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What does the X in Coyote stand for? The variable? The roman numeral? I'm not trying to be annoying, but this has become an issue since the X in Weapon X has turned out to be the roman numeral ten instead of the variable.
Neither. It's a place holder.
Hey Gregg, I'm new to this site, and I was just wondering... is there something I missed about Gargoyles? I mean, I know of Gargoyles, and The Goliath Chronicles, but was there some other Gargoyle show that aired after?
What lies ahead for Gargoyles? Do you plan on bringing them back to the air at some point? I'd really like to see some new Gargoyles cartoons....
Thank you.
There were proposed spin-offs, sequels and prequels, including
Gargoyles: The Dark Ages
The New Olympians
Bad Guys
Gargoyles 2198
plus plenty ideas just to continue the "Gargoyles" series itself.
I haven't been able to convince Disney to do any of these things.
But who knows?
"Firefly" was dead. It sold a TON of DVDs and now they're making a movie, "Serenity". "Family Guy" was dead. It sold a TON of DVDs and now they're making new episodes.
Up until this year, the best single way you could help relaunch the show in some way, shape or form was by attending the Gathering, our annual convention. That's still true. So if you haven't heard, check out this year's con at their website:
The good folks at Walt Disney Home Entertainment took notice of the fandom, largely thanks to these conventions. They'll be attending this year with a video crew to tape footage of the con to put on the Gargoyles DVD, to be released later THIS year (2004!).
The DVD will contain all 13 episodes of the series' first season, complete and uncut. It will also have a commentary track and other extras (in addition to the con footage) that are still being discussed.
If you want to see the 2nd Season on DVD, and if you want to see Disney make more Garg Universe materials, there's no better way to get them to take notice than by buying the DVD. If the fans demonstrate an audience with disposable income, Disney will respond. It's not far-fetched. It's happened before.
I thought Oberon stated that Puck could use his magic to teach Alex or protect Alex. Since Alex was captured in 2198, couldn't Puck use his magic to save him?
Saving and protecting are two different things. Also Alex is taken away from Earth, the source of Puck's power.
about to leave for the Gathering 2002!!! woohooo!!!
1. to the best of your knowledge, would any of Broadway and Angela's three offspring have skin or hair coloring that their parents don't have? like perhaps a grandparents coloring or something?
2. will the Eyrie Building be epuipped with a rookery or was the original Wyvern Rookery transplanted with the castle?
3. how many eggs will be laid in the Manhatten Clan's rookery in 2008? will it just be Broadway and Angela's first egg or will there be others? will there be any beast eggs?
Just a few short months until the Gathering 2004!!! woohooo!!!
1. I'm intentionally not nailing that down in my imagination so that I can feel comfortable giving the artist free reign. But it's certainly possible.
2. Both.
3. I don't care to reveal all that now.
How many gargoyles are a part of the Manhattan clan by 2198?
Not going to pin down that number at this time.
Hi Greg.
I 2 have a question about the Delilah of 2198. If Delilah is a decendant of the first Delilah.
1. Who was Delilah's mate.
2. How and when did Delilah escape from her stone sleep virus type thingie?
3. Is the original Delilah still around during 2198?
1. Not telling.
2. I don't consider that canon.
3. No.
Is Gargoyles 2198 a lot like the original gargoyles episodes. like haveing a few gargoyles (main charactors)or does it consist of no really main characters but 14 differnt clans showen every once and awhile
Much more the former than the latter. You can read the development in the ASK GREG Archives.
Just got finished reading your ramblings on the Gargs episodes. WOW is all I can say, reading those has rekindled what I love about this wonderful show you've given us. I know some of these are a little over due, but they were going thru my mind as I was reading here we go.
UPGRADE- This episode actually kept me up at night the first time I saw it. I, like Dingo, was disgusted emotionally of they wy the pack treated their bodies. Wolf was just physically changed, but Jackal and Hayena were down right freaky, there was very little left that was actually human (I'm guessing Jackal's head and Hayena's torso & head). a reocurring mental image was the garbage bags containing their bodies callously tossed into the GEN-U-TECH dump. Really freaky stuff.Yes, I always had considered Brok the second in command.
HIGH NOON- A personal fav. As was intended, I got that feeling of "whoah, THREE villains!" and continue to feel that way every time I see it, maybe just cause we didn't see Coldstone all that often, and he's one of my favorite characters. Comming off of City of Stone I was baffled as to why Demona and Macbeth were working together, but I came to the conclusion that they were under the control of the Weird Sisters. The "comming battle" line at the end intrigued me, my friend ws baffled by it, even beyon watching Avalon he was expecting some monstrous epic brawl, I feel the line referred directly to their machinations with the Archmage. I feel the toy of Coldstone helps to establish more the re-animated stone cause his actual skin was all cracked, a truly morbid thought indeed! I still the CS toy was the best one released followed by Bronx.
CITY OF STONE- Great episode, but I was put off by the first showing of Macbeth feeling Demona's pain. I didn't gather it, honestly ,I thought it was an animation error the first time. After re-watching it I'm like "ahhhh I get it now , those smart guy have thought of everything!" Also, I took note of Owen recognising the wrong spell, tho it took some time for the payoff, I did catch it.
The Mirror- Another fav. what can I say, it was perfect, I love it when the Gargs use their "extra" limbs for other things, like Demona's tail poking Puck and Goliath's wing in HighNoon. The only thing that was odd to me was when Demona, holding Puck with her wings, hovers into the subway. Upon re-watching I hear the sound effect of Puck hovering her , but I didn't catch this the first time.
Vows- I wish the animation was a liitle better in depicting the difference of older characters than it was, I mena Hudson had the obvious eye thing , y.Demona didn't have the arm jewelry and was thinner, and Goliath was only thinner and happier sounding. No biggie tho. I love how time travel was handled on the show, it always made perfect sence to me, leaving me explaining it to my friends (one of them STILL doesn't understnd how Gryff showed up!) Xanatos was awesome in this one! Fox's dress was reaaalllllyy low cut in the back, that's probably why their clothes were react to as such, she was real close to flashing some behind (not that I'd complain!
EYE OF THE BEHOLDER- I missed this one and cought it next re-run. Was it just me or was the animation during Act2 diferent from Acts 1&3? I liked Xanatos' variation of the armor. I was also shocked that you were able to get away with Fox not wearing anything, really interesting ;]. Of course watching this one in re-run I was spoiled to the notion that the Eye of Odin was important by the Avalon arc, but I would've noticed it anyway, the Edge was my bros' all time fav episode.
Keep em' coming and I'll keep enjoying them. now, because I'm kinda lazy, is Gargoyles 2198 merely an idea that is being pitched around or is it something more? Thanks alot!
G2198 is just an idea in my head, largely. I haven't even pitched it since 1996 (when it was set in 2158 and called Gargoyles Future Tense).
Hello, Mr. Weisman,
I am curious about the Delilah of Gargoyles 2198. You mentioned she is a descendant of the Delilah clone in the original series. How many generations removed is she from the original Delilah? Is she more or even less human than the first Delilah (given the first is around 90% Gargoyle, as you aforementioned)? That's all. Thanks!
Legitimate questions, but ones that I'm not answering at this time.
Hi Greg. Looking over your G2198 responses, I picked up on something a little confusing.
You say that Samson, Delilah and Zafiro all learn Bushido in Ishimura. Then you say that Nick also goes to Ishimura to join the Order of the Guardian, and is trained in the way of the Gargoyle Warrior. I'm a little confused as to whether both groups are essentially doing the same thing--are the gargoyles *also* part of the Order of the Guardian? And yet you've referred to Nick several times as just "Guardian", as if he were the only one. So if you could please clarify this for me...
1a) Are Delilah, Samson and Zafiro also part of the Order of the Guardian? b) If not, are any gargoyles part of this Order? c) Is Delilah, Samson, and Zafiro's training in Ishimura completely separate from Nick's training? d) If so, were they able to meet in Ishiura, or do they only get introduced to each other later?
2a) I'm assuming that because it's an "Order", there must be more than one member, but because you've referred to him simply as "Guardian" (perhaps as in "the one and only"), *is* Nick the only one? b) If not, as a very rough estimate, how many would you say there are in 2198 before the invasion? ...a handful, dozens, hundreds?
3a) Is Ishimura the only training area of this Order, or is it one of many? b) If Ishimura is the only place the Order trains initiates, why was that particular location chosen?
4a) I admit I haven't done the math, nor am I sure of the life expectancy of a human living on Avalon, but is Thom, the original Guardian, still alive in 2198? b) If he is alive, does he help lead or train those in the Order? c) Is the purpose of the future Guardian(s) the same as the purpose of the first Guardian? (Thom)
1. There are two "academic" tracks in Ishimura. One for Gargoyles and one for humans, though they have many classes that overlap. Any and all gargoyles are admitted to the program in Ishimura, but the admissions process for Humans is very stiff. I picture lawsuits over the inequity. But the reasoning is that they are teaching skills that in theory can be used against them, so they need to be very careful about who gets these skills. Since (a) the admission process is difficult and (b) the course work is difficult, very few humans graduate to Guardian status. Nick is not the only Guardian, but they aren't a dime a dozen. Frankly, I doubt Nick met Samson for the first time in Ishimura, because I would think that the Maza family and the Manhattan clan would still be pretty tight. Samson probably met Nick more or less immediately after he was born.
2. Less than a hundred.
3. Ishimura has a long tradition of teaching Bushido to humans. In a global environment, it made sense to locate the school of the Gargoyle Nation in that location. Avalon was much less practical.
4. The purpose is the same, and Tom is the clear inspiration for the Order. I'm not going to reveal whether or not he's alive. Mathematically, it is possible. Assuming Tom spent nearly all of his remaining life on Avalon, he'd be biologically 62 in 2198. (As opposed to biologically 54 in 1996.) But that's no guarantee of survival.
Hi Greg
I have a few questions regarding gargoyles 2198…
1) You once said that CGI would be ideal for 2198, care to elaborate. Do you feel that certain visual aspects would be best represent in GCI or do you figure people will naturally equate aliens and such with CGI.
2) A lot of the plot lines in 2198 seems to depend on the viewer being familiar with the original Gargoyles series and would be near incomprehensible to a new viewer. I mean how would you explain stuff like the Owen/Puck and Alexander IV relationship without regurgitating a complex and confusing back-story. (I know it doesn't seem confusing when you actually watch the show but it's not the sort of thing you can relate in a few minutes of exposition). So have you given any thought on how you would bring a new viewer up to speed?
1. The subject matter of the show, being more science fiction driven than fantasy, suggests to me that the things that are relatively easy in CGI animation -- as opposed to the things that are difficult and therefore expensive in both dollars and man-hours -- would be high-lighted more than in the old series. I'd be happy to do 2198 in either CGI or cell or a combo. Frankly, whatever I could get. But to the extent the show has been developed, it was developed so that CGI would be an economically feasible option.
2. Yes. Mostly, by taking nothing for granted. Let me use Owen as an example. New viewers meet Owen for the first time, perhaps in a scene talking to Alexander. They don't know about Puck. They don't need to know about Puck. He's simply Xanatos' advisor. (Does this scenario sound familiar to anyone?) After Xanatos' abduction from Earth, Owen can't change into Puck. Since he can't change he doesn't. Since he can't and doesn't, he doesn't talk about it, because it's a non-issue. So no new viewers are confused. Sure the old viewers know that this guy is Puck, but hopefully they'll understand why he cannot change (i.e. he can only change to teach or protect Alex. He's already failed in the latter and Alex isn't around for the former, so he cannot change). Their (inside) knowledge hopefully enhances their viewing pleasure. They understand Owen's frustration and its ramifications more. But there's nothing to distract the audience that is new to the Gargoyles Universe -- until we are ready to reveal things anew.
Does that help?
Besides Sampson, Gwenyvere, Artus, Nashville, Taichi, and Katana, would there be any new members to the New York clan in your Gargoyles spin off, Gargoyles 2158?
First off, some time ago, I abandoned 2158 in favor of 2198. For more info, check the archives.
Second of all, you're mixing up multiple eras. Katana and Nashville join the clan around 1997. Tachi hatches in '98. Artus hatches in 2018. Gwenyvere in 2038. Samson doesn't hatch until 2158.
Yes, there are others who join the clan, but I'm not going to discuss them at this time.
Gargoyles 2198
Do Samson and Delilah II develop a romantic relationship during Gargoyles 2198, or is it more platonic in nature? Given the fact that they are, in a manner of speaking, distantly related, I was curious as to your view on this. Samson is either the biological son or grandson of Angela, the daughter of Demona and Goliath. Delilah II is the biological granddaughter of Delilah of the Labyrinth clan, the hybridized clone of Demona and Elisa (in essence, their daughter). This would make Samson and Delilah II second cousins (or second cousins once removed).
They do. And I'm aware of the relationship, but in a world with (still) very few gargoyles, the fact that they are second cousins (or less) doesn't seem that problematic to me.
What is at this 2189 project that you're suppose to be working on?
Check out the Gargoyles 2198 Archive here at ASK GREG. And I'm not really working on this now.
Hello there,
All the gargoyles episodes have not been shown over here so i dont really know about some of th episodes although i have heard stuff about them....
1. Has "timedancer" ever actually been aired?
2. And what exactly IS "gargoyles 2198" is it going to be another series or what?
1. No. It's a potential spin-off/sequel series.
2. It's a potential spin-off/sequel series.
Check out the archives and you'll be less confused.
What is the proper title for the N'kai?
Is the proper title for the space-spawn the space-spawn empire?
Is the gargoyles' proper title the gargoyle nation?
What about humans and New Olympians?
I'm not sure what you mean... or when.
Just curious when do you think the war between the N'kai and Space-Spawn will end?
I'm not revealing that at this time.
Just curious how does Samson plan to deal with the Space-Spawn planetbuster when he overthrows the Space-Spawn rule on Earth?
It's one of his biggest dilemmas. How do you rebel without causing so huge a problem that they just decide to blow your planet to smithereens? (I don't get to use the word smithereens often. I wonder what its etimology is?)
Anyway, that's one of the main throughlines for the entire series (assuming it ever gets made) so there's no way I'm answering it here.
Why did the Illuminati support the space-spawn? I mean they were the proper rulers of the Earth. If they backed Samson wouldn't they regain control after Samson throws the space-spawn off the planet?
Well, it's complicated, but the short answer is that they backed what they thought was the winning horse.
I heard from matt/phil that the Labyrinth was going to be somekind of sanctuary in 2198 so are they right? If so what kind of people would it protect?
Everything Matt & Phil know, I believe, is also available to you by looking at the darn "Gargoyles 2198" archive, right here at ASK GREG.
The nature of the Labyrinth won't have changed much. It will still be something of a haven for society's outcasts. The homeless, the strange, the mutated, the cloned, etc.
1a.How long will the Redemption squad be active in the gargoyles universe? Does it exist in one form or another in 2198?
1b.Are the Monmouths of 2198 affliated with it?
2a.Are the Canmores still existant in 2198?
2b.If not then what happened to Jason? Will he have kids? If so what are their last names going to be?
3a.Will John Castaway ever wear the mask of the hunter?
b.Will any member of the monmouth clan ever wear that mask in 2198?
1. I don't know.
2. I think so, though I'm not going to commit to them being descendant's of Jason's. (There are other Canmores out there besides Jason, Robyn and Jon.) Frankly, I haven't done the medical research to know whether or not Jason can have kids still. Does anyone else know?
3. I'm not answering this at this time.
I have questions about "full" clans.
1) Now a full clan in definition is a group with common family ties in some form. So would clans ever reach a setup where not every gargoyle knows the gargoyle? I.E a clan with say 500,000 members?
2) Will the Manhattan clan ever exceed a population of a 1 million? or more?
3) If three is yes than will some eventually move into the city and leave the castle?
1. Not likely. Clans tend to split after their membership gets up into the range of about eighty.
2. Again, not likely.
3. You know I've only planned as far as the early 23rd Century. The numbers of living gargoyles worldwide don't approach what you're asking about. So I can't answer what would happen if or even whether we'd ever get up to numbers that high.
How does the Quarrymen theory about Gargoyles evolved in 2198?
i.e.: Do they still view them as the usual "demons/monsters/super-natural beings" or that view changed to something else, like "rival sentinent being"?
I think they see them as an insidious evil. Beyond that, even the Quarrymen aren't likely to be monolithic in the specifics of their beliefs.
Did you ever submit that CGI Proposal or whatever it was that matt and Phil won from the 2198 contest? I would imagine you might have since they told us it was dated 9/21/00.
No, actually I didn't. I was planning to, but it was made VERY clear to me that Disney wasn't interested in any Garg spin-off at this time. So I'm saving it until the wind changes. To mix a metaphor, there's no sense poisoning the water on a perfectly good idea with a group of execs that are determined not to like it. I'd rather pitch it fresh when personnel or strategies have changed.
Which side in the galactic war has more troops?
I haven't counted.
1. on March 21st 2198 when the world leaders, clan leaders and gargoyle eggs are kidnapped by the Space Spawn, were the eggs also put in stasis as the leaders were, or did the go on to hatch in the hands of the Space Spawn?
2. about how many world leaders were present and kidnapped?
3. could you give a rough guess on how many eggs were taken? 100? 500? 1000?
1. Stasis.
2. Almost all.
3. More than 100, fewer than 1000, I think. But don't hold me to it.
Is this third mysterious race involved in the galactic war allied with the Space-spawn?
Again, I assume you're referring to the fact that I mentioned that prior to the entry of Humans and Gargoyles into the conflict their were three major races involved in this centuries-old dispute. The N'Kai, the Space-Spawn and a third race that I've given no details on.
Still, by definition, their involved.
Is this third race helping the N'kai?
Again, by third race, I'm assuming you're not referring to Oberon's Children, but to the as yet unnamed alien species.
In any case, I'm not answering that right now.
Was the third unknown race a dominant force in the galaxy before the Space-Spawn?
Just to be clear, for those just arriving, I believe Galvatron is making reference to something I said about there being three alien species in 2198, who are major players in the galactic conflict.
1. The Space-Spawn.
2. Nokkar's people.
3. A third species I haven't said much about yet.
4 & 5. Would be humans and gargoyles from Earth, I guess. After 2198, that is.
And I'm not saying that there aren't other alien species too. But these are the major players.
Anyway, to answer your question... it depends on how you define dominant. They were extremely prevalent, wide-spread. But not necessarily in charge.
In 2198, are there any marriages between Gargs and humans or humans and New Olympians?
I won't totally rule out the possibility, but if there are they are VERY few and far between.
Greg here are some more questions
1) In 2198 do the gargoyles of the Manhattan clan and Labyrinth do anything other than protect the city? Like take in a play, go to the mall, or watch the Knicks?
2) If yes to 1, then can they do this without being gawked at?
3) Would relations with humans be good enough to do this? Could a garg take a cab, ride the subway, or take a plane out of La Guardia?
1. Well, since the gargs in the present did other things too, I don't imagine the future gargs would not.
2. Probably not.
3. Well, a lot depends on size, I guess, but the short answer is yes, they could. Doesn't mean they do. None of the above sounds likely.
I'm curious do humans have anti-gravity technology in 2198?
I don't know.
Just curious is Coyote-X for the Space-spawn occupation of Earth or is he against it?
What about the Space-Spawn are any of them against the occupation of Earth?
Coyote-X views the invasion as an eye-opener. It resets his parameters. Who holds the status quo is of less interest than who will ultimately hold the Galaxy.
The Space-Spawn are no more monolithic than the humans or the gargoyles or anyone. So some may object. But you're not going to meet many of them early on.
i didn't notice it til recently, but in your Gargoyles 2198 proposal you wrote, "2. The Ishimura Clan. Ishimura, Japan. These gargoyles have lived in peace (and until recently, in secrecy) with their human neighbors for centuries."
1. how recently was the Ishimura Clan revealed to the world?
2. did the other gargoyle clans even know about their exictence (not including the Manhatten Clan)?
3. were they the last gargoyle clan to be revealed to the world?
4. did their remaining a secret have anything to do with the events of "Bushido"?
1. Haven't decided.
2. Haven't worked out those details.
3. Not necessarily.
4. See above.
Third is another short one: In Gargoyles 2198, you keep using the phrase "side of the angels" when referring to Demona, and I do not think I heard any concrete mention of Macbeth. This is a really wild idea, but is Demona, in any way, well, dead?
More Space-Spawn questions...
1) Will there be any main individual Space-Spawn characters in Gargoyles 2198?
2) If so, will there be more than one?
3) Are they necessarily all villains?
1. Yes.
2. Yes.
3. Not saying.
1.Did you intend the first part of the 2198 contest to be the opening prologue for gargoyles 2198?
2a.Do the other four spinoffs have opening prologues?
2b.Have you written all four if they do?
3.If so could you share with us the opeing prologues for Timedancer, New Olympians, Bad Guys and Pendragon?
1. More or less.
2. Not written out. (And there are five other spin-offs.)
3. Not interested in Dark Ages, are you?
In 2198 will we meet any of Sevarious' descendants?
If so, what will their name be, and what role would they play?
Not saying at this time.
Behold the following exchange (then skip to the bottom):
Received from pc-17.di.uoa.gr on Monday, September 17, 2001 04:52:03 AM
Aris Katsaris writes...
'kay, you were in your Disney office and couldn't answer this the last time I asked it, so you told me to repost it... Here goes:
<g> Another timeline thingy - this time less of a question though and more of a possible correction (unless I'm missing something)...
You recently said that Tom, Katherine and Magus entered Avalon on September 28th 995. But we also know that the eggs would normally hatch on the spring equinox (about March 21st) of 998. This means that there normally remained 2 and 1/2 years for the eggs to hatch... This time they spent on Avalon.
You can probably see where I'm going... Multiply by 24, and we see that they had to spent 60 years (Earth time) on Avalon. This takes them all the way to 995+60 = 1055.
Obviously the closest "20-year circle of the earth" was 1058... Quite near by. So why did you have them hatch on 1078, 20 years later, instead?
I don't think I've made any errors with the math... :-)
Greg responds...
The eggs were laid in 988. From 988 until 995 (seven out of the normal ten years for gestation) time passed normally. That means they needed @three more years to hatch once they arrived on Avalon. One year on Avalon equals 24 in the real world, as you noted. 3 x 24 = 72. 995 + 72 puts us at 1067. Making the closest twenty year cycle at 1078, as I noted.
You're calculations assume two and a half years instead of three to hatch. And that makes sense given the dates listed. The obvious dopey answer is that I was not calculating to the month but to the year. And so I could acknowledge the mistake and redo everything. And maybe on my next pass through the timeline, I'll do just that.
But to be honest, maybe I won't. When dealing with Avalon's mysterious flow of time, I believe my calculations are close enough. If the eggs weren't ready until March of 1059 even, then I'm still correct -- so it's not quite as big an error as it appears at first glance. Four years passing in the real world represents only two months on Avalon. Perhaps all that traveling and magic, etc. set the eggs back just a bit. If it set them back two months, then I'm right, and they're just slightly late bloomers.
And yes, I'm making excuses. So I'll save this exchange and decide at a later date.
For now, I'm sticking with my current calculations.
recorded on 03-04-02
With all this in mind...
I know I've established -- both here and in my own head (particularly with regards to G2198) that eggs hatch on the Spring Equinox.
But does anyone remember whether (and where) I've established what month the eggs are laid in?
I can't recall if this has come up yet.
Anyone know? And would this solve my problems at all?
You said that in your mind Zaphiro of 2198 is blue,
1) Do you have colors planed out for Samson and Delilah?
2) If so, what color do you have planed for Samson?
3) If so, what color do you have planed for Delilah?
1,2,3. Eh. Not so much. For starters, I'm color-blind. And B. I don't like to hamstring artists with arbitrary decisions fixed in my mind in advance. Zafiro, I'd like to make Blue, because Zafiro means Sapphire. And since we did the color against type thing once, I'd like to try the other way this time. But I'm not making my mind up about the others.
Do you know if Artus, Gwenyvere, and Lancelot will have mates? If so, I highly doubt any rookery in the Manhattan clan will be large enough to support multiple gargoyles pairing up, even by 2058 ( which correct me if I am wrong is Lance's birth year)
So will they mate outside of the clan?
Not answering this at this time.
Sorry I only asked about eight of the twelve clans.
Do you know the names of any or all of the twelve clan leaders in 2198? If so, what are they?
I know some, not all. But I'm not telling at this time.
Last question from the galactic view would the Space-Spawn occupation of Earth and it eventual rebellion be an important event in the intergalactic war?
Not initially.
You know that comment one of those peepers made about Oberon's children and fear of death etc? I found it very very interesting. It makes me wonder just a little about Puck. Now I know your not him... But considering most of the gargoyles characters share a little of your own opinion...
1) Do you think Puck had any sort of 'rude awakening' mortality feeling in City of Stone since he almost shattered? I'm sure Xanatos would've probably mentioned it.
2) Or... do you think Puck is more of a "what happens happens" type of person? (one of the reasons he didn't really care too too much in "The Price" about his hand)
3) Personally I think that he's one of those 'always out to experience new things' type of persons, and mayyyybe at first it would just been like. "Le meeps! For a second there I was almost not able to have fun." And when mayyyybe Oberon limited his powers, himself to the mortal form, and exiled he might've been. "uh oh, this really isn't too good... nuts".
Of course! Maybe it doesn't actually hit him, until 2198 when Alex vanishes and he has no outlet to turn back into Puck. In essence leaving him in a possibly permanent mortal form. Because up until then, he always had a sense of immortality to him.
4) Do you think in 2198 if Owen, always being one step ahead of everything (even Xanatos and Oberon both in "The Gathering", a none too easy feat)... actually has doubts about rescuing Alexander? Or a thought go across his mind that he may never be the Puck again? Especially if its uncertain if Alex is alive?
5) Do ya think Puck prides himself on being called "the" Puck? One single word, but emphasizing as much title as "Lord" does to Oberon, for the enjoyment of things he does himself.
Well anywhos. =) just some questions on personality of my favorite trickster. wheeeee!
1. Perhaps. But Xanatos may not have mentioned it. And Puck as Owen may be quite wired as Owen, which would tend to smooth out any internal crisis.
2. Well, the hand is a different issue. Owen can afford to lose something like that (particularly before Gathering, Part II) because he knows he's Puck and can get it back at any time he feels like it.
3. I think there's truth in everything you're saying.
4. I don't think he has any doubts about rescuing Alex, who he helped raise from infancy. His own self-interest undoubtedly crosses his mind. That happens to all of us, I think. But I think he genuinely loves Alex as something akin to a son. Or at least a favorite nephew.
5. Probably.
A question about the Master Matrix Computer. When somebody asked you who made it, you replied (I'm quoting from memory here) "Nobody exactly created it. It evolved."
That description of its origins got me wondering if the Master Matrix is something other than mechanical/non-organic, since the notion that it "evolved" and that nobody exactly "created" it certainly doesn't sound quite like the origins of a conventional machine. (In fact, "evolved" makes it sound almost alive, in a sense). This question is a little difficult to ask, admittedly, since I'm trying very hard to avoid the "no-ideas" clause, but is the Master Matrix entirely or mainly a machine, or is it something much more unusual than that?
I don't know if any one else pointed this out but, "Nicholas Natsilane Maza is a scion of both the Natsilane and Maza families (which technically makes him a distant relative of Delilah's)", if this is true then that means Samson is a "distant relative of Delilah's" also, through Demona's bloodline/DNA.
You've said that the timeline is "'done' for now" and that the last date you have listed is in 2198. Because I would assume that the liberation of Earth is a big event that you would have planned and included in your timeline, does this mean that the invasion lasts less than a year? (because it started already in March 2198)
No. It just means that I haven't yet decided how long it takes before the liberation occurs. It's certainly longer than one year. Beyond 2198 or so things are quite vague in my head... The only things that I know happen after liberation is the formation of the Liberty and Notre Dame Clans.
While answering a question from Lord Sloth you said "Initially, Katana is not with Brooklyn when he first arrives in 2198".
1) Does this mean that Brooklyn will do some timedancing in between his stay on G2198?
2) Will Katana be with Brooklyn during any of his stay in the year 2198?
1. Not clear on what you mean here.
2. Not saying.
London Clan
How rich is the London clan in 2198? What stuff do they sell in their stores in 2198?
They're doing all right.
Magic stuff. Tourist stuff. Gargoyle merchandise. Etc.
What do the Monmouths think of gargoyles in 2198? Are they pro-gargoyle?
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