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Who rules New Camelot in 2198?
Not telling.
Why did the Space-Spawn take the Master Matrix? I mean it didn't have any tactical, military and political value like all those leaders.
It had tremendous value.
Care to give the names of the twelve (thirteen if you count Queen Florence clan) clan leaders who were captured by the Space-Spawn?
Were the Queen Florence Clan and the Gargoyle leaders captured by the space-spawn in the original 2158/Future Tense Spin-off?
1. Nope.
2. Yep.
What exactly does master matrix do besides controlling the weather of New Camelot and being the operating system for most of the world's computers? Why was there only one Master Matrix?
It does a lot.
Gee, maybe there's a story in that....
Who else was captured besides all the gargoyle leaders, the leader of New Olympus and the Secretary General?
Lots of leaders.
Does Coyote-X bear the Xanatos cyborg head?
Why does he want world/galactic domination?
A version of it.
Wait and see.
You said in the contest that Owen still has the stone hand so are you saying that nothing else happened to him in the two hundred of so years working for Xanatos besides getting a stone hand? I found that alittle unbelivable.
How does the fact that he still has a stone hand begin to indicate that 'nothing else happened to him'?
What a strange interpretation. I find that a little unbelievable.
By 2198 has Matrix achieved the Order it was programmed to create?
Not even going to confirm the implied hypothesis.
Who is more powerful? Oberon or a Space-Spawn planetbuster?
See, now, the Hulk is more powerful because the madder he gets, the stronger he gets. But the Thing can still beat him if he keeps his wits about him.
(This does seem familiar, doesn't it?)
What were the regulars for gargoyles 2158? Would Alexander be in it? If so what about Puck?
It's kind of pointless to talk about this, but the regulars were mostly the same. Ages were different here and there.
Alexander would have been as much a part of it as he currently is in 2198.
Puck doesn't get to appear much in either version, but Owen was slated for 2158 in much the same role that he currently holds in 2198.
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