that got to speak know how to speak English or are Goliath, Angela, & Elisa for some reason trilingual? (It just piqued my curiosity that you couldn't really have everyone speak English without some explanation for dubbing purposes.)

This also kinda raises a question on why the Emir read the scroll to capture Anubis in English instead of Arabic. (Unless the scroll weren't written in Arabic. Was it?)

Greg responds...

There are two ways to interpret things. One is that the Gate compensated, and Elisa, Goliath and Angela were magically adjusted to the local lingua without them even being aware of the change. It's also possible that the folks at the other end were speaking English.

Response recorded on November 10, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Also, in a previous post, someone asked about your thoughts on the Crimemaster, and you responded, "I do not not like him." (or something like that - not verbatim.)
Was this a typo, meant as "I do not like him." or did you intentionally use the double-negative?

Greg responds...

Intentional use of double negative.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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David B. Jacobs writes...

Hi, again, Greg!
Just wondering: Why is it that so many characters are all in the same bio class? Clearly Midtown doesn't separate its grades as much as mine does, but shouldn't Peter and Gwen and Sha Shan at least be in an advanced class, without Flash and Liz? And didn't they already Bio last year? 'Cause if so, shouldn't they be taking a different science now?
It probably doesn't matter (and I wonder if anyone else ever even noticed), but I was just wondering.
Thanks in advance!

Greg responds...

It's advanced bio, a class designed to be taken by Juniors. Flash and Liz are taking it ... and doing poorly. Pete and Gwen are taking it ... and doing very well. Sally's taking it, and it's not clear how she's doing. Sha Shan has clearly skipped ahead to take it. (She'd normally be a year too young.) We assume she's doing well, but not as well as Pete and Gwen, though given the fact that she's a sophomore, I'm sure her work is still impressive.

You'll notice that neither Kenny and Rand (both seniors) nor Hobie (a sophomore) is in the class. Neither is Tiny, though he's a junior too. (Obviously, not the type to even try and get by in that class.)

In any case, we tried to be consistent.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

*** SERIOUSLY! ***
*** I WARNED YOU ***

So, I've recently been debating Norman's mental state. Specifically his sanity or lack thereof. Mostly because I've seen a couple of individuals saying that you gave Norman Osborn Roderick Kingsley's personality. Norman was insane, Roderick was stone cold sane.

Naturally, I disagree with them. Sure, Norman doesn't come out and say he's insane. He even says he's in control. But don't most of those suffering from insanity and megalomania feel that way?

Psychopaths lack empathy and guilt, are egocentric and impulsive, and do not conform to social, moral and legal norms. They may appear to be quite normal and often even charming, a state of adaptation that psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley named the "mask of sanity".

Or, as Gobby himself said, "We all wear masks, Spider-Man. But which is real? The one that hides your face or the one that IS your face?"

That's how I see Norman. Your Norman as well. And while we haven't seen much of Kingsley yet (and I'm not asking for spoilers on plans for him), I am sure that they're both very, very different people. Just as different as they were in the comic books.


Greg responds...

I agree they're different.

I feel Norman's more of a sociopath than a psychopath, but maybe I'm splitting hairs.

Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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Stephen writes...

In a question i asked about using tombstone you answered "Have you seen Tombstone?"
Yes, I have of course i have i seen every episode like 30 times, and i love him i was just wandering why, my only reson was fosswell couldn't fight spidey and tombstone has the kinda muscle and speed, agility, etc. so that's why you used him, but seriously don't get me wrong he's one of my favorite characters in your show...maybe 6 or 7 in the top ten

Greg responds...


Response recorded on November 09, 2009

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Greg Bishansky writes...

So, something a little different. Like you, I enjoy the work of William Faulkner immensely. I gained a taste for him in my senior year of High School when "Sanctuary" was on the curriculum.

So, if you had to pick a favorite novel written by Faulkner, which would it be? I have a soft spot for "Sanctuary" since it was my gateway book, even though the man himself said:

"To me it is a cheap idea, because it was deliberately conceived to make money. ... I took a little time out, and speculated what a person in Mississippi would believe to be current trends, chose what I thought would be the right answer and invented the most horrific tale I could imagine and wrote it in about three weeks and sent it to (Harrison) Smith, who had done 'The Sound and the Fury' and who wrote me immediately, 'Good God, I can't publish this. We'd both be in jail.'"

I also enjoyed "As I Lay Dying" quite a bit. I haven't read all his novels yet, and very few of his short stories. But I love what I have read.

Greg responds...

"Absalom, Absalom"

Though the short story "Two Soldiers" is so perfect, I'd probably choose that even over Absalom...

Response recorded on November 06, 2009

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Clark Cradic writes...

What Gargoyle arc would you say was the most enjoyable to write? I don't mean this as a question of 'favorites', but what do you think really made you pat yourself on the back more than normal?

Greg responds...

Uh... I don't know. The prep on the "Rock" arc was extensive, so completing that was... a relief.

Truth is, I'm pretty proud of all the so-called canon Gargoyles work. (Maybe too much so.)

Response recorded on November 04, 2009

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