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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg!
I'm a big fan of Young Justice. As a comic book reader I was really happy with how you portrayed Cheshire and her relationship with Roy in general. This couple is really interesting and it's a shame their relationship got so little screen time. Anyway I have some questions and I'd be really happy if you could answer them
1.Can you tell me when approximately Jade and Roy became a couple? Was it before or after Jade helped Roy escape from the Shadows?
2.Approximately how long they were a couple before they got married?
3.When they were in Tibet to rescue Speedy was everything already back to normal between them as a couple?
4.Does Roy love Jade as much as she loves him? I mean, in the Journals he so casually mentioned that they tied the knot.
5.How does the relationship between Roy and his parents-in-law look like? Does Sportsmaster care for his granddaughter?

I hope that's not too much. Thank you in advance :)

Greg responds...

1. This was all revealed in the Young Justice Legacy video game. If video games aren't your thing, I believe they've compiled all that information at the Young Justice Wiki, here: http://youngjustice.wikia.com/wiki/Young_Justice_Wiki.

2. See above.

3. "Normal" is not a word I'd EVER use for their relationship.

4. Wait, so you've read the journals? Then you already know the answers to these questions 1 and 2, right? Anyway, I think he loves her and she loves him, but neither of them are particularly optimistic about the long term prospects for their relationship.

5. Does Sportsmaster care for anyone? Roy's relationship with his mother-in-law is fine. Roy's relationship with his father-in-law is not ideal, but can you blame him?

Response recorded on November 14, 2014

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