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Do you ever whistle just for the fun of it?
Hey Greg, I thought I'd bring up a paradox I thought of regarding YJ, not to criticize the show (I loved the show) but just for fun:
Okay so let's suppose for the sake of discussion that Impulse went back into the past solely to prevent Blue Beetle from going rogue (whether or not this was his only reason remains to be seen). So the reach fails their plan and everything is good. But, we know impulse went back into the past from a dystopic future to prevent said future from ever happening. Now let's say Impulse is able to stop the future from happening. Regardless of whether he can go back to the future or not, the timeline is altered so that the future was never dystopic to begin with, not giving Impulse any reason to go into the past in the first place. What happens to the Impulse already in the past, does he "cease?" The rabbit hole goes deeper. With the future altered, Impulse doesn't go into the past to begin with. So there's no Impulse in the past to fix the dystopic future. So the future becomes dystopic again. So the universe is indetermined. It's in a superposition of states: Dystopic future or happy future. Impulse having to go into the past or not. This is simply a rewording of the grandfather paradox by the way. Let's suppose time travel is possible in the first place (it's not, it's forbidden by the second law of thermodynamics), the ramifications on the universe could be immense, or there could be none at all depending on how the The Young Justice universe works. Just wanted your thoughts on this. Thanks!
Yeah, I've explored all this in detail. The workings of Time Travel in the DC Universe don't suit my preferences. I prefer the way we did time travel in the Gargoyles Universe. But the way I see it for YJ, is that in essence, Bart came back, and his coming back, split off Earth-16 as a parallel universe. So Bart came back from - in essence - another time line.
Hello Greg,
As of Jan. 2017, have you heard anything regarding new comics or anything to do with Gargoyles?
No. Not as of April 2017 either.
I'd like to offer an apology.
As you may recall, I was the one who asked why you are no longer working on Rebels. I wouldn't ask someone in real-life why they are no longer working at such-and-such a place, so I shouldn't ask questions like that in an online forum either. I hope that you will accept my apology and won't hold my rudeness against me if we ever meet in person. Believe it or not, I am usually considered a very polite person. I will try in the future to remember that there is an actual person responding to our questions and not a machine.
Now, how old is Zatanna? :)
1. No worries. Honestly.
2. She was 14 during season one.
http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=21805 was in reference to http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=21568
Mr. Greg Weisman,
In "Young Justice," was "Diana Prince" the name that Wonder Woman used only as a "human" secret identity? Was Wonder Woman also ever addressed as "Diana of Themyscira" by herself or other people at any point in time?
The premise of your question assumes facts not in evidence, and I'm not going to spoil stuff.
Hello Greg!
I recently watched the first two season of YJ and purchased the first 2 collections of the YJ comics. I really loved them, good luck on season 3, and if the sales are good enough on the continuation of YJ comic series.
But I have some questions too:
1.) One of my friends told me that he once read an issue called "Face your Fears". But I'm unable to find it anywhere, and it's not part of the collections. Is it still available somewhere? Is that a canon issue too?
2.) We know that both Jay and KF were slower than Barry.. but who is the faster one between Jay and KF? (Jay'speed in his prime, and Wally's speed as of Season 2)
Thank you for your time
1. That was a giveaway. I think it was written to be canon, but I don't have a copy of it either, which makes it tough for me to include it as canon sometimes... mostly because I keep forgetting that it existed.
2. They were close to even, but I'd tend to give Wally the edge because of modern training methods.
Hey Greg,
Thanks for answering my Dracula and Malefic questions.
You've often talked about incorporating various characters and concepts from mythology, folklore or the public domain into the Gargoyles Universe. E.G. Dracula, Prospero & Jean Valjean.
But are there any characters or concepts from the PD that you'd legally be allowed use in the GU, but would rule out for thematic or aesthetic reason?
Probably. But nothing comes to mind.
in spectacular spider-man tv series. did norman knows peter is spider-man like the comics?
He said he didn't. Do you believe him?
I'm asking this due to the fact that you're no longer working on Star Wars Rebels.
Where should fans of Star Wars Rebels go to ask questions about thing post season 1?
Personally I want to ask about The Bendu
Don't know. Sorry. Check with Lucasfilm, I guess.
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