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This discussion has been had in Station Eight a few times, and I thought I would bring it up here. It seems to me like one could make a case that Demona is the lead character in the greater story of the GARGOYLES UNIVERSE.
If one looks at "Dark Ages," "Gargoyles," and "Gargoyles 2198" as a three act story, Demona's story is the one story arc that really plays out through the entire timeline. She is there for all three acts.
Yes, Goliath is the lead in "Gargoyles" and Samson is the lead in "Gargoyles 2198." I think Hudson is the lead in "Dark Ages," but I might be wrong. And they all play huge roles, crucial roles. But Goliath and Hudson are not in Act Three, and Samson is not in the first two acts.
Demona, without being the lead in any of the acts, is the constant presence. Sure, she may not appear in "Pendragon," "New Olympians," Heroes of Ulster," and may only have a small role in "TimeDancer" and "Bad Guys." But if "Gargoyles" is the center of the universe here, and "Dark Ages" and "2198" are both acts in that story, it almost makes me wonder if this is really her story. You've got her youth, her fall from grace, her time as the main antagonist (or one of them), and then her eventual redemption.
Not to take anything away from Goliath, because I definitely agree that "Gargoyles" is his story and that he is the most pivotal character in that series. But is his story a large piece of her story?
I'm not saying it's all about her, because it's not. I don't think that or feel that, because this is all one huge ensemble piece made up of many stories, but like I said, she seems to be the most constant character out of all of them in the Big Picture. And all without ever being THE LEAD in any of the "three acts."
It's definitely an interesting theory.
Of course, I don't actually view the Gargoyles' Universe as any one character's story, including Goliath. To me it's a tapestry with many threads...
But I'm not disagreeing per se.
In the 2198 spinoff, will the people in Avalon get involved in the fight at all? They are clearly at risk to, since the aliens have the potential to destroy earth, and Avalon along with it.
No comment.
Hello Greg,
First of all, I want to thank you for the...wonderful series that you've gaven EVERYONE that has watched it.
In Gargoyles 2198 or 2158, what ever. Are those going to be...in a series? I would love for that to happen. Or is it a comic book series?
It's whatever I can convince someone to do.
Hullo, just wanted to say first of all that I enjoyed Clan Building and Bad Guys immensely, and I hope that someday we get to see more Gargoyles stories being told.
Anyway, I have a question that I suppose loosely connects to the 2198 spin-off (I'm not sure if this has already been asked; I couldn't find it on the archives). What would happen to a gargoyle if they were ever up in space? Since technically there's no day or night in space, how would that affect them?
Thanks in advance, and wishing you all the best with your future projects.
It's a good question, one which I plan to explore.
Does Brooklyn meet Katana before or after his adventures in the future with Samson and the resistance?
What is the future for Gargoyles?
It's me again. If you are planning to continue the saga of Gargoyles, would we be able to see the Space Spawn and see what is going to happen in the future?
which color is Samson
You'll have to wait and see.
Any chance of a big tell all double page splash in the next Gargoyle graphic novel showing us 2198, Artus, Gwenyvere etc? Giving us some hints about that series, Demona's future loves etc?
Why would I do that?
In Gargoyles 2158, you said Deliah will be uncomfortable about having human genes from Elisa. How will she even know she has this since Gargoyles are raised communally?
It's Gargoyles 2198 now. You might check that archive. Beyond that, I'm not going into any details about Delilah at this time.
I have a question regarding Gargoyles 2198. You mentioned that the Delilah from that time period would know that she is descended from the Delilah of 1996. Since Gargoyles raise all the hatchlings as children of the Clan, how would she know? Wouldn't the generation gap be far enough that the members of the Labrynth clan would not care or even know?
You'd think.
Is there a squel for gargoyles or not? What is gargoyles 2198? I cant tell by the FAQ weather 2198 is just talking about an episode or a squel idea.
Gargoyles 2198 was an idea for a spin-off series. CBS was, at one time, interested in airing an earlier version of it. But then Disney bought ABC, so it never happened.
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
March 22nd...
Earth surrenders to the Space-Spawn.
This day in Gargoyles' Universe History....
March 21st...
In Avalon, Angela, Gabriel, Ophelia, Boudicca and thirty-two other gargoyles and gargoyle beasts hatch out of their eggs.
Mace disappears with a fortune in jewels to become a full-time operative for the Illuminati. He writes a letter to Dominic Dracon, taunting him with false clues about the location of the jewels.
From around the globe, human heads of state and all twelve Gargoyle Clan Leaders come to Queen Florence Island for the hatching. The Space-Spawn attacks, abducting the gargoyle eggs and the human and gargoyle leaders, including U.N. Secretary General Alexander Fox Xanatos IV. And in Antarctica, Earth's Master Matrix Computer is stolen. The Space-Spawn invasion has begun.
Hi Greg, I'm glad the forum's back up because I have a question that's been nagging me. On the GARGOYLES 2198 CONTEST RESULTS Ramble, you said that, because Delilah II is part human, she feels "like she's not truly a part of either (species). Upon learning of her "heritage", humans seem to react with fear and even disgust. And Delilah has never been confident that the gargoyles she was raised with don't feel the same way." If Gargoyles raise their children without knowledge of biological parents, Delilah shouldn't know she's part human, as it would require her to know she's a biological descendent of the first Delilah. If gargoyles raise their children collectively, how does Delilah know she's part human. Does the Labyrinth Clan have different customs, having been originally led by Talon, a mutate that was once human and thus having founded the Clan on human customs? Or does Delilah notice qualities about herself that are human qualities and subsequently realize she's part human?
I'm mostly inclined to leave this to your imagination for now, but suffice to say the Labyrinth gargoyles are aware of their history and origins, making some things obvious -- independent of immediate bio-parentage.
This question is in regards to the LXM Robots. How closely will they resemble Lexington? Will they resemble him to the extent that Coldfire resembles Desdemona, or to the extent that the original Coyote resembled Xanatos? If they do resemble him closely, could a timedancing Brooklyn accidentally confuse one with Lex? If they do look a lot like Lex it has occurred to me that something like that might happen. I've noticed in the wiki it says they will be five feet tall, but I have no idea what Lex's height will be when he fully matures or how tall he is if he stands up straight, so I don't know if that means they will be a lot bigger than him or about the same size. Thanks for giving any info you can!
They look like metal Lexington's -- kinda like chrome Lexington's. Brooklyn couldn't confuse one for Lex himself, though he couldn't help noticing the resemblence. They sound like Lex too.
hello greg,
im a huge fan of your show hope you make new episodes anyways ive been reading on the gargoyles wikipedia that goliath will die by 2198 and his descendant will be samson
any info on who he is cuz ive never heard of him
Check out the Gargoyles 2198 archives. C'mon, gang, please check the archives -- or at least the FAQ -- before asking questions.
Would their have been any hatchling for the Avalon Clan by 2198? I did the math and if the eggs stayed on their island their would eight or so unhatched rookeries and all of the current Avalon gargs would still be in their prime.
I've done the math too. Eggs from Avalon were brought to Queen Florence Island.
Is Nick Maza (in 2198) blood related to Nick/Natsilane from the episode "Heritage"?
If so, when or at what point in the ancestry of Nick Maza do the bloodlines of the Maza family and Nick/Natsilane meet? If you won't say when specifically then is it closer to the year 2198 or 1998?
1. Yes.
2. I'm not answering this at this time.
By the time of Gargoyles 2198, what will Demona and Macbeth's relationship be? By that I mean: Will they still hate eachothers guts, or will their relationship be more aimiable in nature?
I'm not revealing this at this time.
Do you have how the gargoyle population of the present day makes it the point it reaches in March 2198 roughly mapped out?
Roughly, yes.
We seen that Demona has a great deal of affection for her child, Angela. Since Samson is a descendant of hers, won't that affect how she feels about him? Or will his similarities affect her normal affection for her kin?
We'll have to wait and see.
The two LXM robots in Gargoyles 2198 are called LXM-994 and LXM-1057. These are the dates of the two massacres. Who named the robots, and why did they choose those names?
I named the robots, and I chose the numbers for resonance.
Ohhhhh... you mean who named the robots in the SHOW? ;)
They are factory standard. No one "named" them.
Is Macbeth still wealthy by 2198?
Is Demona still wealthy by 2198?
I'm not revealing this information at this time.
You've said that Macbeth doesn't get involved after the Space Spawn invade Earth in 2198, until some time later. Why? Surely he wouldn't just ignore his planet being taken over. He fought in WWII. Why would he stay out of this far more important war?
I'm not revealing this at this time.
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