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What color is Samson?
That has not been decided with any certainty.
Do most people know of the Avalon clan in 2198? If so why don't they know of the Fay?
If not then how did people explain the appearance of an extra gargoyle leader at QFL?
A select few humans know of the clan, without knowing much about Avalon itself.
1) There any reason why Nick Natsilane Maza is connected to all four of the tricksters? (His Maza family line is part of a tribe closely related to Coyote, Diane's family has roots with a tribe associated with Anansi, the Natsilane family is of course connected to Raven, and Nick has some relation with Owen/Puck)
2) If the answer to 1) is yes, what is that reason?
I think you're stretching the point.
Diane's association with Anansi is limited to her having met him. And Nick's association with Puck is limited to him having met Owen.
Are gargoyles part of the UN in 2198?
Define "part".
Why did Earth surrender so easily to the Space-Spawn?
Do we haven any colonies in outer space in 2198? Did they also surrender?
They were completely overmatched and in crisis. Short-term one could argue they had little choice, particularly since the penalty for merely saying no would have been the complete anhiliation of the planet.
Define "outer space". There were colonies within our solar system. None further out. And yes, they were forced to surrender too.
Do the Children of Oberon know of the Space-Spawn prior to 2198?
Who were the owners of the 2 LXMs that we see in Gargoyles 2198?
The Lexington-Xanatos Corporation.
What does Coyote-X think of the LXMs?
Is Coyote-X's AI software more advanced than that of the LXMs?
Largely, he doesn't.
Very much so.
Will we see any other LXMs in Gargoyles 2198 besides the two that you have mentioned?
Yes. They're practically ubiquitous.
Is the Master Matrix sentient?
Not saying.
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