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Where did the United Nations get the power to give gargoyles "human rights"?
Does Alex have anything to do with the passing of the Gargoyles Minority Protection Act?
From their member nations.
Which Alex?
1.In 2198 have humans developed faster than light space ships?
1.Are there any wars in 2198?
2.Did WW3 happen yet?
1. Think about it.
2. Not saying.
Where were Zafiro and Delilah when the Space-Spawn made their raid on Queen Florence Island?
How did the Space-Spawn know where to hit?
1. Like Samson they were on the Island, but not in the Caldera. All three were on guard duty below the volcano.
2. Observation and scanning.
Is the Illuminati still the dominant force in the future?
Still? Are they now?
Some GARGOYLES 2198 questions:
1. Is "Alexander Fox Xanatos IV" to be the great grandson of the Alex we know, or is he to actually be the Alex we know?
2. Those two Lex robots that are as common as coffee makers in the future: Are they designed after Lexington? If so, how does the world feel about embracing a household appliance resembling a gargoyle? Wouldn't a gargoyle be a controversial choice?
3. Would Merlin be involved in any of the planned events?
4. By moving the year from 2158 to 2198, you effectively snipped the cord connecting the main series from the future series. Is this because you see GARGOYLES 2198 as our best bet at getting back on TV and you don't want to scramble/reveal what happens in the original series, in case you get to do it second?
1. Our Alex.
2. They are modeled after him, yes. Ironically, it's less of a problem than you might think. Perhaps because the gargoyle-robot tends to be in a subservient position. Also, cuz the things are so damn useful and they don't come in another shape.
3. Not saying.
4. Partially, yes. I definitely wanted to get far enough out that I wasn't tying my hands on the original. I also, frankly, think that 2198 sounds cooler than 2158. But the main reason was the rethinking of the character of Samson.
How did Alex get elected to the position of Secretary General? Why would the Illuminati which controls almost everything on Earth before the Space-Spawn invasion allow the election/installation of someone who they don't approve of considering they didn't vouch for his release?
Your premise is faulty.
2198 questions:
1a) how many heads do the space spawn have? Does it varry? b) Do the Space spawn's general appearance varry from one another? By alot?
2a) Is New Camelot still around in 2198? b) Are Arther's decendands running it or anything(I'll be really surprised if you answer THAT) c) Is it connected to Master Matrix?
3) Do the Illuminati still fund the Quarry men in 2198?
1a. One.
1b. To them, yes.
2a. Before or after March?
2b. ---
2c. Before or after March?
3. Not saying.
Does "Gargoyles: 2198" have a pre-planned story-arc? For example, did you already plan a beginning, middle and end for the series, or was it designed to go on forever?
PS> It was great to see you again at the Gathering. Looking forward to it again next summer.
I have a beginning, middle and end to the space-spawn arc (though I don't pretend to have EVERY detail etched in stone), but we'd have other interesting things happen, so I think it could also go on forever.
Great to see you too, man!
do the LXM robots look like Lex?
can they fly/glide?
did you ever see the Techno Lex action figure Kenner made? i have one and i instantly thought of it the first time i heard about the LXM robots. are the robots similar in looks to that action figure?
I must have seen it at some point. But I can't recall it now. I don't think they looked alike. LXM's are chromium in appearance.
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