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I'm sorry this question has been asked before. I've been going through the archives for a while now (this'll be my first question) and I haven't come across any references to it, but you never know, right?
Anyway, I just saw a repeat of "Sentinel" last night, and it struck me as a very pilot-esque episode, like you'd set up in mind for a spin off (something like "Widget the World Watcher" meets "Transformers", only more grounded in reality). And yet, you seem to have no intention to spin it off. How come? Did you originally intend to, but decided against it as you felt it wasn't strong enough to carry a series, focusing instead on the other possible spin-offs? Or am I just making things up in my head?
Mostly in your head.
It was never intended to be a spin-off per se, but it was a plot thread I wanted to pick up again later. MUCH LATER. Like in 2198.
you've said before that unless their bodies are destroyed that the Coldtrio will live forever, so will any or all of them be around in 2198?
Not saying.
I know you said you won't be answering any questions on Gargoyles 2198 until the contest is over but the question I am going to ask is this. In the future would any gargoyles go to university or collage? I just wanted to ask because here in the Yukon the local collage offers night courses and in the gargoyles universe gargoyles are nocturnal and I bet they might attend school at night in the future with humans who also attend night classes?
College, though. Not Collage.
why do gargoyles eventually colonize Queen Florence Island? is it because their numbers are so small that if they don't all group together they'll go extinct?
It's actually out of the successful rebounding of the species that they decide to add a new clan. They have largely maxed out the capacity of the twelve sites they have.
Will the population of Gargoyles in the far far far far far far far far far future ever be in the millions?
I haven't planned anything beyond about 2203.
You said: "There will always be a Guardian. And there will always be... the Guarded. (Sounds cooler with Hunter and Hunted, doesn't it?) "
Well... it *could* be worse: You could have said "There will always be a Sentinel. And there will always be... the Sentineled." :-)
Seriously now, I had been meaning to ask you whether "Guardian" was a title that would be ever given to anyone besides Tom. I'm glad it is so, the title "Guardian" always felt somewhat special to me both when given and when used in the series...
Ask me more about this when the contest is over.
How many races are involved in the war between Nokkar's people and the Space Spawn?
Which of the three main races in the war is the oldest? Which one is the youngest?
Three main alien races. Plus, by 2198, humans and gargoyles at least.
Of the alien races, Nokkar's people are the oldest. The Space-Spawn is the youngest.
Quote: The Coyote Robot, no matter how smart it gets, will always have a bit of Wile E. Coyote in its makeup
Does this apply to Coyote X?
The X in Coyote X, is that the letter or the Roman numeral? Just curious.
Not saying.
Gargoyles 2198 Contest
450. EARTH
455. WORLD
wrong and/or already guessed...
But here's my THIRD mistake in the clues...
The clue to 450 should read "6 letters".
DAMN. I liked it better when I thought I'd only made one mistake. One mistake out of 525 is pretty forgivable. But three is embarrassing.
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