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Ding, dong, the contest is dead! I have MANY 2198 questions, but in a genuine effort not to annoy you, I'm going to post them one at a time and very spread out.
Does the Order of the Guardian in Ishimura have anything to do with the Guardian Tom?
if you don't mind i'm going to shorten the Gargoyle Minority Protection Act to GMPA for simplicity.
1. did any countries that contained gargoyle clans object or refuse to comply with the GMPA? i'd imagine that America, Britain, and Japan would pretty much whole-heartedly agree, but i'm not sure about China, South Korea, and particulary Guatemala.
2. did France agree to have a gargoyle clan instated at Notre Dame before or after the GMPA? did they agree at all or did the gargoyles just move in? i guess Canada was in ok with the QFI clan, huh?
3. did the United Kingdom have a lot of weight in the decision to instate the GMPA since they have two native clans, another being created (Wyvern), and at least four other clans in the world have United Kingdom origens?
oh, please feel free to correct me if any of my info is wrong, i'm sure you will though :)
1. Nothing is simple.
2. You're talking about years past 2198. France bid for the clan.
The Haida people own Queen Florence Island. They made the offer.
3. Nothing is simple.
by 2198 are all the 12 clans "full" clans, as you've called them? what i mean is, are all the clans roughly the size of 1996 London or Ishimura clans?
Roughly. Or larger.
A few questions, now, about "Gargoyles 2198":
1. I've noticed a few parallel elements in it with "Future Tense", as follows:
Demona joining forces with the resistance movement.
The LXMs serving as a parallel to "Cyber-Lex".
Coyote-X as a parallel to the Xanatos Program (artificial intelligences out to conquer the world, both derived ultimately from Xanatos - although I doubt that Coyote-X has any direct connection to Xanatos, he did originate the Coyote line of robots).
Were these three elements intended as parallels to "Future Tense", a la the destruction of the clock tower in the original series?
2. What sort of occupation do you imagine the Space-Spawn making on Earth? A really tyrannical regime of the sort where Earth's population is reduced to slave labor, or a more remote occupation where they pretty much let the Earthlings go on with their lives, though now as subjects of the Space-Spawn Empire?
3. How is it that Coyote-X is out to conquer, first the planet, then the galaxy? I will confess that I have something of a problem with the notion of a robot or artificial intelligence out to conquer the world; such a goal strikes me as more fitted to an "organic being" with such emotions as greed, ambition, arrogance, etc., than to an artificial intelligence, which I simply can't imagine developing emotions (truth to tell, my own thoughts on machines are pretty much the same as those of Goliath in "Outfoxed" - machines know only what they are programmed to know; it's living beings, such as humans and gargoyles, who are capable of making decisions, and choosing between the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do). I didn't have any problems with the Matrix undertaking this route in "Walkabout" since it was portrayed here as merely a logical extension of its programming (to bring about order to the terrain of the world; it was merely misinterpreting its mission) rather than being motivated by power-lust. However, I'm not certain as to how Coyote-X developed its goal. (Of course, artificial intelligences could have come a long way by 2198, and maybe by that time they have developed emotions and the weaknesses and failings of living beings like humans and gargoyles). Of course, I doubt that you want to fill us in on the details yet, but I just thought that I'd mention it.
1. Yes and no. I love playing with the Future Tense expectaions. But on another level, it's just the characters telling me what they want. I know what Lex does in the late nineties early "oughts". I know what that leads to in turn. I know Demona well enough to know that she's sure not gonna like the Space-Spawn after they steal all the Gargoyle Eggs. And I know what happens to Coyote and how he's going to evolve and upgrade. So maybe Puck was being a bit prophetic. After all, the characters are deciding things for themselves. And he wasn't half wrong.
2. In the immortal words of Abe Simpson, "A little from column A and a little from column B."
3. Well, artificial intelligence has come a long way by 2198. Thanks in no small part to Coyote, Coldsteel, Lexington, Matrix, Fox and Anastasia. (An odd group. But there you go.)
What happened to Nick Maza's parents?
How many generations away is he from Elisa?
Can we assume that he is descended from Beth and Natsilane?
Not telling.
Not telling.
You can assume whatever you're in the mood to assume. Doesn't mean you're right or wrong.
1) You've said that, "no one knows how many biological generations removed from Goliath [Samson] is....Frankly, it doesn't really matter." I guess technically doesn't matter, but for us fans who really care, could you tell us whose son he is?
2a) Is the 2198 Deliah the original Delilah's daughter, granddaughter, great-granddaughter, or great-great-granddaughter? (my question is--which is she?) b) "Being genetically part of both races has left Delilah feeling like she's not truly a part of either." Assuming she's not Deliah's daughter, at most she could be 1/8 human. How is this significant enough to make Deliah feel uncomfortable? c) Do Delilah and her descendants age at the same rate as gargoyles, or does their human heritage alter this?
1. No. I don't know anymore. It doesn't matter.
2. a. I'm not telling.
b. I'm not telling.
c. I'm not telling.
Is there any thing going on between Samson and Delilah considering their names and all?
Care to list some of Coyote's cyborg and robot operatives
Who leads the Illuminati in 2198? Duval?
Is the grail still in the hands of the Illuminati?
Not answering this now.
Who leads the Quarrymen in 2198? Castaway's descendents?
What are Dingo and Robyn's descendents doing?
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