A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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VERONICA MARS on Kickstarter
So I've always been fairly dubious about Kickstarter. I found the websites overwhelming and off-putting.
But my brother Jon just sent me the link below, and I actually found myself pledging $50, which is WAY out of character for me.
In part, it's because my daughter Erin and I are both massive Veronica Mars fans. And in part, it's because if this works, it opens up a whole new realm of possibilities.
Gargoyles on Kickstarter? Spectacular Spider-Man on Kickstarter? Young Justice on Kickstarter? Today it seems just a little less nutty than it did yesterday.
So check out the link. If you love Veronica Mars like I do, pledge what you can - because, damn, I want to see that movie - but even if V is of no interest to you, check out the link anyway. It's definitely giving me... thoughts...
YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #219: "Summit": Credits:
Posting the credits for the latest episode here at ASK GREG to compensate for how minute they are and how quickly they zip by on the air. Please note, that I'm just cutting, pasting and reformatting the final credits from a document. It's possible that as the episode was posted, changes, mistakes, additions, etc. were made for the version that aired...
Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Written By
Greg Weisman
Directed By
Tim Divar
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Oded Fehr as Ra's Al Ghul
Miguel Ferrer as Vandal Savage
Kevin Grevioux as Black Beetle
Logan Grove as Beast Boy
Phil LaMarr as Ambassador, Aquaman
Stephanie Lemelin as Tigress
Jason Marsden as Impulse
Vanessa Marshall as Black Canary
Jesse McCartney as Nightwing
Danica McKellar as Miss Martian
Masasa Moyo as Scientist, Cat Grant
Khary Payton as Aqualad, Black Manta
Jason Spisak as Kid Flash
Fred Tatasciore as Deathstroke, Ubu
Based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Entertainment
Aquaman Created By
Paul Norris
Nightwing and Deathstroke Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Miss Martian Created By
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel
Beast Boy Created By
Arnold Drake
Impulse Created By
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo
Cat Grant Created By
Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway
Production Manager
John Diaz
Assistant Production Manager
Mark Wilson
Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa
Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore
BG Key Design
Enzo Baldi
Fedja Jovanovic
Prop Design
Eugene Mattos
Jen Bennett
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi
Samuel Montes
Matt Peters
Owen Sullivan
Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Brendan Clogher
Kathryn Marusik
Christine Sotta
Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker
Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Michel Lyman
Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters
Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave
Background Paint
David McBride
Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts
Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez
Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia
Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick
Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.
Recording Machine Operators
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch
Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.
Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
MOI Animation, Inc.
Animation Director
Sangyong Um
Background Director
sJungHo Park
Production Manager
OKKi Lee
MinSung Park
SuMi Beck
Production Coordinators
Hyosun Ryu
Seongmi Park
Layout Artist
Hyeonsik Nahm
Color Stylist
Jinmi Kim
Model Checker
Gideok Park (Director)
ByoungRyul Kim
HyoYoon Beck
KyoungHee Kang
SungHo Jo
Key Animation
Hoon Park
EunJung Kang
EunHee Yang
JongJin Park
BongGeun Kim
SeongJoon Kwon
SooJin Lee
HanYoung Lee
YoungChae Kim
YunHo Choo
SangYoung Uhm
GyuSung Oh
Final Checker
Yeongra Jo
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin
Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate
Production Support
Erica Sevilla-Guerra
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi
Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine
Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page
Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.
© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Country of first publication United States Of America
YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.
Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Winson Seto - Publicity
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!
The Coming Deluge - Yet More Ask Greg Guidelines
So, I truly hope I'm wrong, but I have to admit I'm anticipating a deluge of questions asking for SPOILERS after the airing of this Saturday's YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION finale. I understand the impulse: "The television and comic book series are over, so there's no reason for him to hold back anymore! It means anything and everything are now fair game! He can never say 'SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT.' again"
But, see, that's not how I feel about it. So here's why, and here's how that should guide your future questions at ASK GREG:
1. Let's start here: OBJECTIVELY we're not over. YOUNG JUSTICE: LEGACY is due out in the fall, and it will contain new content - a SUBSTANTIAL amount of new CANON story content, based on ideas suggested to Little Orbit by Brandon Vietti and myself, and all vetted after the fact by us, as well, to make sure everything from dialogue to timestamps is consistent with the property as a whole. Now, LEGACY is set during the five-year-gap. So I'm not going to be inclined to answer questions that require me to reveal things that happened during our time skip. And not just Legacy related stuff either, because if I answer some questions about the gap but refuse to answer others, I'll be de facto spoiling. That I will not do, so please refrain from asking questions about the missing five years.
2. If I've learned anything from the long haul on GARGOYLES, it's that things sometimes DO come back. So SUBJECTIVELY I don't feel like we're over either. I still have hopes - however slim - of returning to Earth-16 one day. So there are secrets that I still may want to keep. Particularly about "Season Three". I'm not saying I'll never reveal anything. Sometimes a tidbit here or there helps keep fan interest alive. But I'm not going to wholesale give away the plans that Brandon and I came up with for what happens next. In general, I'm much more inclined to clarify what's already been shown then reveal what hasn't been shown. So try focusing your questions on what's aired or seen print and try to refrain from asking What Happens Next questions. When I feel like revealing something, I will.
3. ASK GREG is NOT a good format for me to tell creative stories. Any question, wherein the answer could fill an entire issue of a comic book or an entire episode of a television series or MORE will not be answered, because I will not short-change a story with a quick response, and I will not tell a story here at ASK GREG. So try to refrain from asking questions that would take an entire issue or episode to answer.
4. Brandon and I have many, many ideas for what happened before Season One, a few still left for what happened during Season One, many for what happened between seasons (including but not limited to Legacy), many ideas for stuff that happened off-camera during Season Two, tons of ideas for Season Three, and many, many, many ideas for beyond Season Three. BUT... ideas minus execution are subject to tremendous second-guessing. So I'm not inclined to give you new content. If I had told you before Season One that Red Arrow was the mole, minus how we executed that plot, it might have seemed quite weak. It's the execution that demonstrates whether or not an idea shines. And frankly, I don't need the second guessing and, well, nastiness that the internet encourages. So that's just another reason to refrain from asking what else we might have planned.
5. I will not lie to you here at ASK GREG, per this post: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?rid=982 . But I also will not state things that I believe to be true if stating those things will pretty much guarantee that I won't ever work in this town again. I have a mortgage to pay and kids to feed and clothe, etc. So you will not see me bad-mouthing companies in this public space. So please refrain from asking questions that would force me to do that. The best you'll get is no response.
6. Keep in mind, I answer questions because I like to be in touch with the fans, and I think it's fun for us all. But that doesn't mean I somehow OWE you an answer. The more entitled you think you are to the answer, (I can all but guarantee) the less inclined I'll be to respond in any useful way. Maybe that's me being needlessly contrary, but I'm just going to admit up front that it rubs me the wrong way. So tonally, try to avoid a sense of entitlement in your questions.
All this is IN ADDITION to the FOURTEEN guidelines already posted here: http://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/ask.php I'll admit that these six new guidelines are perhaps even more subjective than the previous fourteen, but I guarantee you that we'll all be happier if you stick to them. And the happier I am, the more likely that I'll drop the occasional surprise here and there. Whereas, the more assaulted I feel, the more likely I am to get annoyed and clam up about everything. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Otherwise... thanks for stopping by. Seriously. The dark days at ASK GREG seem to have passed for the most part, and most days I enjoy doing it again. I just want to keep it that way. Thanks.
In a shameless attempt to maintain some sort of conversation about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.
I finished Chapter Three over the weekend.
I'll let you know when I finish Chapter Four. Because, nothing could be more fascinating, right? Right?
This year, I will be attending WonderCon in Anaheim and San Diego Comic-Con, both as just a regular joe. I will also be attending Denver Comic-Con as an invited guest:
A few people have asked me recently if there are any other conventions I might be attending. At the moment, the answer, I'm afraid, is no. Mostly because I haven't been invited, and I just can't afford to go to a con on my own dime. [WonderCon is both relatively local and free for me to attend, and San Diego is (sometimes to my chagrin) - still an I-can't-afford-to-miss-this-in-the-business-I'm-in event. And at least I can go to the con itself for free. So they're both exceptions.]
Chris Jones, my partner in crime on the YJ comic book, posted this message about con attendance, and it's so on the money, I'm just going to cut and paste it here:
"Guys, if you want to see me as a guest at a particular convention in your area, the best thing to do is for you and your friends to let the convention runners know you want me there! I can't afford to travel to many out-of-state conventions so when a convention invites me as a guest and covers ... my travel/hotel expenses, it makes it MUCH more likely that I'll be able to attend! :-)"
In fact, I've literally NEVER turned down an invite to be an invited guest. (Okay, yeah, I'm a bit of an attention-whore. I admit it.) So if you want me in your town, tell your local con!
In a shameless attempt to maintain some sort of conversation about my new novel, RAIN OF THE GHOSTS, due out in stores and on-line on December 3rd, 2013 (but available for pre-order NOW on Amazon, etc.), I've decided to countdown my progress on writing the SECOND book in the Rain franchise.
For the record, I signed the deal to write the book at the end of October, 2012. I spent November and December doing research and January and February outlining the story in detail (693 index cards!). I started writing Chapter One on March 1st, and finished on March 3rd. I immediately started on Chapter Two and finished last night, long after midnight, making it technically done on March 8th. Now, of course, between now and publication, I'm sure I'll make a number of small revisions, etc. But the hard work of writing these two chapters is done.
I'll let you know when I finish Chapter Three. Because, nothing could be more fascinating, right? Right?
YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 219: "Summit": Premieres!
The penultimate episode of Invasion features a summit between the Light and the Reach that will decide the fates of Aqualad, Artemis and the planet Earth!!
Watch "Summit" on DC Nation, this coming Saturday, March 9th, 2013 (and rerunning Sunday, March 10th, 2013), along with another new episode of Green Lantern and more DC Nation Super-Hero shorts. For times, check local listings. But don't miss it!
YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: Episode #218: "Intervention": Credits:
Posting the credits for the latest episode here at ASK GREG to compensate for how minute they are and how quickly they zip by on the air. Please note, that I'm just cutting, pasting and reformatting the final credits from a document. It's possible that as the episode was posted, changes, mistakes, additions, etc. were made for the version that aired...
Written By
Peter David
Directed By
Mel Zwyer
Brandon Vietti
Greg Weisman
Line Producer
David Wilcox
Young Justice Theme and Music By
Kristopher Carter
Michael McCuistion
Lolita Ritmanis
Casting & Voice Direction
Jamie Thomason
Starring The Voices Of
Denise Boutte as Rocket
Cameron Bowen as Robin, Toyman
Lacey Chabert as Zatanna, Isis
Kevin Grevioux as Black Beetle
Phil LaMarr as Reach Ambassador, Green Beetle
Eric Lopez as Blue Beetle, Scarab
Yuri Lowenthal as Lagoon Boy
Jason Marsden as Impulse
Jesse McCartney as Nightwing
Danica McKellar as Miss Martian
Masasa Moyo as Reach Scientist, Cat Grant, Bumblebee
Marina Sirtis as Queen Bee
Alyson Stoner as Batgirl
Based upon characters appearing in comic books published by DC Entertainment
Nightwing Created By
Marv Wolfman and George Perez
Cat Grant Created By
Marv Wolfman and Jerry Ordway
Impulse created by
Mark Waid and Mike Wieringo
Miss Martian created by
Geoff Johns and Tony Daniel
Zatanna created by
Gardner Fox and Murphy Anderson
Production Manager
John Diaz
Assistant Production Manager
Robby Huckell
Animation Coordinator
JJ Conway
Lead Character Design
Phil Bourassa
Character Design
Dusty Abell
Jerome K. Moore
BG Key Design
Fedja Jovanovic
Nollan Obena
Prop Design
Alexander Kubalsky
Eugene Mattos
Charles Drost III
Tim Eldred
Seung-Hyun Oh
Shaun O'Neal
Storyboard Clean-up
Jen Bennett
Brendan Clogher
Naz Ghodrati-Azadi
Christina Manrique
Animation Timing Director
James Tim Walker
Richard Collado
Jeff Hall
Michel Lyman
Animation Checking
Justin Schultz
Color Stylist
James Peters
Ink & Paint
Matthew Bordenave
Background Paint
Chun Liu
Wei Zhao
Effects Animation
Matthew Girardi
Jhoanne Reyes
Supervising Dialogue/ADR Editor
Mark A. Keatts
Sound Reading
Fred Salinas
Wilson Martinez
Dialogue/ADR Editors
Patrick Foley
Mike Garcia
Post Production Manager
Scott Shinick
Dialogue Recording Studio
Studiopolis, Inc.
Recording Machine Operator
Jeff O. Collins
Sarah Baluch
Post Production Sound Services
Audio Circus, Inc.
Online Editor
Steven White
Animation Services
Lotto Animation, Inc.
Supervising Animation Director
Heechul Kang
Background Directors
Yunhee Kim
EunHee No
Eunjung Choi
Animation Directors
Junsik Cho
Youngsoo Kim
Sangjoon Lee
Production Staff
Hyoungmin Doh
Miok Kwon
Eonho Lee
Jinhwa Heo (Jun-E)
Layout Artists
Changnam Kim
Minsu Kim
Final Checker
Hosoon Shin
Color Stylist
Mihyun Ji
Model Checkers
Junghee Kim
Mikyoung Kim
Sangbong Oh
Banseok Choi
Yuri Choi
Sunghun Lee
Daehee Rim
Key Animation
Seokjin Jang
Mansoo Jung
Kyounghwa Seo
Dongwook Kim
Kwonil Kim
Sinkwon Kim
Youngmi Lee
Jihyeon Nam
Seokki Um
Misook Choi
Production Administrator
Nicole Martin
Production Accounting
Luisa Guzman
Debbie Lindquist
Maral Simonian
Athena Wingate
Production Support
Erica Sevilla-Guerra
Audrey Kim
Tamara Miles
Kira Tirimacco
Renee Toporzysek
Janet Yi
Executive In Charge Of Music
Niki Sherrod
Business And Legal Affairs
John Michael Beach
Lori Blackstone
Sharmalee Lall
Bonnie Negrete
Joulene St. Catherine
Casting Administrator
Liz Carroll
Production Supervision
Bobbie Page
Production Management
Ed Adams
Executive in Charge of Production
Jay Bastian
Executives In Charge Of Production For Cartoon Network
Tramm Wigzell
Brian E. S. Jones
Executive Producer
Sam Register
This motion picture is protected under the laws of the United States of America and other countries. Any unauthorized duplication, copying, distribution, exhibition or use may result in civil and/or criminal prosecution.
© 2012 Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc.
Country of first publication United States Of America
YOUNG JUSTICE and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and © DC Comics.
Warner Bros Animation Inc. is the author of this film/motion picture for the purposes of Article 15 (2) of the Berne Convention and all national laws giving effect thereto.
There are, as always, a bunch of people who ALSO helped out but don't receive credits on screen for various (legal and precedent) reasons.
A handful (in no particular order) include...
Curtis Koller - Talent Coordinator
Eric Lewis, CAS - Dialogue Sound Mixer
Chris Eaton - Assistant Engineer
Otis Van Osten - Sound Supervisor
Ron Salaises - Sound Effects editor
Carlos Sanches - Re-Recording Mixer
Stacy Michaels - Foley Mixer
Alex Ulrich - Foley Walker
John Wells - Research
Aris Katsaris - Atlantean Translator
Winson Seto - Publicity
I know I'm probably forgetting some folks, and I REALLY apologize! If you send me a reminder, I'll pimp you in another post!
So I've finished outlining the second book in the RAIN OF THE GHOSTS series. Now, I need to start writing Chapter One. So, of course, I'm here at ASK GREG instead, procrastinating. (Hey, that first blank page is VERY intimidating!)
Anyway, as part of my process, I broke the entire book down on index cards: SIX HUNDRED NINETY-THREE index cards to be exact!!! They completely cover a huge six foot tall bulletin board, a decent-sized table and nearly an entire pool table. They're multi-colored. I think they're very pretty.
I've also transcribed those cards into a document, because, frankly, carrying around a bulletin board, a table and a pool table was getting SO unwieldy. This document, which also contains research and other notes, is ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SEVEN pages long!!
See why I'm intimidated?
YOUNG JUSTICE: INVASION: EPISODE: 218: "Intervention": Premieres!
It's now or never: can the Team rescue and redeem Blue Beetle - over the somewhat impressive objections of Green Beetle and the Reach?!! We're in the home stretch, now, folks. Every episode counts toward the ultimate future of the human race!!
Watch "Intervention" on DC Nation, this coming Saturday, March 2nd, 2013 (and rerunning Sunday, March 3rd, 2013), along with another episode of Green Lantern and more DC Nation Super-Hero shorts. For times, check local listings. But don't miss it!
: « First : « 100 : « 10 : Displaying #879 - #888 of 1903 records. : 10 » : 100 » : 1000 » : Last » :