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How many identities does MacBeth have in 1996? Is he really a professor?
By 2198 does everyone know that he the Scottish king that Shakespeare wrote about?
At least two that he keeps active.
He's a medievalist. Doesn't mean he teaches.
Foreshadowing in Future Tense
Does the Alexander of 2198 own any exo-suits like the one seen in the Future Tense episode?
Does Brooklyn and Demona look like the Demona and Brooklyn in Future Tense?
Generally, I try to avoid making 'decisions' here that will inhibit the artistic freedom of future collaborators, but...
Alex. Potentially, yes. But since, Alex is kidnapped and put in stasis in the first episode it's going to be a non-issue for some time.
Brooklyn. Initially, Brooklyn would look very much like Brooklyn from Hunter's Moon. Later he may wind up with a look similar to Future Tense -- though with one major change.
Demona. Potentially.
2198 Tech
So will humans develop faster than light travel or will they receive it?
How far away are humans in 2198 from developing easy faster than light travel?
How exactly does faster than light travel work in the gargoyles universe?
1. NS
2. Not close.
3. NS
2198 conditions
Is their poverty in 2198?
Is Cyberbiotics still around in 2198?
Is the Dracon crime family still around in 2198? What about Broud¡¯s gang?
1. Yes. Some.
2. Not saying.
3. Not saying.
4. Brod? Not saying.
Are the Coldtrio still around in 2198?
Alexander¡¯s immortality
Why does Alexander Xanatos hide his immortality from the general public? How does he do it? Do the Illuminati know of his unique heritage? Any others?
In 2198 will we meet any of Dingo and Robyn's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
I've already admitted this. The last name is Monmouth.
In 2198 will we meet any of Jackal and/or Hyena's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
In 2198 will we meet any of Hakon/Wolf's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
In 2198 will we meet any of Vogel's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
N.S. (Not saying.)
In 2198 will we meet any of Vinnie's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
Not saying. (Is this getting as repetitive for you as it is for me?)
In 2198 will we meet any of Jeffrey Robbins' descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
Not saying.
In 2198 will we meet any of Maria Chavez's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
Not saying.
1) In 2198 is Alexander married?
2) If yes, to whom?
3) Is s/he human, Child of Oberon, gargoyles or New Olympian?
4) Has Alexander been married between 1994 and 2198?
5) If yes, how many times?
1. ns
2. see 1
3. see 1
4. ns
5. see 4
In 2198 will we meet any of Matt Bluestone's descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
Not saying.
1) In 2198, is Delilah the leader of the Labyrinth clan?
2) Was Delilah the leader of the Labyrinth clan before the events of march 2198?
3) You said Delilah knows that she is descendant from the original Delilah, does that mean she wasn't raised in a community rookery?
4) If she was, were all of the Labyrinth eggs raised individually or in community rookeries?
5) If she wasn't, then how did she know she was descendant from original Delilah?
1. Not initially.
2. No.
3. It doesn't mean that, no.
4. Not saying.
5. Well, it will be visually obvious for starters. Otherwise, I'm not saying.
1) You said that Zafiro had not had the pendant for very long. How long did he have it before march, 2198.
2) Will we ever meeting the new Obsidiana, Jade and/or Turquesa in G2198?
3) After the events of march 2198 is Zaphiro the leader of the Mayan Clan?
4) Who was the leader of the Mayan clan before march 2198?
1. Not very long.
2. Ever? Yes.
3. I'm not sure. I'm leaning that way, but I'm not sure.
4. Not saying.
Are there still four mayan pendants in 2198?
As far as I know.
What position does Delilah have in the Labyrinth clan?
I haven't absolutely decided this either. (Or figured it out, rather.) I think she's Second. But she may just be a warrior. (I assume we're talking about 2198 Delilah here.)
What color is Samson?
That has not been decided with any certainty.
Do most people know of the Avalon clan in 2198? If so why don't they know of the Fay?
If not then how did people explain the appearance of an extra gargoyle leader at QFL?
A select few humans know of the clan, without knowing much about Avalon itself.
1) There any reason why Nick Natsilane Maza is connected to all four of the tricksters? (His Maza family line is part of a tribe closely related to Coyote, Diane's family has roots with a tribe associated with Anansi, the Natsilane family is of course connected to Raven, and Nick has some relation with Owen/Puck)
2) If the answer to 1) is yes, what is that reason?
I think you're stretching the point.
Diane's association with Anansi is limited to her having met him. And Nick's association with Puck is limited to him having met Owen.
Are gargoyles part of the UN in 2198?
Define "part".
Why did Earth surrender so easily to the Space-Spawn?
Do we haven any colonies in outer space in 2198? Did they also surrender?
They were completely overmatched and in crisis. Short-term one could argue they had little choice, particularly since the penalty for merely saying no would have been the complete anhiliation of the planet.
Define "outer space". There were colonies within our solar system. None further out. And yes, they were forced to surrender too.
Do the Children of Oberon know of the Space-Spawn prior to 2198?
Who were the owners of the 2 LXMs that we see in Gargoyles 2198?
The Lexington-Xanatos Corporation.
What does Coyote-X think of the LXMs?
Is Coyote-X's AI software more advanced than that of the LXMs?
Largely, he doesn't.
Very much so.
Will we see any other LXMs in Gargoyles 2198 besides the two that you have mentioned?
Yes. They're practically ubiquitous.
Is the Master Matrix sentient?
Not saying.
Is Talos still around in 2198?
Some version of him, yes.
Where is MacBeth in 2198?
On Earth.
1.What does Alexander Fox Xanatos IV look like? Does he look like the one in Future Tense? Is he married?
2.How powerful is he in magic? Why didn't he use his magic to flee the area when the Space-Spawn came?
1. Though I'm determined to keep design issues open for the time being, Alex does, in my mind, look much like his adult persona in Future Tense.
1a. Not telling.
2. Enough.
2a. No warning at all. None. He was transported right into stasis.
Will Sphinx and Terry have descendents in 2198?
Not saying one way or another.
(Do you see how if I admitted anything along these lines, it would ruin a great deal of supsense for these characters in the present?)
What does 2198 Demona think of Nokkar?
Well... she likes him marginally better than the Space-Spawn.
Is Merlin and Blanchefleur still around in 2198?
Not saying.
Who rules New Camelot in 2198?
Not telling.
Why did the Space-Spawn take the Master Matrix? I mean it didn't have any tactical, military and political value like all those leaders.
It had tremendous value.
Care to give the names of the twelve (thirteen if you count Queen Florence clan) clan leaders who were captured by the Space-Spawn?
Were the Queen Florence Clan and the Gargoyle leaders captured by the space-spawn in the original 2158/Future Tense Spin-off?
1. Nope.
2. Yep.
What exactly does master matrix do besides controlling the weather of New Camelot and being the operating system for most of the world's computers? Why was there only one Master Matrix?
It does a lot.
Gee, maybe there's a story in that....
Who else was captured besides all the gargoyle leaders, the leader of New Olympus and the Secretary General?
Lots of leaders.
Does Coyote-X bear the Xanatos cyborg head?
Why does he want world/galactic domination?
A version of it.
Wait and see.
You said in the contest that Owen still has the stone hand so are you saying that nothing else happened to him in the two hundred of so years working for Xanatos besides getting a stone hand? I found that alittle unbelivable.
How does the fact that he still has a stone hand begin to indicate that 'nothing else happened to him'?
What a strange interpretation. I find that a little unbelievable.
By 2198 has Matrix achieved the Order it was programmed to create?
Not even going to confirm the implied hypothesis.
Who is more powerful? Oberon or a Space-Spawn planetbuster?
See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.
(This does seem familiar, doesn't it?)
What were the regulars for gargoyles 2158? Would Alexander be in it? If so what about Puck?
It's kind of pointless to talk about this, but the regulars were mostly the same. Ages were different here and there.
Alexander would have been as much a part of it as he currently is in 2198.
Puck doesn't get to appear much in either version, but Owen was slated for 2158 in much the same role that he currently holds in 2198.
By 2198 how many fae are off Avalon?
Care to give a few names?
Very few.
Puck. Alex.
Is the Ultra-Pack still around in 2198?
Not saying.
Don`t think this ones been asked be for
Is there any way that technology in the future (2158 and beyond) could bypass the Gargoyles turning to stone? Cause if magic can do it, I can`t see why technology couldn`t replicate the same effect in some way.
Not by 2198, or 2199 for that matter.
Do you have the names of the leaders of these clan's in 2198?
Loch Ness
Some but not all. And you're welcome.
I am curious as to why you were only curious about eight of the twelve though.
Was it intentional to make Nick Maza similar to Captain of the Guard since both are described by you in the Garg bible and the 2198 contest as much like a gargoyle as a human can be?
You're taking that too literally.
I was actually trying to connect Nick up to Tom, thematically.
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