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G2K DIARY: Chapter VI


Again, Kellie drove us to the parks. She dropped us off and we boarded the Mono-Rail to the Magic Kingdom. Rented our strollers and entered. We spent the morning on our own.

PIRATES. SMALL WORLD. Other kid pleasers.

Then we met up with Siryn, Kellie and Sara, who were just terrific with the kids. We went to ToonTown (or whatever it's called in Florida) so that the kids could get some autographs, but Benny fell asleep in the stroller. So we had Minnie and Cinderella sign his book and take pictures with him, while asleep. Erin enjoyed it though.

The weather was just a tad less hot. But it made a big difference. And we did more rides and fewer shows, so it was much more tolerable.

Saw the Morgans again, but they had a fast pass for something, so we couldn't hang.

We did the AUTOPIA equivalent. And a bunch of other stuff, including the new TIKI ROOM. We saw a couple of parades. One where the kids got to participate. And the MAIN STREET ELECTRICAL PARADE. We ate in Tomorrowland. We saw FIREWORKS.

And than we took the Ferry back to Kellie's car. She took us home. I went to get Donuts. But Dunkins was all out of Donuts, even though they weren't closed yet. Go figure.

Sorry for the abbreviated version, but my memory is already failing me.

Anyway, to be concluded... on "WEDNESDAY"!

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