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alex writes...

were there gargoyle clans in ancient greece egypt and mesopotamia?

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T. Bird writes...

Hello. I am a fan from 2025. Dunno if this site is still active, but it's worth a shot.
1)Greg, would you ever consider a continuation of the series in the same format as compared to a spinoff? I, for one, must say that I love the show and respect the total disregard for what may be 'respectable'. [Reading that almost seems like a paradox, I know]
2)I haven't read the comics and would like to know if they're worth the time. Are they true to the idea you had originally?
Thanks for the time, T

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kyle writes...

1how did you get into showbiz?
2 When and how did you get angent

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princeshango writes...

Hey Greg Weisman,There's a fanfiction writer on Reddit who goes by Chaos Rubix. created some incredible fanfic scripts for a potential Season 5 of Young Justice, in case the show ever gets renewed.

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Snorlax writes...

Hi Greg,

Assuming you have a timeline written up for The Spectacular Spider-Men, I would like to know how many Wednesdays does the series span in total?


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Micaiah Hemphill writes...

Hi, Greg! I'd like to start out by saying that I grew up on Spectacular Spider-Man. I was here years old when I came out, and it formulated so much of what I like in Spider-Man today, and it deeply depresses me to see what happened with the show, since it's one of my favorite shows of all time.
My question to you is: has there ever been consideration for completing the series in comic book format? Kind of like how Smallville had a Season 11 in the form of a comic book. I've thought of this for a while, but never gave it serious consideration knowing that some TV show runners just aren't trained in the ways of the comic industry, but I was recently surprised to know that you are very familiar with writing comics, and have actually done series for Gargoyles and Young Justice! I'm sure you are very busy with the "Spectacular Spider-Men" series that is ongoing, but to know if this had been in consideration might give me some closure. I would really appreciate your opinion, and I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you because of your talent!

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Snorlax writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering your thoughts on how the art of writing superhero comics has changed from when you started with Captain Atom back in the day, to now working on the Spectacular Spider-Men. For example things like writing arcs for the trade paperback, working in an office vs working from home, metrics of success, approaches to continuity and crossover events, the death of thought bubbles, multimedia synergy, frequent new #1s, etc. I'd be interested to know if you had challenges or some sort of learning curve to adapt to any of these industry changes. Does the process feel substantially different, or is it all the same once you get in front of the keyboard?

Thank you

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Kirill writes...

Mr. Weissman, I'd like to question. When you were creating Gargoyles: Bad Guys you weren't inspired by manga? It just has a manga-like style. Sorry, if this not the smartest question. Just interested.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, do you plan to open a Bluesky account in the near future? Please consider joining and leaving the fascist platform behind.

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Anonymous writes...

You've historically added queer representation to almost every show you worked on, from Gargoyles to W.I.T.C.H. to Young Justice, but I'm curious if there were any characters you saw as queer when you and Cary were writing Captain Atom back in the 80s?

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Anonymous writes...

What noises do baby gargoyles make? Do they they sound like a human baby or can they make similar animal noises like a full grown gargoyle?

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Patryk writes...

Hay I just wanted to ask about w.i.t.c.h. season 2 on different hearts of the worlds i Wonder from whom Lilian got and inherited her powers as Heart of Earth and if any blood relatives coule take power without permission juste as it is case for the Heart of Meridian?

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Anonymous writes...

i'm kinda 10 years late asking this but in yj season one when jade was 13 and running away from home she said that she can't take artemis wih her because she would "slow her down". But do you think jade would have taken artemis if artemis had asked to come with her? I mean did she pretend not to want to take her sister with her because artemis didn't want to go?

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Princess of Prestidigitation writes...

I hope this isn't a foolish question or me asking for spoilers, but in Young Justice or DC's Earth-16, were there HUMAN magic users before the emergence of the Homo magi in Atlantis, aside from Lord Arion? Also, I'm unsure if this was ever addressed in the series, but did Arion practice magic in any capacity before receiving the crown from the Lords of Order? Thanks so much for crafting such amazing stories and for taking time to answer any of our questions.

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Elijah writes...

Hello Mr Weisman i must know since you are honestly the best animated show creator of our time will Young justice ever be expected to be revived. If you want to email me back just do elijah11807@icould.com. BTW you are the best creator of animated shows ever

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Christopher writes...

Don't know when you'll get to this, but earlier you mentioned Amazons not aging physically while on Themyscira is a world-building rule for the Earth 16 continuity. I was wondering if you could give some clarification on this. Using Wonder Woman as an example with the dates you gave fans for the show, she was born in 1925 and was 16-years-old when she originally debuted as Wonder Woman ca. 1941. She then returns to Themyscira in 1946 (where she is presumably 21-years-old) and does not return to "Man's World" until 2001, where, assuming she didn't have a year-or-two sojourn back in Themyscira (which I won't even speculate on for this question since it would count as SPOILER territory), she would have continued to physically age and is now around 40-years-old (physically but not chronologically) in 2020 (which is I believe when Season 4 ended in the show's timeline).

So, my clarification is how the no-aging thing works since Wonder Woman clearly aged 16 years (presumably) before her first venture into Man's World ca. 1941.

Thank you for taking the time to respond.

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, has there been any suggestions amongst the members of the United Nations to form a UN-controlled counterpart to the original Justice League in the event that latter cannot be trusted and may end up turning against humanity? Alternatively, has Amanda Waller yet considered the possibility of forming her own Justice League (which I suspect will likely either be called the Justice Squad or Task Force VII)? If that hasn't happened yet, what are the chances that this MIGHT end up happening in Season 5 of "Young Justice"?

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Eddie Frangos writes...

If you ever return to the gargoyle series, do you think you maybe could show some of the clans from around the world from every continent? I’m sure there are many different breeds. It would be cool to see what each clan looked like. If this was too personal, I’m sorry for asking.

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 Universe, what are the exact words of each power ring oath for each of the Lantern Corps? Also, what is the human language translation of the power ring oath of the Indigo Tribe/Indigo Lantern Corps?

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Jan Rott writes...

In Demona's cell there is the Blue Beaked Gargoyle, who is the only one without a script name. Was the name lost or is it still kept secret?

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VNfan100 writes...

Hey Greg! I love Young Justice. Enjoy the show! But I love the introduction of Guardian, a golden age hero!

But I did notice some differences, particularly his shield. In the comics, his shield was big and capable of being used in combat. What was the reason for the change in Young Justice, where his shield (being two) shrank to the size of bracelets?

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Anonymous writes...

Aside from his family members that have been shown on the "Young Justice" TV series, are there any heroes or villains in the Earth-16 universe who are somehow related to Vandal Savage (assuming their lineages can be traced all the way back to him); considering Vandal Savage has lived on Earth for over 50,000 years?

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Anonymous writes...

In comparison to real-life history, what exact years did Vandal Savage created the following alias listed below? Also, how did each of his aliases "died" in comparison their real-life counterparts?

Sun Tzu (born 544 BCE; died 496 BCE)
Attila (born 406 CE; died 453 CE)
Genghis Khan (born 1162 CE; died August 1227 CE)
Blackbeard (aka. Edward Teach or Edward Thatch) (born 1680 CE; died November 22, 1718 CE)

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Assuming he was NOT the first, exactly when did the Earth-16 version of Darkseid become the Lord of Apokolips, and how old was he (in terms of human biological equivalent years) when that happened?

#2. Was the Earth-16 version of Desaad originally born on New Genesis (like in the comics) or was he born on Apokolips?

#3. If the Earth-16 versions of Darkseid and Vandal Savage were to ever eventually fight each other directly in combat, who would most likely win and why?

#4. Is it possible that the year 2030 is when the final battle between Vandal Savage and Darkseid will occur, and that Superboy's role is most likely to put an end to the war once and for all on May 14th, 2030 at exactly midnight?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. When did the Old Promethean Gods first come into existence in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. How old was the Earth-16 version of Gog; both chronologically and in human biological equivalent years?

#3. When exactly did Gog and some (if not all) of the Old Promethean Gods become part of Source Wall, and why?

#4. What were the exact circumstances that caused part of the Source Wall to break away and eventually falling to New Genesis as a meteor, forming Boiling Lake Crater? Also, what was the name of Old Promethean God on New Genesis?

#5. Did the Old Promethean Gods originally come from a world known as GodWorld (which is alternatively known as Asgard or Urgrund in the comics)?

#6. Aside from Gog, which of the following names listed below are also the Earth-16 versions of the Old Gods?

Nameless One
Wotan (not to be confused with the supervillain of the same name)

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Anonymous writes...

Questions about the Earth-16 version of Kru-El:

#1. What year was he sent to the Phantom Zone and how old was he when that happened?

#2. Why is there a cut across Kru-El's House of El family crest?

#3. What crime did Kru-El commit that caused him to be sent to the Phantom Zone?

#4. What is Kru-El's exact relationships to the other House of El family members that have been shown thus far in the Earth-16 universe?

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Maks from poland writes...

“Thank you for all your hard work on Young Justice! I’ve been a huge fan since the first season, and I love how you’ve developed the characters and storylines over time. I understand you can’t reveal spoilers or future plans, but I wanted to ask if there’s any possibility of a 5th season? Many fans, including myself, would be thrilled to support more Young Justice adventures. Thank you for everything, and I hope there’s more to come!”

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Lucas Pontes writes...

Hi Greg, there is a possibility that the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series will return, even if it is in comic books?

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Lucas Pontes writes...

Hi Greg, there is a possibility that the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series will return, even if it is in comic books

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awesome_sauce writes...

Dear Greg, I was born just after your show "The Spectacular Spiderman" aired on T.V. Despite this tragedy as a young boy I craved all forms of Spiderman content, watching the Raimi movies and Andrew Garfield while watching your show on blu-ray, your show particular though, after re-watching my favourite childhood series really astounded me at how much care and love you put into something that I didn't really pay much attention to as a child. Subtle things like introducing characters tees before they're properly use and making Pete and Spiderman almost different people is a genius move and I praise you, Mr. Victor Cook and all who were involved in the making of this great piece of television for. All I wanted to say was thank you and please make your intended projects that were meant to be made after season 2. Anyways that you and god bless

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Julia writes...

Has Klarion the witch boy always had long sharp nails? Or he copied the shape from Teekl?

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Noah Solomon writes...

There are 45 Justice League designations but only 40 people who are confirmed to be or have been Leaguers. Who are the other five? one is a Green Lantern

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necro mage writes...

Did lady Shiva ever try to replicate the training she put her daughter through on other children?

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Ray writes...

Hello! hope you're having a good day Greg, my question is there any Plans to include Miles rogues in future issues? I recently started reading your Spectacular Spider-men run which I have been a blast so far, but after some discussion with fellow fans I have noticed that none of Miles own rogues have appeared yet. I can understand the more plot heavy villains in Ziglar's run such as Rabble or Agent Gao, but Frost Pharoah? Zip Zephyr? Bumbler? these guys are perfect for this sort of fun and whacky comic. This is really one of my only criticisms/nitpicks so far as the thing I was excited most for was seeing both the Spider-men's rogues gallery and Supporting cast clashing together in some Weismann goodness. Thanks for reading and answering hopefully!

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I've been wondering for a while, in episode 1 Goliath told Demona to remain at Castle Wyvern alongside the other gargoyles and due to the bargain, she and the Captain of the Guard made with Hakon this got the gargoyles killed while in stone sleep

Does this mean that Goliath is partially responsible for the other clan members' deaths since he was the one who made them stay, which got them killed?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Miss Martian visit Garfield more often when Garfield live ritia farr than when Garfield live with Marie logan after Miss Martian gave Garfield her blood to Garfield to live?

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Graham writes...

I have been trying to find a way to contact Greg Weisman, the creator of Gargoyles. His storytelling and ideas are just awesome, and I am a fan of Gargoyles as well. To that end, I have a metal cover Gargoyles 1 signed by Nakayama. I really want to get Greg's autograph on it as well. I have never seen Greg at a con anywhere near me, but I am willing to fly to one if I could be told if he has any plans to attend a con soon.

Otherwise, I would like to mail the comic out for Greg's signature, if he has any such service. I would love a remarque too, but really the signature is priority. I can send a return envelope prepaid, cash for whatever Greg's fee is, etc. I am not looking for CGC certification. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but I do not know where else to try. Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Gar's arc of dealing with depression, while realistic, grated many fans the wrong way for both sides.

On one hand, several character's reaction to Garfield's condition and attempts to help him come across as quite selfishly. While there are signs of care in their words, it focuses on their desire to have the friend and leader back over wanting him to genuinely recover, or just not taking time to understand his trauma. Only Robotman during the intervention showed completely selfless empathy. This in turn makes Gar's claim that he "can't handle being needed" justifiable.
On the other hand, Gar's own attitude towards people genuinely trying to help him comes off as excessively callous, with dismissal and rudeness towards Perdita, M'gann and Robotman being particular standouts. While many viewers understood where Gar was coming from, they pointed it was not an excuse to hurt others.

If you ever plan on making a Young Justice Season 5 at some point in the future I hope you'll find a way to make up for this somehow. Like perhaps both sides admitting how wrong they were and apologizing for it.

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Antiyonder writes...


If nothing else, Xanatos himself admitted to having enemies in Double Jeopardy. Formidable at that.

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Antiyonder writes...

Kind of funny. You had two stories with a bit of an appearance of Derek/Talon:
- City of Stone as Xanatos's pilot
- Future Tense where his attempt to infiltrate "Xanatos" leads to his death.

And both times his role was taken over by a member of the Xanatos family with Fox in their name.XD

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Legion rings that the Legion of Super-Heroes wear, what exactly what kind of material are they made of; considering the fact that it does NOT melt in lava when Phantom Girl reached out to phase Superboy with her right hand?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Bane break Batman's back during the timeskip between Seasons 1 and 2?

2. Was the Joker responsible for the death of Robin II (Jason Todd); even if the Earth-16 version of the circumstances of Jason's death may not necessarily be the same as the events depicted in the main DC universe (Earth-0)?

3. How old is Julia Pennyworth in both the "Catwoman: Hunted" movie and (presumably) in the Earth-16 universe?

4. How old is Catwoman (Selina Kyle) in both the "Catwoman: Hunted" movie and (presumably) in the Earth-16 universe?

5. In current DC Comics continuity, the Dark Archer (Merlyn) is known as both Arthur King (which is his birth name) and Malcolm Merlyn (which is his legal name). Is this also true for the Earth-16 version of the character?

6. Assuming Earth-16 Jason Todd's personality was similar to that of his Earth-0 counterpart, which members of the Team (specifically, the ones who knew Jason up to the point of his tragic death) were particularly troubled by his dark and violent behavior?

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Anonymous writes...

In the "Young Justice" series, when did the Justice League officially started their leadership elections; assuming the idea was not suggested amongst the founding members of the Justice League immediately after the group was formed? Also, when was the exact starting date and ending date for each Justice League member's leadership term? And finally, why was each Justice League leader specifically chosen during each election; aside from Black Lightning (since the reasons he was chosen were explained in detail in the Season 3 finale)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

From what I understood about the video game, "Young Justice: Legacy," there are five locations with multiple missions; each location involves a three-person team and the first person on the team is the designated leader. The designated team leader in each location was as follows:

Artemis (Greece missions)
Superboy (Siberia missions)
Aqualad (Santa Prisca missions)
Nightwing (Gotham City missions)
Aqualad (Bialya missions; as Alpha Squad team leader)
Nightwing (Bialya missions; as Beta Squad team leader)

Aside from the team leader, there are two members of the Team that the player can choose to fight alongside the team leader. In the game's very first mission in Greece, however, the three-person team always starts off with Artemis (as team leader), Nightwing, and Flash, but afterwards, the player can choose any two members of the Team to follow the team leader in each subsequent mission.

As such, in your own personal headcanon (and this is also assuming that you've played the game yourself), which two members of the Team canonically fought alongside the leaders of Alpha Squad and Beta Squad during each mission in each of the five locations during the events of the game?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. You said that, in the Earth-16 universe, one of Alfred's greatest regrets is that he refrained from parenting Bruce; as such he treated Dick differently. Did he treated Jason Todd and Tim Drake (and presumably Cassandra Wu-San; since she moved to Wayne Manor after defecting from the League of Shadows) in a similar manner like he did with Dick?

2. When Lady Shiva damaged Orphan's vocal cords, was the damage permanent, or will the damage take a very long time to recover before Orphan will eventually be able to finally speak?

3. Since Cassandra Wu-San moved to Wayne Manor, did she technically become Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward?

4. In the comics, Orphan's father is David Cain; who is one of the world's premier assassins, paid to eliminate some of the most famous and powerful people on the planet, no matter how seemingly impossible the task. However, since the Earth-16 version of Orphan has her mother's surname instead; I'm curious to know why the Earth-16 version of David Cain is not a part of Cassandra's life; even though he IS Cassandra's father. I mean, did Lady Shiva forbid David from seeing his own daughter, or was there another reason why David Cain hasn't been introduced in the Earth-16 universe yet?

5. In the Earth-16 universe, does Lady Shiva have an older sister named Carolyn Wu-San, an uncle named Shiruto, and a godfather named O-Sensei?

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Gabriel writes...

Hi, I love the expansion of Martian lore and culture that your series did in season 4. I would like to know more about this topic.

Are there a equivalent to schools in M'arzz? If they exist, does they have specific classes for learning how to use their species natural abilities like the telepathy and shape-shifting?

We know that J'onn used to be a M'hontrr, but does M'Gann count as a M'hontrr since she was trained by one of the greatest M'hontrrs in martian history? Independent of the answer, are the A'ashenn allowed to be M'hontrr? If they are, does they face prejudice by the G'arrunn members in the force?

It has been stated that martians breeds large families, so, is it safe to assume that prince J'emm has at least some siblings?

Since M'Gann's bio-ship was originally promised to her uncle, can we say that the bio-ships are a symbol of high status in martian society? Also, are bio-ships rare? If they are, does M'arzz has laws about connecting with them?

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Elisa writes...

Hey Greg, I'm a great fan of Poison Ivy and I would like to know more about her version in the YJ universe.

Is she named Pamela Isley like in the comics, or is she a new character?

Did her powers came due to a meta-gene or due to a scientifical experiment like her New and Prime Earths counterparts? In case it is the second one, was Jason Woodrue responsable for it?

Are the concepts of the Green and the Red existing in the YJ reality? If they exist, is it safe to say that YJ's Poison Ivy is related to the Green?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False?

1. In what could potentially be an ironic twist in the Earth-16 universe, Chameleon Boy (Reep Daggle) is a direct descendant of Ma’alefa’ak (M'comm M'orzz); due to the fact that Ma’alefa’ak's faction of White Martians will live in Durla in the 21st century.

2. In the Earth-16 universe, the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes are Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn), Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen), and Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz).

3. In the Earth-16 universe, Brainiac-5's real name is Querl Dox, and he is the descendant of the Collector of Worlds.

4. In the Earth-16 universe, the Collector of Worlds is the ancestor of Brainiac-5.

5. In the Earth-16 universe, Saturn Girl's home world is Titan; which is the largest moon of Saturn and the second-largest moon in the Solar System.

6. Even though Kara Zor-El was still in the Phantom Zone in the original timeline (before Lor-Zod went back in time and changed history by attempting to kill Superboy), it is possible that she had likely tragically died in the Phantom Zone at some point prior to the 31st century; hence her lack of appearance when the other Phantom Zone prisoners were finally released by that time.

7. The introduction of Kara Zor-El in the post-credits scene of the Season 4 finale seems to suggests that her presence is part of the 0.16% chance that the timeline was not completely restored to its original state; which was something that Chameleon Boy was (rightfully) concerned about.

8. In the Earth-16 universe, Big Barda's depicted personality in Season Three of Young Justice is likely in part because she has not yet met her future husband, Mister Miracle (who is the son of Highfather and Highmother, and the foster son of Darkseid).

9. Big Barda will most likely eventually question her loyalty to Darkseid and Apokolips; in part due to the fact that Superman had risked his own life to save her without any hesitation.

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Walter writes...

Hi Greg, I was reading the YJ wiki and started to wonder about some things:

1. Is Queen Bee a meta-human? In case she isn't, what's the source of her pheromone powers?

2. About Ice, is she part of a Romani clan like her New Earth counterpart? Also, is her power ice magic or meta-gene related?

3. Does Earth 16's Soultaker absorbs the souls of those killed by it?

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Gabe writes...

What is your deal with changing the racial ethnicity, gender and, worst of all, sexual orientations of characters when you do an adaptation or remake of something as opposed to making an expy. Why ruin what does not need to be fixed? At least with expys, you can basically have a character that you want to use while not sticking to what makes them them instead of your own thing

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Lauren writes...

Hi Greg.
I'm currently annotating the YJ tie-in comics while using the wiki as a resource, as it contains citations to previous Ask Greg Questions. I ask only because I think it was never clarified. I find the wiki to be a wonderful resource, so I wouldn't ask if it was clearly stated on there.

I am currently on Issue #5 (aka the origin issue) and needed something cleared up about Wally's origin. Did Wally have unfettered access to Barry's lab notes when recreating the Flash experiment, or was he simply going off of his memory of the notes he saw when he first found them?

Barry blames himself for Wally's "accident," but how responsible was he really if Wally only carelessly recreated it without supervision.

Thanks for your transparency for all these years, and I hope this is a question that can be answered.

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, writes...


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Mystic Tame writes...

Hi greg! I loved gargoyles growing up but i was wondering something about the clans of gargoyles. is their a term or name for the gargoyles who don't have a clan like Demona? I don't mean exiled but like how Demona is alone. She doesn't have a class. is it simply clanless or is there a term for it?

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Alexander N. writes...

Hi Greg.

Was Harley Quinn ever considered for Young Justice?

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Alexander N. writes...

Hi Greg.

How would you feel if Spectacular Spider-Man cameoed (Space Jam style) in Avengers Secret Wars as a minor cameo (like multiple animated characters having small but meaningful cameos, to show the animated characters also helping save the day)?

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Lee writes...

when queen bee came to take marie logan with her to have marie kill were was Garfield at the time

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J. L. Polacek writes...

When did Demona discover that Burnett was Puck? was it before or after Puck gave her his "gift" in "The Mirror"?

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TJF writes...

When it comes to Avatars and the Children of Oberon, does it always have to be someone hijacking the Third Race member in question and taking control of the power solely by themselves like Jackal and the Emir, or is it possible for a more symbiotic relationship between Avatar and Child to exist? If so, is that one possible loophole for Oberon’s law?

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Kyle Dawson writes...

In Young Justice what exactly are Everyman's powers? He seems to have some form of shapeshifting but he seems to only turn into monsters.

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Mat writes...

Hello Mr. Wisemen I have been along time fan and I have been wondering three things about young justice.
1. How in did the league get so many new recruits between season 2 and season 4

2. Will we ever see David Cain and orphan talk to each other

3. Will more comics for young justice come out

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Anonymous writes...

Unintentionally Unsympathetic
1) Few people are shedding tears for Silas Stone after Victor lashed out at him for turning him into a cyborg with the Father Box. From what we see of his relationship with his son, he's shown to be pretty apathetic and distant to the point he barely knows anything about Victor's school life (for reference, he chastises Victor for not doing well enough at school when he has a 4.0 GPA). And although we can forgive him for turning Victor into a cyborg out of desperation, he loses sympathy points when he instead tries to pin the blame on the Justice League for Victor's condition since they gave him the Father Box, even though the League warned him of its dangers.

2) M'gann may enter this territory in "Nevermore." She attempts to give back her engagement ring to Conner, heartbroken that he still can't forgive her for how she abused her powers in the past, while Conner immediately declares otherwise and they happily reconcile. Only problem with that is in just the prior episode she abused her powers to deceive Artemis by letting her believe she was communicating with Wally's spirit when it was really just a construct created by M'gann from Artemis' own mind. Conner, of course, doesn't know this but it's difficult to imagine he wouldn't regard the plan with similar distain when he considers her lying to everyone to be little different than her abusing her powers, and her actions in "Overwhelmed" are her abusing her powers again. Thus M'gann can be seen as receiving forgiveness even while she continues her previous behavior, only this time sucessfully keeping it hidden from Conner.

3) Black Lightning, the show treats him as a more moral and honest counterpart to characters such as Batman who work covertly with secrets, but many fans found him to be a hypocrite since he engages in many of the same things for the majority of the season, such as joining Nightwing's covert team after calling out Batman for making one, and only seems to have a problem with secrets when they're being kept from him, by the end of the season when Jefferson becomes leader of the Justice League many fans feel it was unearned due to his previous actions and behavior.

4) Don't get me start with Garfield/Beast Boy and his behavior during the events of Young Justice Phantoms.

I don't know if you're ever gonna make a Season 5 or more Seasons for Young Justice, but if you do then you better find a way to make up for all this shown above. Okay please?

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Thanksgiving delay reasoning writes...

About the comic Unequivocal Success (of Quest). I have a question: What was you reasoning for delaying the comic to November 2024?

Reason why I asked is because the comic brings up the missey feelings on Thanksgiving.

On one hand, I liked you brought it up because since of course part-Native Elisa would have mixed feelings on it and that her Native father doesn't do it. So the messy feelings on Thanksgiving has to be brought up at some point and they do need to be adressed.

On the other hand, I think it would have been better to release the comic on August/September (aka not the actual Thanksgiving months of Canadian!Thanksgiving on October and Amercian!Thankgiving on November). You realized the risk that bringing up mixed feelings about Thanksgiving near Thanksgiving is just asking for some fans to accuse you of "ruining their October/November on purpose with soapboxing" right?

Meanwhile if the comic was relased on Aug/Set instead, the risk of that accusation happening is far lower and people would be more will willing to listen about the mixed feelings on Thanksgiving.

I am just asking what was you reasoning for delaying the comic to November 2024 (as opposed to releasing it on Aug/Set) even though it has content that talked about the mixed feelings about Thanksgiving? Do you think it is worth it to relase it on November instead of Aug/Set?

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galen marshall holloway writes...

hi greg!huge fan of your work! i know this is a shot in the dark but im hoping and praying that you will consider being a guest on our youtube channel HERO MODE PODCAST https://www.youtube.com/@heromodeACTIVATED

i KNOW your very busy and time is previous but weve been huge fans of gargoyles, young justice and spiderman and would love an hour to pick your brain...my email is galenholloway99@gmail.com

again no pressure but id love to have u as a guest.please and thanks-galen

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Tambry Pines writes...

I know this is probably a weird question, but what do you think of Supergiant Games' popular Hades games?

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Mercy Burnett writes...

If the two ever met, would Owen Burnett (Gargoyles) and Mercy Graves (Superman: The Animated Series) become best friends and maybe something even more?

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Droga52 writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have a question for Flash's very small cameo in the season 4 finale. Is there a reason why he went back to his old suit?

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Lucius Varus writes...

1. In the show, Oberon is established to be one of, if not the most powerful opponent the Gargoyles have ever faced. Are there beings in the Gargoyles Universe even more powerful than Oberon? And if so, where do they all fall under the cosmic pecking order.

2. What do Fox and Hyena think of each other?

3. How do you feel about all of the people who ship Eliza and Demona together?

4. Since its implied that all myths, legends, and folktales are true in the Gargoyles Universe (Puck and the Loch Ness Monster for examples), what does this mean for all of the Monotheistic and Polytheistic faiths?

5. If souls exist in the Gargoyles Universe, then is there a singular afterlife for all people and creatures? Or do Humans and Gargoyles have separate ones?

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Josh writes...

What kind of rock or stone would you say the Gargoyles are made out of when they are in their stoneform?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False?: The Possible Origin of Earth-16's Superboy

As Superboy is a partial clone of Superman, and Superman's DNA was somehow acquired by Project Cadmus without him realizing it, one possible explanation is that they acquired the DNA from Superman's blood during the aftermath of a major battle that Superman was involved in; the enemy that Superman fought with was either equal to or stronger than him in terms of strength, or the enemy had access to Kryptonite-augmented weaponry (most likely in the form of blades). Whatever the reason, this enemy caused Superman to bleed during the fight, and Superman's blood was splattered all over the battleground. Then, most likely, someone who was disguised as part of a cleanup crew likely took samples of Superman's blood and brought it to Project Cadmus.

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Anonymous writes...

Having watched the young justice episode Evolution I was wondering 1. What is Cassandra savage's overall opinion of vandal's eventual upcoming battle with Darkside besides rooting for Vandal to win ? 2. just as Oylmpia did for her has Cassandra savage taken up a stepmom roll for a younger brother or sister in her care and tolled the story of vandal's past while she and her younger sibling both had on baseball caps or newsboy caps at the same time on occasion?

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reverse writes...

as per comic canon is meloni thawne (daughter of thaddeus thawne) bart allen’s mom and does bart have any relationship with his thawne family (atleast in his original timeline) ?

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uot789 writes...

During Barts disappearance from earth in S4, how did Jay, Barry, Iris react and when was he declared officially missing ?

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Hana writes...

1.Does Deathstroke's son, Jericho/Joseph Wilson exist in the YJ universe?

2. Will Raven and Starfire appears Young Justice if the series continues?

3. If YJ get greenlit for more seasons, will Jon and Damian have the their turn as heroes?

I really enjoyed how Mr. Greg woven the dynamic of hero/villian families and challenges in following their parents or rejecting them. My greatest wish is to see how YJ will handle Orion, Raven, Damian, and Jericho (children of the DC Universe biggest baddies) storylines and how they struggle against their family legacy.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Have you ever considered doing a "what if" scenario for any of your work like Gargoyles or Young Justice?
2A. This is a question that has been bothering me for years ever since the first time Young Justice got cancelled and as far as I can tell no one has asked you this question, did anyone actually take you up on your challenge of making a pie in exchange for a spoiler if the pie was good enough?
2B. Were any of the pies good enough?
Also I just want to say thank you for all of the hard work you and the crew you've worked with over have done to bring us hours of entertainment, I know the trolls are annoying but despite some minor criticisms that I have that I won't bother you with I enjoy your shows.

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Anonymous writes...

Are Zatanna and Rocket dating? I ask because I noticed that every other pair we see at Bibbo's Diner in the season three finale is either actively dating (Dick/Barbara, Kaldur/Wyndde, Conner/M'gann) or briefly expressed an attraction to each-other in that season (Roy/Artemis), making Zee and Raquel an odd outlier amongst the group if they aren't in a relationship.

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Anonimatus writes...

What happened with The Brain after being captured? Did he escape from Belle Reve and is still working with the Light?

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Clark Cradic writes...

Like in the myths, Odin exchanged his eye for wisdom? Was there anything specific he may have learned? Something that other Children of Oberon might not have known about? I guess I'm curious the nature of what he learned.

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Spectre

#1. The Spectre is a divine entity representing vengeance on behalf of The Presence (who is considered to be God in the context of Abrahamic religion).

#2. The Spectre was initially a demon named Aztar; he rebelled against God but later sought forgiveness and was granted a divine role.

#3. The Spectre is normally bound to a human host who assists him in judging the transgressions of humanity and other beings, determining suitable punishments; these judgments are often delivered in a harsh and creatively ironic manner.

#4. The primary host of the Spectre is usually James "Jim" Corrigan, a Gotham City detective.

#5. Another possible host of the Spectre is Crispus Allen, another Gotham detective; even though this man has doubts about God's existence.

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, even though his real name, his true nature, or his origins are unclear, is the Phantom Stranger's present-day secret identity named Philip Stark? If true, did his family (whom I assume are deceased in the Earth-16 universe) included his wife Elena Stark, his daughter Allie Stark, and his son, Tim Stark?

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Anonymous writes...


The "Young Justice" TV series (designated as Earth-16) is part of the multiverse that existed in the DC Animated Movie Universe, and it had been wiped out from existence in the conclusion of the animated "Crisis on Infinite Earths" trilogy. As such, it is for this reason (or at least, part of it) why the show was NOT renewed for a fifth season.

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necro mage writes...

are the average atlanteans aware that it was klarion who sunk atlantis?

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Master DC King 2009 writes...

Hey Greg, just a few questions. if Young Justice season 5 were to happen, would it focus on Wally West's return to the show, introduce Linda Park, Kyle Rayner, and The Reverse Flash. since Artemis is dating somebody else. what are your thoughts on this.

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Master DC King 2009 writes...

Hey Greg, which 4th Green Lantern Joined the Justice League In Young Justice S4. Is it Kyle Rayner, Jessica Cruz, or Simon Baz

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Anonymous writes...

Do you consider any other characters in Young Justice besides Amistad to be neurodivergent (Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, etc)? Or in any of your works for that matter?

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Liam writes...

Hi Greg I have 3 questions (if this is the right section or is there another)
1) when or if carnage was introduced how would U of had introduced him

2) is the Gargoyles and Spectacular Spider-Man crossover canon to the show

3) how you doing

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Aaron writes...

greg did you ever meet dwayne mcduffie when he was still alive? if so did he ever tell you what he thought about your version of static shock from young justice season 2?

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Christopher Leistner writes...

I have an idea involving spectacular Spider-man having a new character who also have spider powers along with me acting as that character.

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Ashley Cushnie writes...

What is Glasses's real name?

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Nicholas writes...

Do you think Miss Martian and Conner can conceive a child? Because as we know they're from different species. She is an alien and he is a clone created by the DNA of Lex and Superman. So I wonder if it's possible for them to become parents.

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Nicholas writes...

Why did Nightwing and Zatanna break up? I don't remember that they explained or even mentioned their break up. I'm curious to know the reason that made them end their relationship

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Mars Watchman writes...

Is there an afterlife in the Gargoyles universe and if so, what is it like?

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Anonymous writes...

1) I've seen some confusion online about the ethnicity of Young Justice's Madame Xanadu; various websites assume her to be black (I assume because she's voiced by Cree Summer?), but in the comics she's Romani and her skin-tone, to me at least, looks far closer to a Romani person than a black person, so is she Romani, black or another ethnicity entirely?

2) On a similar note, is YJ's Dick Grayson Romani? At the time the show was originally in production his Romani heritage was established but only in one story from after you stopped regularly keeping up with comics (2001 I believe?), so I could totally understand it being accidentally skipped over during research at the time, but in the years since then they've started emphasising it more, and since the show's no stranger to implementing characters or concepts from after its creation into the show's lore in the revival era, I could see that happening here too

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Anonymous writes...

1) Since Champs Élysées is meant to be a homage to Lexington, do you consider him to also be gay?

2) This is admittedly a bit more of a stretch, but I figured it was worth asking anyway; since Antonia Rodriguez is a stand-in for Velma Dinkley in the world of Earth-16, and Velma has been repeatedly depicted as either a lesbian or bisexual in recent years, do you consider Antonia to be queer?

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Corgi writes...

Just finished season 4,in the 22nd episode, Zatanna and Dick talk to Clark in order to find Bart. And Zatanna puts a glamour spell on their conversion that lets others think they are talking about the game between the knights and the monarchs. Clark says the Monarchs are going to win for sure.
So who won the knights or the monarchs?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg. I have some questions regarding comic Young Justice: Targets, specifically regarding the flashbacks regarding Perdita, Green Arrow, and Black Canary.

After Green Arrow defeats Merlyn, we see that Count Vertigo attacks them before getting taken down by Black Canary. According to the Earth-16 timeline, this took place right before the Injustice League reveal to the world and that Vertigo is obviously present as their field commander.

1a. Can you describe how Vertigo went from being defeated by Canary to being able to participate with the Injustice League in the YJ episode "Revelation"?

1b. Did Vertigo and Merlyn slip away without the heroes noticing or did they both somehow escape law enforcement custody?

1c. Could Perdita not prove Vertigo made an obvious attempt on her life and lose his diplomatic immunity sooner?

2. During the flashback arc, we see that Perdita's bodyguards, including Denny, are taken down by Vertigo's henchmen. Did any survive?

3. Are you willing to give insight into how long Ollie and Dinah were dating before he proposed to her?

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Anonymous writes...

When were Belle Reve, Arkham Asylum, LexCorp, Cadmus Labs and S.T.A.R. Labs created?

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Mars Watchman writes...

So, I'm sure you probably already know this, but Matt Braly is a huge fan of Gargoyles to the point where it inspired him a lot when he was making his own show Amphibia. And he even included a sketch of Goliath in the episode True Colors.

So, I guess my question is this:

How do you feel about the theory that Gargoyles and Amphibia may share the same universe/multiverse?

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Mean Giraffe writes...

So, don't answer this one if you don't want to, but considering Disney at least partially has the rights to Spider-Man, would you say that The Spectacular Spider-Man shares the same world as Gargoyles?

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corgisharks writes...

Hello! I just recently started to watch Young Justice as when it first came out I was really too young. Great show! Even a full decade later, the show seems timeless.

1. What was the reasoning behind pairing Zatanna and Robin together in season one? great choice, in my opinion, I was just wondering
2. Was there anything in season 4 that you had planned since the beginning? Like anything that you had thought of back in like 2009 that ended up happening in season 4?
3. The show first started almost 14 years ago, is there any episode or an arc you like to watch back a lot?
4. How was writing impulse as someone who would spoil the future compared to how you actually don't like to give out spoilers?

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Thrawn7 writes...

With the Gargoyles returning in the world of comic books would you consider doing a signing event at or for the CGC (https://www.cgccomics.com/) so fans can get their comic books signed and graded for their collections. That way both older SLC books and current (which are great by the way) can be signed by you. Thank you.

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James Kastner writes...

Dear Mr . Weisman

My name is James kastner I’m from Baldwin New York Long Island it’s truly a huge honor to writing to you sir . I have been a huge fan of your work for a long time and I have been looking forward to reaching out to you but I couldn’t not since the last time I tried your website s8.org you didn’t respond back to me . Can I tell you my personal opinion is you and Duane capizzi should definitely with out a doubt should have your own net worths and earn your place in celebrity net worth’s .

1.) Will spectacular Spider-Man ever make a comeback I know you said it is unlikely but can Sony work something out with Disney and can you tell Disney how much the show means so much to us can you tell them to find a solution with Sony .
2.) is the silver sable in spectacular Spider-Man they same age as black cat ?

3.) Will electro Molton man Jonah Jameson son and Eddie Brock get the help they need ?

4.) Will spectacular Spider-Man face a lot of new villains both from the comics and old shows and meet other hero’s ?

5.) will every single person close to Peter learn his secret ? And will Norman Osborn become the green goblin king and form the goblin nation ?

6.) does Norman Osborn love his wife son and what is his deal with not apologies any way ?

7 .) how would love films with spectacular Spider-Man with crossovers I was thinking of spectacular Spider-Man with the Batman from the 2004tv series and you can work with Duane capizzi . And crossover with Kim possible tmnt 2003 and Spider-Man the animated tv series from the 90s and 2017spiderman tvseries how is those ideas sound ?

Looking forward to be hearing from you

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Snorlax writes...

MTV’s Spider-Man: The New Animated Series featured the Kingpin

The Spectacular Spider-Man was not allowed to use the Kingpin

Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse featured the Kingpin

All three of these cartoons were Sony productions. Do you have any clue why yours was treated differently?

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DC>>>Marvel writes...

IDK if this is a spoiler or not, but some of us in the fandom wondered about it. How did Jaime feel about Traci taking part in the whole Dr Fate exchange thing? (Since many people have noted that possession by Nabu bears resemblance to him being put On-Mode by the Reach, having no control over your own body and basically being trapped in your head.)

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Alan writes...

Hi Greg, huge fan of Young Justice and hopeful for a Season 5 renewal someday. Thank you and your entire team for the work you have done on the show. I have a few questions:
1. Are Jet’s powers similar to her comic book counterpart’s (flight, electromagnetic blasts, green hair, etc.)?
2. Are B-34 and B-35 El Dorado and Cyborg? Their Team designations before the Outsiders changed to D designations
3. Do you have names for the meta-humans that the outsiders rescued in Cuba in Season 3 episode 18? One of them looked like the DC character Loose Cannon so I was wondering if all of those characters were existing DC characters

Thanks again, I really appreciate you always taking the time for your fans

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Danny writes...

You mentioned many years ago that you had a timeline for you, Pat and Cary's original Captain Atom run from the 80s written out; since continuity's changed multiple times since that run ended and the contents of it are most likely heavily out of date, would you be willing to share it here?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Amanda Waller and her family

#1. Amanda Waller's maiden name is Blake; she grew up in the crime-ridden Cabrini-Green area of Chicago.

#2. Amanda Waller's husband is Joseph Waller; at the time they got married, Amanda was 18 and Joseph was 20.

#3. Amanda Waller has five children in the following order from oldest to youngest: Joseph Waller, Jr. (son), Damita Waller (daughter), the twins Martin Waller and Jessie Waller (sons), and Coretta Waller (daughter).

#4. The lives of the Waller family were a financial struggle, and they relied on social programs, but they were happy together as a family.

#5. Joseph Waller, Jr. was killed by gangsters during a mugging that had gone wrong; at the time of his death, he was set to go to college on a basketball scholarship.

#6. Damita Waller was murdered in an alleyway on her way home from church; the man who killed her was a drug dealer known as "Candyman."

#7. Because "Candyman" could not be convicted by the police due to lack of witnesses, Joseph Waller decided to take matters into his own hands in order to avenge Damita's death; resulting in him and and "Candyman" shooting and killing each other simultaneously during a public confrontation. As a result of Joseph's act of vigilantism, and due to the fact was killed in the commission of a crime, the Waller family was denied the payout of his life insurance.

#8. Faced with the consequences of taking the law into one's own hands, and embittered by the adulation received by masked heroes (such as Batman, for example) for the sort of vigilantism that had cost her and her family so much, Amanda developed an intense hatred of vigilantes.

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

What would the heroes have done with Ma'alefa'ak if they freed him from the Phantom Zone?

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Anonymous writes...

Will we be getting a season 5 and if we do will that be the last?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What are your thoughts about Artemis and Wallys relationship?
2. Why was there a huge time skip between Season 1 and 2?

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Alice writes...

Hi Greg,

Love the Gargoyles series!

I’m wondering if you might have the technical specs for the Eyrie Building? I’ve checked and all l can find are fan estimates. It would just be nice to know.

Thanks!! And since l’m writing this in a Friday, have a great weekend!!

~ Alice.

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE: Earth-16 Batwoman

#1. Kate Kane's parents are Jacob and Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane; both of them served in the United States Army.

#2. Kate Kane has an older twin sister named Elizabeth "Beth" Kane.

#3. On her 12th birthday, Kate Kane was the only survivor of a terrible tragedy that claimed the lives of her mother and sister; leaving Kate to be raised by her father.

#4. Unbeknownst to Jacob and Kate; Beth is actually still alive, but she is mentally broken and currently goes by the name Alice.

#5. The deaths of her mother and sister is part of the reason that Kate became motivated to becoming Batwoman.

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Amin writes...

Whats your plan for the next season of Young Justice, will there be an upcoming season ðŸ'€?

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Josh writes...

Any info on a possible Gargoyles inclusion into the Disney Lorcana card game?

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Alexis Munoz writes...

Will there be a DVD set for season 4 in the future?

I will buy the Gargoyles and Young Justice comics when I can

Will be waiting for season 4 dvd release in the future

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Anonymous writes...

We have cannon names for all of Infinity Inc.'s members except for Kobold and I was wondering if he had a civilian name or if he was like Dolphin and took that as his new one.

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Siuhk writes...

Pardon me ! Every Gargoyle lovers
Could anyone tell me why Goliath do not remember Griff and his clans. I did not watch the ending cos I took my exam at that time. Would it reveal the truth of what happens to Griff

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, not much to say. Just really appreciate the series! I do have one question, though, and it’s related to that other one about how Gargoyles can get drunk but no hangovers. But what about mutates? Does Sevarius’ serum make it so mutates can’t get drunk? Has anyone in the show ever tried? Just curious.

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Alfred D Meza writes...

Does Bill cipher from gravity falls have anything to do with the Illuminati?
Bill appeared alongside Goliath in a book Marcy was looking at

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Mark writes...

Hello, Greg. I have a question for you that I had in my mind.

Did something happen between Batman and Black Canary?

Did they date and spent a night together?

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Janujan vaseekaran writes...

My wish is for you to continue the spectacular Spider-Man tv show it was a good show and countless kids are earning to watch the show please make it happen now you might be thinking is it worth your time well I think it is because you’d be changing many people’s lives and it changed mine just watching the show brought me out of tough times and when I saw it was discontinued my heart my one wish before I pass is for the show to be restarted pls make this dream possible

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Gustavo🇧🇷 writes...

Greg,please Season 5 of Young Justice is a good idea

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Chaos Rubix Scripts writes...


Hope you are welll.

I am a massive fan of Young Justice and I have recently been looking into trying to get into the script writing game, using Young Justice as a starting point, I have been writing a S5 and posting them to the Young Justice Reddit page. To high praise from those who have read them.

My questions are

1. would you ever be willing to read a fan written script and provide some feedback on the writing and story from that script?

2. If not what advice would you give to someone who wanted to become a screenwriter?

I have tried to reach out to you before on the app formerly known as Twitter but I imagine you get a lot of post and comments sent to you.

Thank you in advance

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Hunters of the Dead cover reveal writes...

How long had Lucas and Bethany been dating prior to "Early Warning"?

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necro mage writes...

do any of m'comm's martian followers know about his alliance with darkseid?

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Evan King writes...

This is in regards to the future of Young Justice:

It my favorite DC property of all time and I was watching the recent animated film Justice League Crisis on Infinite Earths Part 3 when I noticed that Young Justice’s reality (Earth 16) was not only shown in a cameo but it was erased along with the other realities adjacent to it (The DCAU, the 2003 Teen Titans Universe, and the Super Friends). And by the end all other realities are erased, no more DC multiverse and (like the original source material) the realities are merged into a what I’m assuming is James Gunn’s new DCU. Which is confusing because there are these other shows coming out that are not apart of his DCU slate (Harley Quinn and Caped Crusader).

So my question is, was that the Real Earth 16 and is that confirming to us fans that we will no longer be getting anymore Young Justice content?

#YoungJusticeSeason5 #RenewYoungJustice #YoungJusticeSeason5&Beyond

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Andrew writes...

Hello, Greg. I’m a big fan of your work, especially Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man! I’m glad the former was able to make a comeback, and can only wish the latter had not been canceled when it was. Had there been a third season of The Spectacular Spider-Man, is there anyone in particular you think would be good voices for Scorpion, Hobgoblin, and Carnage?

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Anonymous writes...

So, after watching the animated film "Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three," and seeing how the DC Animated Universe (Earth-12) ended up being destroyed, should we assume that the "Young Justice" Earth-16 DC Universe was destroyed too (off-screen), and is that the reason, why the show had not been picked up for a fifth season? If so, whoever made that decision clearly made a huge mistake, and if the show doesn't get renewed, I think "Young Justice" should be given a proper conclusion via a series of animated feature-length movies; at least up to the year 2030 in the present-day Earth-16 timeline so that Superboy's role during that year can finally be revealed.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

At the risk of potentially causing you to get pissed off at me, I’m going to predict what I think will happen in Season 5 of “Young Justice” should it somehow gets renewed. Keep in mind that my predictions are not listed in any particular order.

#1. Supergirl and Black Mary will be the main focus of Season 5.

#2. The Justice League will face another situation in which the public loses faith in them; this will be in art due to Supergirl and Black Mary.

#3. Supergirl will initially be loyal to the cause of Apokolips, but her loyalty will gradually waver over the course of the first half of the season due to her encounters with Superman, Superboy, and Jonny Kent. Supergirl’s encounter with Superboy would be similar to what happened in the comics; to the point of temporarily dislocating his jaw after punching him.

#4. As Mary Bromfield was considered to becoming a member of the Justice League Reserves, she will become an infiltrator until she eventually betrays them publicly.

#5. After Black Mary’s public betrayal, Khalid will privately confront Zatanna about her indirect role in Mary’s turn to villainy.

#6. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Black Mary will attempt to personally kill Zatanna and ends up killing Doctor Fate instead when he takes the fatal blow for Zatanna. Zatanna will initially believe it is one of her apprentices; until the mask falls off and it is revealed to be her father, Giovanni. Shocked yet satisfied with the outcome, Black Mary whispers something in her ear and leaves; causing Zatanna to suffer an emotional breakdown and causing her to go into a catatonic state for most of the second half of Season 5.

#7. In the second half of Season 5, Superboy reveals to his teammates and some members of the Jsutice League that he heard what Black Mary told Zatanna to cause the latter to have a breakdown and go into a catatonic state. Black Mary’s words to Zatanna is that once again Zatanna lost her father, and this time it’s for good, and Zatanna ha no one to blame but herself.

#8. Khalid is confronted by the Team, Shazam and some of the members of Justice League who personally knew Giovanni; causing him to reveal Zatanna’s indirect role in Mary becoming a villain.

#9. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Supergirl ends up crashing at the school where Jonny Kent is attending. Upon seeing Jonny, Kara recalls a memory that was suppressed due to her trauma from her time in the Phantom Zone; this memory would be her being introduced to her baby cousin Kal-El for the first time. Therefore, she assumes Jonny is Kal-El due to the fact she does not believe Superman is Kal-El. When one of Black Mary’s attacks causing a large gas truck to fall over and causes it to burn and leak gasoline. numerous children and parents flee for their lives because the turck is about to explode. When Jonny is knocked down and cries and Lois is apparently unable to reach him in time, Kara hears Jonny’s cry (as it mixes with her memory of baby Kal-El’s cry and how she tried to console him), and reaches Jonny at blindly fast speed to shield him from the explosion. Enraged that Jonny was almost hurt, Kara lashes out Black Mary and fights her; only to end up being stabbed with Kryptonite dagger in her gut by Black Mary. Black Mary then deems Kara a traitor due to the latter’s actions.

#10. Supergirl recovers in what appears to be a cross between a hospital room and a jail cell; due to the fact that there is mixed opinions about her due to her actions during the first half of Season 5. Likewise, Supergirl admits to having doubts and doesn’t know what to bleive anymore.

#11. Despite their previous misunderstanding, Supergirl will share a familial bond with Superboy; due to the fact that they are both close in age physiologically. She would learn about Earth culture from him as well.

#12. Black Mary will prove to be apparently irredeemable by the end of Seaosn 5; as such, two possible scenarios regarding her possible fate will happen to her:

Scenario A: As an indirect nod to the film, “Man of Steel,” Black Mary will attempt to kill a group of innocent people in order to validate her rage towards everyone hwo apparently betrayed her. Supergirl, who would have Black Mary in a chokehold would beg Black Mary to stop before being forced to snap Mary’s neck; leaving Kara emotionally distraught over what she was forced to do..

Scenario B: Black Mary is captured and sent to Sanctuary while wearing a power-dampening collar around her neck. As a sign that she has mentally slipped towards insanity and her willingness to accept that she was not shunned by those around her, Mary would be shown having dark bags under her eyes; which would be shown as her being consumed by hatred and her belief that everyone has put her down.

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Anonymous writes...

Was the reason "Young Justice" was NOT renewed for a fifth season was because the multiverse was wiped out in the "Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths" animated movie trilogy?

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Wally ever truly have the potential to phase? You’ve said before that Wally’s speed is about acceleration we’re as Barry has more control over his actual speed, is this why Barry was able to phase and Wally wasn’t it was it due to a lack of experience?

2) It’s heavily implied that Impulse’s speed is like Barry’s (he can phase, experience time slown down, disarm enemies quickly, organise rocks in a pattern within 2 seconds to resemble himself, and play ping pong against himself). Do you think Jay Garrick’s speed is the same as Barry and Impulse’s or do you think it is more akin to Wally’s speed or something else entirely?

3) Is Wally faster than Jay?

4) Icon was somewhat compared to Superman (as it was asked if superman thought he was kryptonian), does this mean he is of a similar speed to superman while flying?

5) Do you think if Jay, Superman, Captain Marvel, Lieutenant Marvel, and Sergeant Marvel where all contributing kinetic energy in “endgame” Wally would have survived, or do you think more would have died?

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BrooklynX writes...

Hello Greg, this Brooklyn (Shaun), and as promised here is my CONvergence 2024 Con Journal:

I am going to admit that the last time I had written one of these was for the final Gathering of The Gargoyles back in 2009. Hard to believe it has been 15 years, which not only makes me feel old, but probably does the same for Greg Weisman. Sorry Greg.

After the Gatherings came to end, I attended a few other cons, but none of them quite had the same feel. I tried out AnthroCon for the first time in 2013 so I had been kind of curious about the furry fandom. I ended up behind the tables again, but not as a volunteer, but as a dealers assistant. And it became my go to summer convention.

I hadn't beard about the 20th anniversary get together for 2014, so I missed that one. If I had known about it, you can bet I would have been there instead of AnthroCon. Oooops.

In the 2017, I went from living in Sacramento, CA to the small city of Pacific, WA (about 30 miles south of Seattle). I guess I felt the need to spread my wings a bit. Fast forward to AnthronCon 2023, and I heard about the 30th anniversary of Gargoyles. And that it would be at CONvergence.

More or less immediately, I told my roommate that they were going to be on their own next year. After not seeing my fellow fans for 15+ years, I had to go. Now we fast forward to 2024.

Wednesday July 3rd, 2024:

I departed for SeaTac airport a little later than intended, but had given myself plenty of time. Getting through security was quick, but my flight was delayed just under an hour. Wouldn't be a trip without some sort of minor hiccup early on. Thankfully, the flight was nice, and relatively smooth.

Got into Minneapolis Saint Paul airport a bit later than planned. Not going to lie, it was quite the hike trying to find my way over to the car rental place. Felt like I was going up, down, left, and right. I tend to have a decent sense of direction, but that airport design was defeating me.

Finally located it, got my car, and headed for the hotel. After some minor issues with the card, and after getting that settled, I got checked in, and went up to the room. After a bit, I decided to mosey across the street to pick up my badge.

After doing that, I went back downstairs where I ran across Patrick, Karine, Greg B., and a few others whose names escape me at the moment. We ended up talking for a while when Seth, Sammy, and some fans I hadn't met before joined us.

We ended talking for a while before calling it a night.

Thursday July 4th:

As I was preparing to get ready for the day, I noticed I had forgotten to pack socks. Usually when I take a trip, I will forget something, and typically something rather minor. Toothbrush, comb, toothpaste, or some other small item that easy to get from the hotel itself. But socks? Yeah, that rather dumb of me.

So off to the Target that was 3 or 4 blocks away. Of course, it started to sprinkle as I headed over there. Why not add a little insult to injury? Got the socks, some drinks, and snacks for the con. Hoofed it back, and had to get out of the wet shirt into something a bit more dry.

Off to the main hotel. I joined various others in the lobby area. While there, I started passing out some of the “Beware of Gargoyles” badges I had brought along. I had brought along 24 of them. Some of the first ones I handed out to were some of the fans that I ran across from the Gathering of The Gargoyles. Gave out to a few of the newer fans, but wanted to make sure to save one for Greg, Thom, and Keith David.

After a while, wandered down to join the Meet and Greet Gargoyles Cast line. Missed out getting an autograph from Thom, Brigitte Bako, and Greg. But was able to get Keith David's autograph, and a selfie with him. And was able to hand off one of the badges to Greg. It was neat to see him clip to his lanyard nearly right away.

Went across the street to the diner with Seth, Sammy, and Laurean to get some dinner. Tried out the grilled cheese, which was pretty decent. And it came more fries than I was expecting. It was a tasty meal before heading back for the Gargoyles 30th Anniversary Celebration.

It was great to see both Gregs, Brigitte, Thom, Karine, Keith, Jennifer, Zehra, and Erin on stage. Probably the first time I've attended a panel of any sort in years. Made sure to take a couple of pictures to send to one of the German fans; Duncan.

Got to talk with Greg Weisman, along with a few others for a bit. Kind of found it surprising that he remembers who I am 15 years after the last the Gathering. Remembers the handle, but not my name (It is Shaun). To be honest, the same applies to me as well. I can sometimes remember both, or just one. Happens to us all.

Friday July 5th:

After getting ready for the day, back to the con hotel. Chatted with some fellow fans before going to the Voice acting panel. Once that was done, I decided to wander the dealers room before going to the “Voices from Eyrie” panel. Not going to lie, going to need to catch up on those podcasts.

From there, headed up for the Gargoyles in comics one. Not going to lie, I was happy when the comics started coming out again, and was hooked once again. Would love to see more of Dark Ages, along more Timedancer as well besides what was covered in the SLG run. Plus would love to see, and learn more about Gargoyle customs. Especially their courting rituals. What can I say? I'm curious.

Received some art from Y2Hecate that I commissioned her to draw of my characters. And handed off another art idea of a couple of different characters that needed some love too.

Went back to my hotel room for a little before getting dinner at the diner again. The next thing I checked out was the Fancy Bastard Pie Competition. Only 5 pies were submitted. Even so, it was an interesting thing to behold.

After that ended, I have Brigitte Bako my Beware of Gargoyles badge. She had been looking for one, and I was more than happy to give her mine. Certainly made her night. Seeing the joy, and smile made it all the worth while. And got to take a selfie with her.

My roommate has the master file for the badge design, so next time I will make sure I have far more than the 24 I brought.

Skip forward a bit in time for the Blue Mug, and then off to sleep.

Saturday July 6th:

Made a dash up the street to Target again since Kythera suggested getting some Oreos before taking a picture with them to send off to Duncan. Ate some breakfast, and off to the con hotel.

Went off to a panel whose name escapes me at the time of writing this. Wandered for a bit afterwards, and then got in the line for the radio play. “I'm right here!” indeed.

From there, off too jump in the Meet and Greet line to get a Gargoyles comic signed by Greg Weisman. I spotted a couple of variant covers that I did not have, and was able to have those signed instead. I do the love the comment “I feel sorry for you, I sign the same thing for you every time.” Replied saying that I didn't mind. To me, it is always a treat.

Probably wandered some more before Hitting up the Young Justice, and Spectacular Spider-Man panels. Admittedly, I need to watch both of those.

Did a little more talking with a few folks before getting some badly needed food.

Back into my hotel room, I had very random thought; minus the whole time dancing thing, part of my younger life was sort of like gNash's life. Moving from one place to another without being able too settle down. Not really the sort of thing one expects to pop into ones head when trying to get to sleep.

Sunday July 7th:

I guess while I slept, my brain probably kept it bouncing around. And came to a realization after I woke up. Pardon some of the phrasing.

It is weird realizing one of the reasons that "Gargoyles" drew me in 30 years after the show came out. I was a military (USAF) brat until I was 15. So moving around was a regular thing, but hard to understand when you are young. More so when you live 7 (technically 6 as we came back to the same place for a second time, but one doesn't know what's changed either) different places in 13 years.

Wanting to make friends was a challenge. Not just a matter of trust, but not knowing when said friendship might end because of him being assigned to a different base states away. Or being deployed overseas. Even after the final move, it was still difficult to make, and to hold on to friends for years.

Seeing the show when it first came on the air, I could empathize with their thoughts, and feelings of being in a strange new place. Figuring out the layout, who to trust, or even become friends with. In high school, I could count my amount of friends on one hand.

That aside, going to the Gathering of The Gargoyles 2000 in Orlando was the first step in spreading my wings. And a leap of faith. I didn't know what I was getting into. What sort of folks would be meeting? I was still in my shell as as I was still a fairly shy person.

It started cracking my shell, and then the subsequent Gatherings finally brought me out. Along with meeting folks that I can still call friends to this day.

And today, I realize just how much that show meant to me. The connections it helped make to so many wonderful, and talented people. But more importantly, it helped me find a clan that I'm lucky to be a part of. Plus helped change into what I sincerely hope is a far person than I might have been if it hadn't been for Gargoyles.

Heck of a thing to wake up to.

The day of going to three back to back Gargoyles panels. First up was Bio/ Culture, and of course, the panel ran over on time. After Greg, loves to hear himself talk. But hey, that's part of the reason the fandom likes you.

Gargoyles to screen quickly followed. Unlike his previous panels where he has prepared “Absolutly nothing,” he was prepared. I've heard most of this before, but it is still awesome to see, and hear again for the first time in years. And “Better than Barney.” I don't think I'll ever get over that comment. Much like the previous panel, this one ran over as well.

And last one up was Gargoyle visually. He was prepared for this one as well, and again I've seen all of these before. Still a treat though. Didn't have time to show all of the clips. Some of us were saddened by the sight of the Ed Asner clips. I wish I had gotten to chance to meet him, even just once.

A little while later, it was off to closing ceremonies. Got a selfie with Greg before some of us went off to get dinner. After coming back to the hotel, we met up with him in the lobby for a bit before getting milkshakes at the diner.

All of us had to order online since they wanted an $3 if we placed the order in person. Probably took close to an hour to get all of our orders, and there were a few mix ups. I got a butterscotch one. Was okay, but I've had better.

We hung around talking for a bit in the lobby before various folks in the the group started saying their goodbyes before going to bed for their various early morning flights. Very bittersweet moment to say the least.

Headed back to my hotel to pack, and prepare for my trip home the next day. It certainly felt bittersweet; getting to see fellow fans for the first time in 15 years, if not longer, and feeling the line did not last enough. Always hard to say goodbye.

Monday July 8th:

The day felt rather bittersweet as I drover back to the airport. Nearly got lost on the way after being able to get into the proper highway lane. After getting to the airport, and returning the car, the fun started trying to get from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1.

MSP does not make it easy. More going all over the place to find the light rail to get there, and more hiking all over the place. Got lost inside more than once due the signage not being great. After 30 minutes, I finally got to the security check point, and was through that in 5 minutes.

Started typing this out while waiting for my flight. No delay this time, and a little over 3 hours later, I was back at SeaTac airport. Took an hour to drive home, bringing the trip to end. Typing this out also feels bittersweet, but I did promise Greg that I would write one up even if it will be a few years before he responds. Plus akes me realize I really need to be less of a stranger in the fandom.

Already miss talking to you, and all of the others as well.

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amy writes...

Hi Greg, I absolutely LOVE this show so much and wanted to say don't listen to haters !! i think this show in wonderful. I wanted to ask why season four of young justice isn't available in Australia? I actually shed a few tears when i found out i couldn't watch it :'( .

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Anonymous writes...

1. What are the human biological equivalent ages and the chronological ages of all the New Gods from both New Genesis and Apokolips that have been shown thus far in the Earth-16 universe?

2. If Kalibak, Grayven, and Orion are paternal half-brothers (since their father is Darkseid), that what are the names of their respective mothers?

3. What are the physiological ages of all the people who have been trapped in the Phantom Zone in the Earth-16 universe? Furthermore, how long ago was each person sent to the Phantom Zone prior to Krypton's destruction?

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Amy writes...

in a scene, Klarion and Child talked about an 'Earth 17 fiasco', what was it about??

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fighteer1 of TVTropes writes...

"Everyone's SO impatient for everything to be included instantly. And then they also bitch when we include too much and THEIR favorite character isn't getting enough screentime because of it. Talk about a no-win scenario."

This type of pathetic whining and bitching is why I don't have a lot of respect for you! You IGNORE these type of questions instead of responding to them! If I ever meet you in person, I'm going smack you upside the head!

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Deep writes...

is young justice season 5 coming ?

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Josh writes...

What books have you been reading?

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nicole writes...

hi Greg my name is Nicole cook I'm 27 years old and I have autism I have made over 25 new character's for young justice I'll keep them safe for you because I can't post them to you

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Anonymous writes...


#1. In the new timeline, the Daxamite race are descended from the children of Superboy and Miss Martian in the Earth-16 universe; with Mon-El presumably being an 31st-century descendant even though he has not made an appearance yet. Furthermore, presumably due to human/Kryptonian/Martian hybrid genetics passed down throughout the generations, the Daxamites' weakness changes from Kryptonite to lead.

#2. M'comm M'orzz is the direct ancestor of Chameleon Boy in the Earth-16 universe due to M'comm and his rebellious White Martian group being relocated to present-day Durla.

#3. In the Earth-16 universe, the date of May 14, 2030 marks the formation of the present-day incarnation of the United Planets (presumably, in part, due to Superboy's actions on this fateful day) and therefore will be acknowledged as "Unity Day."

#4. Assuming Young Justice ever gets a fifth season, it is possible that Kara Zor-El and Black Mary will become major characters; with Kara gradually doubting the dark path she is following and becoming a hero as a result of multiple encounters with members of her family, and Black Mary staying down her dark path right to the very end due to feeling betrayed by Zatanna and perhaps wanting to kill her former mentor in revenge.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the revelation of Kara Zor-El in the post-credits scene of the Season 4 YJ finale, was she sent to the Phantom Zone because she was truly a criminal, or was she sent there because her parents (Zor-El and Alura-El; the latter formerly known as Alura In-Ze) believed that it was the only way they could ensure that their daughter would be able to survive Krypton's inevitable destruction; assuming no ships were allowed to leave Krypton despite Jor-El's warning about Krypton's fate?

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Mystic writes...

So quick question for the gargoyles on sleep. I'm well aware of the current stone sleep but if a gargoyle isn't outside during the day I have a question
Are gargoyle able to sleep during the night? Like would that give them thebre0laced energy?

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Jason Leiderman writes...

You previously mentioned in the comments that you complied a huge list of villains you considered for the light, do you plan to publish the list?

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Sydney writes...

If you had the chance, are there any plot points or character arcs you'd want to explore in W.I.T.C.H. in today's world that you wouldn't have been able to write in the 2000s?

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Joseph Conaty writes...

Just finished Spectacular Spider-Man (a little late I know,) and I’m left with a profound sense of longing. What was to become of Peter and Gwen? How would the rest of the city react to Norman Osborn’s disappearance? I guess what I really want to know is will this show ever come back and give marvel fans something to smile about for a change?

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Johnny writes...

For Roughnecks, did their rifles fire bullets, or were they generic lasers?

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Josh writes...

1. Was the old woman whose body the ultra-humanite possessed before taking the Gorilla’s body Doloris Winters.
2. Did the Brain join the light before he removed his own brain.
3. Did the Brain and Mallah ever fight the doom patrol before they died.
4. Are Mallah and the Brain a couple like in the comics?

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necro mage writes...

how many children does darkseid have?

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Anjelica writes...

Hey Greg! I'm a big fan art Gargoyles and just had a question to ask about a couple of my fave characters/villains: Sevarius and Taro! I love them both so I was pretty excited when the comics seemed to hint at their past team-up on an unknown project. I'm just curious, what do you imagine their past interactions being like (like would they get along well etc?) If this plays into a future plot point feel free to ignore the first half of the question, but aside from any specific dealings they may or may not have had with eachother, in general I'm just curious about what their hypothetical dynamic would be. I always saw them both as being very queer-coded, but that might just be my own bias as an queer person. Am I onto something valid for thinking they would make a great, hammy, evil power-duo couple, or is that very different from how you envisioned the characters? Either way, thanks for including so much representation in your work :)

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Sebastian writes...

Hi Greg, hope you're great, I am rewatching Young Justice for third time, and a lot of my questions were answered by the Wiki or this web, but I have a doub:

1) During most part of Season 2, 8 leaguers were out of planet, how did they justify their secret identity absence from work? I don't really know if GL, WW or the Hawks have secret identities, but for example, didn't Perry White wondered where Clark had been that entire time? Or didn't anyone in Gotham noticed that Burce Wayne hadn't appeared in a long time?

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Noah Simpson writes...

Hey Greg, hope all is well.
Watching Young Justice for the second time through right now.
Hoping there will be a new season at some point.
Let me know what you think!

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Anonymous writes...

Why do say your young justice story has no ending when you have a complete timeline of your young justice story on your computer?

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Jamal writes...

Hey Greg this is a hypothetical question so if you were introduce the crime syndicate in earth 16, who be the members and who be cast as voice actors? would it be voice actors from the show or actors from previous DC projects or both

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Henry Gilroy writes...

Apparently you have a new email address since the Rebels days -- it has been a minute. Mine is the same, hit me up.

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Midsy writes...

Hello! I recently binge-watched W.I.T.C.H and fell back in love with it
One thing that bummed me out was that the songs in S2 never saw a proper release, even though the full versions exist. Would you happen to be willing to share the full/clean versions, if they are in your possession? If not then would you happen to know who I might ask for that?

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Princess of Prestidigitation writes...

Did Zatanna's mother Sindella possess any affinity for the mystic arts whatsoever in Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

How would you taxonomize the gargoyle race (scientifically classify them)? I know you have already stated in the past that they belong to a fictional order known as 'gargates', but how would the rest of the categories be decided?

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necro mage writes...

how many children does highfather have?

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necro mage writes...

Has darkseid ever interacted with any chaos lords?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the process of actually laying gargoyle eggs, and is it related to human pregnancy?

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Anonymous writes...

How old was Queen Bee when she became ruler of Bialya?

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Bob Ellis writes...

Greg: delete my comment and contact info and everything I posted from www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=29476 so I am not impersonated and so my privacy is not invaded copy and paste it to save it for yourself. And delete this comment as well after.

Bob Ellis
The World Owner all sole

Do not steal, nor lie, nor impersonate me, nor invade my privacy, do not enter my email inbox nor phone or I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law and have and won and against law enforcement. I publicized for the ability like others. No possibility for house arrest whatsoever nor ever for any who invade my privacy. Serious, and that serious for all agents as well and all, you will have at least 8 months or more in real maximum security prison if you invade or impersonate whatsoever.

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Matthew Gemm writes...

Do you have any artwork based around the various spinoff ideas such as the New Olympians? Also, with upcoming live action Gargoyles show, have you considered pitching these spinoff ideas to disney again?

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Matthew writes...

Hi Greg,
I know you probably get these types of questions and suggestions a lot. But I thought it might be worth a shot to ask. For the Spectacular Spiderman I understand that the show’s revival is unlikely. But as I heard you talk about movies etc. I read that Sony sold Disney the rights to create Spiderman shows; which Disney has kind of been falling off of after the Ultimate Spiderman. But, Disney did not buy the rights to any movies. So in theory you and Sony can revive the series, in hour to hour and a half films, and technically not be breaking anything legally. Sony owns the Spectacular Spiderman character and can still use it to this day, but just not in any TV series. The show ended on a huge cliffhanger and I think it could make a huge hit again. As Disney has revived Xmen 97’ and made a lot of money and a huge hit. I think that a Spectacular Spiderman revival could be an even better revival than Xmen 97’. I know you are not Sony and don’t really have any control over this. But maybe if making a post on twitter/x or any other social media encouraging spectacular spiderman revival via movies/short films, maybe it could get the attention of Sony and convince a revival. I have heard that Josh Keaton would be totally open to playing the role again if it was revided. The show’s ending did not feel right and the show deserves justice to it’s ending. At the end of the day, I’m just a fan, with a dream. This dream is very unlikely but still worth shot. As for my question; I always wondered how Captain Stacy hinted that he knew Peter’s indentity. Were there plans for this to be revealed in future seasons/movies? As for my final comment and question is why Spectacular Spiderman was against Miles in Across the Spider-Verse. Spectacular always knew he could never look the other way. But in Across the Spider-Verse he made it very clear he felt different now. Props to you if you made it this far in this “small question” This might be out of your hands but I think that it is worth a shot. Hope you are doing well and thank you for making my childhood special with the series “The Spectacular Spiderman”

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Ben Davies writes...

You're a personal hero of mine and I'm sure you get requested questions like these all the time, so forgive me if you've already answered this in a previous post that I couldn't find.

But do you have any advice about long term story telling, within a serialised format?

I'm planning on writing my own Web series so any advice, especially from a pro, would be greatly appreciated.

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Elena writes...

About young justice,
1is the red hooded ninja Jason todd?
2are there news about season 5?

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Daniel Chirca writes...

Young justice s5 will come soon?please

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Tom writes...

What is the tallest height can miss martian make herself be with her shape shifting power in young justice universe?

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SparklingWings writes...

Hello there! As I was watching the last episode of W.i.t.c.h. just now, a question I've been wondering about for years came back to me. Towards the end once Cedric has been defeated and the previous guardians along with Elyon and Yan Lin manage to free themselves from the seal, we can see Cassidy in her guardian form in a few shots. I'm assuming it's an animation mistake as she alters outfits between scenes, so my question is was there at some point a moment where after being freed, the fact of her having been brought back to life going to be addressed more in depth than just in Will's voice-over but got cut out of the episode due to time or some other factors or was that simply an animation error that I'm reading way too much into?

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Crisler writes...

Why did you not have young justice comic issues made based on young justice season 2 episodes that you were not able have to have made ?

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Anonymous writes...

In Season 2, Conner and M'gann kept the true reason behind their break up a secret from everyone, but I'm curious about 2 things...

1. What excuse did they say to everyone who questioned them about why they broke up?
2. By the end of the season, which members of the team discovered the real reason behind their break up?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions about the Team's Reactions to Supermartian's Break Up in Season 2

1. Why didn't anybody on the Team say anything about Conner and M'gann's relationship in season 2?
2. Wasn't anyone curious about why they broke up?
3. Why didn't any of them try to help get them back together aside from Garfield?
4. Did any members of the Team pick a side in the break up?
5. How did they react to the fact that so soon after the break up, M'gann rebounded with La'gaan.

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Amber Jones writes...

Hi Greg! Do you do podcasts? Would love to have you on mine.

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Tom Hibbert writes...

Is there anything from gargoyles that you wished you could've changed or are you happy with how it turned out?

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Verdragon5 writes...

Where did The Light build and launch the ice fortresses seen in "Coldhearted"?

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Kal-El writes...

Queen Bee is one of Young Justice's most promising characters, but she hasn't been utilised as much. (For reference, she has 6 speaking roles, compared to Klarion's 11, Lex's 18, Vandal's 20, and even Ra'as' 7).

1. Was this because of issues with availability of the fantastically-talented Marina Sirtis? Or her not easily fitting into the plot? Or both?

2. If the series were to get additional seasons, would there be plans to finally give her the screentime she deserves?

3. Do you have any idea how her arc might end? Or even her backstory?

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Avery S writes...

Hi Greg!

My main question is: will you be helping to produce a fifth season of "Young Justice"? I have been doing extensive research into who has produced and could produce a new season of my favorite show. I thought it was worth a shot to reach out to you! Like many others, I am hopeful for a fifth season of "Young Justice." I was wondering if you could offer any insight into the continuation of this remarkable show.

Thanks so much, and hope you're doing well!!!!!!!

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Hope writes...

Hi Greg! I am a long-time fan of both Gargoyles and Young Justice. I am also a literature grad student so I thoroughly appreciate a lot of your literary references in both works :)
One reference that has always somewhat confused me is all the references to the Rime of The Ancient Mariner (Forager refers to his glamour charm as an albatross around his neck, Conner reads it in season two, etc.) as it is a bit obscure of a work. I guess I just wanted to know if there was any significance to these references. Is it just a book you liked, so you included it? Is it just a running joke? Is it some secret third thing?

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Alex Jorgensen writes...

Hey Greg Weisman You Never Answer Anything Of My 3 Previous Question I Can Give You 5 Question.
1. Are You Involved With The Live-Action Gargoyles Series?
2. Are You Hype With Beyond The Spider-Verse?
3. Are You Hype With Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man?
4. Will There Be The 5th Season Of Young Justice?
5. Are You Hype With Live-Action DCU Teen Titans Movie?

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Chris Camp writes...

Hello ,
I hope this finds you well. My name is Chris Camp. I need the service of an illustrator/cartoonist to draw some images for an upcoming school program. I'll describe the characters as vividly as possible to make it easy for you to do the job. Please get back to me for more details.


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Secret writes...

Could you describe the bad days Miss Martian was going through in season 4 after she returned to Earth and was still grieving Superboy's death? I'm curious about the details and just how bad were those days?

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E Winzer writes...

Hello, I have been a long time admirer of your storytelling. Gargoyles was my favorite show growing up. My day would not be complete without my daily dose of those defenders of the night. Because of the many references to Shakespeare throughout the show, i went on to study literature in college. But enough about me. My question is a simple one. I've done my research but could not find anyone else asking this question.

Goliath always called Demona, most lovingly, his 'angel of the night'. I was curious, if this a term of endearment does Goliath have one for Elisa?

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Jon writes...

So did the Lords of Chaos backing Child in Season 4 happen to include my personal favorite among their number, Shivering Jemmy of the Shallow Brigade?

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Stanislav Shtyrbulov writes...

About a Сriminal Grisha Volkov. Is Grisha his actual name? Because, for educational purposes, In Russian, Grisha is diminutive for Grigoriy (Ð"ригорий).

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Taras writes...

Hey Greg,
So I'm really enjoying the world you have created with Young Justice and I was wondering if you would plan on expanding the universe with more shows and movies to fill in the blanks(There are some fat time skips between seasons). I know you don't really have the power to just flat out say yes to these things, but if given the choice?

I would personally love a batman show called "The Bat Family" or something along those lines that just covers Batman and everyone associated with him. I know next to nothing about spoiler and orphan so something expanding that would be awesome.(Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter, Aquaman, and Doom Patrol shows would be cool as well).

Thank You for all your hard work

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Thrawn7 writes...

I am contacting to ask if Mr. Weisman plans to attend any conventions where I can get my Gargoyles comics printed by SLG publishing signed and graded for my collection? I have them ALL with the graphic novels, with second readable copies. Thank you.

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George writes...

Hi Greg
I loved the show Spectacular Spider-Man and I have been watching to for a long time. I was just curious since you tried to make your show diverse what ethnicity Peter Parker was? I know he is white I am just curious if you ever gave him an ethnicity to relate to. Thank you.

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Stanislav Shtyrbulov writes...

So, i'll try to ask a question as much PG as possible.
So in Slg Comics, Coco says that to keep London Clan population in line, they don't let females lay an egg and isolate females, while they're in heat. So my question is - Does behavior of the Garg females change, when they are in heat? Is it kinda like Betazoid midlife phase from Star Trek, or it is something else...

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Andy writes...

Dear Greg,

Did you have anyone in mind for who could voice Katana and Nashville?


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Spider-Fan313 writes...

1. Greg, spectacular was absolutely my childhood, if there was even the slightest smallest chance in the universe, if you were asked to continue the spectacular Spider-Man animated series, would you want to?

2. If you were asked to be involved in another spider-man series separate from spectacular, would you be interested?

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Jim Harbor writes...

Hello Greg, thank you for showing polyamory in mainstream television. My question is about Dick and Babs.
1. Does Babs enjoy the fact that Dick has other partners?
I ask because in the comics it seems she was pretty into it. Thanks for answering our questions sir?

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Aidan writes...

Hey, Greg. I just wanna say I absolutely loved your work on The Spectacular Spider-Man. You helped shape my love for the character, and I can't be more thankful for that.I'm sorry for probably being the billionth person to ask you about what your plans for future seasons where, but anyway, here goes...

How exactly did you want to adapt the character of Morbius the Living Vampire, and what sort of plans did you have for the character, if any?


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Laurent writes...

Would Miss Martian do a mind meld with Garfield before Garfield dies so Miss Martian could carry Garfield's soul with her for the rest of her life because Miss Marian knows she ages slower than Garfield?

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Terry writes...

Can young justice Martians carry another person's soul by do mind meld with them like Spoke did to doctor MCCOY in star trek 2 wrath of khan?

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Cabrea writes...

As part of the young justice story why do you believe it was not an injustice to beast boy to have beast boy go down the path of depression to leading beast boy to lose his love relationship with Perdita as coup cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you Mr. Greg knew supperboy was still alive and superboy was going to get back together with miss Marian at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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James Kastner writes...

Dear Mr . Weisman

My name is James Kastner it is a huge honor sir on short knottiest I admire your work with animation and I hope you can continue to use your gifts well. I am pretty much a huge fan of your work you do your pretty much one of my favorite animators I admire Two of your shows you do such as Spectacular Spiderman and young Justice I really admire what you did for those shows and wanted so badly to ask you my questions and opinions about them but I never knew how to reach you I just hope this letter will soon reach you ?

Questions and opinions of spectacular Spiderman

1.) will Eddie becomes friends with Peter again ?

2.) Will Sally MJ Harry Gwen and her father Flash Kenny Randy Glory Liz and the families along with MJ aunt Mrs Watson Peters Aunt the Connors family black cat and her parents the daily bugle workers and the Jameson and wife and son ?

3.) Will Miles warren be expose as one of the three scientists in the super villain mercenary program along Doctor octopus and Tinkerer ?

4.) Will Mark Allen and colonel John Jameson and Max Dillion be treated with a cure ?

5.) Is Sand man alive if he is does he have a family a daughter and is a anti Villian was that him disappearing in spirit in first steps ?

6.) In my personal opinion if the series were to come back even though you said it won't but we seen him the second spider verse maybe you can clear the idea of the stacy's Dieing and focus more on the other on discovering the truth of Peters and Eddie parents deaths and revealing that they are alive and reveal the reasons being leaving was of Norman .

7.) Will Norman Osborn return as the leader of the goblin nation as the ultimate green Goblin and will his new suit be an exact replica of the 2002 verson.

8.). will peter Parker become the man spider ?

9.) Will we get Characters such as Hydro man Hobgoblin carnage Martin lee miles morales whirl wind sin eater the wheeler Sand girl The spot the beetle Spenser Smythe and his father Alister and Jack o lantern prowler scorpion tarantula spider skeleton Wake riders slide the Wild pack the Goblin nation Anya Corazon miles morales ghost spider spiderman's sisters April parker Jessica Drew Ben Reilly Kaine Jessica Drew Teresa Parker Jennifer justice peter parker cousins may Parker alexa brehe amybrehe amanda brehe spidercide iron spider agent venom scarlet spider the kingpin and his family the avengers and fantastic 4 shield the 6 american warriors ?

10.) will Norman Osborn who the dark Goblin aka the goblin king and will to form the goblin nation and will he have his forces be like goblin nation from the 2017 spiderman tv series and half of it will wear the Jack o lantern helmets

11.) Will Sable Manfredi discover Peter's secret identity and forgive him for putting her father away and will she be revealed to be peters and eddie mothers best friend and peters god mother ?

12.) will the web warriors be formed in spectaular spiderman ?

13.) how would you enjoy a cross over between the 2004 batman tv series and spectaular spiderman and spectaular spiderman tv series with the 90s spiderman and 2017 spiderman ?

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J. L. Polacek writes...

Is Shari Scheherazade? If so does that mean Disney's Aladdin could have been set around the Dark Ages? I know Elisa dressed as Jasmine and Shari is arabic looking.

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Anonymous writes...

Assuming that once Kara is no longer a member of the Female Furies and eventually becomes a hero, will Jeremiah and Eliza Danvers become her adoptive parents in the Earth-16 universe, or will she live with the Kent family?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, why is Kon-El identified as Kara Zor-El's "cousin" and not as her genetic cousin?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16-universe, does Batman have a violent and unhinged alternate persona that is identified as the Batman of Zur-En-Arrh?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is the name of the red sun which Daxam orbits around called Valor?

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Anonymous writes...

If pastiches/analogues of the following alien races listed below somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if their existences were explained as evolutionary offshoots of Kryptonians (much like the recently-introduced Phaelosians), what would be good names for these alien races?

#1. Strontians; from the planet Strontia (Marvel Comics)

#2. Dakkamites; from the planet Dakkam (Marvel Comics)

#3. Viltrumites; from the planet Viltrum (Image Comics; Invincible Universe)

#4. Caltronians; from the planet Caltron (“The Guardians of Justice” Netflix TV Series)

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Bethany Hart writes...

Big fan of Young Justice, and a particularly big fan of Wally West! I LOVE this show's adaptation of him, flaws and all. While I was heartbroken (as many fans were) when he died at the end of Season 2, I like seeing the way he's continued to haunt the narrative since then with how his death effected everyone, even people outside the original Team. But I have questions about the speedsters in the show:

1. If Wally hadn't "ceased" at the end of Season 2, would he ever have been as fast (or faster than) Barry and Bart?
2. Is there a reason speedsters don't generate lightning when they run like in the comics (and most adaptations)?
3. Ignoring the potential implications for Wally returning, does the Speed Force exist at all in the Young Justice universe?

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Jan Rott writes...

In the episode "Vows", there appears to be an information paradox, as Engel received the spell to the Phoenix Gate from her older self, Demona. This means that the knowledge of the magic spell actually has no real source. Or did Angel research the information somewhere beforehand?

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Drake Horning writes...

Greg, what's up with spectacular spider man, will it come back ? and if so, will it air on Disney XD ?

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necro mage writes...

does the league of shadows still possess the lazarus pits after ra's al ghul left?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,
I don’t know if you still look at these posts, but I just want to say thank you for all your work. Watching and speculating about Young Justice inspired me to be a storyteller with how that world works. Even if I disagreed with how you approached the story telling, you’ve been a creative I’ve looked upon fondly. I know things have been a bit rough these last few years, but I hope you’re doing well. Thank you and have a nice day.

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Anonymous writes...

When are you coming back to answer questions? its been over a year! can you at least turn off the ask your question so it wont get to full

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Jan Rott writes...

Are there any Gargoyle members in the Avalon Clan who have wings like Lexington? This wing type already seemed to be very rare in the Wyvern Clan, as along with Lex there was only Sacrifice and a gray gargoyle in "Aweking Part One".

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Michelle writes...

Hello! I’ve been wondering for the past five minutes about Fury (Rosa), mostly about her golden gauntlet. It’s multiple questions about it actually. 1)Why does she wear it? 2)Does she need to wear it? 3)Related, did she lose her lower left arm and that’s why she wears it? 4) Or does she just like wearing it? I mean it looks super cool so I wouldn’t be surprised if a younger Rosa just wanted it for the coolness factor. If you do ever get to continue your markovia storyline I’m super excited to see what you have planned for her and Brion! (Don’t feel bothered to answer if this does go into spoiler territory)

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Bee writes...

How old was Troia when she joined the team?

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NamineNasha writes...

Hello, I hope you're doing well and have many more chances to show the world your creativity.

My question for you today is about Gargoyles, more specifically David Xanatos, the Lex Luthor to Golaith's Superman.

I'm not asking for any specifics or anything, but did you create a mom for David?

I know he has one, because his dad didn't exactly make him on his own (as far as we know, of course). I'm just curious if she was actually a fleshed-out character in your mind. Did you put thought into her, make up a history for her, have her be an influence on David? Think of any storylines using her?

Or did you decide that she wouldn't have a role in Xanatos life from the beginning and just left her as Xanatos's Mother and nothing more?

I hope you don't consider this a spoiler, I've been really curious about her, ever since we saw his dad and was introduced to their rocky relationship.

Thank you again for your wonderful creations!

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Anonymous writes...

young justice season 4 was so good that a season 5 was not made.

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James Kastner writes...

It is truly is an honor to be writing to you Mr. Weisman I really admire your work on the animation you do for shows such as the spectacular Spider-Man and young justice tv series . Yah you did a marvelous job on both them hope you keep up the good work .

1.) In spider verse where it shows Captain Stacy would die I kinda was stump on that one perhaps if the series does come back we can keep all the characters alive no one can die ?

2.) will Peter friends and their families discover his secret ?

3.) will Eddie Brock harry Osborn flash reconcile with Peter .

4.) Will their be new characters such as Clash Silk Anya Miles morales Martian lee beetle hydro man madam web bystander carnage

5.) will sable formed the wild pack ?

6.) will doctor Connor’s get his lab back from Miles Warren with Gwen Stacy getting evidence

7.) does Peter have a sibling called Teresa Parker

8.) will Norman return for revenge and become the Goblin King for the Goblin nation with all Spider-Man’s enemies as his commanders .

9.) will Mj be with Peter as his girl friend ?

10.) if we have a movie with spectacular Spider-Man and Marvels Spider-Man how will play out ?

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Tom Groves writes...

Where's the DVD and bluray release of YJ season 4? I know you said one was in the works, but I am getting very annoyed with the empty slot on my shelf. Please get us all a concrete answer before the shelf slot becomes an empty slot on HBOMax.

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P.A.G. writes...

How old were Jor-El, Lara El, and Zor-El when Krypton was destroyed?

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Tyson writes...

1. Superboy is shown and stated to be weaker than superman, how strong is he compared to other average kryptonians? If they were a 10 what would Conner be?
2. In the finale of the S4 vs the house of zod, he holds his own against the zods despite being weak from the phantom zone and prior damage, and only a slight recharge. In a 1v1 fight against a full kryptonian would he be able to hold his own?
3. Finally regarding Jon (superman son) he was mentioned to have heat vision in one of the credit scenes of an episode in s4, is there any reason he would heat vision and Conner wouldn’t when they are both half kryptonian? Is it just chance like genetics like how one “brother” can be taller than the other?

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B writes...

Are dragons the Lost Race, or are they counted with gargoyles?

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Anonyme writes...

Salut Greg

Qu'as fait Bumblebee à sa fille?

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg Have You Try Streaming Disney+ & Max For Your Shows?

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GhostyBoy writes...

Has Bart Allen befriended Tye Longshadow since both are essentially best friends with Jaime Reyes?

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Kara writes...

Does Brave Bow exist on Earth 16?

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Alpha Godzilla Buddies writes...

1. What are the names of the members of the Bumblebees cheerleaders, besides Megan Morse, Wendy Harris and Karen Beecher?

2. Do Raven and Starfire exist in Earth-16?

3. Could there possibly be a reboot to the Young Justice animated series with teen comedy?

4. Will Batman meet his son, Damian?

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Olivia Ahern writes...

I really liked your books A Rain of the Ghosts Novels. I read both yours books I would have loved to see how they figure it all out and the conclusion of the finding of the zemis. Sorry to hear you not continuing with the series again would have loved to read them. Thank You. Have a good day. oliviaahern2003@gmail.com

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Alex writes...

Hey Greg Have You Watch Morbius Movie?

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J. L. Polacek writes...

I was thinking about "Vendettas" and I was wondering if there was still a village nearby where the castle once stood. Is the village still the same one that Captain Robert and his daughter lived in? If so, does the village still stand by the time Wolf finds Hakon and his axe?

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Alex writes...

Have You Play Marvel's Spider-Man For PS4?, Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales For PS4 and PS5? & Marvel's Spider-Man 2 For PS5?

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Olivia Ahern writes...

I really liked your books A Rain of the Ghosts Novels. I read both yours books I would have loved to see how they figure it all out and the conclusion of the finding of the zemis. Sorry to hear you not continuing with the series again would have loved to read them. Thank You. Have a good day.

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of the Young Justice episode evolution has Cassandra savage ever been to the history cave under Khuiten peak and monalonged her favorate parts of Vandal's backstory to herself there while wearing her baseball cap or newsgirl cap from time to time ?

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Jan Rott writes...

In the episode "Turf" you see Pal Joey twice. Once in the attack of Dracon's car slaughterhouse, where there is a Joey on the roof before being stunned by the gas and another Joey with Glasses inside. When the train is attacked you can see both of them next to each other.

I assume it's an animation error. But can we avoid the fact that Joey has a twin brother who also works for the Dracons?

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Anonymous writes...

Was 'Humanity' (Young Justice season 1 episode 15) influenced by the climax of Pluto (a 2003-2009 Japanese comic series)?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have some questions regarding Young Justice.

1. Are Mist and Livewire lesbian and a couple on Earth-16?

2. Are Wonder Woman and Catwoman bisexual on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Garfield learn that kid flash's name was wally west before or after Garfield begin living at mount justice?

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Liz writes...

After reading Gargoyles Dark Ages, I have to ask. Did Lexington choose his 'new' name because his childhood human friend named him 'Alexander' and the 'Lex' part reminded him of her?

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J. L. Polacek writes...

The Megalith Dance is it a "ghost cage"? Is that how the Captain Robert & Hakon were imprisoned in the Archmage's Cave for a thousand years? Could it also be how the archmage was able to survive his apparent death fall? Is it also like the Phoenix gate capable of time-travel?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg I love your series and everything you do especially young Justice but I’m curious on why Zatanna and nightlong broke up i honestly love them being together and I think they’re endgame because it is a different universe and I would love for them to still be together I was they are just so perfect together in my opinion and I hope maybe you do pair them together again and they stay together

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Jay "Gooch" Doyle writes...

Hello, I was wondering if it was possible to do an interview on my YouTube podcast Diabolical Souls Presents? I would like to discuss your career and new upcoming projects. I want to thank you in advance for any consideration and look forward to hearing back from you. email-devilishdoyleart@gmail.com

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Snorlax writes...

Hi Greg,

Sorry if this is too hypothetical, but you have said before that "a version of Team Atlantis exists in the Gargoyles Universe". If Dynamite Comics asked you to write (or oversee as an editor of some sort) an ongoing Atlantis comic book series with Milo and Kida set in the canon Gargoyles Universe, is that something you would ever be interested in?

In the past, you have pointed out contradictions between the Atlantis Universe and the Gargoyles Universe, but they all seem to come from unproduced and unreleased episodes of the spin-off series. If you yourself were given the opportunity by Dynamite and Disney to write/shape the direction of the franchise, unencumbered by the Team Atlantis material, would you be more willing to do a full canon import of the theatrical Atlantis film into Gargoyles continuity?

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New olimpians Spin off? writes...

Mr. Weissman, now that you are working with Dynamite Comics, don't you think it would be a good idea to put that idea you had for the New Olympics Spin Off that you were thinking of doing?

I think it would be a good opportunity to expand the Gargoyle universe.

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Snorlax writes...

Hi Greg,

I just backed the Dynamite Kickstarter at the three trade paperback level. Now that I will own the entire canon, I was wondering if you had a suggested reading order for the comics. Is it as simple as Clan Building > Bad Guys > Here in Manhattan > Dark Ages > Quest, or should I be alternating between the series issue by issue in release order? And where is the best place to slot the Halloween Special, I know it was set further in the timeline than where it was released. Thank you and feel free to include any future (for me, past for you when you answer this) Gargoyles canon in your answer.

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Since Gargoyles is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year, could Disney release Gargoyles on Blu-Ray?

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Jonny Modlin writes...

could we get more Gargoyles spin offs for Pendragon, The New Olympians, Time Dancer, Gargoyles 2198, Heroes of Ulster, more Gargoyles stories in comics by Dynamite.

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Alexander writes...

Really enjoyed learning more about the Lords of Order/Chaos in Season 4. Particularly the Holy Balance. It's mentioned that an imbalance destroyed a previous universe.

Was wondering: is the Holy Balance a light/dark situation, or a MAD/Cold War situation?

So can Order truly not live without Chaos (and vice-versa), or is Balance more to do with the idea that the Lords would destroy everything were if full conflict were to break out?

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Anonymous writes...

In 2011 after Queen Bee kill Marie logan during the year of 2011 after Garfield begin living with Rita did Garfield attend a school, or did Rita homeschool him in 2011? This before 2012 when Gaffield's skin turns green THAT I AM ASKING ABOUT .

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Emeka Uzoh writes...

1. Are you a science geek like Spidey/Pete?

2. How does it feel writing your own Spider-Man title?

3. As a science geek, I was wondering if TSSM had continued if there would of been more science fiction based stories in season 3,4 and 5 and beyond?.

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Snor writes...

Which issue of DC Challenge did you ghost-write?

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Tymiko writes...

Hello, Greg!

1. May I ask why Puck gave David Xanatos the choice between a wish and having Owen as an employee?

I understand he wanted to test Xanatos to see which he would choose, but wouldn't testing to see if giving Xanatos a wish at all lead to the same result if Xanatos chose to use the wish to make Owen his employee?

2. Furthermore, I'm not sure I understand entirely, so I just wanted to be sure - did Xanatos choose Owen over wishing for immortality because he 3anted someone who was loyal and hardworking without fault?

Thank you so much for taking the time if you're able to answer these questions.

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Nicolas Viayour writes...

Who do you consider to be the Main/Central Antagonists of the series? Demona? Illuminatis ? The Weird Sisters? Mab? Or the aliens who will invade Earth in the 22nd century?

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Snorlax writes...

Many of the Star Wars Rebels characters you helped develop have recently returned to our screens, this time in live-action in The Mandalorian and in Ahsoka.

1A. Have you watched Ahsoka?
1B. If so, are you happy with the series’ portrayal of the Ghost Crew?
2A. During your time in the Rebels Season 1 writers room, were there ever any sort of long term pie-in-the-sky ideas discussed for where these characters might end up in the post-Imperial era?
2B. If so, do you see any of those ideas reflected in the Ahsoka series or Zeb’s appearance in The Mandalorian?
2C. Do you think it is possible that some old index cards from your time on Rebels are finally seeing the light of day all these years later in the Ahsoka series?

My sincerest apologies if you find some of these questions inappropriate. I’ve tried my best to keep the questions relevant to you and your experience at Lucasfilm, but I understand that your time there was brief and that you may not have much to say in terms of the answers I’m looking for.

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Snorlax writes...

1. You said on this website some years ago that you had watched Season 2 of Rebels and DVRed the rest of the series. If you have now finished watching the series and if you are free to talk about it, do you feel like the series ended up following the broad strokes of any overarching series plan you were involved with or were there major deviations?
2. In behind the scenes material for your final episode of Rebels (the season one finale and Ahsoka’s first appearance in the series) Dave Filoni mentions that during his time working on The Clone Wars with George Lucas, he developed an outlined plan regarding Ahsoka’s progression across the Star Wars timeline. Were you ever aware of or witness to this outlined plan of his?

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Oleg writes...

Hi Greg!

I've watched the spectacular spider-man series dozens of times and two questions are tearing my brain to shreds:
1. What did Hobie Brown want to ask Captain Stacy during his lessons in Season 2, but didn't have enough time?
2. Did Captain Stacy know for sure that Peter Parker was Spider-Man?

Thank you for your attention, you are the greatest

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Brent writes...

In "Leviathan Wakes," Orin mentions that there are 4 Green Lanterns on the Justice League (Hal, Guy, John, & ???). Is the female Forager the fourth?

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Gentle Savage writes...

if young justice never came back for season 5, would you ever consider just telling the rest of the story in comic form?

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Alexis Munoz writes...

Hey Anonymous writer
To answer your question for the pilot episode of young justice is the green arrow short film

It can be found on the Superman/shazam the return of black Adam movie on DVD.

If that helps answer your question for the pilot episode of young justice

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg Weisman!

I wanted say something that hasn’t been said a million times by probably every fan you’ve spoken to, but I must say, I love your work! Especially the series Young Justice (my favorite television series of all time). Even when compared to other great shows in DC, YJ is still my favorite. It's the grounded espionage, the edgy atmosphere, Phil Bourassa's character design, the details in the world-building, and of course, the wonderful characters and their dynamic. Though the team has grown a lot since the first season (and though we’ve suffered quite a loss with Wally), the core group still holds a place in my heart.

Even to this day, this series of sidekicks becoming heroes still grips me even after the 10th watch.

Sorry it got discontinued (again smh). Hopefully James Gunn can knock a few heads at Warner Bros or whoever and get you guys up and running again! Fingers crossed!

(All these questions will be pertaining to Young Justice)

1. Was there ever a Young Justice Test Pilot made, and if so, is it available to see anywhere? I ask this because whenever I watch Season 1’s Theme or look back at old commercials and promotional material, there always seem to be raw clips that has never been in show.

2. What is the significance of the Mysteries of Udolpho book showing up everywhere?

3. Are Barbara Gordon and Cassie Sandmark best friends? Silly question, I know, but Barbara hooking her arm around Cassie in the episode “Beneath” made me think of this.

4. Has Icicle Jr and Artemis ever tried contacting since the last time they spoke in that comic, and if so, are they still friends?

5. Is there a ceremony for new team members?

That’s all. Thanks!

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Alex Munoz writes...

I am a fan of both The Gargoyles and Young Justice series

I will be patient for the young justice season 4 DVDs release

And for season 5 also I will order the gargoyles comic issue and young justice comic

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Sage writes...

With the Gargoyles 30th anniversary this year, will there be a gathering of gargoyles fans at a convention? I met you and the crew at Convergence 2014 for the 20th anniversary, and I would love to hang out again!

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Redwing617 writes...

1. You’ve stated in the past that Wally was your favorite speedster is that still the case?
2.any changes in you option of the speed force?
3.where there any talks at all during production about reviving Wally at all?
4.where there talks about adapting the Under the Red hood story line since we know Jason Todd existed in this world?
5. Is season 5 still possible?

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Jan Rott writes...

There is the house in the episode "Golem" where Rabbi Loew created the golem and the golem was then stored there in the attic. Later Janus appears to live there. I want to know if it is a residential building or a religious building?

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Shivang Parikh writes...

How was Count Vertigo in line for the throne of he was Perdita maternal uncle?

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Secret writes...

In episode Depths of Young Justice: Invasion, when Miss Martian apologized to Superboy after he brought up how she tried to erase his memories, she apologized, but my question is...
Was she really sorry for what she did to Superboy or sorry that she was caught doing it.

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Brent writes...

How does Superboy & Superman feel pain if they are invulnerable?

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Michael aka Darksuperboy writes...

Hey Greg not a question per say but you doing ok after the hack on Twitter? I think I can safely say on behalf of all your fans we're sorry that happened to you and whatever you decide to do in future regarding twitter we support you! We will miss you if you leave, we will come running to you call if you stay and if you find that git of a troll give us second to sharpen our pitch forks and like the torches.

like I said in my first to you so long ago you're a hero to many of us.

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Anonymous writes...

After moving into there off campus house at Palo Alto Did Wally and Artemis both have on baseball caps at the same time douring any at home study sesstions before Artemis whent under cover in season 2 ?

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Ethan writes...

What kind of leadership do the Space Spawn have?
Do they have an all powerful Autocrat, Emperor, King, General, Warlord, Dictator, Council?

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Bryan Wilson writes...

I think you may have answered this question on the dumpster fire known as Twitter/X (#668), which I have yet to find full text of, if there is any. If so, apologies. Here is my question, following a little set up:

In series 3, Nightwing uses beetle-like mini drones that are, by turns, acting autonomously and also under the control of Oracle at need. Since beetles aren't really in the Bat or Nightwing idiom, and we see Oracle using tiny drones in series 4 that are more bat-like, AND since my old man brain seems to dimly recall a story line in Birds of Prey (comic) where Ted Kord worked with Oracle and shared technology, my question is, are those Nightwing beetle drones a development of Ted Kord that were accepted for use by the Bat family, at least until they developed more bat-like mini-drones of their own?

Anyway, thanks for doing your part to give the Charlton characters like Ted and Captain Atom some attention (as much as you can in this vast ensemble called Young Justice), and thanks for any response!

Also, if I somehow missed the answer to this in my three hours of fishing through the archives, can someone direct me to the answer? Like I said, I think it might have been answered in the #668, but all I see on Twitter/X is just the title "Bat- Beetle Mini- Drone"


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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, will there be anymore Xanatos Programs? (Not the Future Tense one, the one from Legion), I know Xanatos is not fighting the Gargoyles anymore, but will we still see Programs or Machines (other than The Coyote Robots) that have his voice, features and personality if somewhat more cruel, in The series? Whatever happened to the Xanatos Program in Coldstone ?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman
I am wondering did you have other plans for the character Secret (Greta Hayes) and her brother.
Like maybe joining the Outsiders or coming back to life like in the comics.

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Kevin Gunn writes...

Do you know when Season 4 of Young Justice will be available on Blu-ray?

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Anonymous writes...

I was very surprised (but excited) to see Match return in Young Justice: Targets and I have a few questions about him.
1. What is his biological age?
2. When did Superman find out about him and how did he react?
3. Superman and Superboy presumably were told about his fight with Batgirl from Players: Chapter Five. How did they react?
4. Other than the two of them and M'gann, do other Kent family members know about him?
5. Did Superboy think about Match much before they got their brother back?
Thank you for the opportunity to ask questions!

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Anonymous writes...

On Twitter you've said that Young Justice will never have a "proper ending" which I guess raises 2 questions for me.

1. If you could guarantee more seasons for as long as you wanted would the original team members be phased out, or would you keep telling their stories?

2. Why would you prefer to not end it? At some point it feels like it would become tedious to keep creating new stories.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman, how likely do you think it is that Young Justice gets a season 5?

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Mike writes...

Why was there a 2 month hiatus with the 🧨 issue 11&12?

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Anonymous writes...

young justice season 4 was so good that HBOMAX did to not make a season 5.

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Skye4376 writes...

1. When did Aquaman first become King of Atlantis?

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did Demona have any trouble learning how to drive?

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Clark Cradic writes...

When the Magus ate the Grimorum, what did it taste like?

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Michael writes...

Hey, Greg. It’s amazing to actually ask you a question. I’ve seen a lot of the Specacular Spider-Man and it’s very great. I’m still furious at Disney for canceling it before the story was completed.

I actually have a few questions for you, regarding the plans of the show, since I noticed a lot of people have ask questions about your initial ideas for the show.

1. I’ve read that later seasons were supposed to introduce villains like Hydro-Man, Prowlwe, Sin-Eater, Scorpion, Carnage, Hobgoblin, Jackal, Morbius, Crime-Master, and Mr. Negative, did you have any plans to include characters like the Man-Wolf, Beetle, Shriek, and Alistair Smythe?

2. I really like the show’s take on Liz Allan. Were there any plans for her discovering the identity of Spider-Man or becoming Firestar?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did not make a young comic series based on the episodes of season two of young justice that you were not able to make for season two of young justice?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg, I’m sorry for what happened to your account on Twitter/X due to that hacker and hope the best for you going forward. I heard you’re leaving Twitter and honestly that seems for the best, but I hope you consider some alternate social platform so you can continue your character countdown and interaction with fans of your shows.

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Anonymous writes...

So when you were thinking of bisexual characters to add to your show your first thought as a grown man was to picture two drunk teenage girls cheating on their boyfriends…and you seriously thought there was nothing creepy about that? Or did you actually think that was normal because that’s the only exposure you’ve gotten of bisexual women in media?

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Dustin Peppler writes...

Order of the gargoyles back story
In real existence


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Ryan Cameron writes...

Are the Gargoyles' claws retractable?

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William Shaffer writes...

Why did you Mr. Greg believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other if you intend for their relationship to end in a permeant breakup instead of them getting married at some point in your young justice timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

1. You mentioned members of the League and Team receive stipends from the Justice League. Do reserve members of the League and Outsiders also receive stipends?
As of season 4,
2. Is the Outsiders’ HQ still funded by Beast Boy or the League?
3. Is there an in-universe explanation as to why the Outsiders need a den mother when all of them are adults except for Windfall and Terra?

4. What is the exact date (or month) that the Justice League Reserves was formally established (when the first member accepted to join, if you need a clearer definition)?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Mr. Weisman, I want to suggest you join a new, better social media site called Spoutible. Twitter is clearly no help with protecting your account and Spoutible has a free two-factor authentication you can use to protect your account. It has all the features Twitter has and the owner is a progressive that is open, transparent, progressive, and prompt at helping the users there.

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Anonymous writes...

"Greg, if you had the chance to produce the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series again, would you follow the same plan you had at the time or would you make drastic changes to the plan? I believe I speak for everyone when I say that sticking to the original plan would be better instead of adding too many references to the MCU and having Peter no longer be the only Spider-Man in the series :(

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Julian writes...

Hi Greg,
This isn’t a question but I just wanted to let you known that your Twitter account is still hacked and the hacker has been leaking a lot of your personal information and other things Spider-Man related. I really hope you get your account back and deal with this situation!

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Dustin Payne writes...

When Will we get Young Justice FUNKO POPS?

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KalebWilson writes...

Hey Greg. Your twitter is hacked and they're posting your personal info. Are you fixking the problem?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, hope you get your account back soon; I was just wondering if you'd ever be willing to do a Character Countback for Spectacular Spider-Man like the one you've been doing for Young Justice?

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Dwight writes...

Why was it part of your plan of young justice for beast boy to have a permeant breakup with Perdita if you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other just like you believe miss martian and superboy were the right one for each other?

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JB013 writes...

In Young Justice did Crusher care at all about Artemis’ education like Paula did or did he not care if Artemis went to school at all and just concentrated on her physical training. It’s kind of hard to imagine Sports Master going to parent teacher night, oh and also wondering if Artemis first costume was supposed to be dark green or when her dad gave it to her she painted it that color?

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Paul Grillier writes...

Hi Greg, Lets get to the point: your Twitter/X account has been hacked! This was the quickest way I knew I could reach you. Hurry and stop this hacker, they’re threatening to leak stuff!

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Kromnulent writes...

Hi Greg, sorry this isn't actually a question, I just wanted to make sure that you were aware that your Twitter account has been hacked and this was the quickest way that I found to try to contact you. Ok thanks.

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Jon writes...

Heads up -- someone's hacked your Twitter account.

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Kennan writes...

Why do you think it was not an injustice to beast boy to have him to suffer the loss of his relationship with Perdita as a couple cause by beast boy depression and drug use cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you MR GREG knew Conner was going get back together miss martian and married at the end of season 4?

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Anthony dwyer writes...

I Greg,i'm currently living in Jamaica. I want to say I'm a big fan of young justice can give me any information as to when young justice is getting a 5th season.Well the comics yj targets give us a hint.And I hope superboy gets his power unlocked,might project match body degraded by transforming his power into supey body.Thats my thought though just keep me in touch keep up the good work.

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Jassy writes...

Hi Greg, I've been a fan of Young Justice for the longest time and it is one of my comfort shows. I hope you don't mind if i ask some questions.
1. Do Atlanteans have any slang
2. Where is Eduardo's mom
3.Will we ever see Ed's grandfather on screen
4.Do you think we'll ever see Conner and M'gann's kids
Thanks so much

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Steven writes...

We know Spectacular Spider-Man was going to have 5 seasons and movies in between seasons. However, if said movies were not approved, would there have been an extra season or two to make up for the movies, or would the movies' stories have been interjected into those same 5 seasons? Additionally would you have made a season 6 if the movies after season 5 were not approved or just ended the show with peter graduating in season 5 ?

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Pete writes...

Will you think of continue young justice story as comic series if you can't get any more animated seasons of young justice made?

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Joseph writes...

Are there any plans for Young Justice season 5 in the works or in the future?

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Zach writes...

Does Superboy human DNA restrict how much solar energy he can absorb cause Solar energy is how he and superman get there powers

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Lauren writes...

I'm aware of this rumor of live action Gargoyles going around. Apparently there's recent new one (again) over on James Wan's official Instagram account. October 16th, of this year, was the date.

Any changes to this or is still a rumor?

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Mark writes...

Hi again Greg,

Sorry I missed one on my last post about YJ characters:

1) Who is Rae Foster?


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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman, I wished to tell you that I love Gargoyles and I've been watching the series many times.
I would like to know a bit more about Preston Vogel, please.

Where and when was he born?
Who were his parents and does he have any siblings?
What kind of studies did he take and which college did he went to?
Is he going to make an appearance in the new comics?
After Renard's eventual death, what would Vogel do?

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FlashKing3000 writes...

Hi Greg, I am grateful for the opportunity you give us to reach out and ask you our questions. As far as I am aware, it is not something that other creators grant.

As Cyborg is now a member of the Justice League, his previous (and, if I am not mistaken, record-breaking) designations (B, D, and G) are retired. It has been confirmed that he held the G-08 designation, and it is assumed that he held the D-08 designation. In a previous response, you confirmed that Cyborg briefly held a B designation. What was it?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope this post finds you well.

Once again I have some questions from the YJ character countback.

1) Who is Jeff Kobi?
2a) Who is Stormy? Is it the giant seahorse Aquaman rides in the palace mural?
2b) If so, why the name change from the usual Storm?
3) Who is Prime-One? My best guess is the Mountain Hive's big Mantis-like Bug next to All-Widow in Beyond The Grip Of The Gods.

Thanks as always.

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Sam writes...

Why do you say young justice has no end when you have the complete timeline of young justice events on your computer?

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Ethan writes...

Dear Greg
I love Gargoyles and I was happy when learning about the comic continuation. I must ask if your planning to do the same for your other shows like The Spectacular Spider Man and Young Justice?

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Chris. A. writes...

Dear Greg Wiesman

1.Why didn’t Megan take Mcomm with her to earth when she went to mars in 2016. Garfield was even able to him. Wasn’t it possible for Mcomm to go with years before he started to work Darkseid in 2018

2.In Torch Songs, Part 1. It took place August 2016. But If Megan, Garfield, Connor went sent to Mars in July 2016, shouldn’t have they returned to Earth in September 2016, if it takes 2 month to Mars and back with Bioship. And they confirmed they used the Bio-ship to get to Mars. Because the Bio-ship was excited about going to Mars like their previous trip before in 2016.

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Miguel writes...

Hey Greg, how are you? Do you think Disney can call you to continue the spectacular Spider-Man animated series, after your Spider-Man appeared in the film? I think about it, because the 90s x-men animated series is going to come back, do you have any hope of that happening?

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Anonymous writes...

This might seem like an odd question but have Miss Marian and Artemis both had there respective baseball caps (or newsgirl in Megan's case) on at the same time when greeting any newcomers to the team off screen during the 5 year gap and beyond ?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Klarion had the ability to time travel this entire time? Why didn't The Light take advantage of it to turn the tide of the war in their favour? And for that matter, what would they do if they found out Metron repaired Lor-Zod's Time-Sphere?

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Antiyonder writes...

So in the continuity of The Spectacular Spider-Man, was Blackbeard the Pirate a legend born from the time travel paradox of Ben Grimm/The Thing (ala Fantastic Four #5)?

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Ryan Leger writes...

How long would it take to clone and force-grow a Martian? Conner, in season 1, was force-grown to the age of 16 in 16 weeks. How long did it take to clone and force-grow Orim and Arion again? M'gann, in season 1, was 16 Mars years old, which is 48 Earth years old.

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Anonymous writes...

During Goliath's trial, why was Demona's actions during "City of Stone" not was used as an example of proof of contradiction of Goliath's statement that he and his clan seeks to live peacefully besides humans? Also, why didn't Margot Yale consider asking Elisa Maza if she was the only cop in the NYPD who knew about the existence of Gargoyles prior to their existence being known to the public; considering Matt Bluestone was the only other cop in the NYPD who found out and kept it a secret as well?

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Anonymous writes...

do you see the situation in gaza and see how little the world cares about arabs and muslims being systematically slaughtered? do you see understand that this is reinforced in the media by showing graphic violence against us so that people are desensitized when real life people are massacred? does any part of you actually understand the harm you did with creating halo? you added to this issue whether you ever admit to yourself or not. you should be ashamed of yourself but your ego will never allow it. you’ve had years of fans trying to explain as nicely as possible and you just threw a tantrum. i can only hope that some of your fans who defended you vigorously and silenced all of the muslim fans who tried to call you out will finally wake up and see.

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello once again Mr. Weisman! I read All the New Gargoyles Comics that Came out so far And I Think They are AWESOME!!!! And Now Here's a Question I have if you don't mind!

How Exactly was Margot Yale Allowed to to Be on the Gargoyle Taskforce and to Handle Gargoyle Cases At All?

After All She did publicly Claim that she saw them Up close and Surely she Reported Each and every claim she and her Husband had with them! So Wouldn't she have been Not Allowed to be part of the Gargoyle Taskforce Or to be Part of Goliath's Sentience hearing Due to Personal Interest?

Have to Say I'm Surprised Tobe Crest Did'nt bring that up against Yale! Unless She Had to Drop her Reports in order to Be part of the Task Force and to work the case!

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Ryan Leger writes...

Klarion has used his powers to turn Teekl into a giant Saber-tooth cat. Have Saber-tooth-Teekl and Wolf ever fought each other in the series? I mean, come on. It's a giant f***ing Saber-tooth cat and a giant f***ing wolf! How do you NOT have them fight each other?! In season 5, I hope Saber-tooth-Teekl II and Wolf fight each other. I'm a sucker for creature-on-creature violence.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Does The Light know Supergirl joined Darkseid's Forces?
They know Klarion handed her over to Darkseid as "tribute". But do they think she's dead?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Does every member of The Light have a "Psy-Back" or just the council members (& former council members in Orim's case)?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Any idea when Young Justice: Phantoms is coming on DVD/Blu-ray?

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Anonymous writes...

I wanted to ask about the Robins. We know Dick was 13 in season 1 and he became Nightwing in 5 years according to the time jump in season 2. So my questions are:
1. What year and age did Dick become Nightwing?
2. How many years was Jason Todd Robin?
3. And how many years was Tim drake Robin after Jason's death? because he seems properly trained already.

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Disgruntledfoxx writes...

1. Is there anything you wanted to introduce to Young Justice that you never got to do?
2. And what was your experience creating the show

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Jayden writes...

Just to ask what was the reason behind leaving wally west unalive in young Justice season 4, to me there was a chance where you guys could have just put him in the phantom zone and then escape so why

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Maxxym Rice writes...

Big fan of Gargoyles, been watching the whole series for the first time almost done. Can't stop thinking about it. Now there are 10 gargoyles clans left in the world by the end of the 20th century. The Manhattan Clan has 12, the Labyrinth Clan has 7, the Avalon Clan has 35, and the London Clan has 196. What would you say the total global gargoyle population is by 1997?

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Star writes...

Hi, it's been a long time but I'm still curious. So um, I understand that the songs from W.I.T.C.H will probably never see the light of day. But I can't help being curious anyway about whether the verse from "The Will to Love" that starts with "Game's full of surprises. Live our share of compromises" is with a different instrumental than the one we heard in the S2E19, "S is for Self", the bridge, I think? I understand that you might not have the chord sheet.

1. So um, do you happen to know how that part was meant to be sang?

2. It seems like Disney is rebooting W.I.T.C.H, what are your thoughts about it?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Amanda Waller's last name her family name or her maiden name? If it is the latter, was her full name Amanda Belle Blake prior to her marriage?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! I’ve been a long time fan of DC and of your show, Young Justice! I hope I’m not bothering you with these questions, since I guess you’re asked about Young Justice a lot. Funnily enough, they all center around one of my favorite characters, Tim Drake.

1. I hope this isn’t treading on spoilers for any potential new material, but what happened to Tim’s parents before Bruce took him in? I know that in one version, his parents were kidnapped by the Obeah Man, which ended in his mother’s death and his father nearly dying as well. Did something similar happen? Again, I don’t know if I’m treading on spoiler territory.

2. Again, I hope I’m not treading on spoiler territory, but what is the relationship between Bruce and Tim? From what I’ve seen, it looks very professional, not like what Bruce had with Dick in season 1, which is familial.

3. Is Tim attending Ivy University with Halo and Harper and if so, is he aware of Halo’s secret status as a superhero? I only ask this because, again in the comics (I’m so sorry I’m referring to the comics so much lol) he received a grant for Ivy University, only to reject it.

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Oleg writes...

Hi Greg!

I've watched the spectacular spider-man series dozens of times and two questions are tearing my brain to shreds:
1. What did Hobie Brown want to ask Captain Stacy during his lessons in Season 2, but didn't have enough time?
2. Did Captain Stacy know for sure that Peter Parker was Spider-Man?

Thank you for your attention, you are greatest

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NamineNasha writes...

Hello, first and foremost, I would like to thank you and all the wonderful people working with you for making two of my favorite shows!! Gargoyles and Young Justice, I got all of Gargoyles save for season 3!!

At the moment I only have one question, in Young Justice how did you pick your side characters. A lot of DC characters have finally gotten their animation debut in Young Justice. I keep imagining you having a book of the more obscure characters and just randomly throwing it open and saying that one!! All joking aside, what's your process on choosing?

Once more thank you for Gargoyles and Young Justice, I hope we'll get to see more of Gargoyles in the future. They're reviving so many show and I hope the Manhattan Clan will live again!!!

I still can't believe they passed over TimeDancer, Brooklyn was my favorite!!

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necro mage writes...

after the Infinitors came under the command of king brion do trajectory and everyman now report directly to zviad or lex luthor?

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JTS writes...

Hello Greg, I have been enjoying the new comic run and I would like to thank you for bringing it to us.

I have a question regarding the Gargoyles universe version of Sir Douglas Bader, to be answered at your own convenience.

Q: When he saw Griff and Goliath he said IIRC: "They're real and they're on our side!". This line always struck me as interesting; because it suggested to me that Bader knew what they were, or certainly thought he did. So if I may ask; what did Bader think he was seeing when he looked at them?

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Robert Shane Ellis writes...


Sole Owner of Disney and the conglomerate and Gargoyles Robert Shane Ellis The World Owner here.

Let's not have a live-action Gargoyles show nor anything. Cancel it.

Live-action Gargoyles must be made with me present as an executive producer and I, Robert Shane Ellis, must play Xanatos. Victoria Justice must play Elisa Maza. Do not publicize anything for Gargoyles. I am my own publicist. Take down the story about a live-action Gargoyles.

For it to be interesting also it must have nudity full female breasts. I can make that okay as sole owner of Disney, I have my imprint for it.

And let's arrange it so that the story is told with all the stories that occur in ancient times from the cartoons and comics being told in order and first. And let's include a dark future where dark technology, robots, and dark magic has taken over the earth and evil robotic and partially robotic mind-controlled Gargoyles including Goliath all led by Xanatos (with gray hair) have subjugated all humans to Xanatos's will. The earth now split into a heavily developed city and forest and post-apocalyptic area destroyed by atomic bombs. The ice caps have melted and all ocean water has been poisoned by fallout and magic, all rain is acidic.

And let's have the same voices from the cartoon for the Gargoyles.

Order an ambulance for Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas to her house in the UK. They are catatonic at Kathleen's house there again and I do not have the address files nor hardcopies and cannot get them.

Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas not allowed to be involved with it they are working on two productions not yet announced with me for me to star as Luke and Indy (both sole all ages forward) and we are cancelling all other Lucasfilm productions and retracting all announcements. Send them an ambulance now at +442072301212 push 9 (police number ambulance order for emergencies okay despite the recording at option 9), order all circuit breakers off (I am the owner of the home), dairy milk poured down their throats, nose oxygen, and transport to the nearest hospital for food tube. They are to meet with me in Washington State, Federal Way for Shari's Restaurant immediately. No one is allowed to accompany them, they are not to re-enter the home and to proceed immediately to the hospital and then a hotel and then the airport for flight to Federal Way, Washington. Kathleen Kennedy is to move in with me immediately from there.

Let's meet for live-action Gargoyles about four to five years from now. Do not publicize nor use Gargoyles images nor mentions.

Need you to order the ambulance for Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas now they are dying and they requested it from me while becoming catatonic again but I don't have the address. Call now for the ambulance above. No business, no productions, no plans. Contact me only about live-action Gargoyles and soon. All legal. Make sure to order the ambulance for Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas now. I'll invite me to return the deeds to your and all registries and all government and all business and all real estate and all conveyances all stocks all bonds all files and all everything after with nothing withheld nor omitted from all time and everything put back on record in front of me and straight to me and put in my name only.

Change to corded Internet if you haven't yet.

Call an ambulance for Kathleen Kennedy and George Lucas right now you owe us we got you off of death row. No meets with them, no productions nor business. Call now and hurry.

Robert Shane Ellis
The World Owner
Sole owner of everything of my family's and father's from all time
Sole Owner of Gargoyles
Sole Owner of Disney

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necro mage writes...

was it granny's or darkseid's idea to offer granny goodness as a member of the light?

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Hawkfan207 writes...

1. Has Hawkman had sex before with some besides Shayera?

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AfroBeats writes...

Hey Greg

Just wanted to ask a few questions about season 1 of 'Young Justice':

1. Why did you write Artemis as having a crush on Conner?

2. Was this done deliberately to mirror Wally's crush on M'gann?

3. Since you've also mentioned in previous posts that Artemis was supposedly physically attracted to Wally, did she feel a stronger physical attraction towards him than Conner upon initially meeting him in 'Infiltrator'? Was Wally more her 'type'?

I admire your work on all four seasons and hope we're fortunate enough to see a fifth!

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, which one of the following names below is the Joker's real name?

Jack Napier ("Batman" 1989 film and "Batwoman" TV series)
Jeremiah Valeska ("Gotham" TV series)
Arthur Fleck ("Joker" 2019 film)
Jack Oswald White ("Flashpoint Beyond" comic book series)
Darwin Halliday ("The Bat-Man of Gotham" comic book story arc)
John Keyser ("The Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing" comic book series)

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Anonymous writes...

This last thing I am still very reluctant to say, because it means getting involved in something I don’t think people should do, and even worse, doing it myself; which is to argue in this space. Don’t get me wrong, even I have issues with a couple of things you’ve said throughout the years (you can’t agree with anyone all the time, Right?), but I will never speak about it here, principally because obviously the online and social media comment structures are a failure when it comes to debating (or even having a real conversation, in my opinion). And because, in any, case, I regard this site as the information office, not the complaint department.
However, there is this discussion already started by someone else, and that is of concern to me. I have seen that a couple of fellow atheists have come criticizing you for having openly religious characters. First of all I say that, being an atheist myself, I can’t help but side with you on the arguments as they are: you made very sensible points for yourself, whereas these fellow atheist have strike a certain tone I disapprove of in general: I dislike the way most people today voice out their opinions and/or “criticism” online, even if I agree with them. And, in case some of these atheists are reading this and want to accuse me of some kind of treachery, I say this: No, I’m not been soft, I´m being civil. There is a difference (not that anyone remembers anymore).
All that said, I think I understand where this criticism is coming from, and since it’s already out I’d think it at least deserves to be expressed in a civilized manner, if you’re interested. If not, feel free to read no further, I don’t want to importunate anyone.
On the one hand, from the perspective of laicity, secularity or whichever is the accurate term in English (frankly they are all widely misunderstood anyway), which is independent from atheism, religion is best kept behind closed doors. One of the reasons for that is that is always a confrontational topic. You are now living one of these kinds of confrontation with the whole Halo controversy (I hope I’m not scratching anyone’s wounds here; I apologize if I am). I am not getting into that discussion on itself, I don’t think it’s my place, but the point is even when you acted with the best of intentions you ended up in an eggplant garden, as we say in these parts, and I think that proves my point.
Another reason is that simply set religion aside is the only way to be truly neutral, and therefore, democratic about it; but that is in politics, it doesn’t necessarily apply to you. When you’re telling a story it’s a different matter, and it’s obvious to me that you have been neutral about it, not trying to evangelize anyone. I trust you when you say you do it for the sake of realism, not to sell religiousness. But it remains a thorny subject.
On that note, you’ve also said that you wish to have more opportunities to equally represent atheism, or at least that is what I understood. I really appreciate the thought, and I would love that, but rationally I can’t but advice you against it. If you’ve gotten in some much trouble as it is by talking about religion, who knows what kind of havoc would arise if you have someone voicing our objections to religion on screen. Many believers perceive atheism as a personal attack on their god; even if you’re not the kind that attempts to change people’s minds, and only address the subject when you’re asked, there are many who feel offended or at least unsettled when they hear you are an atheist. They shouldn’t, of course, and I hope to change that much, but for the sake of your sanity and your work I can´t recommend you to get in the middle of it, not on screen anyway.
There is this other thing that might be involved in what has been said, but admittedly that one is completely on us. In my case, and I imagine I’m not the only one, my self-preservation instinct has developed and inner alarm that rings every time someone talks openly about religion; said ringing screams “Indoctrination alert!”. Obviously, there are moments when that feeling is justified and others when it’s simply paranoia; and again, clearly that wasn’t your intent.
I do somewhat like to think that every sensible fictional character I see is an atheist until proven otherwise, but I also understand that isn’t quite realistic. And that forces me to honesty: I live in an overwhelmingly catholic country, so most people close to me, including friends, are either believers or have a much less critical relationship with religion than I do; still, they are my friends. Therefore, I can have no issue with Zatara being a catholic (it does trouble me that he sent Zatanna to such thing as a catholic school, but I predict you’ll say something like there are different kinds of catholic schools, and then we would never end arguing).
I guess that what really feels unbalanced and upsetting is thinking that viewers who are believers will pat each other in the back saying “See? Greg is on our side, he thinks religion is a good thing”; whereas there is nobody inside pointing out that religion isn’t always nor inherently a good thing, let alone defending that going through life without a god-figure has nothing to do with morality and inmorality, or emptiness, or arrogance. Of course it sounds contradictory that I grieve about it when I just wrote a whole paragraph advising you to not do that either, but that’s the tragedy: it’s upsetting our views remain so much more quieted than those of the other side, but you can’t represent them without risk causing a riot.
I don’t know if these explanations are useful at all. I hope that at least I have redeemed my side of the argument. It’s always sad when atheists use a tone that seems to approach the very viscerallity we criticize.
PS: Whoever reads this that is not Greg Weisman, please don’t bother “replying”. This might be a somewhat public space, but I as said earlier I don’t agree in using it as a debate forum between all of us, nor I wish to engage on such use. There’s only one person who is supposed to answer the questions here, and this isn’t addressed to anyone else.

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Anonymous writes...

Me again. I might be pushing my luck, but here are some more general questions:
1. I think one of the things that outstand the most about your work is that you don’t underestimate or patronize your audience. That is very rare. Don’t you ever find people in the industry that tell you, even if not with words, something in the line of “You’re taking this way too seriously” or “We don’t need this kind of depth in a kid’s show”?
2. I see that in seasons 3 and 4 of Young Justice you were much more explicit about politics (personally, I applaud that you placed such blunt words about climate change on Garth, and I think the allusions to a certain “tronald” person through Lex Luthor were priceless). You also had much more explicit violence and became very obvious about sex, specially in season 3. And yet, it seems to me that you got less conservative backlash for all of that than for the inclusion of gender diversity. Any thoughts?
3. This is an observation. While I largely agree with Goliath’s point at the end of City of Stone about searching the answer in life and not in death, I also argue that after a thousand years of existence Macbeth deserves to rest, should he truly want to. For what happens later it seems he does find a new desire to stay alive, yet that could also be interpreted as something he forces himself into out of a sisyphic need. Of course, the fact that the only way to end his life would be to actively kill Demona does make the thing more troublesome. Bottomline, I feel that Macbeth has perfectly legitimate and rational (as opposed to mentally pathological) reasons for wishing to stop his life.

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Anonymous writes...

Continuing, this are my Young Justice specific questions:
1. Forgive me if I am being dumb about this, but I still don’t understand how Zatanna’s “mere contemplation” was the trigger for the coming of the Child. How could the Lords of Chaos (both out of and in the mortal plane, apparently) instantly learn about it? It was still just an undeveloped idea, it hadn’t even been spoken out loud yet. The Lords of Order and of Chaos don’t seem able to predict the future or being in connection with every single mind in the universe. I also don’t understand why they would consider it a failure of Klarion or assume a priori he wouldn’t be able to handle it, but I guess I shouldn’t expect the Lords of Chaos to be particularly rational.
2. If all the newly invented Martian names are a reference to existing English names, What do R’ess E’dda, M’aarell and J’Karaa stand for?
3. Can you confirm the nationalities of Wendy, Mist, Livewire, the Infinitors and Jaime’s family?
4. Was Deathstroke known to the Justice League by Team Year 0?
5. You’ve already been asked whether Halo is a mix between the old Gabrielle and the Motherbox or is only the Motherbox in Gabrielle’s body, and you’ve said that these options aren’t mutually exclusive. I don’t understand your answer. One states that Gabrielle´s inner self, persona, or however is it right to call it, is not lost, but it merged with the Motherbox and together they became something “different from the sum of its parts”. The other says that all that remain of Gabrielle was her organic body (that would include her brain and, presumably, certain neural paths already built, so Halo can access Gabrielle´s memory and general knowledge in spite of everything). Since in the Young Justice universe there is such thing as a “soul”, I guess it’s easier to ask it like this: Is Halo’s soul a fusion of the Motherbox’s and Gabrielle´s souls, or is it only the Motherbox’s? Again, I apologize if this is just me being slow.

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Anonymous writes...

(Following the custom, I apologize in advance for any mistakes, since English is not my native language). Dear Mr. Weisman:
First of all, I’ll simply say that you are among the greatest and that I consider both Gargoyles and Young Justice to be masterpieces. I also think is very kind of you to have this space for fan questions, and even more so to continue running it despite how frustrating it sometimes seems to be. I for one can’t blame you for needing a break; actually, you seem to be far more patient than I would be.
Although I drop by regularly to see the latest answers, I have never asked a question (in fact, this is the first time I ever break my personal rule of never posting anything that resembles a comment, however remotely); when I get a new doubt and can’t find it in the archives, I rather wait until someone else has the same idea. However, your (again, completely understandable) need for vacations got me thinking that perhaps I’ve been taking this space for granted by not seizing the opportunity to ask (I don’t know if this make sense, but I can’t seem to phrase it better).
Apologies, I didn’t mean to write such a long introduction. My point is, I thank you for this site and I admire your patience. Now, these are my questions not about Youg Justice plot or universe:
1. The first isn’t really a question, rather a request of confirmation. If I understand correctly what you have already said about the healing power of stone-sleep, the limits of this power, besides the obvious (mutilation, etc.), are based on the seriousness of the injury but also in how much the damage has progressed by the time the gargoyle falls into sleep (it wouldn’t be the same to receive a blow that causes an internal bleeding five minutes after sunset than five minutes before sunrise). Did I get this right? B: If so, Which one was the determinant factor in the case of Hudson’s eye?
2. Perhaps a rather idle question, but: What is the texture of gargoyle skin? Mammal-like, reptile-like, stone-like?
3. On Spectacular Spiderman, I can only assume it was your own idea to match Shakespearean quotes with the events of the plot. How did you come up with that? B: Why did you choose specifically “A midsummer night’s dream” for the school play?
4. In Young Justice Who are in charge of the fictional languages and how did you find them?
5. You’ve said other DC projects you have worked on are “canon adjacent” to Earth-16. Does the same applies for Brandon Vietti?

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Zachary Freeman writes...

I hope this email finds you doing well.
My name is Zachary Freeman and by day I am the proud art teacher and comic book club facilitator here at Madison's Trust Elementary in Northern Virginia. By night I am a huge comic book fan myself.
In the weekly comic book club I meet with approximately thirty 5th grade students. They come to the club due to their common interest in all things comic books, cartoons, video games, science fiction and anime. This club rotates students approximately every 8 weeks so others may have a chance to become involved. The students spend the time learning the history of comic books from the 1930s to present where they are given a rundown of some of the books that they may find in their local comic book shop that Wednesday. In addition to that the students are learning how to create their own characters, develop their own stories with original characters or already created loved ones and create their own short books. They are taught concepts such as splash pages, the importance of cover design and lettering.
I am reaching out to you now to inquire if you would consider being involved with the Comic Book Club. In the past people and companies have become involved with us by making a donation of books, artwork or sending along a letter as ways to help encourage and provide new influential reading and reference material to these young creators.

THANK YOU so much for your time and consideration. Have a great day and I hope to speak with you again soon.
all the best,

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Anonymous writes...

So now that Superboy and Miss Martian are married, that means Superboy has a total of 11 sister-in-laws (which also includes M'ree M'orzz) and 17 brother-in-laws (which also includes M'comm M'orzz). Is this correct, or did I get the familial relationships wrong?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I found out on the YJ Wiki that the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El is 14 years old, physiologically. Was your decision to make Kara this young because out of all the surviving members of the House of El, she would most likely form a familial sibling-like bond with Kon-El (who is, and still remains, physiologically 16 years old); so that she would have someone in her family close to her age to confide in about how she feels about surviving the destruction of Krypton and other things?

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Anonymous writes...

True OR False?

1. Jason Todd became a member of the Team because Batman eventually realized that Jason's crime-fighting tactics were particularly brutal, and Batman had hoped that Jason working with the Team would help him reduce his use of violent tactics.

2. Up until the Earth-16 version of the events of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," Carol Ferris was completely unaware that Hal Jordan was Green Lantern.

3. After the events of Earth-16 version of "Green Lantern: The Animated Series," Carol Ferris is currently in possession of a Star Sapphire power ring and is currently the only human member of the Star Sapphires.

4. The Earth-16 version of the "Green Lantern: The Animated Series" character Aya (or at least, a copy of her program with no memory of her origins) is currently in the "Justice League Action" universe; as seen in episode 48 of that show).

6. Granny Goodness has been secretly keeping an eye on Mary Bromfield ever since Mary stopped becoming Sergeant Marvel in 2015; hence why she manipulated Mary into succumbing to her lust for power in the Season 4 mid-season post-credits scene.

7. Due to Mary Bromfield succumbing to her lust for power (as a result of her fallout with her mentor, Zatanna, and the secret manipulations of Granny Goodness), everyone on Earth likely assumes that she has been missing since May 15, 2020; when in truth, she has been training on Apokolips to become a member of the Furies during the five-month interval.

8. Darkseid's Omega Beams cannot kill Vandal Savage.

9. Jason Todd likely had feelings for Barbara Gordon, but he was never able to fully explore those feelings due to his tragic death at the hands of the Joker.

10. Kara Zor-El joining the Furies is NOT truly of her own free will, but as a result of suffering from Zone-Sickness from being trapped in the Phantom Zone for 42 years; as such, it can be assumed that her original personality is that of a kind-hearted individual who loves her family dearly.

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necro mage writes...

did zatanna despise dr fate after he took full control of her father?

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anonymous writes...

do Ed and his dad live in Taos? or do they live somewhere else and use Zeta-Tubes to get to STAR Labs and the Meta-Human Youth Center?

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Anthony Apikyan writes...

Why is the Emir allowed to be peace regarding what he has lost yet Demona and MacBeth are denied? Shouldn’t the clan have allowed them both to die when they were in Paris? It seems your show is very inconsistent regarding the morals and lessons you try to invoke for the viewer.

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Anthony Apikyan writes...

Did you ever consider giving Demona and Macbeth an end to their bondage by making them be in a situation where say, the hunters kidnap Angela, the clan and Macbeth, and give her an ultimatum: kill MacBeth and save Angela or let her and everyone else in the clan die, than be forced to watch as every other gargoyle in the world meets their wrath. In which case, she will surrender and be forced to kill MacBeth, sparing Angela and putting an end to both of their suffering.

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Jonny Kandell writes...

Huge fan of your work and writings. My Q: was Angela ever meant to fall in love? I felt bad that the boys were pining over here like a piece of pizza. Also, would Goliath live for hundreds of years? Whats his lifespan?

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Anonymous writes...

In the original unaltered timeline in the 31st century (before Lor-Zod used the Time Sphere), what ultimately happened to Kara Zor-El? Was she released from the Phantom Zone along with the prisoners, or did she remained trapped in there?

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Anonymous writes...

If "Young Justice" returns for future seasons, will there be costume redesigns for the characters based on what is depicted in Infinite Frontier and Dawn of DC? Will there also be costume redesigns for the characters based on what is depicted in Milestone Returns; which is Earth-93 of the current DC Comics Multiverse?

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Anonymous writes...

I would like to know BOTH the chronological ages and human biological equivalent ages of all the New Gods (from New Genesis and Apokolips; respectively) who have appeared thus far in the Earth-16 universe, please?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions regarding Earth-16's Plastic Man:

1. Does he have an ex-wife named Angel McDunnagh, and a son named Luke O'Brian?

2. What exact circumstances caused him to become a heist artist in the first place, how long has he been a heist artist, and why did he eventually stop?

3. When he became a hero in 2003, who among the other heroes were initially convinced he was still a criminal, and who among them believed that he had truly changed for the better?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg,

I know for the YJ series, there have been several writers including Brandon and yourself for each of the episodes. I also know that you and Brandon plan out an outline for how each episode should be written.

1. How do you guys decide which writer creates the script for each episode? (e.g. coin flip, someone volunteers, producers decide)

2. When you pick an episode to write, is it for the reason to specifically to advance a plot point that will be shown later in the season? Or are there other reasons too?

3. You've also voiced YJ characters (Ultra-Humanite, Lucas Carr) in episodes written by other writers. Do the writers ask you to voice act or is it already decided you would participate in the episode?

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Anonymous writes...

1) How old is Richard Craemer?

2) How old is Rae Foster?

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J. L. Polacek writes...

Are the Canmores a scottish clan or just a family descended from King Malcolm III?

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Fritzy writes...

Hello Greg, I hope you're having a good day. Greg, what would be the most important part of story telling in your own words. What is what makes a story good?

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Jace writes...

What was Garfield's means of travel did Garfield use to visit miss martian when Garfield lived with Rita?

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Musicfacter` writes...

Hello Greg.

What real-life language is Kryptonian based on?

I've checked the archives, and I don't see an answer to my question. If it has been answered, I apologize for missing.

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Richy writes...

After you were not allowed to make the last episodes of young justice season 2 that you plan to be made because of low young justice toy sales why did you not make a comic book story showing what was going happen after episode Endgame of season 2?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg! Love the show btw and I have a few questions:
1-Are Will and Zatanna friends?
2-Has Paula Nguyen ever fought against Giovanni Zatara as Huntress?
3-Do Blue Devil and Zatanna get along well?
4-Would you say that Artemis is Zee’s best friend or is it Raquel?
5-Is Icicle Jr Artemis’s ex from back when they were both in the same boat as criminals offsprings?

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Anonymous writes...

Would you consider Zatanna and Khalid close friends, like family almost?

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Anonymous writes...

Are Courtney and Billy dating as of the end of season 4? Though they are not sitting next to each other at all, they appear to be sharing a look during Supermartian’s wedding while everyone around them is either being coupley or chatting up with someone else

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Drew writes...

What format was Gargoyles finished on? What I mean is some shows from this time were produced on film and then edited on to video while others were entirely produced on one format.

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Anonymous writes...

Have jason todd met zatanna in the Team? Did He have a crush on her?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman Does the Tailypo exist in the gargoyles universe ?

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Markese Smith aka Rascal Rabbit writes...

So my question is n outsiders the characters that were introduced & already part of the team all appeared in phantoms 4 the exception of Cisco Ramon who we all know would become Vibe, was he intentionally not included or did u guys forget about him

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Kite writes...

Where is the original Perdita that we see in season 3 by the time of season 4 if the Perdita we see in young justice season 4 is a clone?

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Elijah Palmer writes...

Is Miss Martian ticklish? or do Martians not understand the concept?

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Lucy writes...

1) you have said before that Klarion is ageless but you’ve said yourself he is physically 9? Which doesn’t make sense taking in comparison other 9 year olds in the series etc since in the first season he seems to look like a teen and always looks like that. I know it’s not exactly your expertise but in justice league action, when he turns the main characters into ten year olds and then reveals himself, he is about two times their size. Im not talking comics cuz it varies from one to another but he never looks the same in those.
2. Does teekl eat anything like an actual cat?

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Plume writes...

Hi, I had a couple questions about Dick's uncle, Rick Grayson. I was not sure if these are spoiler questions or not, so I'm sorry if they are.
1. Is Rick still alive as of the last episode of season 4?
2. Does Dick still visit/has he visited since the comic panel Rick was last shown in?

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necro mage writes...

are all of darkseid's inner circle(desaad, granny goodness, grayven, etc)equal in rank? Or are some higher ranked than other members?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! In The Spectacular Spider-Man, we get to see a few shots of Flash's family while he's in the hospital; I was wondering if you had thought about what Flash's off-screen relationship with them is like during the show, or just in general? Particularly his dad and sister, since we never see them talk like we do his mom.

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Alpha Godzilla Buddies writes...

1. Does Mad Mod exist in the Young Justice universe. If so, has he encounter the original members of the Team?

2. Do Raven and Starfire exist in the Young Justice universe?

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Glacia Manheim writes...

What is Whisper A'Daire's REAL name? I saw in a comic strip that it said "Wenda Ader" Is this true?

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Matt Merante writes...

Did the comic book appearances of DCs Black Spider (70s appearance or 90s appearance) influence his use and portrayal on Young Justice?

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Jake Perkins writes...

If you ever do get ever more seasons of young just made, did you intended to get beast boy and Perdita back together as a couple at some point in future seasons of young justice after their breakup in season 4?

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Antiyonder writes...

A couple questions regarding Margot Yale in the televised version of The Journey.

1. Was is planned for Marina Sirtis to be voicing her in the episode at all or was she unavailable early on?

2. A review I read before on the episode got me curious. Was it more coincidence that you had a debate between Margot and Macbeth?

Or was it based on the fact that she and Demona had the same voice actress. Kind of a Demona VS Macbeth in a different way?

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Liz writes...

When Broadway met Antoinette Dracon, I noticed something kind of interesting. He is immediately hostile and even downright rude, and some might say he had good reason given his history with her brother. On the other hand, he judged her as soon as he heard the name 'Dracon'. Guilt by association. He dismissed her, and would have left if she hadn't mentioned the city being in danger.

Broadway was displaying PREJUDICE here. We, the audience, don't know much more about her than he does, but as Dracons go she doesn't seem so bad. She was born into a crime family, and likely isn't a saint, but I think he really jumped the gun here, if you'll pardon the pun.

I think a certain degree of skepticism is understandable and even smart, but so is hearing her out and deciding on a course of action, and he only listened after she pleaded with him. Broadway was my favorite character when I was a kid watching the show in the 90's, but his reaction to this particular Dracon had me thinking that Goliath probably did pick the right member of the trio to be his Second.

I still love him, don't get me wrong! But I thought this was a neat comparison, him judging Antoinette the way humans judge his species: with mistrust and hostility. My question is, was that comparison deliberate?

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Anonymous writes...

when beast boy moved in with Rita far in 2011 did miss martian stiil visit him when not bisy on missions and did they both have on baseball caps at the same time on some of Megan.s visits that year?

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Manny writes...

Are the Chameleon and Kraven the Hunter still step-siblings like in the comics?

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Manny writes...

How old was Peter when he got bitten by the radioactive Spider?

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Anonymous writes...

1. in young justice how long has Lena luthor been runninglexcorp as of season 4 ? 2. How old is Mrs Cordero and what work does she do at lexcorp ? 3. Do Mrs Cordero and Lena luthor get along vary well and do they both wear baseball caps or newsgirl caps from time to time ?

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Anonymous writes...

Why do you believe it was a good story to have the outsiders to try get beast boy to go on missions with them after beast boy return to earth from mars when the outsiders knew something was wrong beast boy after beast boy return to earth from mars?

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Rafa writes...

Why you Greg just let Perdita start using the zeta tubes when Perdita was dating Garfield so they could maintain their relationship instead of having breaking up? That is what the fans desired to happen.

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Joshua writes...

How will the Manhattan Clan be affected by 9/11

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Jan Rott writes...

What happened to the torn pages (Resurrection Spell,Summoning Spell, Stone By Night Spell) from the Grimorum Arcanorum after Demona used them? Does Demona still own the pages? If so, would she use those spells again?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Outside of the shows you've showrun, what series was your favorite writing for?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Jason Todd's family in the Earth-16 universe:

1. Is his father's name Willis Todd?

2. Is his step-mother's name Catherine Todd? Did Jason believed that Catherine was his biological mother before he eventually learned the truth?

3. Is his biological mother's name Sheila Haywood? Was Jason's search for her the reason why both of them were ultimately killed by the Joker?

4. Did Jason had a deeply troubled relationship with his father and step-mother; like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Are all members of the Kane family are Jewish in the Earth-16 universe, and that includes Bette Kane as well?

2. If Bette Kane's first name, "Bette," is actually a nickname like in the comics, then what is the in-universe explanation as to why she is not addressed as Mary Elizabeth Kane (which is her full name) in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

My Previous Question: I was shocked that Barbara's paralysis was due to Cassandra Wu-San's actions in the YJ universe. Was this change made because you felt it creates a much more emotional impact than just having Joker shooting Barbara like in "The Killing Joke"?

Your Response: We felt that THE KILLING JOKE had been done in animation recently, so if people wanted to see that, they can buy the BluRay (or stream it or whatever). That's not me being dismissive. I'm simply stating that a more faithful rendering of the original story exists. We wanted to do a version that still put the blame squarely on the Joker, but which gave Barbara more agency - and gave Cassandra Wu-San more agency, as well. They both have decisions to make, choices about who they want to be. I don't know if this version has more emotional impact or not. Your mileage may vary, as they say. But I feel good about our choices for the characters of Earth-16.

My Next Question: So does that mean in the Earth-16 universe, a version of A DEATH IN THE FAMILY happened that still put the blame squarely on the Joker, but which gave Jason more agency as well; even though the consequences that resulted from Jason's actions likely still remained more or less the same as in comics canon?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. If "Young Justice" eventually returns for a fifth season, will it address the 0.16% probability that the timeline was NOT fully restored to its original state; which was mentioned by Chameleon Boy in the Season 4 finale? If so, will the fifth season reveal what specific events in the timeline contributed to the 0.16% probability?

2. Given what happened to Mary Bromfield in Season 4, and her ultimately becoming Black Mary in the Season 4 finale post-credits scene, who is truly responsible for Mary becoming a villain? Is it Mary herself, her mentor Zatanna, or is it both of them? Regardless of your answer, please also explain the reasons why the person you chose is truly at fault and how it most likely affect the people around them in a possible fifth season of "Young Justice."

3. In the Earth-16 universe, what is Kon-El's exact relationship with Kara Zor-El in the House of El family tree?

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Caleb writes...

is there anything you can tell us about about jason todd?


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A Fan writes...

In the series Spectacular Spider-Man, how tall were some of the main characters? Like Peter, Gwen, Harry, Felicia, and Flash for instance?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Rhea Beecher-Duncan is a meta-human

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Syncz writes...

Hi Greg, is it possible for a Spectacular Spider-Man Movie to happen? (Ik its a stretch) I though about it, and Sony owns the Movie rights, and not the show rights, is that possible to happen?

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Gargoyles movie writes...

can you please work on creating a movie The Gargoyles. we have been waiting so long for the crew/now with all this new tech/maybe you can work with those who worked on the movie I, Frankenstein/ their Gargoyles were quite believable- thank you and looking forward to the movie

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Anonymous writes...

Did R'ohh K'arr (the M'hontrr who ignored the disguised S'yraa) start to reconsider his prejudiced views after finding out that his intolerance of White Martians inadvertently led to the king's death?

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Anonymous writes...

I realize it's hard to juggle so many characters, but why sideline Tim of all people? In fact, why make him and Nightwing never start questioning Batman?

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Gia writes...

Hi. Me again. Just want to say, the rain of the ghosts first books were so good, I still would flip to read part 3 (and more).
How are the odds for that? Are you even still interested or did you move on to other ideas?

my best

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Gia writes...

Hi There. Loved to read the first issue of Gargoyles Dark Ages. :)
It raised some questions for me:

1) Is Lefty Demonas/Angels biological father or brother? (Which rookery generation does he belong to?)

2) Was Demona/Angel born as her biological parents first born, middle child or youngest?

3) Did Demona /Angel has biological siblings?

4) Will we get a glimpse of Demona/Angels biological mother?

I know biological relationships are not important in a gargoyle clan but it's still fun to see the main casts roots and siblings.

Thanks for answering.

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YJFan1 writes...

Is there a chance Tim and Cassie will get back together?

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Anonymous writes...

is Jennifer Pierce a meta-human

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Beinart Beer writes...

After Perdita was rescue at end of young justice comic story Targets did Garfield delete Perdita's messages on his phone and if so why but if Garfield did not remove Perdita's messages on his phone after Perdita was rescued then why did not Garfield remove peridia messages on his phone?

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Steve writes...

In young justice universe did marie logan have sex with a man or get a sperm donation from sperm bank to have Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Disney ever going to do a W.I.T.C.H. Season 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did you believe it was a good idea for tara set beside perditia at m'gann and conner's wedding after tara like the other outsiders did not get black canary to counil garield whe tara and other outsiders notice something was wrong with garfield wich lead to garfield breakup with perditia?

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Ahsoka writes...

Why did none of the outsiders not fill responsible for Garfield's breakup with Perdita after none of the outsiders got black canary to council Garfield after the outsiders realize that there was something wrong with Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

Any chance you'll be doing a signing at SDCC this weekend?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Does Mr Nassour work as a cab driver like his comic counterpart does and if yes how long has he been working as one as of season 4 of young justice? 2. what does Jane Nassour do for a living and does she wear a baseball cap or news girl cap from time to time? 3. looking back on the 3 long yarns about Vandal savage we herd in season 4 and the pattern in sead tales (Vandal has a kingdom, he is'nt content with what he has, Klarion shows up to cause chaos ect ect ) a thought crossed my mind Did Klarion have something to do with both Tiament and later Dark side and his minions coming to earth 16?

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Liz writes...

I know female gargoyles nurse the hatchlings like humans do with their babies, but would they have to have laid an egg in order to be able to do that?

Angela obviously hasn't at this point, and I think Brooklyn and Katana's egg will hatch before she lays her first. I'm not trying to be weird, but some creatures have allolactation, where mature females will produce milk when there are babies around to help with raising the offspring, even though they haven't reproduced themselves. Are gargoyles the same?

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K writes...

Why is there a dog-themed cover variant for every issue of the current Gargoyles comic run?

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Aaron writes...

Since themyscira and Atlantis both had their own UN representatives present at the UN meeting in young justice season 3, it made me wonder do atlantean and themysciran embassies exists in certain countries in the world of young justice?

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Elias A Dye writes...

Is the Red Hood Ninja secretly Jason Todd? C'mon, Season 5 ain't coming. Might as well tell us now.

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Jan Rott writes...

Hello, this is about the Hunter's Moon at the Battle of Rathveramoen. According to my research it would be October 18th, 997. Or do you have a different result?

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Kevin writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman. My name is Kevin and I have a few questions regarding Wonder Woman in Young Justice.

1. Is Zeus Wonder Woman’s father.
2. Are Diana and Cassie Sandsmark half-sisters?
4. Does Diana have a brother named Jason?
5. Has Diana ever met Steve Trevor?
6. Are all of Zeus’ children Diana’s half-siblings?

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Secret writes...

In season 4 episode 16 when M'gann said she was having bad days how you describe them exactly? What kind of bad days was she dealing with since she came back to Earth and finally reunited with everyone since Conner's death?

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Mercouris writes...

Why do you believe you will get the numbers fans that you need to support for 5th season of young justice to be produce when so many fans believe beast boy was betrayed by the other outsiders for not get him help when the outsiders realize something was wrong with beast boy before Perdita arrive at the HUB to see Beast Boy?

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ShySky writes...

Hello, I asked for an interview in December of 2021 on here and failed to give you my contact information. Could you email digibloodlines@gmail.com to inquire? The interview would be all about W.I.T.C.H. Thank you.

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Secret writes...

Questions about Lex Luthor and Season 4.

1. Why did you decide not to show Lex Luthor's reaction over Superboy's "death"? I just find it hard to believe he wouldn't have some feelings over losing his weapon/property/son.
2. Did he have any encounters with Superman or Miss Martian in the aftermath of Superboy's "death"?
3. Did he and the rest of the Light know Superboy was trapped in the Phantom Zone through Klarion and if so why didn't they try and capture Superboy for themseleves after learning of his survival?

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Alena Medovnikova writes...

Thank you for the new reboot of the Gargoyle comic. I'd like to draw for it, can I? My portfolio https://www.artstation.com/aoro and email alenamedovnikova@gmail.com

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Elle writes...

Hello! I have a couple questions that I'll probably forget to check on for answers:

1) You've mentioned being interested in a Gargoyle's cartoon revival. Do you think it would be best to produce a series where season 2 left off or release a movie to introduce the world to new audiences?

2) If there was a Gargoyle's revival of some sort, what style animation would you be most interested seeing it in? (I'd personally love a Spiderverse or Arcane-esque animation style.)

3) Do you ever imagine who would voice the characters for a revival? Could you give us a couple names, if you do?

4) And a non-revival question, but still related to Gargoyles. How would you feel if Disney opened a dark-coaster that was Gargoyles themed?

Thank you so much for your contributions to my childhood and current special interest! I'm loving the new Gargoyle comics!

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Rodan writes...

Why you just have Perdita be given the use of the zeta tubs when Garfield and Peridia was dating so they could keep their relationship as a couple going instead of then breaking up? Because that what most fans wanted to happen.

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SageWilde writes...

Demona seems to favor working in and around Paris. It seems like her home-away-from-home, in a way. She clearly speaks French, and she had to have known the Praying Gargoyle was in Notre Dame somehow.

We know about the etymological origins of the word 'gargoyle'--it's Middle French, which would have been spoken during her time period. What is her connection to the sculptures on Notre Dame, if any?

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Elliot writes...

Mr. Weisman

Do you see someone like David Xanatos cooperating with Slade Wilson from Teen Titans

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Anonymous writes...

what Violet Harper is studying

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Aydan writes...

Dear Greg,

I am writing to you concerning a continuation of the original Gargoyles series as an episodic product. I am currently writing the script for it and plan to present it to Disney. However, I need help in getting legal permission to do so.

Hope to hear your thoughts.


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Domenic James Arthur Ricci writes...

Would You Consider Scooby-Doo: Mystery Incorporated Canon-Adjacent To Young Justice?

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Chip writes...

Do gargoyles have prehensile tails? (Can they grasp things with them, Staghart and other small/No tails notwithstanding?)

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Did Superboy and Miss Martion have bachelor/bachelorette parties to celebrate their upcoming wedding before the former's "death"? If so, who attended and what did they do?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

By the end of Kaldur's arc in Phantoms, does Delphis join him and Wynnde in a polyamorous relationship?

I've heard rumors about it online, but I just wanted to see if they were true or not.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Was Mera's title as "Minister of Magic" an intentional nod to Harry Potter?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

Who is the biological father of Coral's baby, La'gaan or Rodunn?

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B writes...

Will Gargoyles ever be a live action film?

Thank you.

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Eamon O'Toole writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I'm a big fan of your work and after watching Across the Spider-Verse (SPOILER), I can't help but wonder if you and your friends who worked on the Spectacular Spider-Man were ever planning (or at least considering) to kill off Captain Stacy before the show got cancelled?

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Lars Holmes writes...

Hello Greg!

1: Do you ever go to conventions as a guest?

2: If so, would you consider coming to one in Dallas, TX?

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Anonymous writes...

I hope you are fine and doing well what i wanted to ask.Will there be season 3 for spectacular spider man because i watched the show and really loved it and hope that there will be season 3 i know it has been more than a decade the series had ended but please look into this.
Thank you

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Eitan writes...

Why did you just have blue devil call back canary come to the Hub to council Garfield after blue devil talk to Garfield about no going on Outsiders missions before Perdita arrive at the Hub? After all that is what so many fans wanted to happen.

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Wes writes...

Despite the season 4-time traveler tell Garfield is the leader of the Outsiders why should Garfield be leader of the outsiders after the outsiders did not ask what Garfield was wrong with him after Garfield return to earth from mars and get black canary to council Garfield before Perdita came to see Garfield at the Hub which led to Garfield's breakup with Perdita?

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Marjorie writes...

After the scrolls of Merlin were returned to the museum, were the conclusions based on their study ever released to the public? For instance, was a translation of the scrolls published? Were the scrolls evidence enough to convince experts or the public that Merlin really existed? Were the scrolls at least studied enough to verify that they were genuine historical artifacts (not a hoax), even if it wasn't enough to convince the scientific community that Merlin and Arthur really existed outside of myth?

Or is there a reason we haven't heard anything else about the scrolls since Lighthouse in Sea of Time that has to do with an upcoming story?

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Anonymous writes...

is Asami Koizumi studying

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It’s Me writes...

What do you have to say to all the people who like hypotheticals, power-scaling, and exploring hypotheticals and power-scaling in Gargoyles?

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Mr TJF writes...

According to the Gargoyles FAQ, the Gargoyles have a monotheistic/pantheistic/animistic religion. My question is, do Gargoyles have a concept of demons or devils in any similar way to various human religions, and if so, do they differ in their conception of how they physically appear, since to us the audience Gargoyles have a vague resemblance to “stereotypical” demons?

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Brent writes...

Not a question, but I just wanted to say that I'm sorry you have to deal with so many stupid questions. Over half of the unanswered questions in the queue could be answered with common sense.

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Secret writes...

I have a few questions about The Spectacular Spider Man.

1. Do Curtis and Martha Conners still remain suspicious that Peter could be Spider Man, even when it's "dis-proven" or do they just move on?
2. By the end of the series had Martha truly forgiven Peter for the events in season 1?
3. In Growing Pains, does J Jonah Jameson know he is partially responsible for what happened to his son, but simply doesn't want to admit it because it's easier for him to blame Spider Man then to actually take responsibility for his role?

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't miss martian not ask garfield what was wrong with him and council him on bioship during the trip to mars for her and conner's wedding on mars ?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In your most honest opinion, which comic book storylines do you believe would be the most difficult to adapt into the Earth-16 DC Universe, and why?

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Lord of Balance writes...

1. How does Khalid balance his duties as Dr. Fate and a member of the Sentinels of Magic with his medical school work? I think he's in his 3rd/4th year in which he would have clinical rotations that function essentially like jobs sometimes with unpredictable schedules on call or working 12 days straight. Did he tell the Dean of his med school about his extracurriculars?

2. How omniscient are the Lords of Chaos/Order? They all (Klarion included) seemed to be aware of Zatana's mere thought to alternate bodies for Fate but she had to ask Fate before he became aware - or maybe that was because he is bound to the mortal plane via an anchor?

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Red Everything writes...

1. There are a lot of redheads on YJ, or at least many who are involved with the main plot threads relative to the population. Is this because they are well-represented by DC comic media, an inclusive choice by you and Brandon, or does Earth-16 have more red heads in the population?

2. Do you have any interest of incorporating Red X into the series (irrespective of his identity)

3. Are Wally West's reoccurrences despite being dead and all the arcs about reminiscing/letting go your way/symbol/metaphor of helping us grieve when the show is in limbo?

4a. When M'gann reconstructs Conner's mind in both S1 (bereft) and S4 (Death and Rebirth), are the missing elements filled in by M'gann's memories? 4b. If so, does this influence his romantic feelings towards her because she likes him? (for example, would Conner have still fallen for M'gann in S1 had she not reconstructed his memories?)

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice prior to the events of Zatannas arc Did Billy Batson and Mary Bromfield both wear baseball caps or newsboy caps at the same time at some points dourg the years 2016- 2019?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Perdita Vladek was homeschooled or went to school

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Anonymous writes...

did Victor Stone go to college

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Anonymous writes...

From Young Justice episode "Death and Rebirth", Ultra-Humanite mentioned that the Light had given both M'Comm and Kara Zor-El to Darkseid as "tribute" in response to the Light's capture of the Kryptonians from the Phantom Zone. I'm kind of curious why they had to give something to Darkseid since he didn't contribute to their capture.

1. Was the tribute used for the purpose of a benefit/privilege from the Light and Darkseid's relationship?

2. Or was handing them both over seen as a good faith gesture that Savage could handle the Kryptonians and not use them against Darkseid in any way?

3. Or is there another reason not mentioned above?

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Anonymous writes...

is billy batson studying and what

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Pasco writes...

Could you elaborate a bit on why Vogel was willing to betray Renaud in Outfoxed? I'm sure Fox offered him a substantial amount of money, why he always seemed to hold Renaud in such high regard and vice versa. These two things lead me to believe that Vogel would value Renaud's trust and his own integrity more than money. Am I incorrect in that assumption, or was there something else at play that I'm missing?

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Anonymous writes...

is virgil hawkins studying and what

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Brent writes...

I know you've teased it before, but can you tell us what the rationalization was for Captain Marvel to change his name to Shazam?

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Sage H H writes...

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Spike writes...

Why didn't dc universe not want to make young justice season 4 after dc universe made young justice season 3?

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Mike writes...

Is there a story or a script where Elisa and Demona switch bodies?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Delphis studied before becoming a Meta-human

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mrbean writes...

With the Spectacular Spider-man making an appearance in Across the Spiderverse and also being in Disneyplus, have there been talks about continuing the series? Thanks!

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Cody writes...

Hi, I love Gargoyle had as I grew up with them since I was a little kid.
I just thought of this. Would Goliath be the youngest of his bio siblings? Because if he had younger or two sibs. One hatched with Lex, Broad, and Brook, and the other hatched with True and Bronx.

Have you thought about writing something for his bio family or making a family tree? Like if you did for the related ones we already know of.

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Anonymous writes...

what Em'ree J'onzz studied

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Anonymous writes...

is jaime reyes studying and what

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Anonymous writes...

It's been months and months since only this rambling of names shows up in latest responses... how about answering actual questions people wrote to Greg? Pretty please. Thanks.

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Anonymous writes...

As Superboy was moving the Martian Gene-bomb into the lava in the episode "Involuntary", we see that the wedding ring in his pocket was destroyed.

1. Was it his ring or Miss Martian's ring that was destroyed by the lava?

2. Did he fashion a new ring for the wedding later on in the season or was there a way to salvage the old one?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Floyd Lawton have a son Edward

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Anonymous writes...

(SPOILERS for anyone who hasn't seen Across the Spider-Verse)
1. Did the creators of the Across the Spider-Verse contact you about their use of Spectacular Spider-Man in the movie, or was it a surprise?
2. In the movie, we see Peter holding a dead Captain Stacy. Was this a plotline you ever considered for the show?
3. What are your thoughts on Spectacular Spider-Man's appearance in the film?

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Anonymous writes...

is tye longshadow studying and what

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Anonymous writes...

what year of study is Khalid Nassour in

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anonymous writes...

i had a couple questions regarding the Outsiders!
1: are we meant to understand that all the members who don't cover their faces at all don't have secret identities? such as Cassie and Virgil? is who they are outside of the Outsiders public knowledge?
2: is Jaime's secret identity not a secret after season 2, seeing as the Reach had him reveal his face on TV?
3: do these characters have to deal with getting hounded by the press in their civilian lives if their identities are public knowledge?

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Anonymous writes...

what Barbara Gordon studied

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Eian writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have a few questions regarding Young Justice.

1. Is Zeus, King of the Greek Gods of Olympus, Wonder Woman and Troia’s biological father?
2. Are Wonder Woman and Troia demigod?
3. Are all of the Greek Gods of Olympus Wonder Woman and Troia’s half-siblings?
4. Has Vandal Savage ever met Hippolyta and the Amazons with the alias Alexander the Great?
5. Did Steve Trevor meet Wonder Woman on Themyscira?
6. Does Wonder Woman and Troia have a biological brother they don’t know about?

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Anonymous writes...

How old was Felicia in Spectacular? I assume she couldn’t have been that much older than Peter unless you guys were going to go the ultimate comics route.

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Anonymous writes...

what is Richard "Dick" Grayson studying

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Tin writes...

Were you going to show the reason why Perdita has a scar on her neck shown in season 4 if you got a young justice season 5 made?

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Anonymous writes...

1. How long did it take Cassandra savage to finish reading through Olympia's journal about Vandal's life story ? 2. Has Cassandra savage ever thanked Vandal for taking her away from her Mom to help with his world vision and tolled him that she was honerd to help fight for mankind while wearing a baseball cap or newsgirl cap over her hair?

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Anonymous writes...

how many classes does gotham north high school have

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Anonymous writes...

where Bette Kane works

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Anonymous writes...


In the Earth-16 universe...

#1. Because Saturn Girl was identified as a human during a mental confrontation with M'comm M'orzz in the Young Justice Season 4 finale, this implies her ancestry can be traced back to the first humans who eventually colonized one of Saturn's moons; this presumably being Titan.

#2. The Durlans of the 31st century can trace their ancestry back to M'comm M'orzz and his White Martian followers; who have settled Durla in the 21st century.

#3. Cosmic Boy (Rokk Krinn), Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz), and Saturn Girl (Imra Ardeen) are the founding members of the Legion of Super-Heroes in the 31st century.

#4. As Lara El was born as Lara Lor-Van, this means she was a member of the House of Van before her marriage to Jor-El.

#5. Alura El (mother of Kara Zor-El) was born as Alura In-Ze, and was, therefore, a member of the House of Ze before her marriage to Zor-El.

#6. The names of the paternal grandparents of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Seg-El and Nyssa El (formerly Nyssa-Vex).

#7. Dru-Zod's appearance differs from his counterpart in the comics because it is a nod to his appearance in the canceled Syfy TV series, Krypton, and, as such, it can be assumed that his familial relationship with the members of the House of El and the House of Zod are most likely the same as depicted in that canceled TV series.

#8. Barry Allen's mother (Nora Allen) does NOT die like in the comics, and, as such, she is still alive in the present day, and the circumstances that causes Barry's father (Henry Allen) to be framed for Nora's murder and wrongfully sent to prison also NEVER happens.

#9. The Joker was directly involved in the death of Jason Todd one way or another; regardless if the events/circumstances are different in comparison to what is depicted in the mainstream DC Universe.

#10. Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja are truly one and the same person; with the cause of Jason's return most likely being the the result of the Lazarus Pit, and his initial inability to recognize his former teammates (as depicted in Young Justice Season 3) most likely being the result of post-traumatic amnesia due to the injuries (presumably) inflicted on him by the Joker.

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Anonymous writes...

#1. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Thanagarians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Shi'ar from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, would this offshoot race likely use the same naming convention as the Thanagarians, or would it be different?

#2. If an evolutionary offshoot race of the Kryptonians somehow existed in the DC Universe, and if they were an analogue/pastiche of the Strontians from Marvel Comics, what would be a good name for such an offshoot race? Also, if this offshoot race were to use a Kryptonian naming convention, would it be based on the traditional Kryptonian naming convention, the ones used by the Phaelosians (who only use the "personal name"-"family name" Kryptonian naming convention for BOTH males and females), or something original?

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Anonymous writes...

gotham academy has grades 7 through 12 and Happy Harbor High School

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr weisman 1.What where Marvin white and Wendy Harris respective majors in collage? 2. are Marvin and Wendy still dating each other and have they both worn baseball caps or newsboy caps at the same time on some dates study sessions or on and off work at times ?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Aquagirl was a minister

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James Dixon writes...

It's good to see that you're taking questions again. I've spoken to you on Twitter, but like you said, Twitter's quicker, but it's much better here because you get to give a more thorough response, which I like too. You and Station 8 must be more on top of things now.

I thought Young Justice: Outsiders was great and pushing the boundaries more than ever. I've liked more or less everything, except for when Victor was crushed to (near)death. That was hardcore, Greg.

I was only able to watch the first episode of Phantoms, unfortunately, and that was only through the use of my VPN to access that for free, officially, from the DC Fandome. The season has yet to come to the UK in any shape or form, and I'm really surprised Outsiders came.

I did think it was strange how you got Greg Cipes to do the voice of Beast Boy. I guess I would've preferred a new actor to take on the role.

It's not quite the same as Kevin Conroy coming back and doing the same serious Batman for almost 30 years, since your Beast Boy isn't really the same comical Beast Boy from Teen Titans 2003 or Teen Titans Go.

I think he nailed it, though, so that may make my questioning of it pointless. Since Cipes was also Beast Boy on a Lego DC Super Hero Girls movie, I'm wondering if there's an attempt from DC to kind of streamline the voice as the main Beast Boy. Although I'm sure if you didn't want Greg Cipes, you wouldn't have cast him. I doubt it was a DC mandate.

So, I guess that brings me to my first question:
1. Why cast Greg Cipes? How did that come about, was that a conscious decision from you, Brandon, or Jamie Thomason?
2. Another question is about Marvin's goatee in season 4. Was that still influenced by Shaggy from "Scooby-Doo?"

I have some other questions, but are of a different topic, which is Space Ghost, and Hanna-Barbera in general.

3.A How did you and Brandon end up creating your own Space Ghost series.
3B. Why didn't it get picked up?
3C. Was Space Ghost and your own ThunderCats a close thread that kept you around WBA to eventually co-create Young Justice, or were they all separate incidents?
4. Would you still be open to doing your own Space Ghost? Because I would love to see that. With you at the helm, I bet lots could be done.
5. Do you think Hanna-Barbera cartoons belong in the modern era? You tried bringing Space Ghost back, so at least you do with him. But I've also read about other revivals that were rejected, too, such as Top Cat, Blue Falcon, and even El Kabong. While there were times when WBA did greenlight revivals such as Yabba Dabba Dinosaurs and Wacky Races, which were either liked or disliked. Scooby-Doo can't be the only Hanna-Barbera cartoon that's worthy of being continued.

I also want to thank you for answering my Stargate: The Hunted questions, which included the lengthy detailing of the plot, the backstories of the characters, because you were luckily in your office that day. Well, it made my day, but I just never got to thank you until now.

When you said how you hoped a second season would be the good guys going after the bad guys, I was thinking how you could have even changed the name to Stargate: The Hunters, because the hunted have become the hunters. But the original title still works, too. Ha.

It's also nice that Gargoyles is getting new comics and merchandise again. Too bad Disney won't push for another new season from you.

I should close it there as I've taken up enough of your time, Greg. I sincerely appreciate it.

P.S. I was formerly Green Lantern's Nightlight, and going by my real name for some reason. I suppose it doesn't matter which name I use, but I'm trying to bring some continuity, instead of just being random person #5000 (and I know some others here who have been asking you questions for years).

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GOKU FAN writes...

Did miss martian visit the LOGANS after the December 1 2010 visit before queen bee kill marie logan on January 16 2011?

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Anonymous writes...

did Wally West work somewhere in the second season

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope all is well.

Couple more YJ character countback Qs if I may.

1) Is Anton Kraft the doctor at the Vlatavastok hospital in Targets #3?
2) Who is Rae Foster? No-one seems to be able to figure this one out.


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Anonymous writes...

where Malcolm Duncan works

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JJ writes...

Hello Greg!

This may seem like a pretty oddball question, but its about Wildcat in Young Justice.

I was browsing the Young Justice TV Tropes page and came across Wildcat's picture, where he looks a fair bit darker-toned than the other members of the JSA. So it got me wondering: is he possibly Latino and/or Black on Earth-16, or just very tan?

Usually its pretty self-explanatory, but I went snooping to see where else he might've popped up and he shows up at Kent Nelson's funeral in the tie-in comics, but when I looked at the actual page he looked white. Given the comics back then tended to have more than a few coloring errors (a prime example being the very white, blue-eyed Artemis), I'm more inclined to trust the episode he first appeared in as what he actually looks like, but confirmation would be wonderful.

Thank you, and I hope you're having a great day!

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Kaldur727 writes...

1. I was just on the Gargoyles Wiki and reading on the Gargoyles 2198 stuff and it said that the Illuminati would ally with the Space-Spawn. Was it kind of a full circle thing to have the Light teaming up with the Reach in Young Justice Invasion?

2. I know the Gargoyles do not have the same view or put the same focus on biological family like humans do but what would the closest analogue be for Lexington's relationship with Alexander Xanatos? Brothers, Uncle/Nephew, etc.?

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Anonymous writes...

does Kate Kane have a twin sister Elizabeth

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Anonymous writes...

Why does miss martian call herself beast boy's adopted sister in young justice invasion episode Earthlings if miss martian did not adopt garfield after rita farr died?

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Anonymous writes...

where Kate Kane works

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Aaron writes...

During season 2 of gargoyles were there any scrapped ideas for places or countries, you also wanted the gargoyles to travel to?

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Aaron writes...

does black beetle have actual name and surname or is he just only known to everyone as black beetle? cos isn't young justice's version of the character based on Dawur, is his name in the earth 16 continuity Dawur as well or is it something else entirely?

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Aaron writes...

before young justice season 3 and 4 came out on dc universe and hbo max, were there any other places that warner brothers and dc were considering releasing those seasons' episodes, like e.g. adult swim for example?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Jade Nguyen attended Gotham North High School and whether she graduated

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Verdragon5 writes...

I’ve been watching a lot Spectacular Spider-Man recently and I’ve really been enjoying it. My question is a bit more of a hypothetical, but here goes: The stars have aligned and you get to finally do a continuation of the series, and you’re free to use any of the new Spider-Man characters introduced since Spectacular ended, but there’s one caveat. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the character, the executives want you to bring in Miles Morales as a member of the main cast. How would you go about it?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jimmy Olsen studied

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Anonymous writes...

what he studies Jason Bard

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Anonymous writes...

1. What gave Black canary the idea for her ''Sanctuary'' that she brings up at Superboy and Miss martians wedding? 2. does Black canary ever get any time off to rest from therapy and hero work? and has she ever worn her baseball cap or newsgirl cap over her hair douring at lest some therapy sessions in star city at the meta human youth center or any sessions with the league team or outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

or Kyle Rayner works at the Daily Planet

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Anonymous writes...

After the Perdita was finally rescue at the end of young justice comic story did Garfield remove Perdita's messages on his phone and if so why but if Garfield did not remove Perdita's messages on his phone after Perdita was rescue then why did Garfield not remove Perdita's messages on his phone?

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Anonymous writes...

where Lynn Stewart-Pierce works

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Anonymous writes...

where Jefferson Pierce works

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Anonymous writes...

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the WildC.A.T.S.?

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Anonymous writes...

Do Orphan aka Cassandra and Spoiler aka Stephanie live at Wayne Manor or do they live somewhere else?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did HBOMAX order only one season of young justice to be made wich is season 4 and not more seasons of young justice to to made when HBOMAX order season 4 of young justice to be made ?

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Brody writes...

During the time that takes place after the events of season 4 Why did Green Arrow or Black Canary not tell Perdita that Garfield misses Perdita and still love Perdita and Garfield had these mental health problems on mars before Garfield took the drugs on earth when Perdita call Green Arrow to ask for protection for her USA visit?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 DC Universe, what is the in-universe explanation for the Kryptonian naming convention in which the male naming structure is "personal name"-"family name" (such as Kal-El) the per-marriage female naming structure is "personal name" "father's name" (such as Kara Zor-El), and the post-marriage female naming structure is "personal name" "husband's family name" (such as Lara El)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have three questions I would like to ask you:

#1. At the time of this posting, DC Comics had recently introduced the Phaelosians; an evolutionary offshoot of Kryptonians descended from a fringe science colony who were exiled from Krypton thousands of years ago. Information about this race can be seen in the link provided below:


My question is this: If Young Justice gets renewed for another season, what are the chances that the Earth-16 version of the Phaelosians will appear?

#2. This next question is just for fun. If there were ever an evolutionary offshoot of Kryptonians in the DC Universe that was an analogue/pastiche of the Strontians from the Marvel Comics Universe; at the very least having the exact same powers and weaknesses as the Strontians, what would you name these people if they ever somehow existed in the DC Universe and what would you name their homeworld? Here's a link provided below in case you don't know who the Strontians are:


#3. This is a follow-up from question #2; also just for fun. If an analogue/pastiche of Marvel Comics Universe character, Gladiator (real name Kallark), somehow existed in the DC Universe, what would be a good superhero name and Kryptonian name that you would give him? This question assumes that you already know that Gladiator is a pastiche of Superboy (since some of the members of Marvel Comics' Imperial Guard are pastiches of members of the Legion of Super-Heroes), and that you know that this question is asking about who would be the analogue/pastiche of an already-existing analogue/pastiche comic book character.

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Ask21771 writes...

If Young Justice gets a second revival would you ever consider doing a season long story about the multiverse?

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Anonymous writes...

what Lena Luthor studied

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Anonymous writes...

How does Superboy view Jor-El and Lara-El? Even though they are Superman's parents, they aren't tecnhincally his since he was born from Superman and Lex's DNA. Does he see them as his descendants or something?

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Suzie writes...

1. What year did M'gann and Conner graduate from Happy Harbour High?
2. What year did they graduate from Ivy University?
3. What did they study in collage?
4. In season 2 what year of collage were they in?

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Suzie writes...

Questions about Miss Martian The Bride
1. What was her something old?
2. Something borrowed?
3. Something new?
4. Something Blue?

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Algae writes...

Hey Greg,

Just wanted to let you know I'm five issues into the new Gargoyles comic from Dynamite and really loving it so far.

I'm just wondering if you've pinned down a date for lil' Michael Maza's birthday?

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Anonymous writes...

what John Stewart studied

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Anonymous writes...

when Mera Nereus married Orin

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

Is Richard Craemer the priest who officiated Wally's funeral in Yesterday's Children?

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Angus Collins writes...

Greg why do have as part of season 4 of young justice for Garfield to lose his couple relationship with Perdita because you Greg believe it was not possible for Garfield to tell Perdita that he does needs help and do what Perdita want Garfield to do so Garfield and Perdida stay as a couple, but still Garfield could tell black canary that he needs help?

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Anonymous writes...

Have Artemis Zatanna and Miss Martian ever had on Baseball caps or newsgirl caps on at the same time on some of there girls night out trips in the 5 years between seasons1 and 2 and joked about things like Robins girl history or Kid flash as well?

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Anonymous writes...

what Lois Lane studied

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Greg,
What are the names of all of the young justice tie-in comics?

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Anonymous writes...

what Iris West-Allen studied

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Tristan Smith writes...

Dear Greg,
I want to buy young justice: targets and any other tie-in comics that were made. I was just wondering what the best website might be to buy them.
Thank you in advance, Tristan

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Anonymous writes...

when King Orin took up residence in Atlantis

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Jan Rott writes...

Did Macduff die at the hands of Demona at the Battle of Bothgoanan, or was he just knocking out?

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Anonymous writes...

Where does Shelly Longshadow work?

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Eliana writes...

Dear Greg,
Let me just start by saying that I ADORE Gargoyles. it's with out a doubt one of the best series of all time. Even my parents agree ( I got them successfully on board) . The way you incorporate Shakespearian lore into the 20th century New York is phenomenal, but you probably know that already.
I hope you'll be able to spare the time to answer me. I know you're probably very busy, but it would be an honour and a privilege to receive your input.
I'm currently studying for my BA in Archaeology, yet I'm looking into incorporating Animation as well. I'm a writer- I like writing my own stories and drawing my own characters. Initially I thought I'd go for 3D animation, since that's the big thing right now and it's truly fascinating, yet all the TV series I truly love and appreciate are in 2D, such as Disney's Gargoyles, and I want to learn everything- I want to make my own stories and animate my own characters - I want to CREATE, and in 3D animation I get the impression I'll always be dependent on someone else, since it seems like I can't specialize in everything- rigging, sculpting, animating, shading, etc.
The problem is I'm not so sure what I'm looking for-
1) which softwares are important to learn? What should I keep my eye out for?
2) What did you do in order to acquire the tools to create Gargoyles?
3) I read you were initially an English Literature teacher before you became a producer and writer. What caused you to change your profession?
Take care and all the best,
Head of the Gargoyles fan club,
P.S- Just so you understand who you're dealing with - we Jews have this holiday called Sukkot, where you basically built a hut outside your house. Every year we have a theme for the decorations of said hut- one year Disney, one year Transformers, etc. Recently we did a Gargoyles theme, and it came out AMAZING. The best decorations we ever had. Perhaps I can somehow send you pics.
Thank you,

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Damian writes...

Yo I was wondering what are some of the characters ages by s4 like is Bart still a minor? Or beast boy? Not rlly a huge question just mostly a curiosity one

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Morgainne writes...

Hi! I recently read about the possibilities of a prequel series for Gargoyles. I was curious about how casting might work, are there people in mind ? Or there be auditions of sorts. I completely get if this is something that’s can’t be answered yet or such.

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Mystic writes...

Is there any canon heights other then David Xanatos being over six feet tall?

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Anonymous writes...

When Ilona DeLamb-Markov married Viktor Markov

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Anonymous writes...

what Oliver Queen studied

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Lee writes...

Why have you not made a new gargoyles series?

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Anonymous writes...

what Bruce Wayne studied

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Janet Austin writes...

Was the Dember 1 2010 visit the only time miss martian visit GRFIELD and his mother Marie after miss martian first the Logans in episode Image before Queen bee killed Marie Logan in January 2011?

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Mira writes...

Did miss martian visit garfield more often than when miss martien visit garfield when garfield live with his birth mom marie logan after miss martian first met the Logans in YOUNG JUSTICE episode IMAGE?

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Anonymous writes...

what Clark Kent studied

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Angiolini writes...

Why do you MR. GREG believe you will get the numbers of fans to support recurred for a season 5 of young justice to be produce after you made so many young justice fan angry about season 4 by have Garfield breakup with Perdita over depression and drug use cause by beast boy believing he cause Superboy to die on mars when you Greg knew Conner was alive in phantom zone and was going to reunite with M'gann at the end of season 4 and marry m'gann at of season on 4 and also making so many angry by not animating vandal savage's back story in season 4 but showing vandal savage's backstory as series of still images in season 4 of young justice?

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T writes...

You previously stated that on June 22, 2007, Lexington is continuing his journey. My question is when/why did he start and or the purpose of his said journey?

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Clara writes...

During the time Garfield was living with rita farr after marie died did miss martian tell martian manhunter that she still visiting garfield after marie logan die and if miss martian did not tell martian manhunter that she was still visiting garfield after marie died then why not but if she did tell her martian uncle that she was still visiting garfield after marie logan die then what did martian manhunter think of miss martian was still visiting garfield logan when garfield lived with rita farr after marie logan died?

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Spencer writes...

Did Miss Martian tell her Uncle John about meeting the Logans and getting to know Garfield and Marie Logan before or after Marie Logan died?

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Hidalgo writes...

After the events of young justice season 1 why didn't M'gann not go to the Logans to tell them that their lives were in danger from queen bee? After all, in episode IMAGE queen bee told miss martian if something happens to queen bee Garfield would pay the price and later Miss Martian knock queen bee out in episode 25 of season one of young justice.

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Abigail writes...

Why was Marie Logan and Garfield Logan not giving protection by justice league and the team after the events of young justice episode Image?

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Nanook writes...

Why was Miss Martian not with Garfield when Garfield Logan and his mom Marie Logan's home was closeup after Queen Bee killed Marie Logan?

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Mark writes...

1) All the Kryptonians in the Phantom Zone wear the same black and grey outfit, with red crests were present. Is it a standard prisoner outfit, a Kryptonian military uniform, or a uniform of the House of Zod and its followers? Or does it have another significance?

2) I notice Lor-Zod wears something similar but distinct, with an orange crest instead of a red one. Did the uniform/outfit change in the 31st century, or is Lor's just different?
3)What does the different color crest signify, if anything?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope you are well.

You recently revealed Wit Sauders and Lupe Teresa Leocadio-Escudero as part of the YJ Character countback.

1) Are these are the two Metropolis police officers we see in Death and Rebirth?

Both character models have also appeared previously.

2) Is the Metropolis police officer in Intervention also Lupe?
3) Is the Happy Harbor police officer in Welcome to Happy Harbor also Wit?

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Anonymous writes...

what is Sha'lain's earth name

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Anonymous writes...

what Helena Sandsmark studied

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ZAS writes...


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Javi writes...

Was Garfield going to date Tara in season 5 after Garfield breakup with Peridia in season 4 if season 5 ever gets made?

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Taste like fruit when ya hit it writes...

I have one question about Hawkwoman...

I don't know if the version of her that you're using is the post-crisis Hawkwoman or the pre-crisis Hawkwoman but if she is the pre crisis version...

1. Has she always been Hawkwoman or was she Hawkgirl and then changed it to Hawkwoman like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

where Sindella Zatara worked

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Avril writes...

Is vandal savage still alive in the future year where the young justice season 4-time travels come from?
Is there a beast boy statue in the future year were both the superboy statue is and were the season 4-time travelers come from?

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Jan Rott writes...

I have a question about the Avalon World Tour. Goliath and the others arrived in Tibet on June 18, 1996, but their last visit to Avalon was on July 4th. That is a difference of 16 days. Was Tibet really your last destination or are there other destinations that haven't been shown yet?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the name of Tye Longshadow's father,
when he was born, when he died

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marc writes...

Bonjour,je voudrais savoir pourquoi on ne vois pas de clan de loup garou ou de vampire interagir avec les gargouilles

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Anonymous writes...

where does Floyd Lawton live, does he have a wife named Susan,
brother Edward, daughter Zoe and son Edward

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Anonymous writes...

Flash has a bachelor's, master's or doctorate in forensic science

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Gene writes...

Why didn't Miss Martian not go looking for garfield to find garfield soon after miss martian learned that marie logan had die?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Roy Harper's father?

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Ash Leon writes...

Why did HBOMAX order only one season of young justice to be produce after young justice was move to HBOMAX from DC UNIVERSE?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey, Greg!
I hope you are well and everything is going great with your current projects! I have a Spectacular Spider-man question that I’ve been wondering about for a while: was “Final Curtain” meant to be Spectacular’s version of “The Night Gwen Stacy Died”? The reason I ask is because, first of all, I know you didn’t plan to kill off your version of Gwen Stacy, like in the comics, so a straight forward adaptation would have been off the table from the beginning, and second, I noticed a lot of similarities between how “Final Curtain” ends and the way the comic story ends. Both end with Norman Osborn’s apparent “death,” Harry vowing revenge against Spider-man, and Peter not with Gwen (albeit for VERY different reasons). I know you don’t like to give out spoilers, so this next part is more me sharing what I think: I have a theory that Peter and Gwen were never meant to be, no matter what, and would have gone through the rest of high school as two people who like each other, but just waited too long to admit their feelings and become an official couple. But that’s just my own personal speculation. Thank you for taking the time to answer my question, and read my fan theories. I wish you well in your other projects. Thank you!

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Nicolas Turnberrez writes...

Hi Greg,

Not a question, just wanted to say thanks for my childhood. I watched Gargoyles as a kid as I was growing up and I loved it. It gave me an appreciation for Shakespeare and Mythology before I every knew what they were. I remember watching Gargoyles reruns in my parents room as the clock ring midnight from 1999 to 2000, and did the same when it switched over from 2019 to 2020 (though the following year didn't go as planned lol). With Star Trek Picard wrapping up, I wanted to get a TNG enterprise tattoo and am incorporating the Phoenix gate into it because I first heard Frakes and Sirtis in their Gargoyles roles. Essentially, thanks for creating an amazing program and amazing childhood memories. Fingers crossed for a revival show!

Nick T.

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Kara writes...

After queen bee kill marie logan how did Rita learn both that Marie logan was dead and Garfield was still alive? It would take some time for rita to get ready to go get garfield after rita learns that marie was dead so where did garfield stay at after marie died before rita came to garfield to take garfield to live with her?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. Does Madame Xanadu live in her parlor or does she have a residence elsewhere? 2. How long did it take Madame Xanadu to unlock and master her magic and does she own and wear a baseball cap or a newsgirl cap from time to time ?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman!
I hope you and your family are doing well. I have recently begun re-watching The Spectacular Spider-man, and I think it’s still one of the best adaptations of the character we’ve ever gotten. I realize that, as you’ve said before, it’s extremely unlikely we’ll ever see a third season on TV (hope springs eternal, but it’s clear Marvel and Sony have their own plans for the character going forward), but how likely is it that we could ever see a continuation in comics, or some other media format, similar to what was done with Gargoyles? I know you may not be able to give a concrete answer to this question, but could it ever be a possibility? Thank you for your time, and good luck with all your current projects!

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Jake butler writes...

I hope this doesn't trigger a spoiler alert but will we see Freddy freeman in a potential season 5 of young justice

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Brittany writes...

I know HBOMAX made season 4 of young justice but my question is why didn't DC Universe not want to make season 4 after DC UNIVERSE made season 3 of young justice?

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Jonathan writes...

Hello. I have a question regarding Young Justice.

Do characters such as Steve Trevor, Mr. Terrific, Vigilante/Greg Saunders, Sir Justin/Shining Knight, Scott Free/Mister Miracle, Catwoman and STEEL/Pat Dugan exist in Earth-16?

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Caleb writes...

Hello again!

In the YJ count back, you listed 645: Correctional Officer Hart and 691: Ripley. Both are guards at Belle Reve, so why was Ripley not given a title in the count back? I know Hart has a bigger role in the episode than Ripley, but they wear identical uniforms and neither are given a rank in dialogue. Not trying to use this as a 'gotcha,' I'm just curious.

Thank you!

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Blazefire writes...

Hi, Greg! I love my favorite character from Gargoyles, Brooklyn. Is a possible Timedancer series in order for the comics since the last couple felt unfinished and a lot of unanswered questions about him meeting his girl?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What were the reactions of Lex Luthor and Icicle Jr when they learned about Superboy's death?
2. How did Lex Luthor handle the news? Did he react to Conner's death like how Sportsmaster reacted with Artemis in season 2? concerned about his reputation?
3. How did Icicle Jr. handle the news? Did he truly grieve his death since they are frenemies?
4. Did the Light ever conduct their own investigation into Superboy's death like the Justice League did?

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Jeri writes...

Did miss martian's sister go back to mars with her parents after miss martian and superboy's wedding on earth or is miss Martian's sister still on earth by the time of the events of young justice comic story targets takes place?

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Anonymous writes...

where Mary West works

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Tenet writes...

Does Perdita have a scar on her neck in young justice season 4 because it is a clue that she will become a meta human in the future?

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Alatau writes...

Is the Perdita that is seen in young justice season 4 phantoms a clone and if that is correct than is the real Perdita dead by the time of young justice season 4 or is the real Perdita kept alive in a chamber during the time period when season 4 take place like the real Roy was found in by the clone Roy in young justice season 2 invasion of young justice?

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GorillaWolf2099 writes...

Is Cassandra Cain considered a sibling to the Robins in YJ, was she being raised as Cassandra Wayne after being a runaway from the Shadows? Also, is Steph her BFF in this universe?

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Darian Lueken writes...

Hello Sir, do you have any pointers on when it comes to writing a story that would inspire the reader.

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Woods writes...

In the young justice universe is one of the male members of The Light the biological father of Garfield Logan?

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Yar writes...

In the young justice timeline did every part of Garfield's body turn green in one day in 2012 or did Garfield slowly turn green over time across his boy threw out the year 2012 in young justice timeline?

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Zelda writes...

When Garfield was living with Rita in 2012 did Miss Martian learn that garfield's skin was going become green or get super power before garfield turn green in 2012?

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Gia writes...

Hi. Just so glad Gargoyles continues again with Dynamite. Rewatched the series again and stumbled over one question:
In the episode "Golem", Preston Vogel was capable of awaking the Golem/alter the spell to send Renards soul into the Golem. Is Preston Vogel a secret sorcerer? Or how else was this possible? (Hope this doesn't count as spoiler request...)
best wishes. Gia

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J writes...

I would argue that YJ (especially season 4) has some of the most diverse, representative, and necessary storylines/characters I've seen in animation. Unfortunately, as you are familiar with it, there is a lot go ignorant people who don't see why it should be included. What do you think is the importance in this being present in animation? (I know what I think, but would love your take!)

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Jon writes...

Hi Greg. I have been a huge fan of YJ since it aired all those years ago. I hear other shows you have worked on have a similar level of longevity and notoriety amoungst watchers. My questions are as follows:

1. What do you think is the reason projects you work on strike such emotional chords and fans attach themselves to the work so passionately?

2. In regards to YJ, is there a certain character's evolution from S1-S4 (and other works) that has a special place in your heart? (My personal favorite is anything Artemis) If so, why?

3. Have you ever regretted the inclusion of a certain character, story decision, etc in YJ but had to keep it around?

4. From a fan perspective, it is clear that the bureaucratic reasons have continuously stifled the show from using certain characters, storylines, being renewed, etc. What was this experience like behind the scenes? Did you often find yourself battling for certain decisions/being told no on ideas or did you have ample creative freedom?

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Moro writes...

Why did you decide to have a permeant breakup end to Garfield's happy life with Peridia as a couple after you had his happy life with his mother Marie logan and his happy life with his godmother Rita with both Marie's and Rita's deaths?

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Tom writes...

Is the young justice universe Wally West really dead or is wally west (kid flash) some were alive in some place that his hero friends can rescue wally from if the heroes ever find out that wally is alive something like what happen to superboy in season 4?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg.

Still loving the Young Justice Character Countback. I was wondering if you could tell me who "660. Dirty Old Man" is, or at least point me in the right direction. I've found everyone else (except for Wild-Wagon, but someone else asked about them ahead of me.)

Hope you're having a good day. Thank you for your time!

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Golda writes...

Would Garfield and Perdita still breakup if the Outsiders or blue devil got black canary to council Garfield before Perdita came to visit Garfield at the hub and if that is the so then s why?

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Anonymous writes...

where Rudy West works

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Anonymous writes...

How did Nightwing and Mal feel about the love triangle they witnessed between Miss Martian, Superboy and Lagoon Boy in Depths?
1. Were they disgusted by the "couple's" actions in front of Superboy?
2. Were they on Conner's side?
3. Did they know Lagoon Boy was only Miss Maritan's rebound guy?
4. Were they rooting for Supermartian to get back together?

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Anonymous writes...

This here is a bit of an interesting question. Do the characters of Young Justice in general (the Team, Outsiders, Justice League, their friends, allies and even enemies) see Miss Martian and Superboy as the best and perfect couple out of every romance on the show especially after what happened in season 4 even compared to some of their own relationships; examples like Dick and Barbara and Kaldur and Wyynde?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1 How long have the A'dare sisters and Cairo de Frey worked for intergang and do all 3 ladies wear baseball caps or newsgirl caps from time to time both on and off work ? 2. Doring Artemis arc in season 4 when Jade was telling Artemis and the others Orphin's backstory i saw Onyx Adams inch away in horror like Artemis did when Jade explaned why Orphin is mute was that ment as a a hint that Onyx had bean telling the truth about Cassandra savage ? (witch she was in the end)

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Eduardo Jr.'s mother?

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Lara Frakes writes...

Why you just allow Tara or one of the other outsiders to ask beast boy what was wrong with him when the outsiders realize there was something wrong with beast boy so the outsiders could get him help from black canary before Perdita comes to the Hub to see Garfield? After all that is what most fans wanted to happen.

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Anonymous writes...

what did Eduardo Dorado Sr. study and whether a bachelor's, master's or doctorate

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Harold writes...

Would Garfield still breakup with Perdita if the trip to mars for miss martian and superboy wedding on mars when on as plan and no evil time traveler from the future came to kill conner and if so why?

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Yeoh Philippa writes...

Why did you not let Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple after she rescue in issues 6 of young justice bock story targets because that most fans wanted to happen because the fans did believe it was wrong have Garfield lose Perdita in season 4 over depression made by Garfield blaming himself for conner's death on mars to only to show after Garfield breakup with Perdita that conner is still alive in the phantoms zone and get back together with miss martian and get married in the last episode of season 4?

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Anonymous00 writes...

Hello, Greg! Here to say, excellent work on Young Justice, Gargoyles, and other franchises you've worked on. A curious question regarding your continued work on Gargoyles (i.e. the Dynamite Comics continuation) does Demona remained unchanged(pre seasons 1-3, Puck's spell, Hunter's Moon, etc) before her upcoming return in issue 7?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name of M'comm M'orzz

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Chip writes...

Were there any video recordings or security feeds from the events of The Mirror showing humans as gargoyles, or did Puck transform those too?

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Bezos writes...

Greg why would you just let Garfield listen to Peridia and let Garfield do what she wanted him to do to get help in young justice phantoms episode 13 so they could stay together as couple and not breakup? Because that is what so many young justice fans wanted to happen.

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Sauron writes...

Why did miss martian choose to date superboy and in the end marry superboy when she knows she ages slower than her earth friends and because of that she could live for a long time after superboy dies?

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Haitham writes...

Did superman interduce superboy to superman's adopted human parents the Kents before or after queen bee kill marie logan?

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Polly Sturgeon writes...

Did Garfield ever visit the kent farm with conner and m'gann after beast boy learn superman was clark kent?

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Anonymous writes...

Just curious but did M'gann ever go with Conner to visit the Kents in Smallville or was it simply Kents only until she married into the family? I didn't see her in Conner's flashback, but it did include Wolf and Sphere.

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Gideon writes...

Why do you believe it is a good story to end Garfield and Perdita's time as a couple over depression over garfield thinking he made conner die on mars when you knew conner and miss martian were going to get married at the last episode of season 4?

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Foley writes...

During the years when Rita was a member of the doom patrol Garfield was living with Rita how was Garfield able to go visit Miss Martian after Garfield's skin turn green if Garfield could not use the zeta tubes during the years Rita was a member of the doom patrol?

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Zirbcin writes...

Many young justice fans view the outsiders did betray Garfield after Garfield return to earth from mars by the outsiders didn't ask Garfield why Garfield was not going on outsiders missions when the outsiders realize there was something wrong with Garfield. What is your answer to this?

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Luka Kendall writes...

Why did you end Garfield and Perdita as a couple because you believe it is unrealistic for them to stay as a couple as she is royalty, and he is not despite the that if Garfield married Perdita Garfield would become royalty by marriage and Garfield could still lead the outsiders and support peridia being as queen and Peridia could support Garfield leading the outsiders after all Orin support Mera become queen and Mera would support Orin become a member of the justice league again so why did you MR Greg not believe Garfield and Perdita could do the same as Orin and Mera?

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Sam writes...

Hello!  Out of curiosity,

1.) Which book genre(s) would the Team members generally read / are their favorite book genre(s)?

2.) Which music genre(s) would the Team members generally listen to / are their favorite music genre(s)?

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Anonymous writes...

when Maurice Bodaway moved in with Shelly Longshadow

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Anonymous writes...

In season 1 Desmond tells his staff to “prepare the NEW Project Sidekick.” Does that mean the Roy/Will project was also called Project Sidekick (just like the Superboy project was called Project Krypton)?

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Rod writes...

Will you consider continuing young justice in comic book form if you can't get more animated seasons of young justice to be produced?

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Brian Ash writes...

Why did you not let garfield and peridia get back together as couple at the end of the last issue of young justice comic story targets after perditia is rescue because that many young justice fans wanted to happen because many young justice fans did not believe it was fair or right for garfield to lose perditia over garfield's drug use and depression cause by garfield thinking he cause superboy to be kill on mars to only you have as part of young justice story only to have superboy and miss martian get back together to marry at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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John N. writes...

Hi again. I decided to ask the last 2 question, that anre connected to the witch boy.
1) Recently, I rewatched the whole YJ series (ps we need 5th season so baaaad ahaha) and noticed one interesting thing. In the 3d season we saw that Klarion (even if he’s immortal and just a concept) feels pain. As I understood, the reason why the witch boy wasn’t focused on the mission RuTaBaGa was Beast Boy who turned into a bee and started stinging him. And now in season 4 we see Child maked a huge hole in Klarions body and he was like “I don’t care”. So here is my question: does the witch boy feel pain or he was just pretending in 3d season?

2) if we clearly see in 4th season that the lord of chaos cant be “killed”, only his anchor, and Klarions physical body amazingly functioned after such a serious damage, can we say the same about the lord of order? I mean, I see they use different ways but if the hosts body would take such fatal wounds, will Dr. Fate still able to do anything? Because if no and with the death of the body Dr. Fate will must find another alive man/woman, why the witch boy does not actually try to kill Nabu. (If Klarion does not want to kill Nabu at all just because it would destroy the balance, (what looks weird and non-chaotic a bit to me), I understand it)

Thanks for ur replies in advance!

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necro mage writes...

does the light still have the means to create more ocean master clones if they wanted to?

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John N. writes...

If Klarion puts Teekl on his shoulders very often, then why he doesn't slouch? I ask because cats are kinda heavy when they grow up so I’m just curious if he can get tired of it or he’s just much stronger physically than it seems due to his skinny appearance

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Anonymous writes...

What is Barbara Gordon's mother's name?

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Anonymous writes...

I'm really confused about this here...

Since Superboy revealed himself to the world in the season 3 finale, does that mean that everyone in Happy Harbour knows the truth about Conner Kent and if so then why was Marvin still clueless until a year later by the time of the wedding?

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Anonymous writes...

Does everyone regret or feel badly for discovering too late that Superboy was still alive? It took them months to find out the truth and yet they could've found out sooner had everyone just been a little honest.

Superman had his meeting with the Legion and Zatanna saw her vision of Superboy calling for help. Haven't they realized yet all their secrets have done is only hurt everyone and this was the worst of all since Conner suffered the greatest being trapped in the PZ and suffered mentally, physically and emotionally.

Also Does Zatanna regret waiting MONTHS before she finally told the truth about her vision?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Do you regret not getting the original team together sooner in the final season for example everyone coming together to greet and comfort M'gann upon her return to Earth since she was still grieving Conner's death?
2. Since their grief wasn't shown as much compared to the others, how badly were Dick and Zatanna affected by Conner's death?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Did Miss Martian and Superboy ever go back to Mars to finish their martian wedding ceremony between the events of the finale to the Targets comics?
2. Do you regret not doing a scene where M'gann and/or Garfield went to visit Conner's memorial on the Watchtower?
3. Is Em'ree still living with M'gann now that Conner's back?
4. What's the one thing you wish you could've done or included in the final season (character or story wise?)

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Allon writes...

Hi Mr. Weisman, I was wondering if Icicle Jr. a metahuman?

Major fan of the show btw.

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Marvelman writes...

1) When was the last time you attended a Canadian con or expo?

2) Have you ever been invited a Canadian con?

3) Would you go if you were invited?

4) I hope all is well.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. what does Shelly Long shadow do for a living and does she own and wear a baseball cap from time to time? 2. how old is Clue master and how long has he been active as a criminal on earth 16?

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Nicole writes...

Where is young justice going to lead in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

is Rita Farr a certified actress

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Anonymous writes...

when Viktor Markov became king

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Anonymous writes...

what Lex Luthor studied

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Anonymous writes...

Why do believe you get the amount of fan support you need to make a season 5 of young justice after you made season 4 so woke?

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Letizia writes...

Why did you just let beast boy listen to Perdita so they could stay together as a couple and not breakup because that was what most fans wanted to happen and not loose Perdita over drug use over depression over Garfield believing (he Garfield) cause conner to die on mars? After all you Greg knew conner was alive.

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Troy writes...

When Wendy Harris first time sees Garfield with green skin what was she told to explained why Garfield had green skin? Both of them have been to Conner's birthdays between season 1 and 2 of young justice so they must have meet at some point between season 1 and season 2 of young justice.

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Tasha writes...

Which of conner's birthday parties made by megan morse between 2011 to 2015 did Garfield go to?

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Jones writes...

Young Justice marie logan is a lesbian so why did she want a son and not a daughter?

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Chad writes...

In young justice universe did Marie Logan have sex with a man, or did she go to a sperm bank to get sperm to get pregnant which lead to her having Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

How did Marie Logan give birth to Garfield if she did not have sex with a man because the young justice version of Marie Logan is (lesbian gay)?

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Anonymous writes...

does Kate Kane have a mother named Gabi

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Anonymous writes...

when Jacob Kane was born

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Krill writes...

Why did the time Traver Bart Allen not know Superboy was still alive in phantom zone before miss martian learn of superboy being alive from the martian prince and the female time traveler on the watchtower but if Bart Allen did know Superboy was still alive before martian prince and phantom girl told miss martian on the watchtower then why did Bart Allen not tell beast boy and the other superheroes was still alive before Perdita came to the Hub to see beast boy?

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Marc writes...

Did Rita learn of Garfield logan's eyes turning green before or after Marie logan die?

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Alexandre Brzoski writes...

Hello , Mr. Weisman

Love your show very much and have some questions on the timeline of Earth-16.

1 - What year did Luthor founded Project Cadmus?
2 - What year Jeffrey Burr created the Cult of the Kobra?
3 - Lastly, what year did Black Manta began his villainous career?

Thanks in advance, love from Brazil!

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Amos writes...

Why did you have Garfield have permeant a breakup with Perdita as a couple if you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other just as you believe superboy and miss martian were the right one for each other?

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Boba Fett writes...

Why do believe you get the numbers of fans you need to support season 5 of young justice to be made after you made so many fans anger at you for having both as parts of the story of the young justice story to have beast boy loss Perdita over mental health drug use depression problems cause by beast boy believing he cause conner to die on mars only to show after that conner was alive in phantoms zone and not get Garfield and Perdita back together as a couple at end of the issue 6 of young justice comic story targets after having Miss Martian and Superboy get married in last episode of season 4 of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

what she studied Marie Logan

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Saumyria Bougere writes...

I was thinking I could share with you some of ideas I have come up with for season 5 of “young justice” if you are interested in hearing them. Because I’m an huge fan of the series. Sincerely, saumyria bougere

some of my ideas

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Steffey writes...

Do you still believe you Greg will get a season 5 of young justice made if you have no season 5 of young justice made by the time you answer this question, I just ask you? yes or no please

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Kass writes...

How did Queen Bee know that Garfield was going there to see Marie Logan die?

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Aisha writes...

Did garfield walk from he and marie's house to the place where queen bee makes marie kill herself or did marie drive garfield to a location and after that marie drives to the place were queen bee finds marie logan and after that queen bee takes control of marie logan's mind kill marie logan?

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Bob McBobenstein writes...

Thank you for taking the time to answer these, some Young Justice Questions:
1. What was the inspiration for Vandal Savage's heavy prominence in human history? Just his age?
2. Are the members of the Light genuinely loyal to him, or would they turn on him if it benefited them?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Tom Curry Orin's father?

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CJ writes...

During the years between 2012-2014 Why did the justice league not offer the adult members of doom patrol to join the justice league when all the adult members of the doom patrol are alive in young justice universe?

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Kimmy writes...

Why did you have the young justice comic targets remade as a paperback after you had the comic book targets story made as 6 issues story?

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Ghost writes...

Does arrowette have a thing for Bart Allen or does she even know he exist

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Ben Johnson writes...

Why did M'gann choose to keep visiting Garfield after Marie Logan's death?

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Vandermeer writes...

How did miss martian learn that garfield was live with rita farr after miss martian learn that marie logan was dead? How did miss martian learn where rita's home was at so miss martian could go visit garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

what he studied James Gordon

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James Is writes...

Hi Greg,

Have you considered completing your other cancelled projects (e.g. Spectacular Spider-Man, Young Justice pre-Season 3) in comic form, like you have with Gargoyles? I ask because presumably it would be cheaper to do than animation and thus easier to pitch.

Thanks in advance.

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Anonymous writes...

did Paul Sloane study acting

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Mark writes...

In "Terminus" when the Justice League attacks the Orphanage, Wonder Woman and her squad are in a blue bubble. It looks like Rocket's force bubble but she is not there. It doesn't seem like it could be from one of the green lanterns, even putting aside the color, and unlike the lantern around the Orphanage, does not go away when the Leaguers are enthralled. The League squad don't seem to be carrying any unusual tech, not even space-belts.

Where does the bubble come from?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Orin and Orm's mother?

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Rex writes...

What did miss martian do to queen bee in response to queen bee killing marie logan?

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Saw writes...

Why did HBOMAX choose to not to make a fifth season for young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did cartoon network cancelled young justice after 2 seasons?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1.In the Spectacular Spider Man have Gwen and Mary Jane ever been to each others houses to watch tv or study for school ? 2. Have Gwen and Mary Jane ever both worn baseball caps at the same time and from time to time when watching tv together studying for school together or hanging out joking about the ''root'' of Flash's nickname ?

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Gregory writes...

Question 1 Why did Rita let Garfield go visit M'gann during the years Rite was a member of the doom patrol? Question 2 What were the things that Miss Martian and Garfield did together when Garfield went to go visit Miss Martian during the years Rita was a member of the doom patrol?

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Golob writes...

What was the means of travel that Garfield use to go visit M'gann during the years when Rita was a member of the doom patrol?

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Anonymous writes...

whether Roy Harper's adoptive father is Brave Bow

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Mark B writes...

Hi Greg, hope you're well.

In Elder Wisdom, Lex Luthor and Beast Boy speak some dialogue in what I presume is Bwundan. Can you please tell us what they say and what it means in English?


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Shehbah writes...

Did Garfield begin going to a school as student in 2011 after Garfield begin living with Rita in 2011 before Garfield's skin turn green in 2012 of young justice timeline?

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Ignazio Cassi the second writes...

During the times when Garfield went to visit miss martian after Garfield's skin turn green did miss martian take Garfield with her on TEAM MISSIONS before beast boy became a member of the team in 2015? This is during the years when Rita was a member of the doom patrol that I am asking about.

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Betty's father?

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anonymous writes...

hi Greg, i had a question about Bart's original timeline. i'm not sure if it qualifies as a spoiler but i understand if it does!

the Reach were planning to slowly addict the human race through the additive they were putting in food and drinks and make them incapable of resistance, but the Light were neutralizing it. with the Reach coming out on top in Bart's original timeline, did they eventually catch on to and remove the neutralizing agent and successfully addict people to the additive?

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Ford writes...

In the young justice timeline How did Garfield travel to the location where the doom patrol members had died after Garfield logan had learn that the doom patrol members had die?

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Tiler writes...

Would you make a season 5 comic if you can't get a 5-season animated season for young justice made?

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Sanna writes...

Does the young justice version of Queen Perdita have a meta gene that is not active?

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Schiappa writes...

After Garfield learn to use his power to change into animals did m'gann take Garfield on sidekick missions when Miss Martian when Garfield lived with Rita or did Miss Martian take Garfield on sidekick missions when Garfield lived at mount justice or both?

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Bonmati writes...

In instead of the breakup happening why did you let Garfield and Perdita stay together as a couple showing the world that normal human and metahumans can love each other and live together?

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Copper writes...

Did you have miss martian and beast boy view each other as sister and brother as a way to humanize m'gann in in young justice universe?

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Renton JT writes...

Why did Megan Morse not offer to take Garfield to Conner Kent birthday parties when Rita was alive but if M'GANN did offer to take Garfield to Conner's birthday parties when Rita was still alive then why did Rita not allow it?

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Troy writes...

How does beast boy know of the second Robin hero before beast boy join the team if beast boy did not meet the second hero robin before beast boy join the team in young justice timeline?

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Tim Manchin writes...

Miss Martian decide to uses her powers to make Artemis believe she was talking to the dead Wally West so why soon after Garfield started to go to Black Canary to get help with his problems didn't Miss Martian decide to go to Perdita and Miss Martian use her powers on Perdita have Perdita forgive Garfield Logan and resume their dating relationship as a couple after all Miss Martian knows Garfield was not right mind when Garfield broke up with Peridia and Miss Martian knows Garfield is sad that he lost Perdita?

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O'Leary writes...

Why did you not have beast boy listen to Perdita so they could stay together as a couple because that what most fans wanted to happen, after all you Greg knew that Conner was still alive in the phantoms zone instead of having Garfield losing Perdita over Garfield's drug cause by beast boy's depression which is cause by Garfield believing he (Garfield) cause conner to die on mars?

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Gavin writes...

After Garfield's skin turn green and got the power to change into animals in 2012 why didn't miss martian offer Garfield the chance to join the team and go on team missions with miss martian and her team teammates when Garfield was living with Rita and if miss martian did offer it to after Garfield got his beast boy powers then why did Rita does not allow it or nor trust miss martian to keep Garfield safe with her on The Team missions?

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Literary writes...

Was beast boy the tagalong kid to The Team that miss martian and superboy was members of during the years between 2012-2014 before Rita die in 2015 in young justice timeline?

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Lee writes...

How many of conner's birthday parties was Garfield at when Garfield was living with Rita during the years after Marie logan died but before Rita died?

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Wanadi writes...

Why did you take away Garfield logan's last chance of happiest with was with Perdita after you have his mother Marie die and Rita die and many of Garfield's superhero friends die also as part of your young justice story?

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Big Catman writes...

In the dc comics superboy and miss martian didn't have romantic relationship but in your young justice universe Greg you have superboy and miss martian having a romantic relationship eventify miss martian and superboy to married so why did you want beast boy's romantic relationship with Perdita to end with a permit breakup causing young justice universe beast boy being single as an adult like his dc comic beast boy version is and not let beast boy and Perdita stay together to eventuality to get married as well?

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Kaneko writes...

Why should beast boy lead the outsiders as leader again like time travels from the future say he does despite not a single one of beast boy's outsider friends on earth would ask beast boy why beast boy was not going on outsider missions with the outsiders after beat boy return to earth from mars and before Perdita came to the Hub to see beast boy?

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Manjushri writes...

I know you have their dating relationship end with a breakup, but my question is Why Greg did you what Garfield and Perdita to fall in love and date as part of the plot of the story of young justice in the first place if you Weisman did not intend for them to get married?

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Martok writes...

Who was the person that sent the goggles to Perdita in young justice outsiders episode nightmare monkeys?

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Beschloss writes...

Why did you have as part of the young justice story to have Garfield Logan breakup with Perdida if you Greg believe that Garfield and Peridia were the right one for each other?

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Alonso writes...

Young justice season 4 was so good that young justice season 5 was cancelled.

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Elfman writes...

Why did you Mr. Greg believes it was unrealistic for Garfield and Perdita to together as a dating couple when Garfield is the outsiders leader and Perdita a is a queen and have them breakup as part of the plot of season 4 because of that belief you have about Garfield and Perdita being a dating couple despite Orin and Mera are together as married couple in young justice season 4 and Orin support Mera becoming queen and she would support Orin becoming a justice league member again?

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Steffie writes...

Why did HBOMAX not want to make a season 5 of young justice ?

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Anonymous writes...

where Sportsmaster lives in all seasons

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Bruce writes...

What's with you and needlessly changing peoples skin colors and whatnot in adapations? Just make an expy guy. Ya ain't doing something in an alternate reality. This is an adapatation

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Steal Queen writes...

When Suzanne said birth dad she means bilogical dad. So is one of the Light the bilogical dad of garfilld logan?

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Suzanne La writes...

Did queen bee does not kill garfield logan after queen bee killed marie logan as revinge against miss martian because queen bee knew one of the male members of the Light was the birth dad of garfield logan?

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Jessup writes...

After Miss martian form a relationship with the Logans durning the events of young justice episode IMAGE why did the justice league not tell queen bee that the Logans were of limits just like the heroes told the Light members that Perdita was of limits to the Light at the end of young justice comic story targets before Queen Bee could killed Marie logan in that truck crash?

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Ferguson writes...

If a 5 season of young justice was ever made were you going to show Perdita had develop superpowers by the time of season 5 and become the young justice version of Starefire or Raven in season 5?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the name of Bette Kane's mother

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Clark Cradic writes...

How does reincarnation work in the Gargoyles world? We saw that Rory Dugan was the reincarnation of Cu Chullain, is that something that only happens for certain heroic/powerful individuals?

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Sara writes...

Does the young justice queen perdita have a dormant meta gene that has not been activated ?

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Cypher writes...

Question 1 During the times Beast Boy visited Miss Martian after Garfield's skin turn green when beast boy was living with Rita did m'gann take Garfield on team missions? Question 2 Did beast boy serve as miss martian's sidekick during times beast boy visited miss martian during the time beast boy live with rite after Garfield logan's skin turn green?

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Aaron writes...

Have you ever heard of Ray Donovan, if so are you a fan at all?

Also is magic a weakness of superman in the Young Justice universe like it is in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

What is Orm's father's name?

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TJ writes...

Did Garfield logan get the toys he has in his mount justice bedroom before after his skin turn green when he was living with rite? Did Garfield's skin turn green before or after Rita Farr's superpower appear?

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Anonymous writes...

when Dinah Drake died

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Hank writes...

Why don't the justice leage not disband the team for the team's actions of leting queen bee escape in season 1 which lead to marie logan death?

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Anonymous writes...

when Lioner Luthor was born

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Sally writes...

After the events of young justice season 3 Why didn't the justice league not punsh artimis for giving tara the choice to kill or not kill beast boy ?

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Gabe writes...

What the FUCKING HELL is it with you can this habit of racical, gender or sexuality changing guys.I don't get why anyone does that. Just make an expy character instead. That way, you and these other morons get their trival, meaningless and cancerous diversity AND not ruined how the actual guys are suppose to be like.It's seriously more pragmatic and generally smarter than changing that stuff about them.

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Polly Sturgeon writes...

Why didn't superman call and tell black canary to go council beast boy over beast boy depression over superboy's death soon after superman learn beast boy was not going on missions?

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Mikill writes...

Hello, I didn't see my question in the archives. Will there be a reissue of any of the SLG Gargoyles comics? I managed to get all but the last and the prices they're on eBay are absurd. I feel like I'm missing a ton of information between that and the newer Dynamite issues.

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Why was Ma'alefa'ak changed into being Miss Martian's younger brother in the Young Justice continuity? In the comics, Miss Martian doesn't have a younger brother named Ma'alefa'ak. Ma'alefa'ak is Martian Manhunter's brother in the comics.

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Is Miss Martian's sibling relationship with her younger brother Ma'alefa'ak broken beyond repair?

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Why would Emily Osborn have been given a bigger role to play in the scrapped third season?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did dc universe not want to make season 4 of young justice?

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Addie writes...

Why did you think is a good story to have beast boy lose his love relationship with Perdita as a couple over beast boy's drug use cause by mental health problems cause by beat boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars when you Mr. Greg knew superboy was still alive in the phantoms zone?

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Anonymous writes...

where Wonder Woman works on earth

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Mark writes...

I had some thoughts on Miss Martian abusing her powers that I wondered if you could respond to.

My interpretation of what we saw and were told in season two was essentially that Miss Martian has various levels of "brain blasting" and psychic interrogation. We know her brain blast of Psimon in Image left him incapacitated for years; even by the time of Legacy it seemed he was only partially recovered, and seemingly needed several more months before he was able to escape his hospital room permanently, as described in Beneath. Her attack on Kaldur seemed to be of a similar scale. Everyone seemed to believe he would not recover without outside telepathic aid. I'll call this a Level 2 brain blast for the purpose of this ramble.

On the other hand, the Krolotean she interogates at the beginning of Alienated appears fully recovered by the time he appears at the end of the episode to leave with the Justice League. Granted we don't see him talk or get any idea of his mental state, but he is standing, not drooling, and generally seems okay. Shimmer clearly has fully recovered from Miss Martian's attack in Beneath by the time of Before The Dawn. I'll call these Level 1 attacks.

My interpretation had been that Kaldur and Psimon were exceptional cases, where M'gann was driven by extreme anger that pushed her to go much further than she normally would. In virtually all other cases (unless perhaps hypothetically she were to encounter Queen Bee), her attacks would be at most like the the latter Level 1 examples, incapacitating the victim for hours, days, perhaps a few weeks at most, but they recover fully fairly quickly without need for external help.

This, to me, feels like the only way to make sense of the Justice League (and the rest of the Team besides Superboy)'s seeming indifference to M'gann's "abuses" of power. I can see why Superboy might feel that what she was doing was too much even at Level 1 and that he might fear, rightly as it turned out, that it would lead to greater excesses. But how many times must Superman or Batman or even Superboy himself have given an opponent a bad concussion, put them in hospital for days or weeks, or even a coma? Heck, how often do you come across stories of someone dying from one punch in a drunken bar fight? The heroes must realistically severly injure and kill some people accidentally from time to time, and not just by using lightning powers on a girl with an unkown heart condition. I can see why others might feel it hypocritical to call her out for doing something psychically that they do physically, especially if they aren't aware of how much control over it she has. It raises an interesting moral question.

I find it much harder to see the League or other members of the Team either not noticing or not caring if she was frequently doing to enemies what she did to Psimon and Kaldur. Not without her psychically manipulating them, which you have previously ruled out.

There's also the issue of Nightwing. Beast Boy flat out tells him that M'gann psychically took Kaldur out in Before The Dawn, yet he is shocked when Conner later tells him M'gann fried Kaldur's brain in The Fix. My assumption was that Nightwing (and Beast Boy himself) assumed what M'gann did was the Level 1 version, when in fact it was Level 2. Superboy himself probably even thought that until M'gann told him the truth. It's easy to believe that if what she did to Psimon was a one-off, years ago, when she didn't have as much control of her powers. But it's hard to justify that if M'gann was doing Level 2's with any degree of frequency or recency.

However, many other fans of the show seem to believe M'gann was doing what she did to Kaldur quite regularly, and I've noticed a response or two from you that seems to suggest that the Kroloteans didn't recover and the other Kroloteans refused M'gann's help.

1) So was the Krolotean at the end of Alienated not as well as he appeared? Or was it just the Krolotean leader from Earthlings that didn't recover? Or did he recover and the Kroloteans just weren't telling?
2) Generally, was my original interpretation on the right track? Were M'gann's worst excesses limited to Psimon and Kaldur, or at least exceptionally rare?
3) If M'gann was doing the worst Level 2 brain blasts more often than I thought, were the League and the Team somehow largely unaware of it? If so, how? Would the League not keep tabs on captured villains and notice how they were in extended comas?

Thanks for indulging this long, rambling post.

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

In Alienated and couple of later episodes, we see the trophies the League has on display at the Hall of Justice. Many have been identified (https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Alienated#Trivia) but there are a few items that haven't been becuase we don't get a good look or they seem fairly generic:

1) In the far right cabinet there is what appears to be a golden... ball? (we never get a good look at this)
2) Next to that is a silver staff wth a round head.
3) In the far left cabinet is a pair of crossed staves which seem the same as the silver one, but gold.
4) Below the gold staves is a set of Japanese swords.

Can you tell us what these are references to, if anything?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, hope you are well.

There are a number of different types of Apokoliptan weapons that have made their way to Earth. I've tried to compile them all on the wiki: https://youngjustice.fandom.com/wiki/Apokoliptan_weapons

1) Do any of them have names used in the scripts or design process that you could share?

2) The device that Orion deploys from his belt to fly looks like the Astro-Harness from the comics. Is it called that on Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

When was Red Tornado inducted into the Justice Society of America?

Since you've said Red Tornado was created in 1948 (based on the age you gave him) it must have been that year or later. In the induction flashback we see Doctor Fate, looking just like he usually does, but you've previously said Kent gave up the Helmet of Fate in 1945 and used a different helmet. (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=13668)

Was Kent's "fake" Fate costume visually identical to the original one? Or should he have been shown with a different helmet and/or costume?

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Pete writes...

If monkey the god did not choose garfield logam then what power would garfield get from the blood that miss martian gave garfild to live?

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Obrien Riker writes...

In the dc comics miss martian and superboy had a romantic relationship but in young justice they did so why did you have beast boy suffer the lost of his romantic relationship with Perdita over drug use cause mental heath problems cause by beast boy believing he cause superboy to die on mars to be single just like his dc comic version after dc comic beast boy's time with dc comic Tara end to only show after that superboy is alive in phanothom zone and is renited with miss martian to miss martian and superboy get married at the end of season 4 of young justice?

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oskar writes...

Before wally west died on the mission to stop the reach weapon did wally believe miss martian would outlive all of her human teammates because wally knows martian's age slower than humans?

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Seabert writes...

If you got a season 5 of young justice made would you show more of vandal savages's past history in season 5?

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Gagarin writes...

If you can't get a anime season 5 for young justice made will you make a young justice season 5 comic series?

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Diania writes...

Is Marie Logan's son Garfield's y sperm come from vandal savage?

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Minami writes...

What is the relation between the monkey god and the lords of order in young justice?

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Lee writes...

Out of all humans of earth why did the monkey god choose garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

when zor-el was born

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Jan Rott writes...

In "City of Stone Part Three" there is a man on the 23rd Precinct who complains about the missing night and try the Weird Sisters to calm him down. Some people believe that this man is William Greene. What do you mean.

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Chad writes...

Is the monkey god that spoke to beast boy in outsiders episode nightmare monkeys one of the lords of order in young justice universe ?

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kim writes...

Is vandel savage still alive the future year were the young justice season 4 time travers came from?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hudson is already an old Gargoyle, the condition of his cells should also have an impact on his clone Burbank. So does Burbank have a shorter lifespan than the other clones?

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Storyseeker writes...

I was wondering if you had ever considered doing your own 'What If...?' comic series, for Gargoyles? I always enjoy watching/reading how things might have gone if things happened differently, and I am constantly wondering about what if, for example, Demona had succeeded in wiping out humanity in Hunter's Moon, what if the clan never met Elisa, what if Brooklyn had joined Demona in Temptation...etc? I think it would make a great comic series, as everyone loves a good What If! You only have to look up all the fanfiction online to see that.

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Steve writes...

Is vandel savage the biological father of garfild logan in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

where Joan Garrick worked in her youth

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necro mage writes...

how highly influential do you have to be to join the light? would a powerful crime kingpin like black mask be considered to be to low level to join the light?

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Anonymous writes...

what Jay Garrick studied

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Josh writes...

Why did you choose to use still images to show Vangel savage's backstory history in young justice season 3 and season 4?

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Krinn writes...

Why do you believe it was not realistic for the outsiders not to ask beast boy what was wrong with him and why he was not going on missions with them when the outsiders realise there was something was wrong with garfield and get garfield help before Perdita came to see Garfield?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
M'aatt M'orzz

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Anonymous writes...

Why did want to replace Garfield's love life of Perdida with Garfield's dog?

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Anonymous writes...

Just finished season 2 recently, love the show!

1. In the episode "Temptation" when Demona rips out a bunch of pages from the Grimorum, did she rip them out at random, or did she know where to turn in order to get those specific spells?

2. According to the different Gargoyles wikis, Demona used all of the spells she stole, save one. But why didn't she use that last spell? Was it a dud or was it going to be the plot of an episode, but then you had a change in plans?

3. I know the Archmage at the Grimorum (it still makes me laugh really hard) and now it's gone forever, but before that, it had changed hands several times, so is it possible that other pages were ripped out and saved by people before the Xanatos acquired it at the start of the show?

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Anonymous writes...

what is the earthly name
J'ann J'onzz M'orzz

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anon writes...

when Artemis visited Wally's parents in "Endgame", did they already know about his death? or was she there to break the news? if it was the latter, why was she the one to do it?

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Jose writes...

Why was there no statute of beast boy in the future year where the tine travelers came from seen in young justice season 4?

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Cara writes...

Hi Greg.

May I ask and if you could tell us the Birthday and Hatchday of Goliath, Elisa and David Xanatos.

Thank you for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman How long has Artemis been a fan of the 2005 film Pride and Prejudice and has she ever worn her baseball cap at times wile watching the film at home including any birthday vewings?

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Anonymous writes...

where Martian Manhunter works on earth

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Dale writes...

If you believe Garfield and Perdita were the right one for each other than why did you to have their time together as a couple end over a breakup and not having them end up getting married later on just as miss martian and superboy did?

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Anonymous writes...

does Ra's al Ghul have a daughter named Scandal

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Tom writes...

Are any martian animal species have longer a lifespan than humans in young justice universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I was wondering: what was the reason behind making Sindella brunette instead of giving her her original blonde hair?

(I am aware that the New52 and Rebirth comics showed her as a brunette. But I never really understood the change.)

Is Sindella a natural brunette or did she dye her hair?

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Jim writes...

In season 2 episode earthlings beast boy asks miss martian if she rembered the time she and superboy visit garfield and superboy pick the flowers and miss martian says it was a long time ago. my question is why does miss martian say it was a long time ago when miss martian knows 5 earth years is not a long time to a martian because a martian can live to 300 earth years?

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Anonymous writes...

how old is Zeus biologically and is he immortal

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anonymous writes...

i had a question about Bart and i'm hoping it's vague enough to not be a considered a spoiler: would you consider the future he came from, at the time that he left it in "Bloodlines", apocalyptic or post-apocalyptic?

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Jan Rott writes...

Currently, Elena and Emma of Normandy are referred to as sisters because their father is Richard I. Based on history and Elena's year of birth, Elena was born before Richard's first marriage, while Emma was born in Richard's second marriage.
So are they actually half sisters? And what was Elena's mother social class? Name is not important.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Netflix not want to make season 4 of young justice?

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POLLY writes...

Do you believe young justice season 5 would still be cancelled
by HBOMAX if you did not have as part of the plot of young justice season 4 beast boy breakup with Perdita if so, why so and if not why?

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Anonymous writes...

when she was born
Kara Zor-El

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg. In your YJ character countback you listed Wild-Wagon. Is that the Eath-16 name for the Whiz Wagon, the Forever People's vehicle? Since you list it as a character does that mean it's a living machine like Sphere? Does it have a gender like Sphere?

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Sora writes...

Were you going have Garfield and the real Perdita become a coup again in season 5 after Garfield breakup with the clone Perdita in season 4 of young justice as part of the plot of season 5?

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Anonymous writes...

When was Lara El born?

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Mark writes...

I have some questions regarding Oracle. Some parts of this may have been addressed in other questions in the queue, but not all of it and it seemed easier to ask this all together, sorry for any repitition.

Throughout season three we see Dick keeping the fact he is working with Oracle a secret from evryone outside the Anti-Light. At first I assumed this meant Oracle herself was a secret and no-one knew about her, but when the Anti-Light is uncovered at the end of the season it seems clear that everyone knows who she is and what she does.

1) So why does he keep it secret? Is it just because she is officially a member of a team Nightwing is not officially part of and who he shouldn't be communicating with? I'm sure most people would expect them to work together anyway, kind of like Superboy and Miss Martian did.

2) What team(s), if any, has Oracle been a member of? Or is she considered more support now than an official member, like Mal pre-Guardian?

3) Did she leave any team(s) due to the walkout in Princes All? Did she rejoin them in Nevermore?

4) Does Oracle do her own solo heroic hacking work, like in the comics, or does she just provide support for others/act as part of a team?

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Mark writes...

I've been wondering about Intergang and their relationship with Apokolips. In Disordered we find out Intergang is being supplied with equipment by Desaad. We never see them working with/for the Light, but in Salvage, Sportsmaster says that Intergang had turned from the Light, suggesting they did have a relationship prior to that point.

My theory is that the Reach almost certainly knew nothing of the Light's partnership with Darkseid, and the Light would want to keep it that way, and so needed an excuse for the Apokoliptan tech found on Earth. Thus they used Intergang and its relationship with Apokolips as a smokescreen to cover their own involvement.

Am I on the right track?

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mangomizer writes...

I loved the music in Catwoman: Hunted. As I understand, it was composed by Yutaka Yamada. If you are allowed to answer, I would like to know if and when we can expect to see an official release for the movie soundtrack?

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necro mage writes...

young justice phantom episode 9 when describing the ancient village of atlantis phantom stranger says this line: this was to be vandar's utopia a place where all his children those that descended from him and those he took under his wing could live in peace and harmony

does that imply that not all the meta humans from the village of atlantis were vandal's descendants?

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Anonymous writes...

when Josef Vladek was born

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Stephen Jones writes...

In episode nightmare monkeys If Perdita had put the goggles on and went to place were the googles gave directions to go to than what would happen to Perdita if she went there?

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Aaron writes...

Why did the person who sent Perdita the goggles in episode nightmare monkeys want Perdita to wear the goggles?

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Kayleigh writes...

Is the Perdita in young justice targets comic story and season 4 a clone or the real Perdita?

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Jean writes...

Did you intend for Garfield and the real Perdita seen in season 3 to become a couple again in season 5 after Garfield breakup with the fake Perdita in season 4?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Do the other members of Darkseid's family exist in Earth-16? I know there's Grayven, Kalibak and Orion. But what about Grail, Drax, Heggra, Steppenwolf, Killroy, Rublon or Scott Free?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Earth-16 isn't mentioned or referenced in Dark Crisis: Big Bang. Should I be worried?

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Flay writes...

Is the person we see as Perdida in young justice phantoms the same person we see as Perdita in young justice outsiders?

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Rapert writes...

How did Perdita get the scare on her neck seen in season 4 of young justice?

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Anonymous writes...

how old is garfield's dog wingman

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Anonymous writes...

A couple of Targets based questions:

1) How did Lex Luthor find out about the kryptonite and Perdita's plan to bring it to the US?

2) How was Count Vertigo free to take part in the events of Revelation less than 48 hours after getting caught at the end of Intimate Connection? Did Arrow and Canary just... let him go afterwards?

3) How did Vertigo have diplomatic immunity in Coldhearted after getting caught trying to murder Queen Perdita?

Honestly that never made sense to me in the first place, given that the Injustice League blackmailed the whole UN, which would include Vlatava. Plus, that Vlatava doesn't seem like such a powerful country that it can stand up to basically the whole rest of the world and say "we know our guy caused billions of dollars of damage and significant loss of life in multiple very powerful countries, but we're not letting you arrest him" and not face crippling diplomatic and economic consequences, or that those countries would just arrest him anyway, whatever Vlatava thinks. But I guess its just the TV version of diplomatic immunity which means a person can just do anything and face no consequences. Bleh. Anyway, sorry for the rant, it's just a trope that bugs me.

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg, a couple of questions on the batplane(s) if I may.

We see Batman use two models of aircraft in Young Justice, seemingly both at the same time. One, first seen in Revelation, is like a fighter and was explicitly called the Batplane in Coldhearted. The second appears first in Failsafe in space, and then reapppears in Exceptional Human Beings. It is never explicitly named on screen.

1) Is the second model also called the batplane, or does it have another name e.g. batwing?
2) Is the second model accurately depicted in the simiulation in Failsafe> i.e. can it really go into near space, deploy camera units, etc?
3) In the Batcave in Triptych we see what appears to be another aircraft hanging up wiht folded wings. Is this another batplane design? A replacement for the first design which we never see after season two? A drone? Something else?
4) Revelation shows the first batplane is equipped with guns. Exceptional Human Beings shows the second has lasers. In general, how do you feel about the way Batman's "no guns" rule rarely seems to apply to his vehicles? It's always bothered me personally.
5) Does Batman have a rationale for arming his vehicles with weapons he wouldn't use directly himself?

Thanks as ever!

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Mark writes...

1) You've revelealed previously that Lietutenant Marvel and Sergeant Marvel both left the Team in the same calendar year. Did they both leave at the same time?
2) You've said that if Mary had been able to appear in Satisfaction, she would have appeared as both Mary and Sergeant Marvel. Does this mean she left the Team for reasons other than having to give up her powers, or was that something new developed in the years after season two?
3) When did Mary stop using her powers (prior to starting again in Kaerb Ym Traeh!)?

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Mark writes...

Hi, Greg. A couple of questions based on your YJ character countback.

1) Is Krush Jr the crustacean-like guy we see next to M'Chiste in Emergency Dive?
2) Is Krush Jr the son of the Krush mentioned by Calvin Durham?
3) You list Terrance Thurston, presumably Traci's dad. Normally his name is spelled Terrence. Is that a deliberate change or an error?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Hawkwoman and Hawkman's armor made of Nth metal?

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Aaron writes...

1). Are you familiar with the batman Arkham games, if so are you a fan of them at all? And in general, what are your favourite interpretations of batman?

2). Are you a ninja turtles at all if so what is your favourite iteration of them?

3). Have you ever seen breaking bad or better call Saul, if so which, do you think is better?

4). You've mentioned before that you're a fan of Shakespeare, but aside from Shakespeare are there any other writers that have influenced your work or style of writing?

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Aaron writes...

Have any aspects of young justices story ever been influenced by conspiracy theories? (Cos I've noticed how similar certain story lines to real life conspiracy theories such as the human cloning story line and the mind control storyline feeling similar to mk ultra, the reach energy feeling to the "fluoride in the water" and GMO conspiracy, also the way the queen bee tried to blackmail ms Martin sounds like something that could be happening to politicians all the time. Also the goode VR goggles feels like a parallel to the metaverse stuff happening now and the metateen abduction and trafficking story line feels like a parallel to many human trafficking networks we've heard about in the real word?Also the North and South Rhelasia conflict being started by lex Corp (a foreign entity) in season 1 feels very similar to what people believe the real cause for the war in Afghanistan and infinity Inc seems like an example of controlled opposition).

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Anonymous writes...

when he was born Jor-El

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Anonymous writes...

what is the name of Eduardo Dorado Jr.'s grandfather

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Sally J writes...

Did any of the people who help you make young justice comic book story targets ever tell you it might have been a mistake to not let Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at the end of issue 6 at any point in time after issue 6 was given to the public to see?

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Darcy writes...

Would the events of season 3 and season 4 still happen if young justice was not cancelled by cartoon network?

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Anonymous writes...

What is the biological age of Hippolyta mother Wonder Woman

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Hannah writes...

Was season 5 going to take place in the year superboy does the thing he does in happy harbor that the time traverses talk about to superman in season 4?

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Mir writes...

Why did have (Wally west kid flash) easter eggs in season 3 if you did not plan to have wally west come back?

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HENERY writes...

Do you have regret having beast boy breakup with Perdita as part the story of season 4 and if not then why not?

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Tolle writes...

Why did cartoon network canceled young justice after 2 seasons?

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JO writes...

Why did miss martian not ask beast boy what was wrong with him and council beast boy during the time they travel on bioship to mars for miss martian and superboy's wedding on mars in season 4?

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Tony writes...

Hey Greg I hope you're doing well, firstly I want to thank you for your work on Young Justice the show is great and I personally think you've done a great job with the show, I really hope season 5 ends up happening. Now my questions
1. What did Sportsmaster think of his daughters partners (Wally being with Artemis and Chesire with Roy/Will)?
2. Does Sportsmaster ever check in on his grand-daughter, does Will get any visits from his supervillain father in-law?
3. Why is Wally so much slower than Bart and Barry? I don't remember it ever being explicitly stated why although I may have missed something in one of the comics or something. Man I miss Wally.
4. Most important question, who did Brucely like more Artemis or Wally?

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Anonymous writes...

Personally I'm not a fan of Angela being with Broadway I agree with what a person said on your twitter page Angela deserves way better than a doofus and obese gargoyle like Broadway she and the person on twitter was right I wat he'd the 3 part Avalon trilogy and the episode I'll Met By Moonlight they do have feelings for each other and you want to know something he's not in denial about Gabriel and Angela you are their relationship goes way beyond brother and sister.

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Troy writes...

There was a statue of superboy in the future. But why was there no statue of beast boy in the future time period
were the time travelers of season 4 young justice came from?

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Showwatcher writes...

Few things.
1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Steel Man writes...

Was garfield logan at conner's first birthday party made by megan morse in 2011 and if not then why not ?

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Paul writes...

In 2012 How did wally west react to learning Garfield logan got the power to change into animals in young justice universe?

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necro mage writes...

are the heroes still completely unaware of what metron did to lor zod and if the anwser is yes has no one questioned why lor zod hasn't made another move or do they just think he is biding his time?(pun intended)

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Anonymous writes...

If the Justice League and the Team finds out about Mary Bromfield's turn to villainy and Zatanna's role in it, will Zatanna likely end up being expelled from the Justice League?

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Scott Bradley writes...

Are all web wing gargoyles like Lexington smaller then the other ones

How would a web winged gargoyle webbing effect there ability to use a sowrd or other weapons

Would hypolita have a egg on avalon or did she not have a mate and if she did what could he possibly look like together their egg being hundsons grandson or granddaughter

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Shawn writes...

Hi Greg I’m a huge fan of Young Justice I was 10 when the show came out and I’ve been watching the series on repeat for months on end my question to you is will there be a season 5 and if show could Supergirl and Black marry be potentially the main villains of the show

Thank you so much


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Paul writes...

Was Terrance Thurston (Doctor Thirteen) one of the individuals who was considered for JL reserve membership by Superman and Black Lightning at the end of "Beyond the Grip of the Gods!"? Two faces were hidden in that shot, so that's why I'm asking about this.

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Eplin writes...

At any point in time after all six issues of young justice comic story targets was relies to the public did any of the people who help you make the young justice cartoon series or young justice comic series subject to you Greg that was a mistake have Garfield breakup with Perdita?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman i have some young justice questions for you 1. How long have Mist and Live wire known each other and do both girls along with Lia Briggs own and wear baseball caps from time to time ? 2. What crimes did Mist and Live wire originally commit to get sentenced to Bell Reve prison before they were both kidnapped for Meta Human trafficing? 3. how old is Doctor 13 and how long has he been active in Earth 16?

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Wade McDuffie son of Dwayne and Charlotte writes...

Are you going introduce more milestone characters if season 5 of Young Justice is renewed

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molly writes...

Did beast boy's voice actor ask you to have beast boy breakup with perditia and if so why?

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Monroe writes...

Soon after m'gann return to earth Why was m'gann not angry at black Canary and the outsiders and blue devil for them not getting help for Garfield for his mental health problems as soon as they knew there was something was wrong with beast boy?

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Tiller writes...

During the time of young Justic comic targets events why does black canary not tell Perdita that Garfield still loves and missies Perdita and Garfield had these mental health problems on mars before Garfield return to earth when black canary and Perdita meet before Perdita gets kidnapped?

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Anonymous writes...

In the original timeline of the 31st century; before Lor-Zod went back in time to kill Superboy, was Kara Zor-El released from the Phantom Zone along with Dru-Zod and the other Kryptonians, or did she remained trapped in there? If the former, what happened to her after she was released from the Phantom Zone?

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necro mage writes...

is project rutabaga still ongoing?

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Anonymous writes...

In "Leviathan Wakes," when Orin asked if everyone approved of Mera being High King of Atlantis, it appears that Mera's father (Ryus Nereus) did not give an immediate response to this like the others did (because he had his hand on his chin; as if in deep thought); although he ultimately agreed in the end. What was going on in Ryus' mind before he agreed to Mera's status as High King?

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necro mage writes...

when darkseid invaded earth and before darkseid offered a partnership did vandal(genghis kahn) consider using klarion against apokolips when it became very clear his army stood no chance

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Henry Mint writes...

Hi, I was wondering - and maybe it was mentioned in the show and I just forgot - but what was Superman's public debut like, on Earth-16? I ask because the comics have told his origins several times, retconning it a bunch, etc, and I'm wondering if Earth-16 Clark's first public appearance mirrors one of these, or is something different entirely.

John Byrne's "Man of Steel" portrayed Clark's first debu as "the flying man" (without his suit), landing an airplane. Superman: The Animated Series seemed to take some inspiration from this, though he had the suit there.

The Donner films had the classic scene where he catches Lois Lane and the helicopter, and "Superman: Birthright" took heavy inspiration from that (though the context was different).

"Secret Origin" and "Man and Superman" had their own takes. As do a number of else world stories.

So on and so forth. (Most of these had Superman perform smaller, more anonymous acts of super heroics before these points, but it's hard to class that as "public")

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Anonymous writes...

I'm confused about something. In the beginning of the series, Superboy is a covert hero, a secret hero that even the public doesn't know about, but yet why did he go out as a public hero in Schooled when he is supposed to remain secret? Did he go just to try and meet Superman or why was going "on a walk"?

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Anonymous writes...

1 between klarion and child without the boost from the other chaos lords who's naturally stronger?
2 does klarion ever have any contact with the other chaos lords since he arrived on earth?

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Corley writes...

Mr. Greg have you receive any threats from people who are angry at you for breaking up Garfield and Perdita in season 4 and not have them get back together as a couple in comic book story targets?

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Anonymous writes...

is it possible for multiple chaos lords to be assigned to one planet?(not counting the child situation since she was sent to replace klarion)

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Does Superboy view Icicle Jr. as a friend now or does Superboy still view Icicle Jr. as an enemy?

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Was Harm sentenced to life in prison for his crimes?

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Paolo Iriarte writes...

Is Miss Martian and Ma'alefa'ak's sibling relationship broken beyond repair?

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Anonymous writes...

How does Lex Luthor feel about Superboy's marriage to Miss Martian and the fact she is know his daughter in law?

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Calvin Fujii writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I hope you're doing good today. I've been meaning to ask you a few questions regarding some of the works you've done. I hope you are able to answer to the best of your abilities, and if you can't, that's fine.

1) I know you wrote only one episode, but what information can you tell me about the cancelled Team Atlantis show? For example, what episode plots besides the Gargoyles crossover, Puck, Nessie and the Terracotta Warriors.

2) If The Spectacular Spider-Man did continue for three more seasons, what terms from specific fields of study in high school would the episodes and movies in between seasons have been called and why? Also, how many movies of The Spectacular Spider-Man were planned?

3) Should Young Justice continue after Young Justice: Targets, what loose-ends are going to be tied-up? Also, what plots do you intend to introduce that will lead up to the Team battling the Light in the final showdown?

That's all I wanted to ask. I wish you the best and keep on being an awesome writer!

Calvin Fujii

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Anonymous writes...

How do Garth and Artemis feel about Conner and M'gann's reunion. For 6 months, M'gann knew their pain, she knew exactly what it felt like to lose your soulmate like how Garth lost Tula and Artemis lost Wally. But when Conner was returned and reunited with M'gann how do they feel? Happy or sad? Don't be afraid to dig deep and give us full exposure. Also it was never shown, but did these 3 characters bond a lot off-screen?

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MisterR writes...

1)Are we ever going to see Child again?

2)If yes and you are willing to answer, Will she play a large or a small role?

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Anonymous writes...

In 2021, there was a comic book crossover event called "Endless Winter," which introduced a character known as Frost King (Edwald Olafsson). If a version of this character exists in the Earth-16 DC Universe, what is his exact relationship (if any) to Ice (Tora Olafsdotter)?

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Steven writes...

Why did beast boy choose to go back to earth with superman and not choose to stay with miss martian on mars to help her to find her white martian brother?

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Anonymous writes...

Will J’emm J’axx and his love S’yraa S’mitt get married? Also what will happen to S’yraa S’mitt?

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Mark writes...

In Cold Case/Hot Case, the prosecutor in the Adams trial was Lt. Kevin Blankly. in the original version of the story in Captain Atom, the prosecutor was Major Alfred Gargan. Why was the character renamed?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

I couldn't find any reference to the following characters outside YJ online. I was wondering if you could confirm whether they are original characters or based on existing comic characters, and if so who/where they are from if possible. (Yet again!)

1) R'ess E'dda
2) J'karaa
3) M'arrell

4) Are the Tribunes from Rimbor based on specific comic characters? Do they have names?

5) Is Karen the genomorph named for someone, like Beth, Benny and Erin? Brandon Vietti's wife perhaps?

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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

I couldn't find any reference to the following characters outside YJ online. I was wondering if you could confirm whether they are original characters or based on existing comic characters, and if so who/where they are from if possible. (Again).

1) Elaine Jackson
2) Ali (from the Players comic arc)
3) Jaqqar Marlo
4) Xiaping

5) You've previously said Tseng Dangun's name came from the comics, but I can't find him. Any idea where he came from?


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Mark writes...

Hi Greg,

I couldn't find any reference to the following characters outside YJ online. I was wondering if you could confirm whether they are original characters or based on existing comic characters, and if so who/where they are from if possible.

1) Johann Mintz
2) Piotor Platz
3) Josephine Tarkov

4) I found a Wilhelm and a Peter both in Batman and the Outsiders #32. Is Wilhelm Peters named for them? Or someone else?

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Chris gonzalez writes...

1. Dear Greg, when Megan left for mars, why didn’t she ever come back for her little brother mcomm with her bioship so that she could live with him on earth, or why didn’t mcomm parents send him to earth with Megan, they can communicate with each other, or why didn’t Megan take mcomm with him when she back to mars in 2016, I never understood and it’s always been a huge plot hole to me, there were so many ways mcomm could have lived with Megan on earth, so why didn’t mcomm in earth with Megan. It’s not like mcomm wanted to live on mars.

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Natalia Sison writes...


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Leo writes...

What was the reason you choose to have as part of the plot for young justice season 4 to have Garfield logan go down the path depression and drugs leading him to lose peridia thinking he kill superboy then show afterwards conner was still alive?

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The Mac G writes...

Katanna...Brooklyn's mate from the comics...whose voice would in your mind would sound like? For me I like to have it be the late great Thuy Trang who played Trini from MMPR!

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Tracy writes...

Who sent the goggles to Perdita in 12 episode of nightmare monkeys?

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Stonny writes...

Greg if you got a season 5 of young justice made did you Greg plan to have beast boy and Perdita get back together as a couple as part of the plot of season 5 of young justice?

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Clark Cradic writes...

When writing for Gargoyles for so long, but it still being set in the 90's, are there any times where you accidentally include or mention something like a piece of tech or reference that wouldn't have existed/happened yet during the writing process?

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Richard Tice writes...

Mister Greg why do you think it possible you will get enough fans to support a season 5 of young justice to be made after you made so many fans upset with you by not have Garfield and Perdita become a couple again at the end of last issue of young justice comic story targets as many fans wanted to happen because the fans did not believe was far to Garfield Logan lose his dating relationship with Perdita as a couple over drug use and depression over Garfield believing he cause conner to die on mars only for it be shown that after the breakup at the Hub that conner is alive in the phantoms zone and later reunited with m'gann at the end of young justice season 4?

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Samanta writes...

After the things that happen to beast boy in young justice season 4 Why does beast boy still trust black canary to council him when beast boy knew black canary knew beast boy was not going on outsiders missions because he was upset believing superboy was dead and black canary this knew before Perdita can to see beast boy at the outsiders base the hub but black canary did not go to the hub to council beast boy about beast boy being upset believing superboy was dead before Perdita arrive at the hub?

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katanaandvoices from Germany writes...

Hello dear Mr Greg Weisman,

I am Jacob Katana from Germany!

I didnt know how to contact you anywhere else, so I thought this is the only possibility that I can reach out to you. I don't know if am right here with my request, and I also hope that your supporter of this site will sort my request out of the other messages you get about fan theories and so on.

First of all thank you for sharing your art with the whole world and especially for me as a teenager .you made my .. ,I think it was on Saturday something between 5-8 p.m where I could watch it on television here in Germany, evening very special as a kid! The stuff the made in the early days was on another level. But iam not here because of the gargoyles. I'm here because your magic the gathering books! I didnt know they even existed till know and since I played magic the gathering when I was a kid I had to buy those. They are still on my way!

But as coincidences as it always happen I saw you haven't released a German audiobook version! And I'm actually a Voice Over Artist for commercials, trailer, explanatory videos and especially audiobooks. I like to narrate stories especially in the sci-fi fantasy thriller genre.

You are missing out on the opportunity for very good sales here!

The audio book market is becoming more and more important and it grows constantly. I haven't had a look on the book since Its on the way to me. But my own ambitions to be the speaker for my favorite-game- themed book tells me that I need to do this. And I have no doubt that it will be good! I see a big potential here! I'm sure you could benefit from an audio book version and get a lot more revenue out of it here in Germany.

I could do that for you! I would offer the audio book production for you free of charge as part of a so-called "royalty share".

This means for you: 0 efforts and 0 costs.

I do this as follows:
I'll produce the audiobook, put it out on Audible and take the risk if it doesn't sell. However, if it sells, we split the income 50/50 - that's the principle of royalty share.
As I said, you don't have any expenses or costs in advance and would earn more directly through this - you will open yourself for the audiobook market and will be presented there and appear as an author here in Germany . That would also significantly increase your awareness and popularity.

Does this maybe sounds interesting to you?

You can contact me on kontakt@katanaandvoices.de

I don't know if these reaches you, and don't end in a discussion forum.

Can't hardly wait to here from you.
Best wishes out of the cold and frozen Germany!

Jacob Katana

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Akimasa writes...

When outsiders are about leave the hub to go rescue queen Perdita Superboy can hear Garfield listen to peridia's messages on his phone, so Superboy knows Garfield fells sadness over the loss of his relationship with Perdita so why does Superboy and Miss Matian did not try convincing Perdita to
give Garfield second Chane of a relationship as a couple by telling Perdita had his mental health problems on mars before Garfield return to earth when they are all on the bioship after Perdita is rescue?

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Dave writes...

As part of the story of young justice why did you have beast boy and peridia breakup if you believe they were the right one for each other?

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Caldeiro writes...

Is the person who sent the google device to Perdita's hotel room in young justice Outsiders episode 12 nightmare monkeys the person that Perdita is in a relationship with by the time of young justice comic targets time period?

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Levine JT writes...

After the events of season 4 of young justice and before young justice targes comic events why didn't superboy fell guilt over learning Garfield and Perdita breakup over Garfield blaming himself over believing himself (Garfield) cause superboy to die on mars but if superboy did fill guilt over it why didn't superboy tell Perdita that Garfield had his meatal health problems on mars before Garfield took drugs on earth as a way to try to get Perdita and Garfield back together as a couple?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. What does Katana do for a living and does she own and wear a baseball cap from time to time when not in costume? 2 . Was Erika Ishii the first actress you hide in mind for both Mary Bromfield and child or did things just work out that way?

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Jonny Modlin writes...

Will Gargoyles SLG Comics be reprinted in Trade Paperback Collection by Dynamite Comics? Will Gargoyles dynamite comics be released in Trade Paperback COllection?

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Grinnell writes...

Why did no outsider team member not ask Garfield why he was not going missions with them and not ask Garfield what was wrong with him after Garfield return to earth from mars before Perdita came to the Hub?

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Wuzunyou writes...

Why did you have young justice comic targets made if you had not intended for garfield and perdita become a couple again after you have them breakup in young justice phanothoms?

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Young Justice fan writes...

Hello Greg!

I love your show, but I felt a bit betrayed when all the other canon romances got to be a major thing except Chalant. Chalant was the most popular relationship on the show and season 4 gave us exactly what we wanted. Dick and Zatanna flirting and being together again. I hope if you get more content, that you circle back to Chalant! You had a great thing with her being a magic performer and Dick being an acrobatic performer. Please don’t get rid of it!

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Jesse writes...

What happened to the metorite that made vandal savage a metahuman? Did any other human encounter it?

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CircusOf5 writes...

No question - just props! i just finished viewing Young Justice: Phantoms, and it was so good I binge watched the entire run, and then rewatched a second time. I'm in my mid 50's here (so have seen and experienced quite a lot in my life to date) and have to say that the depth of each storyline, the character work, action and execution were pitch perfect.
keep doing what you're doing sir!! I look forward to the next run (and hope for a quick release on this seasons blu ray)

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Gargoyfan writes...

Any chance the 2006 run will be on Kindle? I had to hunt mine down on ebay. Definitely a cult classic, the series is marvelous. Show, loved it. Comic, I don't like it ...I love it. Good to see them "live again!"

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If "Young Justice" gets a season 5, I suspect that we might not be able see the Earth-16 version of Jonah Hex. However, do you think that his descendants Stella Hex (great-granddaughter), Virginia "Jinny" Hex (great-great-granddaughter), and Chastity Hex (even though her exact relations to Stella and Jinny is currently unknown in the comics) could somehow make possible appearances in a future season?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Mercy Graves never say a word on the show? I mean, the only sounds she's ever made thus far is whenever she gets hurt/injured in some way...

#2. When exactly did Mercy Graves receive her cybernetic enhancement for her right arm? Also, was this cybernetic enhancement something that she went through willingly (which I assume is her own way of showing how deep her loyalty is to Lex Luthor) or not?

#3. What is the last name of the Earth-16 version of Otis?

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Jay writes...

1. Just wanted to start off by saying Young Justice's worldbuilding is just amazing, and it's one of my favorite versions of the DC Universe. Was there ever any talk of making some kind of Earth-16 guide or encyclopedia to include info about the world that the show itself couldn't cover?

2. Young Justice has this really cool balance between realism and comic booky stuff. How did you and the rest of the staff decide what aspects would be more grounded and what aspects wouldn't? Like, who wears tights and who wears armor, what technology gets explained etc.

3. Love your work and thanks for everything :)

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Nathan Scott writes...

Hi Greg I am a big fan of your work on young justice and spectacular Spider-Man. One of my favourite things that you did on spectacular was introducing some lesser-known villains, such as Colonel, Jupiter and molten man. One of those two villains Molten man was my favourite as a lot of spidey media doesn’t do him justice. If a third season had happened would we have seen more episodes of molten man?

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Jack writes...

Hi Greg. Just curious as to Goblins intentions in Spec Spidey, season 1 ep 8. Why exactly did Goblin sabotage Otto? did he want him dead or replaced? Or did he in some twisted way want to make him stronger willed?

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young gal writes...

1) Was making Artemis teach a lecture instead of a seminar a considered decision or just a style choice?
2) Is it just the comic world, but if Artemis is 25ish is she currently a professor or a TA?

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Chip writes...

Asking the question with the obvious answer for wiki editing and clarification purposes: Are Tony and “Toni” twins?

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Anonymous writes...

In season 5 of young justice Did you plan to show who sent Perdita the goggles in season 3 episode nightmare monkeys if a season 5 of young justice is ever made?

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Desperaty writes...

So if I understood correctly you're supporting this kind of people : https://twitter.com/ClownWorld_/status/1615056992049172480 ?
If you're OK with that behavior and eager to encourage it, I guess you're as crazy as these people.
Do you want to be responsible of the mental destruction this generation is already suffering ?
Can't you see the madness in wokeness ?

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Rodrigo writes...

Hello Greg. Big fan of yours
1. If Martian camouflage has nothing to do with light why their shadow vanishes every time they camouflage, shouldn't they still cast a shadow as the light still hits them?
2. With practice could a Martian develop its telekinetic abilities so they could project telekinetic blasts to hit and knock back(or out) and puch away their enemies, as well as telekinetic shields/barriers in order to deflect and protect themselves and other from attacks such as bullets,lasers, etc kinda like the force style
3. I've always thought that Martians camouflage works on the same basis as the comics with a few changes you know "by using their shapshifting abilities to change their biopolymers to reduce their capacity to reflect light they become NEARLY invisible "
Thanks for your time.

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Anonymous writes...

Do the scenes in Young Justice Season 4 that involve Ma'alefa'ak/M'comm M'orzz teaches a Moral/Hard Truth Aesop which is the fact that some people/beings won't change no matter how much you try, and sometimes you only see good in people (or non-human beings) because that's what you want to see. Fortunately, Arsenal/Roy Harper was never truly one of the people who are beyond redemption and still had some good in him, unlike M'comm.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been rewatching season 3 of Young Justice and had some questions about the meta-gene.
1. Do you have any idea how much of the powers the meta-gene gives are determined by genetics? When Vandal's story is told, many of his children have different powers, so it doesn't appear very genetic. However, everyone with the meta-gene in Brion Markov's family has similar powers from the meta-gene.
2. If the powers from the meta-gene are largely genetic, does that mean that there are different mutated versions of it?

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Desperaty writes...

Hello Greg !
Coming here to talk about some subject. I just came back from twitter where you said :''Woke isn't a dirty word to me. I WANT to be more woke. What's the alternative - being asleep? Not seeing people for who they are, but deciding for them instead?''.
I thought maybe I could bring my vision (my YJ fan vision) to your thinking.
I don't even know where to start...First of all, how can you not see the orwellian language behind the word WOKE ? I mean, if a politician calls a repressive law "the liberty law" it doesn't mean that by fighting it you're against liberty, right ? It's-just-a-name ! Who's calling that like that ? Who's saying that this represents tolerance and progress ? I mean, seriously : who is ? The words tolerance and progress were existing already, so why using a new name ? Huh ? It's like creating two political parties, calling them left and right, and saying those two are the only alternatives. Because except left and right there is nothing else, right ? Well, maybe center. But you can see the trick here, don't you ? I'm sad you're falling into this.
Now, when you say elsewhere there are more than 2 genders... Scientifically, there are 2 sexes: male and female. Those are ruled by the sex chromosomes, which are XX in females and XY in males. There can be some special cases that we call "intersex" due to sex chromosomes malfunction. But this represents like 0,1% of the cases. Now what the woke people tell us, is that a man who thinks he's a woman IS actually a woman. This is crazy. They're thinking the psychological factor takes over the genetic factor. This is crazy, wrong and dangerous. A man thinking is a woman is still a man... thinking he's a woman. A man thinking is a dolphin must be considered as a dolphin ? Come on ! This is a psychological issue, who must be dealt with psychiatry and not surgery.
Btw, are you in favor of surgery ? Of mutilating children at a vulnerable age ? Taking advantage of a temporary psychological weakness to do irreversible damage to a child ?
You should read Abigail Shrier's Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters. She tells the story of teenage girls taking hormone replacement therapy and sex reassignment surgery because they "feel" like men. The parents can't do anything under the threat of being called trans-phobic or fascist. Most psychologists are supporting this. How can somebody even tolerate that we use irreversible drugs and medicines on teenagers ?
THIS IDEOLOGY IS ACTUALLY DESTROYING LIVES !!! We stopped counting the number of witnesses saying "they encouraged me to destroy my body, cut off my breast (for instance) and now, I realize I was sick and I don't want to change sex anymore but it's too late, my life is ruined and the woke community (of course) rejected me now, calling me a trans-phobic".
Because this is only a temporary state. The few parents who saved their children from this atrocity did it by cutting all contact with people, social media and so on. After a few months, the child isn't talking even about changing sex anymore.
Please, realize the danger of this. If you wanna be tolerant, great. But woke is something else. Something dangerous. It's important to see it.
I'm not seeking to make you think like me, but only to consider it. I think you're doing something very wrong with YJ, especially when addressing to a young audience.
Have a good day still !

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The whole thing with the "Young Justice Character Countback" that you've been doing in the "Latest Responses" section confuses me. Are all the names that you've been identifying basically confirm that they all exist in the Earth-16 DC Universe?

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Some guy writes...

Which of the MCU Spider-man films are your favorite?

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Anonymous writes...

On Earth-16 of YJ is Orphan’s Legal Guardian Bruce Wayne?

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Suzie writes...

Why didn't Zatanna attend Kent Nelson's funeral since he was a close family friend?

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Anonymous writes...

If "Young Justice" gets a fifth season, will the consequences of Zatanna's actions (especially with Mary having now become a villain without any of the heroes knowing about it) be one of the major plot points of that season's overall storyline?

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Anonymous writes...

If the Earth-16 version of Power Girl (Tanya Spears) ever gets introduced in "Young Justice," would she join the Team or the Outsiders?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the timeline of the Gargoyles universe, did the events of 9/11 happened? If so, how did that tragic event affected both gargoyles and humans in the years that followed?

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Quinn Taxon writes...

Some fanfiction stories talk about PIT or P.I.T.. Apparently, this is an organization that helps Gargoyles or helps Gargoyles and humans to understand each other. It may be that in the German episodes this charity was never introduced. Could someone tell me what P.I.T means - what does this abbreviation stand for? Is there a site where I can read about it? I can't find anything about it in the Gargoyle wiki either. Thank you very much and sorry for the trouble, Quinn Taxon

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Bud writes...

In some kind of parallel universe where you got the chance to work on a massive crossover featuring the characters from a large portion of the shows you've worked on (Gargoyles, W.I.T.C.H and Spectacular Spider-Man in particular because i unfortunatelyhaven'twatched Young Justice and those shows are my hyperfixations, deal with it), how would they all react and interact with one another?

You can just do interactions between main characters, I just want to see how this kind of scenario would play out.

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Ruben writes...

After Garfield Logan started living with Rita Farr in 2011 did Garfield attend a school in 2011 in young justice universe?

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Jack writes...

Why has Garfield Logan no been told that martians age three times slower than humans by the time of young justice season 3 and if Garfield does know that martians age 3 times slower than humans by the time of season 3 why does Garfield still view miss martian as his sister knowing miss martian was born before his mom Marie logan was born?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Big Barda is just a title; with Barda being her real name.

#2. Mister Miracle (Scott Free) is the biological son of Highfather and Highmother, and the foster son of Darkseid.

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Anonymous writes...

1 did ultra humanite mentor anyone else before/after helga?
2 when ultra humanite was still helga's mentor was this after he transplanted his brain in tolifar's body or was he still using the unknown woman's

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Comer Collier writes...

With all respect to you Mr. Greg why do you Greg think you will get plenty of fans to support for season 5 of young justice to made after you didn't have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at end of young justice comic story targets as many fans wanted to happen because many fans did not believe it was far for Garfield loose Perdita over GARFIED'S depression over Garfield believing he cause Superboy to die on mars to only have Conner and Miss Martian get back together and married at the end of young justice phantoms and not have Garfield and Perdita get back together as a couple at the end of young justice comic story targets?

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Kobe B. writes...

When rewatching Gargoyles I know wonder about Goliath's choice to go into the suspended animation. Why would he go into suspended animation knowing the eggs would hatch soon? Was it did he think that he couldn't protect them or provide them with a suitable home and raise them all by himself?

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Craig writes...

In the audio podcast for “City of Stone Part Four,” you mention that the Dynamite Gargoyles comics are written to a three-act structure, like a traditional network TV episode (or at least, the first three issues are). I recall you saying that you started writing the SLG comics more in a “TV episode” mindset, but the Stone of Destiny storyline helped you break out of this. Although you did still then use a three-“act” structure in both that storyline and the “Timedancer” one, and have apparently adopted that to the Dynamite comics as well. I’m just curious as to your process, as a fellow writer: do you find the three-act structure most conducive to telling stories in the Gargoyles universe, and is that why you continue to use it?

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Kobe B. writes...

Hey Greg really enjoy your work on Gargoyles and even the latest comic it's great. This may be spoiler so I apologize if it is, but with Brooklyn and the Iago gargoyle there was some parallels to them, but now Brooklyn found his true love and even built a family while Iago stays alone and now a machine. At the end of possession episode Brooklyn said he'll be waiting when ColdSteel(Iago) returns. Will we ever see the two fight?

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Greta Anderson writes...

I have a question regarding Lexington (Nothing against the choice you made for his love life in the comics) but if there’s any other comic stories you write about him I hope you can eventually have him meet a female who has wings just like his and falls in love with him for his smarts. But perhaps Lex is turned off at her at first because he still struggles to trust anybody.

If this does happen then there could even be a spin off of the female mates of the Trio having their own adventure comic series with Elisa. That would be cool to read. But it is your comics. I.m not a judgy type. But I hope you consider this for another comic series with this idea for the future. I am a huge fan of the whole series overall. Brooklyn being my favorite.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the "Black Adam" 12-issue limited series, Black Adam's full name is Theo Ramses Djoser Teth-Adam; he addresses himself as such in the first issue. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe as well?

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Anonymous writes...

Why exactly did Jefferson Pierce and Lynn Stewart get divorced in the Earth-16 universe; assuming the reasons are different from what is depicted the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Lex Luthor became United Nations Secretary-General, Lena was officially placed in charge of LexCorp. At the end of "Young Justice: Targets," Lex is shown to be back at Lexcorp. As such, what happened to Lena Luthor since the end of Season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

To Greg Wiseman,
1. Is Samson a descendant of Goliath and look like him in Gargoyles 2198?
2. What is the deal between Dynamite and Disney with Gargoyle?
3. Who is stronger: the enchanced Archmage or Oberon and who would win in a fight between them and who is stronger between Oberon mother stronger and Enchanced Archmage and who would win if they fought?
4. Did Coyote have battle armor on or not when he first appeared?

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idkwannasay writes...

How did Jason Todd die? in the young justice cannon.

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isabelle writes...

hello! i had quick little question about young justice. i noticed that in young justice, almost all of the gay and trans characters in the show are aliens or otherwise not human. please don’t get me wrong i absolutely love all the rep, but it feels a little weird that the only trans character is a human alien hybrid and all but one gay character is an atlantean.

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Anonymous writes...

Greg did you plan to have Garfield and Perdita got back to together as a couple at some point in time in season 5 if season 5 of young justice was ever made?

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Anonymous writes...

(sent my last ask off before i finished, apologies) Why does that other guard, the one who says "captain of the gargoyles you mean" look so much like the captain?

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Anonymous writes...

A guard looks like the captain of the guard back in 994, He's one of the guards who says the line about "Captain of the gargoyles you mean"

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Anonymous writes...

Have Tim and Bart ever clarified that they’re not the same Robin and Kid Flash to the public?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

After Tomar-Re was killed by Lor-Zod, was his soul sent to the Emerald Space; the resting place of all Green Lanterns who died in service to the Green Lantern Corps?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the epilogue of "Dark Crisis on Infinite Earths" issue #7, the mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) appears to now have it own version of "The Light," and it is called "The Council of Light." This version of the group appears to be a mysterious alliance of seven unknown power brokers, and their goal is apparently to wipe out ALL metahumans (both good and bad) on Earth because they believe that metahumans are too dangerous to be controlled or imprisoned. Therefore, they are giving Amanda Waller permission to use every resource available to full eradicate all metahumans on Earth. In light of the revelation of "The Council of Light," my question to you is this: Were you ever consulted by DC Comics about this? I mean, did they needed permission from you to be able to introduce their own version of "The Light" into the mainstream DC Universe; since the group originated from the "Young Justice" animated series first?

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Storyseeker writes...

Sorry if you've had this question before: -

I've noticed that Disney seems to be remaking a lot of shows lately, and it made me wonder... If Disney was to hire you to do a remake of gargoyles set in modern times; what would you do different in it?

The one thing that stands out to me is the City of Stone saga. I enjoyed those eps a lot, but I imagine you would have to change a few things if it happened today. For one thing, not a lot of people watch live TV, so Demona would have to figure out another way to broadcast her spell to the people (maybe internet). Plus I imagine everyone would know what happened to them at night, since there are plenty of CTV cameras, cellphones to catch images, as well as satellite cameras etc.

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Ed writes...

Hi Greg,

Since GARGOYLES came back, nobody has yet posted a ramble to Ask Greg as far as I can see and I'm not even sure if you're still looking for them - particularly with the queue so long. But hopefully it is, at least, nice to vicariously share someone discovering GARGOYLES #1. (And if not, since we could be years and many rambles hence by the time you get to this one... oops).

So here, adapted from my S8 first impressions, is my ramble...


Amazon have annoyed me since they took over ComiXology but I can't fault them here. Getting to my local comic shop before they close at 5.30 is tight on a Wednesday but Amazon delivering the book to my account so early is absolutely perfect for me. I can take a moment in the peace to read before the chaos of the day begins. It just makes for such a pleasant experience.

I also find e-comics my favourite way to read. I can zoom in, the backlit screen makes everything look good but George Kambadais' amazing art particularly benefits.


What caught my attention on the preview images was the "all-ages" label. I see it's been adjusted to "teen".

I have mixed feelings. On the one hand, I thought what the SLG series did with the little extra leeway was great, especially in the historical scenes.

That said, I was thinking if it was pushing to stay all-ages I might bring some issues into school for my class. I'm glad the rating has been clarified.

(Since writing this, I listened to VOICES FROM THE EYRIE #27 and it sounds like this book won't quite be as edgy as the SLG books so we'll see).


Great stone aesthetic although I miss the punctuation. I guess new-fangled concepts like punctuation doesn't fit the old-school carved-in-stone look.

I've never heard the term "packager" before in comics and I'm grateful to Craig in the Comment Room for filling me in. Nate, from what I can tell, is doing an absolutely bang-up job of promoting the book.


I'm really in love with George Kambadais' colours. He does brightness so well. The lens flare is a difficult line to tread - one wrong move and he's JJ Abrams. But he manages it. Dark Age Scotland is given a genuinely fresh perspective with that bright sun on the sea and New York looks glorious. And he is master of the speed line.

The gargoyles all look themselves and yet also there's a real flair to the style. He's just such a great choice to make the book feel completely different and yet still quality.

(Which doesn't mean I still don't want to see the legends Christopher Jones, Karine Charlebois and Greg Guler back in the fold when the opportunity presents. Let's hope those spin-offs awaken as well...)


Of course it's a full moon. But since this is Gargoyles, it's also probably a trail of breadcrumbs to the actual date - or would be if we could pinpoint how far along Maggie was in "Clan-Building". Based on the moon calendar, my guesses were 20 April or 22 May.

Although I'm really curious to see those initial conversations with Brooklyn immediately post-dance and I kind of hope that one day we revisit that day, I do like that we've had a modest time jump. Small enough that it doesn't feel like we're catching up with radically different people which sometimes I feel can be the risk of a time jump - that you're arbitrarily distanced from the characters and have to rediscover them. But large enough that it feels like a great jump-on point.


I absolutely love the choice to use Elisa as the POV character. Not only is it brilliant hearing the classic narration in Salli Richardson's voice (okay, only in my head, but still), but it feels fresh and yet also like such low-hanging fruit as the human lead is usually the access point to these kinds of shows - April discovering the turtles or the companion discovering the Doctor. In retrospect, 'Gargoyles' really stood apart in this sense -- it was always the story of the gargoyles and Elisa was, initially at least, just another threat to them. That worked brilliantly for the animated series but it makes this flip feel fresh and yet accessible in the best way.

Another VOICES revelation is that there will be different narrators for the next quite-a-few issues. Will be interesting.


Okay, a confession. I LOVE the original show's way of presenting titles. There's something about the font, the colour (including the "Hunter's Moon" variants), the use of capitals and inverted commas that's kind of ingrained in me - I just think the show had the best-looking titles in town. But I appreciate there's no sensible reason to resurrect them and frankly this feels much more fresh and modern and, as titles should be, low key. Also, some of the "Clan-Building" titles had an odd distortion where it looks like the aspect ratio had gone skew-whiff. This looks crisp and great.

There's no secret about Greg's penchant for one-word titles (in which I'm including where the only other word is "the").

At a very (very) quick tot counting chapter titles and books:
Season 1 was 40% one-worders
Season 2 was 64% one-worders
Season 3 85% one-worders

In Season 4, so far: 0% one-worders. What's happened to Greg?! (I love "Here in Manhattan" as a title mind you).


Shout out to Jeff Eckleberry. Lettering is thankless if you do it right and disastrous if it goes wrong. There were a couple of times on the SLG book where it stood out for the wrong reasons (at least in my printings). This issue is perfect -- even though there are a few tricky things to pull off like the Eyrie building panel with two different narrators. And I'm not sure outline-less captions always work for me as a general rule but it suits the art in this issue really well. Superb job.


If it's been months I kinda feel bad for Gnash if people are misnaming him. Perhaps his parents prefer Nashville (sentimental reasons?). You'd think Lex would have learned after the Angie thing and a few months is plenty of time for him to get used to a new name. Neither of them look happy at being left by Broadway and Brooklyn.

Lots of subtle revelations here. Gnash has seemingly spent a fair bit of time recently in the UK - or around people who use that slang. Or perhaps just around people who like the sixth 'Harry Potter'. And we have confirmation (I'm not sure it was in "Clan-Building" that Katana is from feudal Japan). I love the "don't ask".


It's interesting that Elisa considers them sisters since she is effectively Angela's step-mother. And to be honest, even on the World Tour, I kind of looked at them more of a family unit. Of course, Elisa's a relatively young woman so she's not going to think of herself as a mother figure to an adult conceived a thousand years plus years ago. But I wonder if Angela would see it the same way.


Owen is just kinda standing there. It's great to see him but he's literally just holding an empty plate and staring. I feel like I'm missing something really obvious...? (It's later been clarified by more eagle-eyed Phoenician in the S8 CR).


Great to see Glasses and Jack Dane. Good thing I rewatched "Turf" recently for the first time in years as I forgot Jack Dane had partnered with Brod.

"We made them share a cell because we thought it'd be funny" - does Elisa have any control over prisoner placement?


Apparently the book was too exciting because the middle pages of the comic fell out of their staples as soon as I got there. A bit disappointing - I've never had that happen with a new comic before and if it were my first read-through I'd be a bit more taken out of it.

Since then, someone else in the room has reported an issue with the Nakayama copy and the stapling. However, I bought a second Nakayama copy and the inside pages are fine, and the other copies I have are fine too.

The covers are incredible. In any other situation, I'd feel this kind of thing is a bit of a rip-off but in the case of 'Gargoyles' where the breadth of fan interest has, historically, not always been there but the depth certainly has, giving fans a value reason to buy multiple copies just makes sense. I'm not able to support (or frankly, even locate) all of these but my favourite is George Kambadais'. I do like it when there's cohesion between the cover art and the interiors but also it's just a great image. However, the Nakayama and Fleeks variants are runners-up.


I wasn't sure how Coldstone and Coldfire would go down as we've really seen very little of them as characters outside their Othello/Desdemona/Iago plotline. I like how Coldstone is willing to advocate the "wrong" (or at least the selfish) choice. And Coldfire is more sympathetic but as far as I can tell is responsible for the fire and thus potentially the civilian casualty (who we've since realised is our beloved Jogger - and Todd ID'd the paramedics as from "Deadly Force" which is the deepest of deep cuts. Anyway, it makes me concerned whether or not the Coldduo are really cut out for the kind of work the gargoyles do. Hmm.

I think Coldstone will be proved right though: there is a problem if the gargoyles are only seen by the "bad guys" and don't have any wider representation. I wonder where this will go and I feel like this could have a bigger resonance across the "Here in Manhattan" arc.


I love the way the recap narration here keeps us in the action. This was one of the things that jangled me a bit with previous recaps in Clan-Building #1, #3 and back in the original show in episodes like "Outfoxed" and "The Cage". In "Nightwatch" especially it felt like Goliath telling Elisa something she already knew so the audience could listen in. This feels so much more elegant.

Plus, it's just never as exciting seeing something the second time around. There's no need here to see a Sevarius flashback for the purposes of this issue so we get to see Brendan and Margot instead because... well, of course we do! (Seriously, I got so distracted by the pair of them I missed that this sequence was about the drain at first).

And more cameos - love seeing Erin, Benny and Thug in colour! And always great to see Shari back. (It must be a little weird for the real Erin and Benny that their 'mutate selves' are still, give or take, the same age as they were when they first 'debuted').


One of the clever by-products of Elisa narrating the story is that the tone shifts when it goes "quiet" and we're not in her head. Thailog doesn't need an introduction or a name - he's totally the bad guy. And yet the re-use of the close-up mouth angle just emphasises he's a clone.

Thailog's final lines are pretty chilling but I wonder if there's something else happening. I just can't imagine Thailog taking to the languid pace of raising a child. Surely the accelerated pace of clone ageing is more his speed? Yes, a child born to mutates is significant, but he has the mutates' designer almost literally on his right hand. Is it just the link to Elisa that makes him want this specific child? Or is this a distraction? What a bastard.


No mega cliffhanger for this one - not on the final page anyway. That's fine. I really love how this is kind of a chill issue, just surveying the lay of the land.

9.09% BIGGER!

I admit, I never expected this one to be 24 pages, even though the SLG books were. 22 or even 20 seems to have been such a standard for a long time (admittedly I don't currently read any other comics regularly). I am, of course, delighted.

All told -- I love it. Yes, it's very heavy on introductions but it never feels clogged with it. Everything moves along at a nice pace, we get to see where the clan and key allies are at this point in their lives. Everything feels fresh and modern and accessible. The art is amazing. The dialogue is great.

It pulls off the incredible feat of both feeling like the original series while also feeling like a modern regeneration of it. Just stunning.

Thank you to everyone involved, congratulations Greg and fingers crossed that this is the start of a truly epic reawakening.

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics, the six most notable human members of the Green Lantern Corps, in order, are as follows:

Harold "Hal" Jordan
John Marshall Stewart
Guy Darrin Gardner
Kyle Rayner
Simon Baz
Jessica Viviana Cruz

As such, given that it has been indicated that there are FOUR Green Lantern in the Justice League as of Season 4 of Young Justice, this would mean that Kyle Rayner DEFINITELY has to be the FOURTH Green Lantern whom Aquaman (Orin) had indirectly mentioned, correct? If so, then when exactly did he join the Justice League and what is his designation number?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in relation to the Earth-16 version of Ice:

1. In regards to Ice's real name (Tora Olasfsdotter), why is her last name spelled out as Olafsdotter, and NOT as Olafsdottir; considering it seems like it is apparently based on Icelandic naming tradition?

2. Since Ice's last name clearly indicates that Olaf is the name of her father, has Olaf ever also gone by the name Marius; like in the comics? Also, is he currently deceased; like in the comics, and if so, how old was he when he died?

3. Is Ice's mother's name Elsa? Also, assuming she is still alive; like in the comics, how old is she as of the end of Season 4?

4. Is Ice's sister's full name Nikolina Olafsdotter OR Nikolina Olafsdottir? Also, is she is Ice's older sister or younger sister? Finally, assuming she is still alive; like in the comics, how old is she as of the end of Season 4?

5. Is Ice's citizenship identified as Norwegian?

6. Was Ice's as-of-yet-unnamed paternal grandfather an evil person; just like how he was depicted in the comics? Also, is he currently deceased; like in the comics, and if so, how old was he when he died?

7. Was Ice and her sister born into a Norwegian Romani clan; like in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

how did the light react when they heard of the anti light

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Brian Smith writes...

Hi Greg, love your work!

The trailer for Across The Spider-Verse dropped and it looks like it's got every version of Spidey in it. Well... almost.

You know how Andrew Garfield said he wasn't the werewolf? I'm wondering if your version is the werewolf this time... and I'm obviously talking about the werewolf we saw in the trailer, duh!

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Rachel writes...

Dear Greg,

I know this isn't what AskGreg is for but I didn't know any other way to contact you.
My name's Rachel Bierman. Big fan of your work! I'm a college student who wishes to get into the publishing industry after graduation next year and part of my efforts to make connections and put my name out there is to create a book blog where I review books and interview authors.

I would love to interview you if you're able to. To make it easy I can just email you the questions and you can type out your replies when you have time in your schedule. It would cover your comics, and your Rain of Ghosts series and future endevours.

If yes, you can email me at rrbierman@gmail.com. If you no, you can still email me the rejection. I'd love to hear back from you if you have time but I understand if you don't.

You can see what the inteverview would be like here: https://rachelreadsreviews434255182.wordpress.com/category/interview/

And my post on your works here: https://rachelreadsreviews434255182.wordpress.com/2022/11/27/author-highlight-greg-weisman/

Have a good day,
Rachel Bierman

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. What is the gargoyle tradition in regards with dealing with the death of one of their own; in comparison to various human traditions?

#2. Is the gargoyle version of "death by natural causes" like a permanent form of stone sleep; in which very old gargoyles who have reached the natural end of their lives one day turn to stone when the sun rises, but don't wake up when the sun sets? If not, then what actually happens?

#3. Do gargoyles establish parent-child and other familial relationships among generations of their own kind in the modern era; all the way up to the year 2198?

#4. Did Brooklyn became the permanent leader of the Manhattan Clan AFTER Goliath's death (which happens at some point between 2004 and 2198)? If so, how long did Brooklyn held this position before it eventually was passed on to his own successor?

#5. Between 2004 and 2198, was there ever a civil war amongst the gargoyle clans; between those who sided with the humans and those who hated the humans?

#6. Between 2004 and 2198, did Elisa Maza died of natural causes, or did she died in the line of duty, or did she died of a broken heart (assuming Goliath's death was the cause of it)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Do the following individuals from the comics also exist in the Earth-16 universe?

Samuel "Sam" Kent - Father of Jonathan Kent, father-in-law of Martha Kent, adoptive paternal grandfather of Clark Kent.

Harry Kent - Brother of Jonathan Kent, brother-in-law of Martha Kent, and adoptive paternal uncle of Clark Kent.

Sarah "Sal" Kent - Wife of Harry Kent, sister-in-law of Jonathan and Martha Kent, and adoptive paternal aunt of Clark Kent.

Bert Clark - Brother of Martha Kent, brother-in-law of Jonathan Kent, and adoptive maternal uncle of Clark Kent.

Daniel "Dan" Fordman - First husband of Martha Kent; he passed away due to lung cancer.

Eliza Fordman - Sister of Daniel "Dan" Fordman, and former sister-in-law of Martha Kent.

2. Are the following biological relationships correct in relation to Kal-El/Clark Kent in the Earth-16 universe?

Don-El - Biological paternal great-great-grandfather

Ter-El - Biological paternal great-grandfather

Seyg-El - Biological paternal grandfather

Lor-Van - Biological maternal grandfather

In-Ze - Biological paternal great-uncle

Zor-El - Biological paternal uncle

Alura El - Biological paternal aunt

Kara Zor-El - Biological paternal cousin

In case you are confused as to why I put "adoptive paternal/maternal" and "biological paternal/maternal," I am trying to make sure it makes sense from Clark's point-of-view in regards to his biological and adoptive families.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In the Earth-16 universe, are the following relationships below correct in regards to the family of Soranik Natu?

Thaal Sinestro (biological father)
Arin Sur (biological mother)
Abin Sur (biological maternal uncle)
Amon Sur (biological maternal cousin)
Dgibb Natu (adoptive father)
Karoll Natu (adoptive mother)

2. Is Soranik Natu's birth name Soranik Sinestro?

3. As of the time of her first appearance, how old is Soranik Natu?

4. Since Soranik's father is from Korugar, and her mother is from Ungar, this makes Soranik a Korugaran/Ungaran hybrid, correct?

5. When exactly did Soranik Natu join the Green Lantern Corps?

6. At the point of time of her appearance during the credits scene of "Rescue and Search," does Soranik know who her biological parents are; even though she is adopted? is she also aware who her maternal biological uncle and cousin are?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I just want to let you know that the comic book "Dark Crisis: Big Bang" has an updated list of worlds in the DC Multiverse. Sadly, "Young Justice" is NOT on the list.

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Caleb writes...

So your correction to the YJ count back makes my previous question moot, and makes me look a little tin-foil hat, if I'm being honest. So here's another: are Justin King VI and Philip Wilcox original to Earth-16?

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Ryan Leger writes...

You said #KeepBingingYJ on HBO Max/TELETOON/Adult Swim CANADA/StackTV/Prime Video CANADA was the best way to #SaveEarth16, #RenewYoungJustice and increase chances of Young Justice Season 5 happening! What about DVD sales, VOD sales, Young Justice: Targets comic book sales or Change.org petition signatures?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg! I remain fascinated by the Young Justice character count back, but today's entry threw me for a loop. Who is James King VI? I found a character with two appearances named James "Jimmy" King on the DC wiki, but nothing for James King or Jimmy King on the YJ wiki. Would you be willing to at least point me in the right direction? Thanks!

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Anonymous writes...

Do you think that Disney WITCH will ever get a season 3? Many people are requesting a Disney WITCH Season 3 and their are even petitions for it.

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: the Earth-16 version of Darkseid's family

1. The order of Darkseid's three sons, from oldest to youngest, is Kalibak, Orion, and Grayven.

2. As all three of Darkseid's sons each have a different mother, they are considered to be paternal half-brothers to each other.

3. The name of Kalibak's mother is Suli.

4. The name of Orion's biological mother is Tigra.

5. Grayven's as-of-yet-unnamed mother hails from an as-of-yet-unnamed world that was conquered by Darkseid.

6. The mothers of Darkseid's three sons are currently deceased in the Earth-16 universe.

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Anonymous writes...

If Tye Longshadow was Jaime Reyes' best friend in the Earth-16 universe, then what about the Earth-16 versions of Brenda Del Vecchio and Paco Testas; who were Jaime Reyes' best friends in the comics?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions about the family members of Earth-16's Jaime Reyes:

1. Is his father's name Alberto Reyes?

2. Is his mother's name Bianca Leal Reyes; with Leal being her maiden name?

3. Is his younger sister's name Milagro Reyes?

4. Are his paternal grandparents' names Alejandro Reyes (grandfather) and Conchi Reyes (grandmother)?

5. Is his maternal grandmother's name Elena Leal?

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Mr. Felipe Barros writes...

Hi Greg, how are you? i wanted to ask some questions here

1. In your Spider-Man show would you consider Peter a handsome guy as Romita Peter or just a kinda cute guy like ditko's?i ask this because i find curious that pete attracts a lot of young females in your show(like in the comics too) and although he has a lot of qualities besides his physical appearance, i was wondering how much of his outer appearance is noticeable to the likes of Liz or Gwen. i.e if he is a handsome guy.

2. Do you think Spidey being short and skinny its the better way to go with a spider-man built?(like in your show) or do you prefer him being taller or maybe buff like the Romita era.

3. What is your favorite live action version of Spider-Man from the movies?

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Anonymous writes...

Can we see all the Disney WITCH season 3 own transcripts? And if you did Disney WITCH Season 3 how would you do it? And can you reaves all that you know about Disney WITCH season 3?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello! I am curious if you were ever able to get the chance to make season 3 of The Spectacular Spider-man, would you still go through with the plans you have revealed so far (scorpion and hobgoblin) and basically the rest of the plans you had before? Or have ideas changed over time or are you gonna come up with completely different ideas?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Between 2010 and 2018, how did Joker managed to escape Arkham Asylum?

2. After the Joker was defeated in January 2018 by Batman and his team, was he sent back to Arkham Asylum again, or was he sent to a more secure prison that is better equipped to dealing with his insanity and unpredictability?

3. Just like in the comics, is the Joker directly responsible for the death of Jason Todd? I'm NOT asking for any details whatsoever in regards to this event; ONLY for confirmation (yes or no) as to whether or not it happened in the Earth-16 universe.

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Peter writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman. I have some questions about Young Justice regarding Orion.

1. Was Orion born on Apokolips?
2. When did he move to New Genesis?
3. Where was Orion during the events of ”Away Mission”
4. Is Orion a member of the Justice League?
5. Are Kalibak and Grayven, Orion’s brothers?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just to be sure that I interpret the generations of the Kane family correctly in the Earth-16 universe...

#1. At least one generation consists of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed father; even though there's no way yet of knowing what is the actual order of oldest to youngest sibling in the Earth-16 universe.

#2. At least one generation consists of Bruce Wayne, Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane; with Bruce being the oldest of this generation, and Bette being the youngest of this generation. As such, the girls would be Bruce's maternal cousins (via Bruce's mother), and Bruce would be the girls' paternal cousin (via their respective fathers)

#3. Bruce Wayne is the ONLY member of his generation of the Kane family whose relationships with his uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered maternal because his mother was a Kane before she married Thomas Wayne. For Bruce's cousins, all relationships with their uncles and aunts on this side of the family are considered paternal via their respective fathers, but nothing is currently known about their respective maternal relatives via their respective mothers (Gabrielle Kane and Bette Kane's as-of-yet-unnamed mother).

#4. Roderick Kane is the father of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Roderick Kane is also the maternal grandfather of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandfather of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#5. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is the mother of Martha Wayne, Jacob Kane, Nathan Kane, Philip Kane, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father. Elizabeth "Betsy" Kane is also the maternal grandmother of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal grandmother of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#6. Nathan Kane's wife was Katherine Webb Kane (with her nickname being "Kathy," and Webb being her maiden name) in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the maternal aunt of Bruce Wayne, and the paternal aunt of Katherine "Kate" Kane, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister) and Bette Kane.

#7. Catherine Hamilton Kane (with Hamilton being her maiden name) is Jacob Kane's second wife in the comics. If this is also true in the Earth-16 universe, this means she is the "maternal aunt by marriage" of Bruce Wayne, the step-mother of Katherine "Kate" Kane and Elizabeth "Beth" Kane (Kate's twin sister), and the "paternal aunt by marriage" of Bette Kane. As such, Bruce Wayne and Bette Kane would be considered Catherine's "nephew by marriage" and "niece by marriage," respectively, from her point-of view.

If any of my interpretations on the Kane Family are incorrect, please kindly explain to me as to where I got the facts wrong.

Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics of the 2000s, the "Batman of Zur-En-Arrh" is depicted as a violent and unhinged backup personality of Bruce Wayne that was created by him as protection against psychic attacks. As such, this personality is essentially Batman WITHOUT Bruce Wayne. Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the "Batman of Zur-En-Arrh"?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What makes Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Tim Drake so different from each other as Robins?

2. Since the Earth-16 Damian will likely not be Robin for about a decade, who would be the next likely candidate to take up the mantle of Robin after Tim Drake?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, who discovered the Phantom Zone and learned about its various effects on those who are sent there (discoloration, lack of heat signatures, and the inability to age, die, or heal) and learned about the creatures that are apparently native to it (such as Devourers)? If more than one person was involved in these discoveries, who are they? And finally, when exactly were these discoveries made?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the Earth-16 universe, when a female Kryptonian from one House is married to male Kryptonian of another House, is she no longer a member of her former House? For example, since Lara Lor-Van married Jor-El and became Lara El, is she no longer a member of the House of Van? Likewise, since Kara Zor-El's mother, Alura In-Ze, married Zor-El and became Alura El, is she no longer a member of the House of Ze?

2. What is Lor-Van's (Lara El's father) exact relationships with each of the known members of the House of El in the Earth-16 universe; starting with the most recent generation (Jonny Kent) and then going backwards? Be sure to indicate paternal and maternal relationships of each character in relation to Lor-Van if necessary; for Jonny Kent's case, it's also a biological relationship.

3. What is In-Ze's (Alura El's father) exact relationships with each of the known members of the House of El in the Earth-16 universe; starting with the most recent generation (Jonny Kent) and then going backwards? Be sure to indicate paternal and maternal relationships of each character in relation to In-Ze if necessary; for Jonny Kent's case, it's also a biological relationship.

#4. In regards to the Kryptonian who is the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-grandfather of Jonny Kent, is the man's Kryptonian name spelled out as Seyg-El (like in the comics) or Seg-El (like in the Syfy TV series, "Krypton") in the Earth-16 universe?

#5. Is Ter-El the father of Seyg-El, the paternal grandfather of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal great-grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-great-grandfather of Jonny Kent?

#5. Is Don-El the father of Ter-El, the paternal grandfather of Seyg-El, the paternal great-grandfather of Jor-El and Zor-El, the paternal great-great-grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El, and the paternal biological great-great-great-grandfather of Jonny Kent?

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Paul writes...

I'm sorry, Greg -- I would like to apologise to you, please, because I just checked the search function and realised that the question that I've just submitted was one I submitted a couple of months ago. I'm so sorry. I'll be more careful in the future.

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Paul writes...

We know that Troia is 20 years old biologically in Team Year Nine, but of course we don't know *how* she ages (whether she ages slowly like M'gann, or at the rate of a normal human like many characters in YJ, or doesn't age at all like Conner). With this in mind, though this may be considered a spoiler request, I would like to ask: what was her biological age when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

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Sam writes...

Are the Beetle-tech drones designed by Blue or are they just similar in name?

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Showwatcher writes...

1.What is up with the one shot in 1x10 when Cheshire fights Red arrow and spinkicks him and flips back? because wow someone really made that and it really got on tv lol. Also People keep asking are they ever going to do a shot or scene like that again
2.its cool the animation is mostly the same as s1 and even on teen Titans but it updates the quality was that intentional or just it looks cool. Also how many seasons do you think will happen? Sorry for the long question

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Jeremy writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
What I love about Young Justice is the original organization of the Light. I am also I big Marvel fan so I was wondering what you thought would be a good lineup for a Marvel version of the group. I ask because I think the Cabal run by Norman Osborn is lacks the stability and effectiveness of Vandal Savage's organization. Thank you for reading this if you do.

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg!

In anticipation of the new Dynamite Gargoyles comic, and because of the Paris clan's inclusion in YJ Targets, I tracked down a copy of "The Flashback of Notre Dame." It was a fun little read! I'm a big fan of both Chris's and your work, so it was cool to see your first (I think?) collaboration.

Just a couple questions:
1. Why was the Brooklyn analog named Monmarte? I'm admittedly not super familiar with New York or Paris, but I assume there's a parallel between the two, in the same way as Broadway and Montparnasse or Lexington Avenue and Champs Élysées.
2. Same question for Bronx and Rive Gauche.
3. Between Coldstone and Coldsteel, which corresponds to Cyrano and which to Christian?
4. Is the Paris clan less antagonistic than the Wyvern clan? It struck me as odd that Diabolique and Thomeheb were still part of the clan despite being named "Demonic" and identified as the evil twin, respectively.
5. What is the exact text of the Archmagus's spell, including the "man of silver kissing his betrothed on the last full moon of February" caveat? (Kidding, kidding... unless?)

One final thought: have you seen the recent film musical adaption of Cyrano de Bergerac starring Peter Dinklage? I liked it a lot, though admittedly i haven't read the original play.

Thanks again, and I can't wait to read the first new Gargoyles story since I discovered the series! WE LIVE AGAIN!

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Fury served with the Infinitors and does she occasionally wear a baseball cap or newsgirl cap when not in costume or on duty ? 2. What does Angel o' day do for a living ?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Saturn Girl's race identified as Saturnian (assuming life somehow existed on Saturn in the 31st century) or Titanian (assuming they lived on Saturn's moon, Titan) in the 31st century?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, what are the names of Ursa's parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Did the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America ever encountered Vladimir Sokov/Red Lantern?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Joan Garrick's maiden name Williams?

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Anonymous writes...

Where is the Earth-16 version of Judy Garrick/The Boom; the daughter of Jay and Joan Garrick?

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Anonymous writes...

On the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was kryptonite poisoning (via green kryptonite) ever identified/acknowledged by Kryptonians as the "Green Plague"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In Detective Comics 2022 Annual #1, it is revealed that Gotham City was originally known as "Gathome Settlement" during the 1700s. As such, is this also true in the Earth-16 universe as well?

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Anonymous10000 writes...

At Conner and M'gann's wedding, Spoiler has been seen leaning on Robin. Does it mean they are a couple?

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Anonymous writes...

does the light still have the means to produce clones of ocean master? Even if they're no longer interested in doing that

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Caleb writes...

Hello, Greg! Some more questions about the YJ character countback.

1. Are Blue Falcon and Dyno-Mutt fictional in the context of Earth-16?
2. Is Mayor Sackett's first name Bradford like in the comics?
3. Does Sackett go by Buck as in the comics?
4. What is Principal Sanchez's first name?
5. After some searching on the DC wiki, I found several character with the surname Sanchez, but none seem to be a good match to the principal. Is Principal Sanchez original to Earth-16?

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Zach writes...

Hey Greg!

I've been reading you and Cary's run on Captain Atom as of late, and I've been thoroughly enjoying it. However, it made me curious: how much input, if any, did you and Cary have on DC's initial plans for Armageddon 2001 (in which Captain Atom would become Monarch)?

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Anonymous writes...

Ben Shapiro defended Kanye at one point so following the logic you use to defend yourself that means Ye cant possibly be antisemitic right? Until Ye personally offended Shaprio of course, then all of a sudden he calls it out. Exploiting identity politics as a shield will only get you so far.

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bryn_black_bat writes...

Regarding Orphan/Cassandra Wu-San, I was wondering if there was a reason you decided to write her in such a way that wouldn’t allow her to eventually learn how to talk. On other earths/in various comic runs, she did eventually learn how to speak, since speech was deprived from her rather than forcibly taken (growing up in an environment without speech vs having her vocal cords removed), so I was curious why you decided to take such a different route with Cass.

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Anonymous writes...

I've been watching Spectacular Spider-Man again and I have a few questions relating to some pretty minor characters:

1) Do the various security personnel members that Tombstone employs have names? They're all so visually distinct that I figured they would but I can't find anything about it online.

2) What is Coach Smith's first name?

3) Was "Benny" meant to be the show's legally-secure version of/allusion to Ben Urich?

4) Similarly, there is a girl with pink hair in the background of various scenes set in Midtown High that reminds me of when Jessica Jones was Jewel. Was this an intentional visual nod to Jessica or am I just reading too much into things?

5) You've said that there are currently 782 characters within the world of Young Justice as of the end of Targets; do you have an exact number for how many characters there are within the world of Spectacular Spider-Man as of the end of season two?

Thank you for your time, and for your work on not just Spectacular Spider-Man, but Young Justice, Star Wars Rebels and Gargoyles too.

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Justin rlly big Wally west fan writes...

Please please bring Wally west back. Everyone loves that character and we’ve been waiting for the return of him. I cannot stress that enough please bring him back. We want to see him back on the screen all grown up with his infamous red and white flash suit.

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Anonymous writes...

I know you’re probably sick of the religion discourse but I’d like to throw in something that I feel like you’re missing. We’re living in a time where fundamentalist religious minorities are taking over governments all over the world, from the US to Iran, Russia, Israel, India, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, etc. people are struggling against extremist conservative regimes that use Judiasm, Chrisitianity, Islam, and Hinudism to justify their actions. While it’s not fair to blame the entire religion, reality is that people are increasingly turned off by organized religions being shoved down our throats. In America, there are inescapable Christian undertones in media and literature. People are for sure interested in exploring different identities in entertainment, including religious groups, but those shows require a narrow focus so the issues can be explored in depth. Or there’s a way to weave these things into characters without focusing on it, like they did in Moon Knight. In a show like Young Justice, I’m sorry but it comes off more like a preachy after school special. It’s shallow. Iran just murdered a woman for a strand of hair sticking out of her hijab and killed hundreds more for protesting about it. At the same time, covered women are vulnerable to hate crimes in non-Muslim countries. No matter where they go, they’re the ones suffering. If you’re going to dedicate an episode to talking about the hijab, you need to do a lot more to actually add something of value to the discussion.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Have you seen our petition? https://chng.it/zDMDwW9K8q

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you’re enjoying yourself and your break from answering questions on the website and hope if and/or when you return you can answer some inquiries I have?
1. How long have Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman been married?
2. Does Lana Lang exist in Earth-16 and was she a friend and/or past love of Clark?
3. When did Lois find out Clark and Superman were one and the same?
4. How did Clark learn of his Kryptonian heritage and what year did he?
5. When did Clark have his first experience with Kryptonite?
6. Does blue sunlight radiation have an effect on Kryptonians like yellow sunlight or red sunlight?
7. Did Martha Kent give Clark his first Superman suit?
8. How many light years was Krypton to Earth?
9. Is Superman also referred to as the Man of Steel?
10. What age did Clark’s powers start coming in?
11. Is Kryptonite the remnants of Krypton?

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Anonymous writes...

Has anyone on the team had diarrhea accidents on the floor in front of Batman? And if so does Batman enjoy it?

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The Diabeetus writes...

Why does clayface look like my excrete?

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The Diabeetus writes...

Can Miss Martian turn into a pile of diarrhea at will?

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The Diabeetus writes...

1. How often does Superman clean his underwear and what does it smell like?

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The Diabeetus writes...

1. How powerful is a Kryptonians diarrhea? Is it enough to explode the toilet or will it explode the entire plumbing system?

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Anonymous writes...

Were Dick and Zee still a couple in Young Justice Legacy?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Has lady Shiva ever replicated orphan’s training with anyone else or was she the only the subject?
2 was lady Shiva punished after her failure to get the justice league data and capture orphan?
3 does lady Shiva ever consider becoming head of the shadows or is she not interested in that kind of stuff?
4 has the league of shadows put a bounty on shade’s head like cheshire?

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Melmoth writes...

Firstly, loved season 4. Especially Zatanna's arc.

I was very interested to see a little more about the Lords of Order and Chaos this season, and impressed by how Vandal essentially trapped the Chaos Lords by bringing up Darkseid.

Regarding the Lords, we see that they require an anchor to the physical world to affect it. Nabu has his helmet and possesses a host, whilst Klarion and Child have familiars.

1.) I was curious whether this is a pattern amongst the Lords. We've seen Klarion can choose an anchor when he's desperate. Are there those who align with Order that opt for a familiar instead?

2.) Klarion notes that the familiar chooses him, implying a mutual bond. He certainly seems attached to the idea of a cat as his familiar. Child on the other hand appears to act more strategically, choosing a diamond as her familiar. Is this a matter of preference? Klarion preferring a mutual bond with a living creature whilst Child was more practical in creating a diamond golem. Or do the Lords have different vessels suitable to their manifestation?

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Cassidy Layden writes...

LaYou Greg made many young justice fans vary angry at you by having Garfield believe he causes Superboy to die which led Garfield to have Mentha health problems and instead of the other outsides getting black canary come help him instead they wanted Garfield to go on missions with them and this was led to Garfield breakup with Perdita when she arrives at the hub and then you show Superboy was not dead, So Garfield lost Peridia for a false reason. This is why so many fans are mad a at you MR. Greg.

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Caleb writes...

Hello, Greg! Some questions about the YJ character countback, organized roughly from least to most spoilery.

1. Are Flex Mentallo and Brother Power's appearances on the comic Jaime is reading in 305 Away Mission?
2. Are they fictional in the context of Earth-16?
3. I can't find any reference to Bgztlqwar anywhere online. Is he/she/they/it an invention of the show?
4. Was Branwilla Kilowog's predecessor in the Green Lantern Corps?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear MR Wiesman 1. Does Harper Row work as an electrician at the H.H.D.W.P. like her comic couterpart did and does she also wear a baseball cap both at work and on occasion when not at work ? 2. what do Mr and Mrs Morzz do for a living on Mars? 3. When was the yellow martian order first founded ?

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Suzie writes...

Did M'gann know that Dick was going to seek Conner's help in the 1st episode of season 3? Was she upset because she didn't want to get Conner involved in the Anti-Light business and felt guilt she was keeping him in the dark?

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Ryan Leger writes...

What's season 5 gonna be called? "Young Justice: Targets", "Young Justice: Doomsday", "Young Justice: Unjustified", "Young Justice: Unjust", "Young Justice: Justified", "Young Justice: Injustice", "Young Justice: Regime", "Young Justice: Insurgency", "Young Justice: Legion", "Young Justice: Bloodlines", "Young Justice: DarkSide", "Young Justice: WarWorld", "Young Justice: Darkness" or "Young Justice: Apocalypse"?

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Ryan Leger writes...

How does human Kryptonian mix breeding work? Superboy/Conner can't fly and doesn't have heat vision yet Superman/Clark's son, Jonny Kent can fly? Does human DNA suppress the same Kryptonian powers or just a random pair?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Can Superman fly/breath in space?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Can Superman fly/breath space?

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Anonymous writes...

Can Victor Stone/Cyborg fly using his jet repulsors?

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Duy Tano writes...

I would like to invite you to my small but growing (2600 subscribers at the moment) YouTube channel, The Comics Cube, in which I interview a variety of comics creators. With Gargoyles coming back in comics form, I think it would be truly insightful to discuss. I've also interviewed some animation creators such as Dan Riba, Rob Pratt, Geoff Thorne, and Josie Campbell. Also, I'm a huge Gargoyles fan!


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Elan Ceres writes...

Why Greg did you choose to have as part of young justice comic targets story to have Garfield to still have video messages from Perdita on his phone to look at when Garfield is waiting at hub go with the other outsiders to rescue Perdita if you had no plan for Garfield and Perdita to back together as a couple again after the heroes rescue Perdita?

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Jan Rott writes...

Hello and sorry,
I miscalculated something for this question [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=28825]. On Avalon, six months would be roughly twelve years. According to you, if Ophelia laid an egg in 2008, and gargoyles carry the eggs in their bodies for six months before laying them, she would have been pregnant roughly since late 1995, early 1996.
If it is to remain that Ophelia and possibly other female gargoyles of the Avalon clan laid eggs in 2008, were they pregnant shortly before or after the archmage's attack?

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Jan Rott writes...

In that old answer [https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=1627] they meant that Ophelia would lay an egg in 2008. But the gargoyles are supposed to carry the eggs for six months before they lay it. Since six months on Avalon is roughly 14 years, she must have been pregnant since 1993 or 94. This means that she and possibly the other females were at risk during the Archmage's attack.
Should it stay with this setting or will something change?

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg,

I realize that you might be getting sick of clothing questions, but I've been wondering about this one for a while.

1. How do the Gargoyles acquire clothing in the clans who have appeared so far?

2. Does each clan have a different system for obtaining and/or making clothes? If so, what are they?

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Kyle JR writes...

Why didn't Peridia not offer Garfield to restart dating each other after Garfield help save her from the kidnappers?

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Arthur Blake writes...

Why was Garfield to scared to call Perdita to apologize to her for breaking up with her and ask her to get back with him in a relationship shortly after he begin concealing meetings with black Canary?

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Ukueberuwa writes...

During the time between young justice phantoms and young justice targets Why didn't beast boy not blame the outsiders and black canary for the loss of his dating couple relationship with Perdita and only blame himself for the breakup?

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Roberto Gualtieri writes...

After young justice season 4 phantoms and before young justice comic targets events why did Tara not tell Perdita that Garfield regrets breakup with Perdita and missing Perdita?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Even though the Earth-16 version of Damian Wayne does NOT have his last name confirmed yet in-universe, I'm going to make an educated guess on his family tree. Please correct me if any of the following below are incorrect.

#1. Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul are Damian's parents.

#2. Kate Kane, Beth Kane (Kate's twin sister), and Bette Kane are Damian's first cousins, once removed.*

#3. Kate's and Beth's parents (Jacob and Gabrielle Kane) and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed parents are Damian's great-uncles and great-aunts.*

#4. Ra's al Ghul and Melisande are Damian's maternal grandparents.

#5. Thomas and Martha Wayne are Damian's paternal grandparents.

*Would Damian's relationships with these family members be considered paternal from his point-of-view?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Is Jane Nassour's maiden name Nelson?

#2. If the answer to question #1 is true, then what are the names of Kent Nelson's brother and sister-in-law?

#3. Is Khalid Nassour's full name "Khalid Kent Nassour," like in the comics ("Doctor Fate: The Blood Price")?

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Roland writes...

If Queen Perdita could use zeta tubes to travel before conner and M'gann and Garfield travel to mars for conner and M'gann mars wedding, then why did Perdita not use zeta tubes to go Hub to visit Garfield first week or second week after Garfield return to earth on a day she was down all her queen duties for that day?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Dick and Zatanna break up in 2013?

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Sorted writes...

Why didn't Garfield ask Perdita to restart their dating relationship after she was reuse from her kidnapers by the heroes and i if he did why did she refuse?

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Sunak writes...

Alot of young justice fans believe if season 5 was made
season 5 events would happen in 2030 when Superboy does his thing that inspire the formation of legion of superheroes in 31 century and in the last scene the episode bloodlines happy harbor is still a wasteland in 2056 and this remines fans of injustice comic superboy falls to shield beast boy from a nuclear expulsion and these young justice fans don't want a season 5 because the young justice fans believe you will kill beast boy off in young justice season 5. So, what is your response to the young justice fans about this?

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Danny writes...

I'm really fascinated by the ever-shifting geopolitics on display with Qurac and Bialya throughout the series; it's something you almost never get to see in superhero media and really adds to how lived-in the you and your creative team have built world feels, which is by far one of my favourite aspects of the show.

That all being said, I still have a few questions about it:

1) When did Queen Bee become the Queen of Bialya?

2) When was Rumaan Harjavti elected to serve as President of Qurac?

3) When was Rumaan assassinated?

4) When did Ali become a bodyguard for the Harjavti family?

5) Has Ali been given a surname and if so, what is it?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Steel (John Henry Irons), is his origin story (especially his past as a brilliant weapons engineer) and his reasons for becoming a hero (especially if Superman inspired him in some way) the same as his mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) counterpart? If not, then what are the key differences in John Henry Irons' history between the mainstream DC Universe (Earth-0) and the Young Justice animated universe (Earth-16)?

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Delon writes...

Did Garfield Logan did date queen Perdita in the history that Bart grew up knowing before Bart (Impulse) went back into time to 2016 and if so, did Garfield breakup with Perdita in that version of history that Impulse grew up knowing before he travels back in tine in episode bloodlines?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE OR FALSE? The Earth-16 versions of Kate Kane's parents

#1. The names of Kate Kane's parents are Jacob Kane and Gabrielle Kane.

#2. Jacob Kane's nickname is "Jake" and Gabrielle Kane's nickname is "Gabi."

#3. Kate Kane's parents are soldiers in the United States Army.

#4. Jacob Kane is a member of the 3rd Special Forces Group.

#5. Gabrielle Kane is a member of the 525th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade.

#6. Jacob and Gabrielle Kane are Bruce Wayne's maternal uncle and aunt; respectively.

#7. Jacob and Gabrielle Kane are Bette Kane's paternal uncle and aunt; respectively.

#8. Gabrielle Kane (along with Kate's twin sister, Elizabeth "Beth" Kane) tragically died in a hostage situation when Kate was 12 years old; like in the comics.

#9. After the deaths of his Gabrielle and Beth, Jacob raised Kate all by himself.

#10. Jacob Kane never liked Thomas Wayne and blamed Thomas post-mortem for Martha's death; like in the comics (as depicted in the funeral flashback in "Detective Comics" issue #939).

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Anonymous writes...

If the Earth-16 version of Bette Kane does not become Flamebird or Hawkfire (like in the comics), then what are the chances that she could become Batgirl (considering no one has taken on the mantle in the Earth-16 universe ever since Barbara Gordon was paralyzed and became Oracle)?

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Elijah writes...

After Garfield return to earth from mars Why didn't the time traveler Bart Allen not tell Garfield logan that conner was not dead before Perdita came visit Garfield at the hub?

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Robert Martin writes...

What would you say to me wanting to reboot the gargoyles with a prequel and a basic first seaaon movie? Kind of like the newer star trek in a sense.

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Kate Bowen writes...

Why you Greg make the choice that as part of the young justice story that Garfield and Perdita would date one another if you intended to have couple dating relationship to end cause by Garfield wrong believing he cause Superboy die to only to show that conner was in the phantoms zone?

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Caviezel writes...

Why did you decide the young justice adult Garfield logan will be singe just like his adult dc comic version is?

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Mr. Ricky Bobby The Third writes...

What you Greg Weisman think about the young justice fans are upset with you to have as part of the plot of young justice phantoms to have beast boy believe he cause superboy to die on mars and that make beast boy to have depression problems which cause beast boy to break Perdita's heart to only show later in in phantoms conner is not dead later have Conner and m'gann get back together in the end of the season 4 but Perdita and beast boy do not get back to together at end of young justice phantoms season nor have beast and Perdita get back together in a dating relationship at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets?

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Anonymous writes...

Is Juan Cordero supposed to be the Earth-16 equivalent of John Corben, OR does John Corben also exists in the Earth-16 universe but has NOT yet become Metallo?

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Mikayla writes...

Mr. Greg why did you choose to make the young justice comic story targets?

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Troy writes...

Greg why did HBOMAX choose to not renew young justice for season 5?

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Anonymous writes...

What DOES it mean in the logline of young justice comic targets issue 6 that issue 6 has a hear wrenching ending despite Perdita is recued at the end?

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tom writes...

in image after queen bee left did mgann get a chance to talk to garfield (did he wake up)

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Glassford Crossfield writes...

What do I have to do to get you on my podcast?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I've read through all 6 issues of "Young Justice: Targets." Thank you for giving us this series. I hope that more "Young Justice" stories come out in comics at some point in the near future... since... you know... until Season 5 comes out...

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Ashton writes...

Do you plan on making Young Justice season five in comic form if you don’t get another season? I’ve been a huge fan of the show and I want to see how it continues.

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Verdragon writes...

Was casting Yuri Lowenthal as Icicle Jr. in any way influenced by him voicing Iceman in Wolverine and the X-Men a year prior to Young Justice, or was it just sheer coincidence?

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Juan writes...

If a member of the Third race is in the basking in gluttony and they accidentally eat or take a bite of something with iron.Do they die instantly or get sick?

Congratulations on getting Gargoyles to continue in comic book form I can't wait!!!!I miss these characters.

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JTS writes...

This is a Gargoyles question I have been thinking about asking for years and in light of its upcoming return (which I will be buying as a matter of urgency) feels appropriate to ask now:

The vast majority of human style magic (aka the sort we see used by mortal practitioners such as the Magus, the Archmage & ironically enough Demona) is described as requiring training to perform; the Magus mentions his training and Demona serves as the Arch age's apprentice. At one point Xanatos directly dismisses the idea of trying to use the Grimorrum to counter Demona because he is not a trained sorcerer himself, which to me at least, suggests merely having the spellbook and speaking the words are not enough to produce magic.

I am therefore writing to ask if there is any set in-universe list of things any would be sorcerer needs to learn before those words have real power (if its a spoiler to say what that list is that's fine, I'm just curious if there is one)?

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Anonymous writes...

Is klarion's and child's relationship the worst among all of the relationships between chaos lords?

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Anonymous writes...

In young justice universe did beast boy knew superman is Clark Kent before beast boy join the team or by the time of season 2 or season 3?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Have Superman and Supergirl met before?

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Pedro writes...

If Cassandra Savage is Earth-16's adaptation of Scandal, does that mean that her mother is Brazilian like in the comics? If so, naming her Cassandra makes a lot of sense, since this name does exist in Portuguese language.

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr Weisman Look I know that Nightwing and Zatanna are together, I see the signs but could you give us a clue they broke up in the first place, it's ok if you can't answer just want to know

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Verdragon writes...

Both in and out of universe, what was the reason for the Terror Twins' design change, namely why did Tommy go from looking like Superboy to having the physique of Bane or Mammoth? It's a pretty radical change, especially when compared to Tuppence, who mostly just lost the ponytail, so I'm curious as to why you decided on it.

Also, are the Terror Twins Metahumans (In the sense that they have active Metagenes)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I came across this link on the internet provided here below.


Aside from all the Kryptonians that have already been mentioned/seen on "Young Justice," I want to know first which Kryptonians from the House of El, House of Van, and House of Ze mentioned in the link above also exist in the Earth-16 universe; even though they have been mentioned/seen yet? Secondly, after you are able to confirm which members do exist in Earth-16 universe, I want to know what are each Kryptonian's relationship to Kal-El, Kara Zor-El, and Kru-El; that means in terms of paternal and maternal relationships? The reason I am asking these questions to you because I am trying to figure out the Kryptonian family tree in the Earth-16 universe; in comparison to other versions in the DC Comics multiverse.

Thank you for taking the time to answering my questions whenever you can and to the best of your ability. :)

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Anonymous writes...

Does the league of shadows have other special positions like sensei of the shadows?

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Megatron writes...

1) There are other canon adjacent products set in earth-16 aside from DC showcase Green Arrow, Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Catwoman: Hunnted?
2) If yes and if it's possible to know, which ones?
3) Are the Green Lantern: The Animated Series tie-in comics canon adjacent too?
4) What is the timeframe where is the storyline of Catwoman: Hunted set? (Year/Month/Day-Year/Month/Day)
Thx for your future answer.

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Verdragon writes...

Was there any pushback to you changing the ending of the Judas Contract when adapting it during Outsiders, or was everyone pretty much on board with doing a new spin on the storyline? I personally think what you did with Tara and Brion was brilliant, and that scene in Nevermore is probably my favorite in the entire series.

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Anonymous writes...

Can you describe what M'gann's "bad days" were like in season 4 after she got back to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Catwoman: Hunted" is canon-adjacent in the Earth-16 universe...

#1. How old is Julia Pennyworth as of 2020?

#2. How old is Catwoman/Selina Kyle as of 2020?

#3. Do Batman and his proteges know who Julia Pennyworth is and that she is Alfred's daughter?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Young Justice: Targets" finally introduced Merlyn to the Earth-16 universe...

#1. What year was he born?

#2. What year did he became an assassin?

#3. Is his real name Arthur King or Malcolm Merlyn?

#4. Has he ever been identified as the Dark Archer?

#5. When did he first encountered Oliver Queen/Green Arrow?

#6. When were the exact dates of the 16 duels that he won against Green Arrow?

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Parker writes...

During Season 1, where did Kaldur live? From what we got in “Downtime”, he clearly wasn’t living in Atlantis. It was never mentioned that he lived in the cave. In “Welcome to Happy Harbor” M’gann only mentioned herself and Superboy as living there.

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Dee Wayne writes...

Why did the person seen the google glass to Perdida in episode nightmare monkeys in young justice outsiders and if was because the person wants her to put the google glass on then why did the person what Perdida put google glasses on?

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Newton writes...

Before the breakup How did Green Arrow feel about the fact Garfield and Perdita were dating?

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Sam writes...

Why did queen Perdita go to conner and m'gann's wedding without her bodyguards in the last episode of young justice phantoms? Why was she allowed to go to the wedding without her bodyguards?

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Notforprofit writes...

Is Cadmus a 501c3 on Earth-16? Though we know a lot of their work behind the scenes is anything but charitable, on the surface it seems like they could easily portray themselves as dedicated to the advancement of science or education, as the IRS defines it.

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Emily The Disney Fan writes...

Hello again Mr. Weisman! Nice to see you're allowing questions to be asked again! And let me just start by saying that I Think Your Stuff is Great, Always Did! And I Can't wait to see the New Gargoyles Comics that are Coming out!

And Now here's my new Question if you don't mind

Since John Castaway is Really Jon Canmore and He KNOWS that Xanatos Brought Goliath and his Clan to to New York to Begin with, is it safe to say that Castaway Finds Xanatos Responsible for the labeled "Gargoyle Problem" of New York?

And if So, is it also safe to say that If Castaway Did somehow succeed in Destroying the Manhattan Clan, he would go after Xanatos for Bringing them to New York?

If the Question's considered a Spoiler, it's Not Intended!

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Sam Imed writes...

Now that James Gunn is at the helm of DC studios, can you negotiate a renewal for Young Justice? Please do at least one more season to cover the Earth vs Apokolips arc you have been building towards. I'm sure a like minded creative like James Gunn will see the prospects of this renewal. Please.

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Anonymous writes...

The Mars arc speech seemed to be loosely inspired by the civil rights movement and the I Have a Dream speech. Is that the case? I’d love your take on these lesser known MLK quotes -

~ Most whites in America, even those of goodwill, proceed from the premise that equality is a loose expression for improvement. White America is not even psychologically organized to close the gap â€" essentially, it seeks only to make it less painful and less obvious but in most respects retain it.~

~ Our white liberal friends cried out in horror and dismay: ‘You are creating hatred and hostility in the white communities in which you are marching. You are only developing a white backlash,’” he wrote. “As long as the struggle was down in Alabama and Mississippi, they could look afar and think about it and say how terrible people are. When they discovered brotherhood had to be a reality in Chicago and that brotherhood extended to next door, then those latent hostilities came out.~

Basically, he’s talking about the hypocrisy of performative white liberals who welcomed his easily digestible messages of peace but turned hostile when he pointed out the racism within themselves and their communities. He has written that this type of white is more dangerous than the overtly hateful ones, because they dilute his message and offer nothing but empty words. I think it’s similar to what people are trying and failing to explain to you when it comes to the way you’ve portrayed certain minority groups in this show.


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Ryan Leger writes...

What are the odds of Disney+ reviving Gargoyles or The Spectacular SpiderMan?

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Brent writes...

Behind Superman, is Superboy the strongest hero in terms of physical strength after Season 2?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman You have sead in the past that Green lantern tas is Young justice adjacent so i would like to ask the fallowing questions 1. Is Carol Farris C. e. o. of Ferris Aircraft like in the comics and Green lantern cartoon and does she occasionally wear a baseball cap or newsgirl cap both at work and during any informal events when she isn't busy at her second job? (In pink with a ring if you know what i mean) 2. How old is Mogo and how long has he been a Green lantern? 3.is the Anti monitor dead in universe 16?

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Ryan Leger writes...

Is Black Adam's origin story the same as in the comics? Does he posses SHAZAM powers like Strength of Hercules, Stamina of Atlas, Power of Zeus, Courage of Achilles & Speed of Mercury?

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of episode Image but before queen bee killed marie logan how many times did miss martian visit the logans?

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Verdragon writes...

If Disney approached you about doing a reboot of Gargoyles based on your original more comedic pitch for the series, albeit this time retaining some more serious elements to bring it more in line with Disney's current animated shows like Amphibia and the Owl House, would you do it?

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Anonymous writes...

What means of travel did garfield logan use to travel to the location were doom patrol members die? What means of travel did garfield logan use to travel to go visit m'gann during the years when Rita Farr was a member of the doom patrol ?

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Anonymous writes...

Are Phantom Stranger or Khalid even told Zatanna the cost of her love proposal that indirectly causing massive casualties on the whole Earth. It's look like could be a great explore of Zatanna guilts altough I could see Phantom Stranger want to maintain Zatanna good fighting spirit by keeping it secret and not make her drown in guilt feelings

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Anonymous writes...

1 When choosing a new member of the light besides having a large sphere of influence are there any specific qualifications for them to join the light?
2 Has there ever been a time when multiple candidates for vacant light seat were considered?

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Anonymous writes...

Is black manta considered an enemy now to the light after the damage his son did during the summit?

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JanRott writes...

Hello, I once asked which Japanese island Ishimura is on and you said you didn't know. After thorough research, it should be Honshu. Yama was able to get to Tokyo after his exile. Vinnie Grigori also wanted to get to Ishimura from Tokyo. Vinnie got his plane ticket from Taro, didn't he? Does it also mean that Ishimura is close to Tokyo? Do you agree or do you think differently?

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Days writes...

Hi Greg! I was wondering if ya thought about expanded the YJ universe in different ways, such as tie in audio stories like Batman Unburied on Spotify or like a movie? Thank you and I hope ya is doing well!

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Wade writes...

1. Did the group Justice Experience exist during the 70’s on Earth 16?

2. Did the original 7 members of the Justice League knew each other secret ids shortly after fighting the alien invasion?

3. Was Lex Luther born from money or was he a self-made man on Earth 16?

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Aj writes...

Hey Greg I have a few questions

1. Can Blue devil cast spells like zatanna and other magic users?

2. If he can what language does he say it in?

3. What were Rose Psychic powers

4. Would transgender woman be welcome on themyscira?

5. Every season has a "big bad villain(s)" that furthers the overall story to the fight between earth and apokolips was there one during the 5 year time skip? not including brainiac

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Small Hope? writes...

So I get that it's a complicated mess as to who owns the rights to the Spectacular Spider-Man tv show, so I understand if you are unable to answer this - but given the fact the first season is now on Disney Plus could fans take it as a sign Disney now outright owns the series? I suppose it could be an expansion upon the agreement that allowed Spidey to be in the MCU, but at the same time there still aren't any stand alone Hulk movies on the service. So, small hope for season 3, or am I reading too much into it?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, were females fated to marry men that were deemed genetically fit to carry their offspring? If true, would that be considered the Kryptonian equivalent of an arranged marriage on Earth?

2. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was the House of Zod considered to be a prominent Kryptonian family that was closely linked to the Kryptonian military?

3. In the Earth-16 version of Krypton, was the House of El considered to be one of the noble ruling families on the planet?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,

When responding to criticism on representation of minorities on Young Justice, I have seen you repeatedly say that you should be able to do whatever you want. But do you understand that your content does not exist in a vacuum? Media is an incredibly powerful tool to spread propaganda and stereotypes that lead to real world consequences that affect real life minorities - that’s why we get so upset about it. Some examples: vilification of Arabs and Muslims in media and news has desensitized Westerners to killing thousands of innocents in the Middle East, associating immigrants with crime leads to people voting for candidates with more extreme positions against them, and the widespread belief that bisexuals are promiscuous and unfaithful makes them the most vulnerable group to domestic violence. All three of these stereotypes have played a part in your show. It is not something writers do on purpose, this is how implicit bias works, but I find your responses over the years troubling to say the least. At the end of the day, you’re not the one who has to deal with those real world consequences, so you may have trouble seeing the connections. I think it’s okay to say you don’t understand where someone is coming from because your life experiences are so different. The way you’ve been behaving makes me very sad because I used to admire you, but I can no longer support the content you make.

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Greg, I gotta say the spectacular Spider-Man was my favorite and probably only animated series. My question is while writing the episode where Peter is exposed as spidy but then able to cover it up, did you thought about having each character in the show finding out his secret in their own or were you thinking about doing a big reveal leading to the last episode of the series had it continue going towards five seasons or were you just going to keep his identity a secret.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Why didn't Bart Allen return to the year 2056 at the end of Phantoms? The reason he didn't return in Invasion was because his time machine didn't work. He just missed an opportunity by hitching a ride with the Legion of Super-Heroes in their Time-Sphere.

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Ryan Leger writes...

Was Darkseid's uncle, Steppenwolf the other tyrant who ousted Mongul from his dictatorship on his home planet, Warworld?

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Anonymous writes...


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anonymous writes...

When we get shots of Chaos Lords and Lords of Order in their true form on screen, they are obviously all different sizes, with some being drastically bigger and/or smaller than others. Why so?

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Anonymous writes...

did you know that in islam the soul can’t be free until the body is buried, so halo’s very existence is a grossly disrespectful violation of “gabrielle’s” body and there’s no way her family would be okay with it? of course you didn’t lol you couldn’t even do the bare minimum of giving her a muslim or even just an arabic name lmfao. and i know you think that’s not a big deal but if you knew anything about muslims you’d know that our names are a very important part of our cultures. idk maybe try talking to more than one singular brown person before making a character next time?

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Eds17 writes...

Does Zatanna's magically gifted cousin, Zackary Zatara, exist in YJ? I think he would be an interesting addition to Zatanna's Sentinels of Magic?

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Eds17 writes...

Did Zatanna's mother have any magical connections? Why did you portray her as a mundane humanity?

In the comics, her mother was a homo-magi and it was implied she was much more powerful than her husband, Zatara. I think this would have been an interesting storyline with Zatanna finding out her mother had 'secrets'.

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Wade writes...

1. Since the power rings on Earth-16 have no weakness to wood or yellow how do supervillains fight Green Lanterns?

2. Did the JSA fight street crime or did they mainly fight Nazis?

3. Did the Axis Powers use mystic items like the Spear of Destiny to prevent the JSA from ending the War early or did they have they own super-agents to keep the war more or less even instead?

4. What was the JSA headquarters location was it different from the All-Star Squardon headquarters location?

5. Did Ra’s Al Ghul came up with ideas for members of the Light or did Vandal Savage already had his list when he talked to Ra’s?

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Anonymous writes...

When Garfield lived with Rita Farr in 2011 did Garfield Logan attended a school? This is before his skin turn green in 2012 of young justice timeline.

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Anonymous writes...

1. In YJ, how do figure out WHEN you’re going to introduce a character to the show (not asking for an exact science). For example, since Arrowette, Wonder Girl, and Robin are all roughly the same age, how did you decide that Arrowette would be introduced in Season 3 while Robin and Wonder Girl would be introduced in season 2?
2. Did you ever consider not doing a time travel story in season 2 and simply having the heroes defeat the Reach the first time around without help from Bart?
3. If DC ever gives you the chance to write more comics, would you consider telling more stories that happened in between the seasons, or would you prefer to progress the storyline further?

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Anonymous writes...

Did beast boy ever serve as miss martian's sidekick when ritia farr was alive or when GarfieldLIVE AT THE CAVE?

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Dug writes...

Why did you have Garfield lOGAN fall in love with peridia if you did not intend for them stay together in relationship for rest of the young justice story line?

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Wolfman writes...

What is the place that Garfield stays at when Garfield stays Miss Martian when Rita Farr does not let Garfield to go on doom patrol missions?

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MASON writes...

Are the White martians the ancestors of CHAMELEON BOY'S
race in young justice universe?

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Luc writes...

Why did you Mr Greg decide to end Garfield and Perdita relationship?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, is Seyg-El the father of Jor-El and Zor-El, and the paternal grandfather of Kal-El and Kara Zor-El?

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Anonymous writes...

Does any martian animal species have longer lifespans than humans?

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Anita Stoltenberg writes...

This after Garfield learn to shapeshift into animals. During the times when Gaffield was visiting M'gann why didn't M'gann not let Garfield go on missions with her on the team when Rita did not let Garfield logan go on missions with the doom patrol?

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Owen writes...

Why didn't M'gann offer Garfield to join the team after Garfield learning to control his power to change into animals and if she did offer why didn't Rita not allow it, or not trust miss martian with Garfield's safety?

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Paul writes...

Hi, Greg!

Since Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of Themiscyra, and Wonder Woman does not appear to have aged (at least not very much) over time in Young Justice (across the four seasons of the show), I have to wonder if the Amazons age very slowly physically (or do not physically age at all), even when they are away from Themiscyra. This leads me to my first question.

1) Given that Troia may be ageing slowly (or not at all), and that she is biologically 20 years old in season 3 in Team Year Nine, was she ALSO biologically 20 years old when she joined the Team in Team Year Two?

2) Another quick question. We have not seen Troia and Cassie interact in Young Justice, but would you please be able to confirm what kind of relationship they have -- do they get along? (I'm not looking for a detailed answer here as I know that that would be too spoilery.)

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Anonymous writes...

Why does queen peridia have a scare on her neck in young justice season 4 and in young justice comic book targets?

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Yojimbo writes...

Regarding Young Justice: Targets #5

1. How old is Juan Cordero?

2. When did Juan Cordero find out he was a metahuman?

3. When did Lex Luthor find Juan Cordero's mother a job at Lexcorp and put his sisters in the best schools?

4. When did Lex Luthor show Juan Cordero Match?

5. When did Juan Cordero volunteer himself to Lex Luthor, right after the events of the UN press conference on February 17 Team Year Nine or later in Team Year Nine?

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Anonymous writes...

PREDICTION: The Earth-16 version of Terrence "Terry" McGinnis will likely exist as a result of the Light's attempt to create a clone of Bruce Wayne; however, an exact clone will NOT work because it will have Bruce's psychological trauma that stems from witnessing the death of his parents. As such, the Earth-16 version of Terry will likely be a partial clone/half-clone of Bruce Wayne.

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Joice writes...

What do you MR GREG say about the fans viewing Garfield losing his girlfriend peridia do to depression believing he (Garfield) cause Superboy to die on mars and not letting Garfield get back with his girlfriend Perdita in the issue 6 comic series targets is not fair to Garfield?

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BatFan2099 writes...

How old is Razer in Young Justice: Phantoms?

I heard somewhere he was (his species equivalent of) 19-years-old in GL:TAS, but it that true with Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

With the Gargoyles comics coming back, are the new comics considered to be your Season 4?

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AJ writes...

Hey Greg, i have few questions about tula, rocket, and bumblebee.

1. Is she black? i know she would be technically consider an atlantean but Aqualad is too but he is clearly black.She is also voice by a black woman, i know that doesn't mean much but most times in young justice you have black va voicing black characters.

2. Did she did her hero name from aqualad or was he the inspiration?

3. Have you ever thought about giving rocket additions powers besides flight and creating force bubbles?

4. How did bumblebee meet atom?

5. If rocket belt breaks or malfunctions is there another one on Icons spaceship or does he know how to fix it?

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

In the Kaldur arc of Young Justice: Phantoms, do you consider the fake Arion to be a clone of the real one with Ocean Master's memories, or the consciousness of the real Ocean Master in a clone of Arion's body?

I ask because their are different interpretations on different sites: Young Justice Wiki says the former, TV Tropes says the latter. I would just like to set the record straight.

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Lieutinant Whoareyou writes...

I have always loved your view of "canon adjacent" material to Young Justice: things like Catwoman: Hunted and, especially, Green Lantern: TAS.

Are their any other canon adjacent stuff to Young Justice that you could tell us about, or is that either spoilers or just something that happens depending on the current plot?

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Tom writes...

Are their hundreds or thousands or millions of active meta gene metahumans on earth by the time of young justice season 4?

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Heather Kadin writes...

Greg did you plan for Garfield would be single like his dc comic version instead of Garfield's relationship with Perdita not in a breakup or Garfield and Perdita getting back together in comic story targets?

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Russel Mirasty writes...

Before queen peridia came to see Garfield at the hub to see Garfield why Tara didn't tell black canary about Garfield's behavior at the hub since return to earth because Tara should have known what was wrong with Garfield because Tara lost loved ones too?
Sometime after Superboy and Miss Martian's wedding why didn't Tara not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another change to be with Perdita because Tara knew Garfield still love Perdita and didn't mean to say those things to Perdita that broke Perdita heart and might know what happen to Garfield on mars by the time of the wedding on earth?

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Daniel writes...

Why does Garfield choose to lead the outsiders again after the outsiders's actions of not getting black canary to help him with his mental health issues witch lead to Garfield to lose his relationship with Perdita?

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Kenichi Yoshizumi writes...

Greg why did you decide that Garfield would still have Perdita's messages on his phone by the time he is about to go with the other outsiders to rescue in comic book story if you Greg did not intend for Garfield and peridia in a dating relationship by end of issue 6 of young justice comic book story targets?

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CLARK JONES writes...


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Madason writes...

In justice comic story targets does beast boy choose keep queen Perdita's video messages to Garfield logan on Garfield's phone by the time of the beginning of outsiders' mission at hub to begin the rescue of Perdita because he hopes to get back together with peridia some day in a dating relationship in the future and if not, then why does beast boy still have her video messages on his phone as the outsiders are about to leave the outsiders base call the Hub to recue Perdita in young justice come story targets?

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@Garfield and Perdita Fan: Please Stop writes...

Please stop asking so many questions about Garfield and Perdita. Everyone can tell it’s just one person asking about them constantly (yes, even though you keep changing your name). They’re not getting back together no matter how many questions you ask. Clinging onto dead relationships is unhealthy, especially when they’re not yours. Their FICTIONAL relationship is over, move on. You’re one of the reasons why Greg has taken a break from answering questions. Do you think he wants to answer NINE questions about them in a row? Move on.

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bird boy writes...

Why was decide as part of the plot of young justice story that Garfield logan would remain single and not let Garfield get back together with peridia at the end of young justice comic targets story?

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tom writes...

why did m'gann's green martian sister go back to mars after the end of season 4 of young justice?

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lacus troy writes...

Why does Garfield Logan not blame at conner for his loss of his relationship with peridia because if conner had got recharge with yellow sone light like Garfield told he should on mars conner may not ended up in phamotom zone and Garfield would not become depressed believing Garfield cause conner to die?

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Bob writes...

By the end of young justice phantoms why did Garfield still viewed the outsiders as his friends after they did not get black canary to help Garfield with his depression problems before Perdita arrived at the hub to see Garfield?

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Sears writes...

Why was it part of the plan of young justice story that Garfield to lose his relationship with queen peridia over his depression believing he cause conner's death even though conner was not death was reunited with m'gann at the end young justice season 4?

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Gizbert writes...

Greg how do you fell about the fans of young justice not liking that you and staff had as part of the young justice story to have Garfield and Perdida breakup in young justice phantoms and not get back together in young justice come story targets?

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g i joe fan writes...

If any of the outsiders or blue devil told black canary about Garfield behavior at the hub after return to earth from mars and got black Canary council Garfield before peridia came to see Garfield at the hub their break may not have happen, but the outsiders and blue devil did not try to get black canary to council before Perdita arrive at the hub so why does Garfield still view outsiders his friends by the end of young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

Why did superboy and m'gann think they should not try to convince Perdita to give Garfield another chance be with perditia after the breakup sometime after m'gann and conner's wedding?

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Jodey writes...

Why did beast boy still messages from Perdita on his phone at the beginning of young justice comic book story targets if beast boy did not believe he would get back together in a dating relationship with Perdita at some point in the future?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman before i ask my questions i want to apologize for a selling error in my previous post i meant to say newsgirl but forgot the s by mistake now for the questions 1. Who was Mary Bromfield's best friend during her time with the team ? 2. Did you ever consider Zehra Fazal for the role of Soranik Natu before giving the role to Vanessa Marshall instead? 3. IS the Song that Forager and P.f. (female Forager) sing to Jay Garrick on his Birthday traditional among Bug ''Hatchday'' songs or did they make it up on the spot?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1. How long has Trajectory served as second in command of the Infinitors and does she occasinally wear a baseball cap or new girl cap when not in costume or on duty? 2. Does Lizard John (i know his real name but John sounds more mature to me) have toxic bacteria in his mouth like a Komodo dragon or venom like a Gila Monster ?

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Clark Cradic writes...

What episode script was the most fun writing?

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Sudeikis writes...

Why did Garfield still view outsiders as his at the end of young justice season 4 after the outsiders didn't black canary to help Garfield with his problems before Perdita came to see Garfield at the hub early on in the fourth season?

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Fitton writes...

Greg why is part of the plan for the story of young justice Garfield to fall in love with peridia if you had not plan for Garfield to married Perdita but instead have them breakup and not get back together late on in the story of young justice?

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GT writes...

Hey Greg,

I was wondering if you and the rest of the Young Justice crew were open to ideas for new characters for the next season.
If you are, I actually have some ideas if you are interested.

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Saul writes...

Why did m'gann and conner not try convince queen Perdita to give Garfield a second chance to be with Perdita after conner learn of the breakup of Garfield and Perdita or sometime after conner and m'gann's wedding on earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Superboy feel responsible for Garfield and Perdita breakup after he hear of it and if not why not?

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Hawke writes...

Hello Mr Weisman,
I hope you have been having a good week.

First off I would like to thank you and your whole team for bringing Young Justice to life. YJ has been a huge bright spot in my life, especially in a time where there were not many bright spots to go around. I look forward to any more stories from Earth 16 we may get, in whatever form that may be.

As for my question, I was wondering if you have ever tossed around the idea of doing an Earth 16 guide book or art book? I find the behind the scenes of show making and design very fascinating, and it would be very cool for there to be a printed book where the fandom could get a look at the process that you and your team put in to create the show visually and story wise.

Thanks for taking the time to answer questions on here!

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg! Your stories/TV shows are super awesome :) They've inspired me to start writing in my own way again, even if it puts others off. It's a style that I feel comfortable with and, if people don't like, they don't have to read.

Thank you for inspiring me with your work! You're amazing ;)

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Anonymous writes...

Hi Mr. Greg,

Thank you for your work/contribution to the whole that is YJ! Have some questions as well as this is Ask Greg site-
1. Can you reveal what Impulse and Flash were saying speedtalking or at least what about funnel cakes (if Kid Flash was correct)?
1a. Does this hint to Kid Flash (Wally West) being about 1/5 Flash/Impulse's speed at the time of their conversation since he got about every fifth word?

2. Did the clone body of Arion have water breathing added by the Light since the original Arion's metagene was longevity? Or was he using his magic to survive?

3. Could Vandal Savage survive in the vacuum of space? Or would he pass out and then as soon as his body was exposed to oxygen he would awaken? Would it be the same if he was trapped submerged in water or would his body adapt and grow gills?

Thanks again!

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aj erjavec writes...

Hey Greg quick question about spectacular Spider-Man is spider Gwen had come out before your show would you have incorporated that into your version of Gwen Stacy because I think that has become the main inspiration for all future versions of the character

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Jessica writes...

Disregard my last question. Thank you

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Goodrow writes...

Question 1 Why Greg was it decided as part of the young justice story that Garfield would lose his relationship with Perdita over his depression believing Garfield caused conner to die when conner was not dead? Question 2 Why was it decided to have as part of young justice comic story targets story to have Garfield one of the heroes to rescue Perdita if you and your staff did not intend for Garfield to get back together in relationship with Queen Perdita at the end of issue 6 of young justice comic targets story target?

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Anonymous writes...

Is there an out-of-universe reason why a lot of Team members go inactive while many Justice Leaguers don’t? Off the top of my head characters former Team members like Troia, Garth, Karen, Mal, Freddy, Mary, etc have left the hero life, while only two Leaguers, Will and Orin, have left (and Orin later returned), even though the League was founded years earlier.

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Jessica writes...

If I give you my right arm will you give Puck his powers back???
So he doesn’t die locked in Owen in the 2198 timeline or whatever that was ? I will literally do anything for Puck to get his powers back. You don’t know what this means to me.

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Suzie writes...

After the season 4 finale of Young Justice...
1. Does Dru-Zod now see Superboy as his archenemy?
2. Does Ursa now see Miss Martian as her archenemy?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, did Kate Kane attended the United States Military Academy (also known metonymically as West Point or simply as Army) in West Point, New York? Also, during that time, was she in a secret romantic relationship with her roommate, Sophie Moore? Finally, was Kate expelled from the academy after she was anonymously outed as a lesbian?

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Anonymous writes...

Supermartian on the topic of kids/being parents

1. What would happen if M'gann and Conner had a child together? How would that work?
2. Would M'gann be able to give birth the typical way of human or a martian?
3. Can they even have kids since martian produce differently than humans?
4. Have they ever discussed having kids, wanting them or being parents themselves?
5. How would you see Conner and M'gann as parents?

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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman After Forager gave his high school graduation speech did Halio and Harper Row both through off there graduation hats while cheering and before congradulating him on his speech ?

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Anonymous writes...

I've got some questions about martian shapeshifiting, mostly how do their bodies adapt and can they function as normal humans and gain their qualities.

For example whenever, M'gann, J'onn or Em'ree are in their human forms, can they hear like a human? can they go to the toilet like a human? and more importantly for the females, can they get pregnant whilst in their human forms or not?

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Anonymous writes...

In YJ: Targets issue 4, Oliver’s hospital tag shows his date of birth, and from what I could pick up, it’s May 16th. Is that correct?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you’re having a good day and wouldn’t mind answering some questions?

1. How many Earth days was a year on Krypton before its destruction?
2. How many hours was a day on Krypton before its destruction?
3. How old was Rao when it exploded?
4. How many light-years was Krypton to Earth?
5. What was the population of Krypton before its destruction?
6. Are devourers originally from the Phantom Zone, or were they put in there?
7. Is the name of the Kryptonian language (the one spoken by Lor-Zod) called Kryptonese?
8. What type of god was Rao revered as?
9. Was the name of said religion Raoism?
10. When did Lois Lane and Clark Kent/Kal-El/Superman marry?
11. When did Lois find out Clark’s secret about him being Superman?

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Anonymous writes...

Considering that Kyle Rayner is the fourth human to become a Green Lantern in the comics, does that mean he is the fourth Green Lantern in the Earth-16 universe mentioned by Orin to have joined the Justice League in Season 4 of Young Justice; even though Kyle Rayner hasn't actually been mentioned by name yet?

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lillybug2253 writes...

Just want to start off by saying that I LOVE Young Justice. There was a time in my life where it helped me out of a dark place.

1.) So, according to a couple of articles online, HBO Max has NOT renewed for any more seasons... Does that mean that YJ has been cancelled again or will it be making it's way to a different platform?

2.) Are Eduardo and Bart canonically gay or is that just fan theory? I have read things where they are and other where people say they're not... I figured asking you directly would be best so there is no confusion.

3.) Have you ever read any of the YJ fanfiction?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. In the Earth-16 universe, does the Soultaker katana does exactly what it is named for; taking the souls of those that have been killed by it?

#2. How and when exactly did Lady Shiva learned about the Soultaker katana? Her conversation during her fight against Katana (Tatsu Yamashiro) implies that she wanted the weapon in her possession for a very long time.

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Connor Marlow writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman, long time fan of your work I just wanted to say first off.

My actual question is that since Gargoyles existed in all the other parts of the British isles, with Scotland seeming to have a particularly large number of clans, would the just as mountainous Wales have had a large Gargoyle population once with multiple clans living there? I just remember you saying Gargoyles preferred high cliffs and mountains and Wales sounded like it would have been a perfect place for a large Gargoyle population before humans got them.

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Tomi writes...

What do you think of Edgar Allan Poe?

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Ricardo writes...

Hey Greg, i know this doesn’t necessarily only apply to the YJ show as it also applies to the comics and to Marvel, but what is the Earth-16 in-universe explanation for how the Justice League/superheroes seem to have the technological capability of travelling interstellar distances across the Milky Way Galaxy but regular humans/Earth governments/space agencies seem to be in the same place technologically as we are in real life when it comes to space travel and exploration? i noticed that in the first episode of Season 4 we saw a glimpse of the Curiosity rover on Mars, which is actually what led me to ask this question. why aren’t there already human colonies on Mars or on other celestial bodies in the solar system or even outside the solar system when humanity on Earth-16 clearly seem to have the technology that would allow them to do so?

of course this is assuming that Earth’s governments and space agencies on Earth-16 are in the same position technologically as us in real life but if that’s genuinely the case, then why is that compared to the Justice League/superhero community?

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Anonymous writes...

To clarify, I’m not asking about specific dates.

1. Was Kaldur ever in the closet, or are sexualities other than heterosexuality considered so natural/accepted in Atlantean society that he was never in the closet at all when he was younger?
2a. Was Ed ever in the closet?
2b. Was Harper Rowe ever in the closet
3. For the character you can’t specify as gay, were they in the closet when they joined the team?
4. As you probably already know, Tim came out as bisexual in the comics, but I’m guessing that wasn’t part of your initial plan for him when you created the show. Do you consider Tim bi now on Earth-16 (since it also doesn’t affect his relationships with Cassie and Steph)?
5. Thank you for including diversity (LGBTQ and otherwise) into the show! Many of us really appreciate it!

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Garfield and Superman leave Mars and not stay to help investigate Superboy's death or at the least confront M'comm since at the time, everyone believed he was to blame for Superboy's death?

2. Was there any reasons for their departure?
3. How long did they stay on Mars before returning home to Earth?
4. Why did they not stay to further comfort M'gann in light of the fact she just lost her fiance?

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Paul writes...

1) Is Black Mary able to transform back into her normal human form (assuming that she has a choice and is not being prevented from doing so by others like Granny Goodness), or is she now stuck in this form?

2) Hypothetical question now so I imagine you might not answer, but I'll try anyway. If Black Mary were to transform back into Mary Bromfield and then say "Shazam!" *after* that, would Mary have a choice (or any control whatsoever) regarding whether she would end up in her Black Mary form or her white Sergeant Marvel form? Basically I'm asking whether Mary could choose (*by herself*) to take the white costume form over the black costume form, or vice versa.

(If the answer to question 2 is yes and Mary *could* make this decision somehow inherently, I imagine that there would possibly be criteria such as her state of mind (i.e. whether she intends to do good or do evil), but I don't want to get into her state of mind as I don't want to overcomplicate the above questions.)

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Is it more accurate to say that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are identified as paternal cousins OR paternal first cousins?

#2. Would Lois Lane be identified as Kara's paternal cousin-in-law?

#3. Would Jonny Kent be identified as Kara's paternal first cousin once removed?

#4. Would Kon-El be identified as Kara's paternal genetic cousin; given that Kon-El is the half-clone of Kal-El?

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Anonymous writes...

If Jor-El and Zor-El are truly Kru-El's paternal cousins in the Earth-16 universe, then would that mean that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El are Kru-El's paternal second cousins?

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Anonymous writes...


#1. Lara El's father, Lor-Van, is the maternal grandfather of Kal-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kara Zor-El.

#2. Alura El's father, In-Ze, is the maternal grandfather of Kara Zor-El and the paternal great-uncle of Kal-El.

#3. Alura El is the mother of Kara Zor-El and the paternal aunt of Kal-El.

#4. Prior to her marriage to Jor-El, Lara El's unmarried name was Lara Lor-Van. Likewise, prior to her marriage to Zor-El, Alura El's unmarried name was Alura In-Ze.

#5. Because Kal-El's father (Jor-El) and Kara Zor-El's father (Zor-El) are brothers, Kal-El and Kara are considered paternal cousins in each other's point-of view.

#6. All relationships that Kal-El and Kara Zor-El would have with other family members of the House of El outside of their respective immediate families are considered to be the paternal side of the family.

#7. Kru-El is the paternal cousin of Jor-El and Zor-El in the Earth-16 universe because Kru-El's father and Jor-El's and Zor-El's father are brothers.

#8. The name of Kru-El's father is Zim-El.

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Anonymous writes...

Based on what happened in the post-credits scene in the Season 4 mid-season finale of "Young Justice: Phantoms," it appears that Granny Goodness has likely somehow been keeping watch on Mary Bromfield for quite some time; presumably from the moment she stopped becoming Sergeant Marvel up to the conclusion of the Zatanna story arc in Season 4. She likely somehow observed that Mary had a power addiction problem and likely determined that Mary was a potential candidate to become a member of the Female Furies if she took advantage of Mary's problem. Once a heartbroken Mary left Zatanna's team due to being excluded from the Doctor Fate rotation, Granny Goodness spoke to her telepathically and filled her head with lies; thus causing Mary to succumb to her temptation and turning her into Black Mary. Is my interpretation of Granny Goodness' involvement in Mary's turn into a supervillain correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, I believe that Barbara Gordon is able to walk again thanks to some kind of neural implant surgery. As such, why hasn't that option been explored yet for her in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. When exactly did the Earth-16 version of Stephanie Brown became aware of her father's criminal activities, and what was her reaction to this revelation?

#2. Where had Stephanie Brown been living after she ran away from her father? This question refers to both BEFORE she was captured by the Reach and AFTER she was rescued by the Team (but presumably BEFORE becoming Spoiler).

#3. Where has Stephanie Brown been living AFTER becoming Spoiler? Was it any better than where was previously living?

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Frank writes...

Hello, Greg!
I have a few questions about Atlantis and the characters from Kaldur’s arc.
1. How old is Rodunn?
2. Is there a reason why La’gaan wears a pouch on his ankle or is it just a style choice?
3. Did the purists (Wyynde, Chian, M’Chiste) have to serve prison time for their crimes in season 1?
4. Were Wyynde, Chian, and M’Chiste the ones who attacked Topo?
5. Do the Atlanteans worship Greek/Roman gods or have they evolved a different pantheon altogether?

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Anonymous writes...

In the Earth-16 universe, is Alfred Pennyworth the legal guardian of Bruce Wayne?

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Anonymous writes...

In the comics, the names of Stephanie Brown's parents are Arthur Brown (father) and Crystal Brown (mother); their marital status is identified as divorced. Is this also true in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

After the events of Season 1 of "Young Justice," did Bane eventually find out Batman's secret identity and broke his back; like in the comics? If true, when exactly did that happen in the Earth-16 timeline?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since the Earth-16 version of Batwoman did not become a hero until 2016, I have tried to guess as to when the Earth-16 version of the events of "Catwoman: Hunted" most likely happened in the timeline and I have three possibilities in mind:

#1. It could have happened at any point during the two-year period in-between Seasons 2 and 3; aside from the January 2018 flashback from Season 4 that took place at the United Nations.

#2. It could only have happened during the one-year period in-between Seasons 3 and 4; since she temporarily resigned from the Justice League and was working as a member of Batman's team during the events of Season 3.

#3. It could have happened at almost any point off-screen during the events of Season 4; since Batwoman only appeared in the flashback that is set in early 2018, and she was also NOT present at Superboy's and Miss Martian's wedding. This also account for Child's attack all around the world; meaning the events of the film could only have happened at some point before or after the incident occurred. Additionally, Talia al Ghul had only appeared in two episodes of Artemis's story arc, and she didn't appear for the rest of Season 4.

As such, my question for you is this: Which one of these three points in the Earth-16 timeline that I presented above is correct for which the Earth-16 version of "Catwoman: Hunted" likely takes place? Please also explain as to why whichever point you choose is the one that makes the most sense to you.

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg!

1) What are your thoughts on Lilith Clay (Omen)?
2) Was she on your list of 70+ young heroes that you originally considered for inclusion in Young Justice?
3) If you were to introduce her, would you perhaps change some elements of her story? (For example, she's close friends with Donna Troy in the early comics, but Donna is Troia in YJ and might never have had a civilian life in man's world, so the two might not have met in YJ.)
4) Do you have plans to use Lilith Clay in any possible future seasons of YJ?

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Anonymous writes...

If Wonder Woman and Troia are both princesses of the Amazons of Themyscira, then which one becomes the queen in the event that their mother (Hippolyta) dies?

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: The Earth-16 version of Themyscira

#1. Themyscira is a unitary sovereign city-state and archipelagic island nation.

#2. Themyscira is a segregated nation of women governed by "Aphrodite's Law," which declared that the Amazons would be immortal as long as no man sets foot on their island.

#3. Themyscira's location is undisclosed; as a security measure, the island can shift its location over both land and time, remains undetectable from the perspective of any outside observer, and as soon as anyone leaves the island, they forget its location.

#4. Themyscira is the theocracy and capital city that serves as the Amazonians' government.

#5. All Amazons in Themyscira are adept at a discipline called "bullets and bracelets" in which they can deflect bullets fired at them using the chain bands on their wrists.

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Anonymous writes...

1. Does Batman ever call James Gordon "Jim" in the Earth-16 universe?

2. Since James Gordon learned that his daughter was Batgirl in 2014, what was his initial reaction once he realized the truth? I also assume that he and Barbara had some kind of heart-to-heart discussion about the reasons for her decision to become Batgirl before he (presumably reluctantly) gave her his permission/blessing to allow her to continue her heroic career as Batgirl?

3. After Barbara Gordon was paralyzed by Cassandra Wu-San, did James Gordon ever (wrongfully) blamed Batman and the other members of the Bat-Family for the incident? Did he ever blamed Cassandra Wu-San for hurting his daughter?

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P.A.G. writes...

You said there were thousands of Chaos and Order Lords and that the Chaos Lords are spread all over the universe. Since the Lords of Order don't like sending one of their own, are there other people like Doctor Fate out in the universe, or is sending an emissary instead of a Lord of Order an Earth thing only?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Was the Earth-16 version of Troia sculpted out of clay as an infant on Themyscira; just like her sister, Wonder Woman (Diana)?

2. In the Earth-16 universe, where exactly is Themyscira located on Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

1. What was Wendy Harris' initial reaction after she figured out at some point between 2016 and 2020 that many of her friends were actually superheroes? In fact, HOW exactly was she able to figure it out in the first place?

2. As of 2020, what is the current status of the relationship between Marvin White and Wendy Harris?

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Anonymous writes...

How old is the Earth-16 version of Lightning Lad (Garth Ranzz)?

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Anonymous writes...

Since Bart Allen's father (Don Allen) and mother (Meloni Thawne; presumably) were not seen in the Reach timeline in 2056, does that mean they likely died at some point between 2043 and 2056?

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Anonymous writes...

When Damian Wayne was first introduced in the comics, it was eventually revealed that he was genetically perfected and grown in an artificial womb, and was intended to become formidable warrior. In the current continuity of DC Comics, Damien was conceived during a brief fling between Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul (when they were both young adults), and then after Damian was born, Talia used the extensive scientific resources of the League of Assassins to inorganically speed up Damian's aging giving him the physiology of a ten year old in less than five years.

However, in the Earth-16 universe, it APPEARS as though Damian's birth is a natural one; without any kind of genetic manipulation whatsoever. As such, was Damian's conception a direct result of Bruce and Talia truly (and briefly) getting back together, or was it a result of Talia's manipulations against Bruce in order to get herself an heir to Ra's al Ghul's legacy? Finally, is the Earth-16 version of Damian also identified by his other name, Ibn al Xu'ffasch (which means "Son of the Bat" in Arabic)?

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Anonymous writes...

1. When did Lois Lane first started working at the Daily Planet?

2. When did Clark Kent and Lois Lane first met, and what was their initial impressions of each other?

3. Does Lois Lane ever (occasionally) call Clark Kent by the nickname "Smallville" like in the comics?

4. When did Clark Kent finally told Lois Lane the truth that he was Superman?

5. When and where did Clark Kent proposed to Lois Lane?

6. On Clark and Lois' wedding day, who was their best man and maid of honor, respectively?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In regards to the Collector of Worlds and Brainiac-5, why are their species identified as Coludroids instead of Coluans in the Earth-16 universe; even though their homeworld is Colu?

2. Is there some kind of connection/relationship between the Collector of Worlds (Vril Dox) and Brainiac-5 (Querl Dox) in the Earth-16 universe? If so, does Brainiac-5 acknowledges the Collector of Worlds as Brainiac-1?

3. How old is the Earth-16 version of Brainiac-5?

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A writes...

Hi Greg! I had a question about Garfield Logan and Jason Todd. Garfield mentioned how he mourned Jason, were the two close before Jason's death?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg, this is Paulo again, I wanted to apologize for not asking these two questions before, but I hope you can answer these last questions of mine about the series:

3 - Why doesn't Martian Manhunter use his Telekinesis as often as his niece?

4 - Can the Martian Manhunter (and Martians in general) transform into big monsters? Could Martian Manhunter transform into a 30 meter dragon for example? Or a 5 meter tall alien/martian beast?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

Arc 5 "Rocket" Ramble

Another really great arc for me. Loved Rocket, loved the family angle, loved the way the New Gods were handled, I liked seeing Lor-Zod and his team as sort of an "anti-team", the Metron stuff was great, I LOVED the Green Lantern stuff, it pretty much single-handedly got me to watch the entirety of the Green Lantern Animated Series, and that was good too so. All around great arc.

I love the take on some of the New Genesis stuff here. This is sort of a difficult subject to incorporate because it's been done quite a few times before, and I think very successfully in terms of the Superman: The Animated Series. The New Gods mythology also requires a *plethora* of lore and exposition. I watched this with my cousin, who knows very little about the New Gods. And he was a little confused, we watched the Superman: The Animated Series episodes featuring Orion & Apokalips & Darkseid, and they opened up their New Gods storytelling with the Mother Box showing Superman a little short infotainment video about the history of Apokalips & New Genesis and I think that helped a bit.

Not a big issue for me, though, all things considered. I've honestly always liked that Young Justice doesn't hold hands about arcane comic lore, a lot of it is pretty easy to just infer from visuals and personalities. White-haired man dressed like a shepherd is good, man with fiery eyes who looks like he hangs out in hell is bad. It all works.

M'Comm continues to kind of be an issue for me. I feel like he hits a weird spot. He's not sympathetic or humanistic enough for me to sympathize with him, and he's also not really outright vicious enough for it to be much fun when he gets taken down. He just leaves me feeling kind of ambivalent unfortunately. And I really *want* to like him. Having said that, I thought his dynamic with Lor-Zod and Mantis was great. Lor-Zod makes a good impression, I think the character was a *little* young for Phil Morris's baritone, but he does a great job with the character.

I can't quite remember which arc had the Superboy stuff where, so I'll just talk about it now. I really liked this for Superboy. This was a cool way to introduce the Phantom Zone prisoners, who have been a bit hokey as far as villains go over the years. They're kind of weirdly archaic in theory. Mostly because they're so associated with Terrence Stamp's portrayal from the second Superman film I think. Beyond that, what do you really do with a team of all-powerful supervillains who want to conquer the world. Well... this. I love the use of cult imagery here, the song is great. I love how Superboy is seduced by Zod, Zod is genuinely persuasive and compelling.

Superboy's mindset is also really clear here and it works really well.

Rocket is another character here who's just kind of like a catalyst or sort of centrepiece for this wacky outer space story about near immortal gods and aliens and space ships. I'm kind of, of two minds on her arc really. To an extent. On the one hand I like how sort of normal her arc is. She's just struggling with life. She's a single mom, trying to co-parent with her ex for a kid who has particular needs that she doesn't necessarily understand. And the opening scene really just sets up that she's not good at it. The closest thing she has to a moment of crisis is that a subway station is closed and it upsets her son.

I LOVE it, because it's so normal. There is no dramatic impetus, there is no light switch that Raquel needs to flip to become a good mom, she's going to go back and keep living her life, but maybe now she'll have a better attitude, some perspective, a bit more understanding of her situation because of her experiences. It's simple, it's nice. But because it's not very dramatic, there's no real engine to drive her story here. There's no clear arc necessarily. It's just kind of a bunch of stuff that happened. Which, as I've mentioned before, I'm really fine with. There's enough other things going on to make up for it.

Orion I liked a lot. I'm sort of unfortunately comparing it in my mind with other versions of the character (in this case, the Superman:TAS/JL/JLU version played by Ron Perlman), which isn't fair, but there's a lot to like about this version honestly, so it's not like he compares badly anyway. I think there was a tone to the New Genesis characters in the DCAU where they felt sort of grand and elegant and truly super-heroic. The boom tube effect in that show was pure white, and it always felt like rays from heaven or something. And the characters themselves felt like characters out of a bible cartoon or something. And they have a lot more grit in Young Justice (and to be fair *everything* has a lot more grit in Young Justice). It's not worse by any means, just different. In regards to Orion, from my limited understanding of Autism I don't think interpreting Orion as an autistic character is even a stretch frankly. He's a lot more brusque in Young Justice than he's been in other shows I've seen him in, but the sort of core of the character is still very much there. Also I'm a sucker for a story where a character overcomes their mental health struggles. Maybe that's not the right terminology or framing exactly, but when a character who has mental health struggles succeeds. It's nice to see.

The Green Lantern episode we got was so cool, as I said it got me to watch the entire series that was based on. This is one of the episodes which felt refreshing because it was such a stand-alone story. I watched it, it was satisfying, it didn't leave me feeling ambivalent. And I sort of missed those strong self-contained stories a bit with this season. Even if it was setting up Metron and some other elements for other stories. Also Razer was a total smoke-show. That's not really substantial, or important, but it made watching the episode more fun.

I was a *bit* surprised Dee Bradley Baker was playing Tomar-Re when he was played by Jeff Bennett in GL:TAS and Jeff Bennett has been a major cast member in YJ as well, but Dee Bradley Baker was cool and I suppose Bennett may have just been unavailable or there was some good ol' cost-cutting double-casting going on with Baker.

Oh, and the Foragers... I'm indifferent. It was cute. Reciting Shakespeare with third person pronouns was cute. I really liked that femme Forager became a Green Lantern. That was a cool surprising twist.

I think that's everything. It was great. Thoroughly enjoyed watching all four episodes.

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of The Shade, is his real name Richard Swift; like in the comics? Also, if his physical appearance is the biological equivalent of a 48-year old human male, then what is his actual age?

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Anonymous writes...

Will Season 5 of "Young Justice" introduce us to the Earth-16 version of the Outlaws; a group that is led by Red Hood (Jason Todd) in the comics?

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Allon writes...

Hi Greg, I was wondering if Icicle Jr is a meta-human.

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zareth jones writes...

Will Scott Menville & Hynden Walch voice another Animated Superhero Couple & Mento & Elasti-Woman again in The 5th Season of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Hey Greg, when did the red hooded ninja join Ra’s group on Infinity Island?

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Mike writes...

Hey Greg! I read that you and Denys Cowan developed a Rocket pilot back in the day. I was just wondering, were there any specific choices or details about it that sticks out in your mind?

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Algae writes...

Hey Greg,

Hope you're doing okay. Really looking forward to the new Gargoyles comics coming from Dynamite later in the year.

Anyway, I was browsing the archives and noticed this little tidbit...


I realize this is like three and a half decades after the fact but do you remember anything about the other four Transformer springboards you and Cary pitched back in '86?

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Michael writes...

Hi Greg, big fan of Young Justice, hope we get another season!

I was wondering, what are Kaldur's responsibilities as Atlantean Minister of Justice?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you can answer some questions I have, most of them are about Krypton. Sorry if you’ve heard it before or if it’s repetitive.

1. Is Faora Hu-Ul from the House of Ul, and the crest she wears the insignia for that house?
2. Is Jax-Ur from the House of Ur, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
3. Is Vor-Kil from the House of Kil, and the crest he wears the insignia for that house?
4. Why doesn’t Non wear a crest, was he disowned by his house?
5. How many planets orbited Rao before it exploded? What planet was Krypton?
6. Is Rao a black hole now or a stellar cloud?
7. Did Krypton have any moons, and if so how many?
8. Was Lara El’s maiden name Lor-Van?

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for sharing the other Hercules premise with us. I got a kick out of Cassandra having a Pollyanna-like sister (the name alone made it clear that Pollyanna was an inspiration for her), and Hephaestus almost visiting a Pompeii-like fate on Greece.

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Anonymous writes...

As I understand it on Earth-16, J'onn J'onzz was accidentally transported from Mars to Earth in 1955. Since he was stranded on Earth for decades, did his family and the rest of the Martian people initially assumed that J'onn was dead? If true, when did J'onn finally get into contact with his people to let them know that he was actually still alive?

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Todd Jensen writes...

A "Young Justice" question I've wondered about a bit and finally decided to submit. In "Secrets", you featured allusions to both "Beowulf" (the Sword of Beowulf, complete with Grendel's arm for its scabbard) and Cain and Abel (I recall one of the locations in the episode was called "Abel's House of Secrets" - which definitely matched Harm's great evil deed being murdering his sibling).

In the original poem "Beowulf", Grendel is described as one of the descendants of Cain (who was punished for his murder of Abel by having his children be monsters); did this inspire the allusions to both "Beowulf" and the Cain and Abel story in the same episode? Or is it just a (neat) coincidence?

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Todd Jensen writes...

Thanks for sharing with us that "Hercules" premise you wrote. I can see why it didn't get made; I can imagine someone in the Disney administration being a bit nervous about Biblical characters (the originals, rather than namesakes) - if from the Old Testament and not directly religious ones - though I recall an episode of "Pinky and the Brain" which also featured Samson and Delilah (complete with the "jawbone of an ass" incident). I got a smile at the original Goliath showing up in the story, too (a bit early from the point of view of Biblical chronology, but then, given that the "Hercules" animated series often had people from Greek mythology and classical Greece, such as Pericles and Herodotus, as contemporaries....).

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. Apparently, some rude individual had posted a message to you asking you to delete all the questions that I have been anonymously giving to you. I honestly find that person to be utterly disrespectful simply because of the fact that they feel that I posted a lot of questions recently (as of the time of this posting). If you truly feel that I have pestering you with my questions, and if I've somehow gotten you angry, I apologize.

#2. In your responses to certain postings, you previously claim that you needed to do some research in order to be able to answer specific questions (such as the full names of the characters). Now, if I recall correctly, there is a source book called "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and the first version of that book came out around 2004. Three updated versions of it came out in 2008 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded"), 2016 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: All-New Edition"), and 2021 ("The DC Comics Encyclopedia: New Edition"). If I also recall correctly, I believe in the cases of all editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," the publisher of these books is identified as Dorling Kindersley Limited (branded as DK). If could offer one important key piece of advice to you, it would be this: I would recommend you get all four editions of "The DC Comics Encyclopedia," and then keep getting new/updated editions of it whenever they come out. If you follow this advice, it might end up being quite helpful to you in the long run when trying to stay up-to-date with information regarding the DC Comics Universe.

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Anonymous writes...

Are Barbara and Dick still in a relationship as of season 4 of Young Justice?

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Suzie writes...

This has been bugging me for a while. When Conner's hair burnt off in the lava, I noticed it's roughly the same place where Phantom Girl placed her hand when she sent them both into the Phantom Zone in order to save his life. Did Conner's hair burn off because Phantom Girl placed her hand on that part of his head or was it really just the lava?

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Secret writes...

1. Previously you said Black Canary and Static have secret identities despite not wearing masks, with the reasoning being along the lines of “it’s like Clark Kent and Superman/we want them to look like their comics versions/you just sorta have to roll with it” (sorry if that misrepresents what you really said).

With some exceptions, like Jaime being outed by the Reach or Garfield being green, is this generally true for all the public heroes who don’t wear masks? For example, would the general public not realize that Ed and Cassie are El Dorado and Wonder Girl?

2. Additionally, do characters with publicly well known identities who don’t wear masks not have secret identities? For example, does the general public know that “Zatanna Zatara the stage magician” is the same person as “Zatanna” of the Justice League?

3. How do the public superheroes without secret identities deal with the fame?

4. Since the Light already knows who all the heroes are (even the ones on the Team) at this point, is the use of code names mostly out of habit/tradition or just to protect them from common criminals (or both)?

Thank you!

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Spectacular Spider-Fan writes...

Hi Greg,

Hey Gregâ€"hope this finds you well. Had a Gargoyles question and some Spec Spidey questions.

1. Now that Gargoyles is coming back in comic book form, do you have new ideas that you didn’t think of back when you were working on the SLG comics that you plan to incorporate into the new series? Not asking for what they are.

2. Why didn’t Curt Conners test the Lizard formula on a rabbit or mouse like in the comics and other versions? It just seems a bit out of character for Curt, as a scientist, not to test the formula on another animal and to use himself as the only Guinea pig?

3. Did Curt know that Electro juiced the Lizard serum? I know he eventually found out since he basically shot down Warren in season 2 when he recommended using electricity for mammalian DNA. If he did know, again I wonder why didn’t he especially test the serum.

Hope you are well. Recently introduced Gargoyles to my best friend after he loved Spectacular and he’s really into it. Deadly Force really impressed him. Cheers!

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Emma writes...

Hello so I love wyynde and kaldur they are such an amazing couple I love them more than anything they were there for me when I needed something to stay they gave me a reason I suffered through a lot of suicidal thoughts it was really bad but when I watched young justice and i saw wyynde and kaldur it made me feel so much better so if we get a new season of young justice do you think we would see more of them together

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@Anonymous needs to stop writes...

Seriously, would you consider deleting/ignoring these types of questions from @Anonymous? It’s ridiculous.

“1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?
2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?
3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?
4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?
5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?
6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?”

I know none of these questions on the queue are “important” in the grand scheme of things, but there are so many questions from someone who doesn’t have the common sense to know what a grandfather is or that Vic is a nickname for Victor (even though it’s in the show). When there are a ton of other people waiting months for an answer and only a few questions are answered per week, it’s crazy to have so many questions asking “is X a cousin of Y? Does that mean Y is a cousin of X?”

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Penguin, is his name Oswald Cobblepot?

2. Is the Penguin's middle name Chesterfield?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane's mother, is her name Elinore Lane or Elenor Lane. Also, regardless of what the correct version of her first name is, is her first name nicknamed "Ella"?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane, is Thomas Wayne her paternal uncle?

3. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's mother, is her name Gabrielle Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Gabi"? Finally, is she Bruce Wayne's maternal aunt?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Kate Kane's twin sister, is her name Elizabeth Kane? Also, is her first name nicknamed "Beth"? Finally, from Elizabeth's point of view, Bruce is her PATERNAL cousin, and from Bruce's point of view, Elizabeth is his MATERNAL cousin, is that correct?

5. In regards to Kate and Elizabeth's relationship in the Earth-16 universe, are they identical twins, or is one older than the other? If the latter, who is the oldest twin?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you have time to answer my questions.

We’ve seen the Kryptonians like Dru-Zod, Ursa Zod, and Faora Hu-Ul wear those suits and I have to know, are those prison clothes due to the Phantom Zone being used as a prison, and if so does that mean all the Kryptonians that were in the Zone wore those similar outfits?
How many Kryptonians were in the Zone before the Light took them?

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Suzie writes...

1. Do you consider Icicle Jr. to be a romantic? He loves romance and wants to find true love for himself. That and he's probably the 1# Supermartian shipper
2. When M'gann got back to Earth, how did Artemis help her deal with Conner's death? Since she's been through this before when she lost Wally, Artemis was obviously going to be there for her in every way possible and can you give us any specifics? I'm asking since we never saw them interact in season 4 (sadly I might add).
3. How does Jonny Kent feel about having M'gann as his aunt and do they have a good relationship with each other?
4. Did M'gann ever go to visit the Kent farm in Smallville too?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

1. How many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are older than her? Likewise, how many of Miss Martian's brothers and sisters are younger then her?

2. Since Miss Martian has an extended family of 300 cousins, how many of them are from her paternal side of the family, and how many or them are from her maternal side of the family?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Now that Samuel Lane (Lois Lane's father) is acknowledged to exist in the Earth-16 universe, that means in terms of relationships...

A. ... he is Clark Kent's father-in-law.

B. ... he is Jonathan and Martha Kent's brother-in-law.

C. ... he is Jonny Kent's maternal grandfather.

D. ... he is Jor-El's and Lara El's brother-in-law (despite the fact they are both deceased; meaning that Samuel Lane would never be able to meet them).

These relationships should all be correct, right? Did I miss any other familial relationships that Samuel Lane might have with other Earth-16 characters? Finally, is Samuel Lane's nickname "Sam" in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why does the Earth-16 version of Lois Lane retain her maiden name even after she married Clark Kent?

2. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake, his first name is actually Timothy, and "Tim" is his nickname, correct?

3. Shouldn't Jonathan and Martha Kent technically be identified as Jonny Kent's paternal adoptive grandparents; since Jor-El and Lara El are Jonny Kent's paternal biological grandparents?

4. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Beast Boy, his nickname is "Gar," correct? Also, is his father's name Mark Logan?

5. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Cyborg, his nickname is "Vic," correct? Also, is his mother's name Elinore Stone?

6. In regards to the Earth-16 version of Black Lightning, his nickname is "Jeff," correct?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

This link below explains who Leonardo Lane is in the mainstream DC Comics continuity.


He is a recently new character in the comics who appeared in 2021. Now, I am NOT asking you whether or not he exists in the Earth-16 universe; I'm just hoping I was able to clear up any confusion you might have had, since you previously mentioned that you knew nothing about him.

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Lots of anonymous spoiler questions clogging up the queue writes...

Can Barry and Bart vibrate people or objects fast enough to phase through objects, or can they only phase themselves through objects? Can the two of them phase through other people as well?

(Also are there any mods who can stop the same person from asking so many obvious spoilers and name-related questions from clogging up the queue…)


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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

When will the Earth-16 version of Tim Drake eventually take on the costumed identity of "Red Robin," like his Earth-0 counterpart did in the comics (after the apparent death of Bruce Wayne; as depicted in "Final Crisis")?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Did the Earth-16 version of Dick Grayson had any family members on his mother's side of the family? If so, what were their names?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Has the Earth-16 version of Jason Todd ever been addressed by the nickname "Jaybird" prior to his death?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Kara Zor-El willingly joined the forces of Apokolips as a member of the Female Furies (as opposed to being brainwashed; like in the comics), is it correct to assume that her decision is most likely influenced by the fact that she had spent over 40 years in the Phantom Zone and she had most likely completely succumbed to the Zone-Sickness; which was likely far worse for her (assuming this is due to her own youth and inexperience) than what Superboy himself had suffered (since he had been trapped in the Phantom Zone for MONTHS; whereas Kara had been trapped for YEARS)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The reason why I previously asked you if the full name of the Earth-16 version of Bruce Wayne is "Bruce Thomas Wayne" is because in the DC Rebirth continuity, Bruce's full name was revealed in "Batman" issue #20; the fifth and final issue of the "I Am Bane" story arc. In the end of that issue, Bruce's full name was addressed by his mother (Martha Wayne) when he had a vision of her. And yet, when I previously asked you about Bruce's full name being the same in the Earth-16 universe as it currently is in the comics, you yourself said, in your exact words, "Not necessarily." If you require proof, look on the link here below.


With me now presenting some form of evidence this time around, I'll ask you once again: In the Earth-16 universe, is Bruce Wayne's full name "Bruce Thomas Wayne"?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In a previous posting, you explained how Kryptonian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe. As such, how do Thanagarian and Martian naming conventions work in the Earth-16 universe for males and females, and married and unmarried?

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Brian Johnston writes...

Hi Greg,

First off, I'd like to say Gargoyles was a big part of my childhood, and still is to this day. The mature content for a younger audience, cast of Star Trek alumni, and Shakespearean aspect truly got me interested in Shakespeare from a young age. My question is as follows.

1) I'm an avid storyteller in the midst of writing his first novel. My story has many different races from many different mythologies. I'd like to include Gargoyles in my story but I don't want to copy you. I have too much respect and appreciation for your creation and its characters. My question is it OK to have gargoyles in my story?

2) Also have them come alive? Or living period?

3) Not to ask your process, everyone's different but what would you recommend I do so not to copy you but have them be warriors, rulers, politicians, scholars, etc.? A living race of gargoyles in the middle is part of my overall story.

Let me know and look forward to hearing from you.


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Anonymous writes...

You bring up your background as a Jewish/atheist every time someone criticizes the way you portray Islam in your show…I’m curious as to why you haven’t shared any aspects of the culture and religion you’re actually familiar with in the same way? To be honest, the way you talk about Muslims comes off like exploitation and fetishization rather than a genuine interest in the topic when you don’t explore Judaism the same way. You had Kate Kane right there.

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Yo Toy Buenon writes...

Hola Greg, sorry if this questions are too annoying or large

1) In the war world episode I get that Dick needed to remain behind to coordinate the squads but how come Aquaman remained behind? Even if you go by the "Aquaman sucks outside water" line of thought I'm sure he would've been more useful than say, Mal.

2) I get the impression that M'gann has soft spot for young boys like Garfield, Cullen and maybe at some point Dick. Is it because they remind her of her past bond with M'comm? Could she eventually view little Johnny on a simmilar light

2.5) How would you say was M'ree's relationship with her a'ashenn younger siblings as a child?

3) As I understand the martian's super strenght comes from channeling their telekinesis inwards alongside their density control, and I get the impression that J'onn is the most physically powerful living martian. Does that mean his telekinetic abilities are equally powerful? (I think it would make sense given how M'comm's specialty seems to be shape shifting while M'gann's is telepathy)

4) Did M'comm at some point like Earth tv? It would explain his penchant for earthling snark (or are those just universal)

5) I get that they're technically equals but when Barry and Billy were transporting bad guys to prison it gave me some of the same vibes as the other sidekicks with their proteges. Considering that Billy never had a mentor of his own, does he see the other leaguers as such? Is Barry specially tight with him due to reminding him of Wally?

6) Is Conner attracted to M'gann's martian form? Because I think it would make sense given how she doesn't look that weird compared to the cadmus genomorphs that basically raised him.

7) How would you describe Klarion's relationship with Vandal? His "best friend's dad" (ergo something of an uncle), perhaps?

8) Could a martian get pregnant with another race?

9) Could you tell me which of younger heroes (say of the generation introduced since second season) are currently attending college? If so would it be a spoiler to ask about their majors?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Black Racer (who is the physical manifestation of an aspect of Death that was captured by Darkseid; as depicted in the current DC Comics continuity)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the DNAngels; a trio of genetically engineered female US government agents whose members consists of Cherub (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and Tana Moon), Epiphany (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy, Wonder Girl, and a third unknown individual), and Seraph (a clone of the combined DNA of Superboy and an unnamed African American woman)?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following below TRUE or FALSE about the Earth-16 version of Wonder Girl?

#1. Zeus' siblings (Hera, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, and Demeter) are Cassie's paternal aunts and paternal uncles.

#3. Zeus' children (Hephaestus, Apollo, Artemis, Athena, Dionysus, Persephone, Hercules, Hermes, and many others) are all Cassie's paternal half-siblings.

#4. Any and all children of Zeus' siblings are Cassie's paternal cousins.

#5. Cronus and Rhea is Cassie's paternal grandparents, and Ouranos and Gaea are Cassie's paternal great-grandparents.

#6. As the daughter of Zeus, Cassie could theoretically be more powerful than Wonder Woman, Troia, and all the other Amazons in Themyscira; assuming Cassie ever utilizes her full power.

#7. When Cassie learned of her paternal heritage, her initial reaction could only be described as "mind-blown."

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Aaron Abel writes...

I would like to know, what do the star spawn look like?

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Anonymous writes...

Earth-16 Character Wish-List for Season Five:

The Signal (Duke Thomas)
Huntress (Helena Bertinelli)
Julia Pennyworth
Mother Panic (Violet Paige)
Nyssa al Ghul
White Ghost (Dusan Al Ghul)
Mara al Ghul
Artemis (Artemis of Bana-Mighdall)
Starfire (Koriand'r)
Red Arrow (Emiko Queen)
Green Lantern (Kyle Rayner)
Green Lantern (Simon Baz)
Green Lantern (Jessica Cruz)
Rogol Zaar
Godspeed (August Heart)
Reverse-Flash (Eobard Thawne)
Harley Quinn (Harleen Quinzel)
Punchline (Alexis Kaye)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Will we ever see the Earth-16 version of the Gotham City vigilante known as Mother Panic (Violet Page)?

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Anonymous writes...

I just want to say that I love Lagoon Boy's relationship with Coral and Rodunn. I support their marriage and they are all very happy, but I've just got to ask. Was it rather hard for La'gann to be involved in a three person relationship, considering his previous love triangle with M'gann and Conner. I know a love triangle is different compared to polyamory, but did he have any doubts about this relationship, fearing he might end up heartbroken after what happened before?

Also can I just point out the irony of it all. In season 2, he was involved in a love triangle with 3 people and by season 4, he is in a 3 person marriage.

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Anonymous writes...

Did Lagoon Boy blame Superboy for Miss Martian breaking up with him and if so was that the main reason for Lagoon Boy's old grudge against Superboy or was there more to it?

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Suzie writes...

Are there any deleted scenes from the season 4 finale that you wanted to include but didn't?

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Kevin writes...

1. When did Vandal Savage start using his current name "Vandal Savage"?

2. Would Ra's Al Ghul martial arts ability be on the level of Sensei, Lady Shiva, Black Canary and Batman assuming they are the top martial artists? I only ask because relatively recent media have shown him being defeated rather easily. With the caveat that anyone can win any fight based on the situation would Ra's Al Ghul be up there? Or is he like King Arthur in the Gargoyles universe and has his skillset towards leadership?

3. In Young Justice Legacy why didn't the Light use Icicle Sr. over Icicle Jr given the latter's... well inconsistent success?

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Suzie writes...

I've been curious ever since the wedding, but since Icicle Jr. attended Miss Martian and Superboy's wedding aren't the heroes concerned that he might reveal to the other villains that the couple lives in Happy Harbour, not to mention he saw a lot of the heroes there too, some of them unmasked or members of their families like Clark Kent and the rest of the Kents!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

To clarify as to why I've been asking you certain questions (such as the full names of the Earth-16 characters, and paternal and maternal relationships of certain characters in the Earth-16 universe, for example), it is because I've been trying to make comparisons between the Earth-16 versions of characters and their mainstream DC Comics counterparts, and I try to see what they have in common. I usually look into the DC Database Wiki when I make comparisons, but most the mainstream versions of the DC Comics characters on the Wiki are between two sets of character pages; identified as New Earth and Prime Earth in parenthesis after their real names. Character pages with New Earth refer to those histories prior to the massive continuity changes which are a result of the 2011 DC Comics comic book event, "Flashpoint." Character pages with Prime Earth refer tho those histories after Flashpoint from 2011 onwards; even then, further events like DC Rebirth and Infinite Frontier have changed continuity in the mainstream DC Universe and making it similar to what it was prior to "Flashpoint."

So like I said before, the whole point of me asking those specific questions is because I was making comparisons and was trying to find what the characters from BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe and the Earth-16 universe have in common. But it has been extremely difficult because some things end up being spoiler territory (Jason Todd and the Red-Hooded Ninja, for example) and some things you seem to absolutely refuse to commit to (Bette Kane's full name and exact nature of her relationship to the rest of the Kane family, for example). I mean, if there are certain things about the characters that are TRUE in BOTH the mainstream DC Comics universe AND the Earth-16 universe (full names, specific events/circumstances, familial relationships, etc.), why can't we have direct answers to certain questions from you if they are most likely true?

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Mr. Sidhu writes...

Hello Mr. Weissman, I've been a big fan of your work since Gargoyles.

1) Are the New Gods literal gods or just really advanced aliens?
2) Since YJ all takes place in a single galaxy as opposed to the entire universe as in the comics: is there life outside the Milky Way galaxy?
3) When were these characters born:
3a) Jor-El
3b) Zor-El
3c) Dru-Zod
4) When was the Green Lantern Corps first established?
5) What is the difference between Zeta Tube teleportation and Boom Tube teleportation?
6) Did Vandal Savage and Ra's Al Ghul know each other before the modern Light was formed?

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Parker writes...

Hey Greg! Huge fan of Young Justice! My questions are:
1)How long is the probationary period for a new GL?
2a)Was a young Green Lantern like maybe Kyle Rainer or Jessica Cruz ever discussed by you and Brandon for being a member of The Team’s starting lineup?
2b)Why did you ultimately decide to not have a GL on The Original Team?
3)In your original Season 3 plans, before the show was canceled, was Kaldur going to be Aquaman after the timeskip?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Wayne Enterprises:

#1. When was the company first formed in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. What are the names of corporate branches and subsidiaries of the company? Please provide some examples if all of them cannot be named.

#3. Is Bruce Wayne the chief executive officer (CEO) of the company?

#4. Who is the chief operating officer (COO) of the company?

#5. Who is the chief financial officer (CFO) of the company?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

#1. If Orphan (Cassandra Wu-San) moved into Wayne Manor in 2018, does that also mean she became Bruce Wayne's fourth legal ward? The reason I am asking this question is because I remember in the comics (prior to the massive continuity changes in the aftermath of Flashpoint) that Cassandra Cain became the adopted daughter of Bruce Wayne.

#2. Even though Orphan's vocal cords are damaged by her own mother, that does NOT necessarily mean that Orphan will NEVER be able to speak, am I correct?

#3. Does Orphan know who her father (David Cain) is? If not, what is the reason why she does not know about him?

#4. Is Orphan's nationality considered to be half-American, half-Chinese; even though she uses her mother's surname (Wu-San)?

#5. Did Orphan's mother trained her in the following martial arts listed below?

Leopard Style Kung Fu
Dragon Style Kung Fu
Dim Mak (An ancient form of martial arts where you strike vital points of the opponent's body causing paralysis, intense and prolonged pain or death.)

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Unknown writes...

What is the interaction between Static and Rocket like In Earth-16?
They are both characters from DC Milestone.

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BatFan2099 writes...

How old is Young Justice's version of Razer as of Team Year 10?

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Anonymous writes...

I know you've said you don't like placing the show into any specific years, and in fact did relatively recently (as far as me asking this) say that we'll call Season 1 "Team Year Zero", but I've also noticed that sometimes you'll refer to events taking place before the show with the year it happened. For instance, you once said that Stephanie Brown was born in 2003 (https://www.s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=21664).

Doesn't that sort of mean you have to somewhat define the years the show takes place?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Bette Kane and Kate Kane were revealed to be cousins after the events of the 2005-2006 comic book storyline, "Infinite Crisis." However, the Young Justice Wiki establishes that Kate and Bette have an unknown relation to each other. As such, if they are not paternal cousins (considering that they share the same last name; suggesting their respective fathers are brothers) like in the comics, then what is the exact nature of their relationship to each other?

PS. Despite your inability to commit to any information regarding Bette, I am of the personal belief that Kate and Bette are indeed paternal cousins. In the Earth-16 universe, Kate was born in 1991, and Bette was born in 1995; as such, that's only about a four-year difference between them. I'm also imagine that, as such, Bette was pretty close to Kate and most likely looked up to her and spent time with her; like in the comics.

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Dustin Payne writes...

1. what origin story does earth 16 Jason Todd have the one that is the same as Dick Grayson Or the one were he got caught trying to steal the tries from the bat-mobile
2. Since we have Virgil Hawkins were is his best friend Richie Foley and if he does exist is he or will he become Gear

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Anonymous writes...

TRUE or FALSE?: The Earth-16 version of Jason Todd

#1. Prior to becoming Robin, Jason was a street orphan.

#2. Jason first encountered Batman while he attempted to steal the tires off the Batmobile in Crime Alley.

#3. As Robin, Jason was prone to defying orders, sometimes to success and sometimes to failure.

#4. Jason being prone to defying orders occurs both whenever he works alongside Batman and whenever he works alongside the other members of the Team.

#5. Jason being prone to defying orders is part of the reason for his death.

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Geoffrey writes...

1. Are Tim Drake and Stephanie Brown boyfriend and Girlfriend?

2. Who will be Cassie Sandsmark's love interest now that she is broken up with Tim Drake?

3. Who is the fourth Green Lantern? (I understand if this is a Spoiler)

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Anonymous writes...

How did Conner feel about the fact that he was mostly naked for almost the entire fourth season?

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Caleb writes...

Hi, Greg!

I'm so excited for the new Gargoyles comics coming from Dynamite! I had a weird question cross my mind today, but I figure it's unlikely you know this answer, but: why did Disney license Gargoyles out to another company when they own a comic publisher already?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Are the following relationships correct? If not, please explain why.

Wally West's Relationships:
Rudy West (father)
Mary West (mother)
Barry Allen (paternal uncle)
Iris West-Allen (paternal aunt)
Don Allen (paternal cousin)
Dawn Allen (paternal cousin)
Bart Allen (paternal first cousin once removed)

Don Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (father)
Iris-West Allen (mother)
Dawn Allen (twin sister)*
Bart Allen (son)
Rudy West (maternal uncle)
Mary West (maternal aunt)
Wally West (maternal cousin)

Dawn Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (father)
Iris-West Allen (mother)
Don Allen (twin brother)*
Bart Allen (nephew)
Rudy West (maternal uncle)
Mary West (maternal aunt)
Wally West (maternal cousin)

Bart Allen's Relationships:
Barry Allen (paternal grandfather)
Iris West-Allen (paternal grandmother)
Don Allen (father)
Dawn Allen (paternal aunt)
Wally West (paternal first cousin once removed)
Rudy West (paternal great uncle)
Mary West (paternal great aunt)

*I do not know who is the oldest of the twins; please confirm who it is.

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Anonymous writes...

What state is Metropolis located in the Earth-16 universe?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hey Mr weisman my favorite scene in Young Justice Outsiders are the children of the Justice League .it was funny , lighthearted and very interesting.it like the Rugrats of superheroes in the DC universe.
Are you going
YJ spinoff or expand it with more seasons in the future.

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Dr. Jarrett Parker writes...

Hey Mr.Weisman,one question to ask you please:
Do Lois and Iris have complicated pregnancy while having superhuman babies inside their wombs?

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Anonymous writes...

For the team, Alpha Squad, Beta Squad, Gamma Squad, etc is pretty self-explanatory. I know the Outsiders have animal-themed names for the squads (Raptor Squad, Gorilla Squad, Mongoose Squad), but I have some questions about the names:

1) Do these squads have rankings like the team squads do? Or are the names based on their function (“Raptor” for the group doing espionage high in the sky, “Gorilla” for guerilla warfare/all-out attack, “Mongoose” for…I don’t know)
2) If my first question is correct then what does “Mongoose” mean in this context?
3) Is it correct to assume that the names are inspired by Beast Boy when he was the leader of the Outsiders?
4) Does the JL have squad names as well?

Thank you! Hoping to see more YJ in the near future!

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Blue_Cloak writes...

Hi Greg,

Just seven questions. Okay, if they aren't all answered and apologies if you've answered them before.

1) I know you're not really confirming Designations anymore but judging from how the B designations were handed out (and you said in the past that the Outsiders used B designations until they were given the D post-Season 3) does B-34 belong to El Dorado/Eduardo Dorado Jr. and B-35 to Cyborg?

2) Did the families of the Justice League and the associates end up with A designations post-Season 2, judging from Lian (A-28) and Amistad (A-29) getting them?

3) Will we ever see Freddy Freeman/Lieutenant Marvel? If not, is it possible to know what he's up to these days with Billy and Mary (until she joined Granny Goodness)?

4) Did Tim Drake/Robin and Cassie Sandsmark/Wonder Girl break up over the events of Season 3 or did they just break up and feel better as friends?

5) Was the birth of Damian and whatever is going on with the Red Hooded Ninja and his connection to Jason Todd (either the resurrected Jason or a clone, either/or I await that story with interest) a factor into Bruce's behaviour and decision to create the Anti-Light operation? If anything, I see it being personal for Bruce to what the Light did to not just the Justice League but presumably to his own family.

5) Is Kyle Rayner active as a Green Lantern? And is Tai Pham a part of the Earth-16 universe? I was hoping for a team-up between him and the SuperSons before they awkwardly in my opinion aged up Jon Kent.

6) Are the E designations in relation to the Justice League reserve discussed by members in Season 4?

7) How close are Tim and Stephanie as of Season 4? Friends or colleagues or perhaps starting to become more? Also, did he recruit her and train her before she did something stupid?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. Between the events of "Young Justice: Phantoms" and "Young Justice: Targets," did Superboy attended at least one mandatory therapy session with Black Canary in order to discuss his post-Phantom Zone mental state and to determine whether or not he was ready to rejoin the Outsiders (which he obviously did)?

#2. If we ever see Match again in a future season of "Young Justice," is his voice likely going to become more distorted; given his current mutated/deformed-looking condition?

#3. Lian Nguyen-Harper addresses Oliver Queen as "Uncle Ollie." Does she addresses Dinah Lance as "Aunt Dinah," assuming Lian knows abut Oliver's and Dinah's relaitonship?

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P.A.G. writes...

Hi Mr. Wiseman, I hope you're available to answer some of my questions.

1. You said Kryptonian males hyphen their names, but why doesn't Non have his hyphenated? Was he disowned by his house?

2. How old is Dru-Zod (both chronologically and physically)?
3. Who was older, Jor-El or Zor-El?
4. Was Krypton's capital Kandor?
5. Is Kryptonite radioactive debris from Krypton's destruction or something else?


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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman 1.How long has Courtney Whitmore been hosting Star girl (the series not her alter ego) and has she ever worn a baseball cap during any out of costume intervewes or any other times when not in costume? 2. what does Miss Whitmore plan to Study as her collage major?

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JSA Fan writes...

Dear Greg,

I have 3 questions about Outsiders/Phantoms that I doubt are answered or spoilers:

1. If you have them, would you please share the Designations of League members between Aquamen 2 and 3? I know Steel is 36, but no others!

2. I am also kind of dying to know which Green Lantern joined the League before La'gaan, Alan Scott? Kyle Rayner?? Jessica Cruz??? I had a dream she and Simon Baz did back in 2016...I think haha

3. In Invasion's episode Darkest, Tommy Terror had a youthful appearance, but by Outsiders' episode True Heroes, despite retaining his muscle mass, Tommy's teeth have spread to include gaps, his cheeks have sunken in with wrinkle lines below the eyes and above the mouth...what happened? He's supposed to be 26!

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Superman had been sent to New Genesis instead of Earth, what kind of person would he have grown up into, and what would have been his role in New Genesisian society? Also, would he have likely gained different Kryptonian powers under New Genesis' sun (assuming that each yellow sun in every solar system in the Earth-16 universe works differently)?

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Anonymous writes...

True or False in the Earth-16 Universe?

Kryptonians are vulnerable to magic because their powers occurred as a result of a natural phenomenon (under a yellow sun), rather than anything supernatural. This means that magic affects them the same way it affects anyone else; they'd be just as vulnerable to it as normal humans are.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the comics, Bane has a partial clone/"daughter" who goes by the name of Vengeance. Does a version of this character possibly exists in the Earth-16 universe? If true, is it also possible that the Earth-16 version of Bane does not yet know of her existence?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the issue #5 of the seven-issue limited series, "Flashpoint Beyond," the Joker's real name was revealed as Jack Oswald White. In that issue, the Flashpoint version of Martha Wayne (who is that universe's version of the Joker) learned this information from Psycho-Pirate (Roger Hayden) before she killed him; she wanted to know about the differences between the Flashpoint universe and the mainstream DC Comics universe. With this major revelation about the Joker's true identity in the comics, does that now mean that Jack Oswald White is also the real name of the Earth-16 version of the Joker as well?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to the Earth-16 version of the Kryptonian High Council, how many members did it consists of, and what were the names of its members?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

The Young Justice Wiki states that Jason Todd took on the mantle of Robin, joined the Team, and died under unknown circumstances; all within the year of 2013. Assuming each of these three events occurred separately within that year, which exact month did each of these events took place? Also, in regards to Jason's death, I fully understand that you are likely NOT able to reveal the exact details/circumstances, but there is ONE thing that I strongly feel that we need to know for absolutely certainty: Was the Joker directly involved in Jason's death? I just need a yes/no to that particular question; not the how/why.

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to Earth-16's Batwoman:

#1. When exactly did she come out as a lesbian?

#2. When exactly did she find out that her cousin, Bruce Wayne, was Batman?

#3. Before she decided to become Batwoman, what was her originally intended career path?

#4. Is her father, Colonel Jacob "Jake" Kane, currently aware that she is Batwoman? If so, how exactly does he feel about his daughter becoming a vigilante?

#5. In comparison to what is shown in the comics, what exactly happened to the Earth-16 versions of her mother (Gabrielle "Gabi" Kane) and her twin sister (Elizabeth "Beth" Kane)?

#6. Who are her previous and current love interests in the Earth-16 universe, and how long has she been in a relationship with each of them?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Using the link provided to you below, and looking at the "Kane Family Tree" diagram on that page, I would like you to please answer the following questions for me in regards to the Earth-16 version of the Kane Family in comparison to the version from the mainstream DC Comics universe.


#1. In the generation of the Kane family consisting of Martha and her four brothers (Nathan, Phillip, Jacob, and Bette Kane's as-of-yet unnamed father), what is the order of oldest to youngest sibling in the Earth-16 universe?

#2. What are the names of Bette Kane's parents in the Earth-16 universe; despite the fact they have not yet been named in the mainstream DC Comics universe?

#3. In your responses to previous postings regarding Bette Kane, it is only known that she has an unknown relation with both Martha Wayne and Kate Kane, and you do not seem to want to commit to anything beyond that. HOWEVER, if her place in the Kane family tree is the same as in the mainstream DC Comics universe, then that should mean that all her relationships with her other Kane family members outside of her own parents would be considered PATERNAL, correct?

#4. Even though he is not listed in the Kane family tree, is the Earth-16 version of Damian (son of Bruce Wayne and Talia al Ghul) considered to be the PATERNAL FIRST COUSIN, ONCE REMOVED of Kate Kane and Beth Kane (Kate's twin sister, and Jacob Kane's other daughter), and the PATERNAL FIRST COUSIN of Bette Kane? If not, then what are the three women's correct relationships with Damian in the Earth-16 universe?

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Lee writes...

I'm obsessed with the fact that the Al Ghuls sat back, looked at each other, looked back at the Light/the rest of the world, then decided to peace out to form a ninja commune on scenic Infinity Island, where they have daily ninja meditation drum circles and probably have access to amazing seafood. (And have taken it upon themselves to rehab the red hood(ed) ninja.)

What motivated this drastic change in lifestyle? Damian? Ra's getting saved by Artemis? A mix? Spoilers?

Thank you, sir!

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Anonymous writes...

If the Kaizer-Thrall could open up Boom Tubes (via Father Box or Mother Box) to another dimension like the Phantom Zone, then why did Lor-Zod need the Phantom Zone Projector?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the full name of Earth-16's Bruce Wayne is NOT Bruce Thomas Wayne, then what is his actual full name?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I have recently read your response to my posting in regards to Bette Kane.


My question to you is this: Why are you NOT able to commit on the information regarding Bette Kane?

The point of my previous posting to you was because I am curious as to how much the Earth-16 version of Bette Kane has in common with her mainstream DC Comics counterpart; from both her pre-Flashpoint (New Earth) and post-Flashpoint (Prime Earth) versions of herself. Essentially, I was simply trying to understand her place in the Kane family tree and her exact relationships to the rest of the members of her family. I mean, you have previously mentioned that she is related to Martha Wayne and Kate Kane, but what about Bruce Wayne and his son, Damian?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

If the Earth-16 version of Bette Kane has some kind of relation to Martha Wayne and Kate Kane, does that also mean that Bette has some kind of relation to Bruce Wayne as well?

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Alex (aka Aldrius) writes...

Arc 4 review! (Kaldur's story, so episodes 14-18 I think)

So I LOVE this arc. I love the Atlantean lore, I love the storytelling, I love the characterization and I love the way time is used.

I've always loved this version of Kaldur and Atlantis. I like it so much that when I rewatched Justice League (and Unlimited) this year, I liked their version of Atlantis & Aquaman so much solely because of how well presented they were in *this* show. Maybe that sounds weird, but it's true.

So this story to me, more than anything despite being "Kaldur's arc" is really a story about Atlantis. Kaldur is the pivotal character, the POV character, the hero who (kind of) saves the day, but it's really a story about the fate of Atlantis, and who should rule it. It's also, forgive me for putting it this way, but it "makes up for" the sort off-handed way Ocean Master got dealt with in season 3. In a really cool way. It wasn't really necessary, but I like it.

I love the way time is used in this arc. The fact that we start before the start point of arc 3, but then we cut to a few weeks later halfway through this arc is really cool. I also really love the mystery of the Return of Ocean Master. I cannot remember what I thought at the time, I don't know if I put much thought into it, and really only a clone is what makes sense. Well, I guess there're other things that make sense, especially since the Light transplanted the real Orm's brain into a new cloned body. So I suppose the sky's the limit on what the light is capable of.

I suppose one could think it a cheat, a way to bring back a character. But firstly, Orm's death wasn't like a super impactful thing that I feel like it undermines some important emotional moment. I think it only makes the Light seem more devious, that not only would they have their enforcer behead Orm, but they'd keep his brain around to use later for their own ends. So I don't think it's a cheat.

I really do like the way the show will find new ways to use old concepts. So the Light making new clones to develop even more insidious plans than it did before.

The Orm clone was a lot of fun too, and I really liked all the scenes between him and Orin. In fact, I LOVED all the Orin scenes in this arc in general. Orin sort of working out all of his issues with his brother, through his clone and giving clone-Orm a chance to have a different fate. I also like the way the Arion stuff from arc 3 (which seemed interesting but a bit superfluous at the time) and really uses it well here. The scene with the Tiara could be seen as a bit of a cliche, ala the Nazis opening the arc of the covenant, or really any story where an arrogant mortal man abuses the power of god, but it's such a triumphant moment I really don't care.

David Kaye does a really good job making Arion and Vandall sound like different people. I really get a strong sense of who Arion was in general.

The only REAL complaint I have about the arc is the lack of Mera. And that's not because I love Mera and think she needs to be more important, but just because the storytelling and the plot are really built around Mera. And in the end while making her Queen is both logical (i.e. it makes both her father and her husband happy) and is narratively satisfying with the prophecy angle, to a degree I wish we got more of a sense of what *she* thinks is going on, but she's really just a mouth piece for a prophecy, which I find less satisfying than I would like. It didn't hurt the story or the storytelling, and certainly Mera comes across as competent and heroic through out the story; but that's my minor quibble for the episode. I would have liked to have seen more of her perspective.

Kaldur's arc, which is something I think a lot of people kind of took umbrage with; I'm honestly totally fine with. Not wowed by it, but it's fine. It's honestly not really that important to the story because ultimately as I said, it's a story about *Atlantis*. And I've never really understood what it would add for Kaldur to have some lesson, or some theme, or have some transformation. Kaldur's whole thing is that he's *steady*. He's reliable, he's a good leader, he's a good mentor, he approaches problems and situations logically. By the end of this story, he's just worn out, he's just been working too hard and everyone is telling him to take it easy.

It's fine. I think "he's just *too stoic and capable*" is kind of a weird conflict to give a character because I think it's a tough thing to make relatable or to provide some dramatic tension. Kaldur really isn't showing any signs of fraying until the story's over, when he has his break down. And that's tragic and heartbreaking, but it comes a bit late in the arc to be emotionally effective I think. Again, I don't think this detracts from the story, but it feels like the sort of thing that maybe would have been more dramatically effective at the midpoint of the story. I'm not sure. I think it might have worked better, but I also don't think it's something Kaldur needs.

I think it's totally fine that Kaldur is just consistent and reliable. Seeing a bit of humanity and weakness at the end was fine too. I really don't see the problem with any of this. Like yeah, if I was breaking the story down using Saving the Cat or something I might say it's a weak arc for your main character, but I've really never bought into the idea that the character who transforms or changes or goes through the mud has to be your *main* character necessarily. It's okay for your lead to be steady, and for *another* character to go through that dramatic transition.

In this case I think it's Atlantis at large, and to an extent Orin/Arthur who really go through that transition. And it's super effective, as I mentioned above I *love* all the Orin scenes in this arc. I love the bit where the Sharks are circling like his muscle. I loved seeing Orin as a detective. It's all just really, really cool.

I really liked the epilogue with Vandal and Dr. Fate too. This is a sort of story archetype I'm seeing more and more (at least it was a big part of Toy Story 4 of all things --...and Mad Men). Where a male character who is used to being the decider discovers that things are kind of moving on from him, that the world maybe doesn't need him to take risks and make big decisions for it. I like it a lot, and I think it's very well placed here. And very thematic too, with Orin's arc in the story. Even Kaldur's arc really.

I think that's everything, I usually forget something I wanted to mention but I think that's everything.
Alex (or Aldrius)

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the current iteration of the mainstream DC Comics continuity (Prime Earth), Deadshot has two daughters, Zoe and Suchin; the former goes by the vigilante codename, Liveshot, and is an archer. As such, do both of Deadshot's daughters also exist in the Earth-16 universe?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

I sincerely hope that Kara and Mary will not be the only two members of the new generation of Furies. I personally think there are other female DC Comics characters we haven't seen yet on Earth-16 who might also work out as potential recruits for the Furies. However, I will refrain from making any suggestions to you just in case you've already figured it out on your own.

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Ultra-Humanite:

#1. When he was originally a male scientist, what was his original name? Also, did he have any family at that time?

#2. What was the name of the woman whom he transferred his brain into, and did that woman have any family? Also, what happened to the woman's body after Ultra-Humanite's brain was transferred into the albino gorilla, Tolifhar?

#3. Why did Ultra-Humanite come up the brain transfer process in the first place? Was it because he wanted to cheat death and live forever? Or did his original human body suffered from some kind of terminal illness in which there was no cure?

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I love Shakespeare writes...

Hey Greg,
How much of old school works like hamlet have influenced your work. Also how did Pete come up with his web fluid and shoters. The Netflix reshow got me thinking ðŸ'­on this.

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Anonymous writes...

did zatanna attend college?

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Anonymous writes...

What kind of support did Em'ree give M'gann when she came to Earth? I'm sorry to see that we didn't see more of Em'ree and M'gann during the latter half of Phantoms? Was it a hard adjustment for Em'ree being on Earth and whatever happened to her after the wedding? Did Em'ree go back to Mars after Season 4 or did she decide to continue living on Earth and if so is she still living with M'gann and Conner or has she moved out and found a place to live in Happy Harbour?

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Anonymous writes...

1. In the months when M'gann thought Conner was dead, how she did handle their anniversaries
*they got engaged
*when they first met
*getting back together
What did she do during those days and what did everyone do to help her during those rough times?

2. On the Team's 10 year anniversary, how did they spend the day? Were they altogether and if so did they do anything special to honor it, especially considering it was also the same day they met Conner and were still mourning him? It had to have been an extremely painful day for everyone. Rescuing Superboy was the Team's very first mission together. He was the reason they were altogether and the fact he was gone, really had to be extremely painful for everyone.

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Pedro writes...

Is Bart Allen a person with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder?

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John Paul Gontor writes...

Hey Mr.weisman
One question and I hope it wouldn't offend you:
Why make Halo middle eastern and Muslim in Young Justice?

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Hafiz writes...

Denise Boutte once in an interview referred to Lynn Stewart-Pierce as "Doctor". Does this stand true in the YJ Continuity?

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Lsaya writes...

how in regards to bart s2, how much does he know whats going on/plan for?
for instance, losing the fight to nightwing and robin and did he know mal was going to be there right then?
did he know aqualad wanst really a traitor and artemis was alive?
how much was he winging of his "change the past" plan, how detailed was his knowledge prior to traveling back in time?

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Hayden Philyaw writes...

Did Gar know his mother was Lesbian/Bisexual?

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Anonymous writes...

Why didn't you give Conner and M'gann a reunion kiss in the last episode of season 4 after the battle ended or was their wedding kiss also serving as their reunion kiss and if so did they want that way to make it more special since it was their first kiss since being reunited together?

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Anonymous writes...

In an effort to restart the investigation since the case ran cold, did the original team or justice league ever ask Miss Martian access to her memories on the days leading up to Conner's death?

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Anonymous writes...

1. Who attended the lighting ceremony of Superboy's memorial hologram aboard the Watchtower aside from Dick and Kaldur?
2. When M'gann went to visit Conner's memorial for the first time, did she go by herself or did the entire original team go with her for support? Also were any members of the Justice League, Team or Outsiders also present to offer their support to Miss Martian and show their respect to Superboy?
3. Why did Bear wait to so long to offer his sympathizes for Conner's death considering how close they were?
4. What are the favourite Disney films of the original team members and why?

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Anonymous writes...

Has Black Lightning taken Livewire under his wing as his protege like Static?

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Anonymous writes...

Will you guys have Mgann be called Mrs Martian instead of Miss since she officially married Conner?

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Anonymous writes...

How come Tye, Asami, and Arsenal never went to the Harvest Festival that was being held at the Meta-Human Youth Center during the episode "Illusion of Control”?

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Katy K. writes...

Hey Greg! I have been in the Gargoyles fandom for at least a few years, and I've got a question about something almost everyone I've talked to in the fandom, including myself, believe in, and I'm curiousif it's true. Do Gargoyles purr or at least have the ability to do so?

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Paul writes...

Hi Greg I'd like to ask just two questions: 1) Can Shazam shoot lightning from your hands? I've never seen him do that at any point in the series? 2) Is Superman the Physically Strongest Hero on Earth - 16? Sorry for my english, I'm from Brazil :)

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Anonymous writes...

1. Why did Superboy go with Miss Martian to the Hall of Justice to interrogate the Krolotean in Alienated? What was the point of it since he didn't/couldn't really stop her from abusing her powers or what she did the alien?

2. By season 3/4, does M'gann look back in disgust over how she was in season 2? How she acted, everything she did and especially everyone she hurt? She was the WORST version of herself in season 2. How did you about her storyline in that season?

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Anonymous writes...

What year did the team stop having den mothers in the cave (if they ever did)? Did they stop using den mothers when some of the older members (like Kaldur) became adults, or when the JL felt like the team could operate mostly independently?

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Anonymous writes...

I'd assume the productions of both YJ and the Green Arrow short were happening simultaneously, so I wonder when Perdita was created. Is she original for YJ or Green Arrow's showcase? Has Brandon had any hand in her creation?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Just for clarification, the Earth-16 versions of Hawkman and Hawkwoman do NOT have the ability to reincarnate after they die (just like their comic book counterparts); am I correct? As such, that would also mean they were also NOT members of the Earth-16 version of the Justice Society of America/All-Star Squadron?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 universe, when did Hawkwman and Hawkwoman first arrived on Earth? Please give an exact date (mm/dd/yyyy), if possible.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Since Saturn Girl, Phantom Girl, and Chameleon Boy were finally able to go home to the 31st century in the Season 4 finale, will the technology from that time period be able to repair the burn damage on Phantom Girl's right hand?

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M. writes...

Regarding this ask https://s8.org/gargoyles/askgreg/search.php?qid=26325
Does yoir answer mean that Jade was still with Roy in YJ Legacy? Because you said that the main reason Jade left him was that she found out she was pregnant and he couldn't focus on them. But here you're saying she fled the Shadows because she realized she was pregnant. Something is not adding up. Does that mean that she left Roy (for whatever reason), joined the Shadows again, AND THEN found out she was pregnant and left them? I apologize if this question comes out as rude. I just want some clarity regarding this topic.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In a flashback, the Outsiders fought against Kobra near a radio tower, but there were no specifics as to where this fight took place on Earth. If this happened somewhere in the United States, can you please give the specific location? Also, can you please tell us what exactly led up to the fight in the first place (because I want to know how the Outsiders found out what Kobra was up to)?

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ThunderCrash writes...

So in a previous response you said "No, there aren't two bodies per character, with one in storage, as in Miracleman. Their bodies are transformed magically when they say, "Shazam!". But when asked about whether he would need to get two cure chips for both Billy and Captain Marvel or just giving Billy one would do the trick, you said "I'm sure they took no chances.". So did the team and justice league give him two cure chips to ensure no possibility of mind control despite only having one would do the trick simply out of paranoia. Can you explain this, I am having a little doubt whether to think of Captain Marvel and Billy as the same physical body or is it more the magical augmentation will also have the control chip in it even after the form disappears. Basically is the health and physical state of Billy Batson(fractures, mind control or just the flu) influence his Captain Marvel form(Captain Marvel having a fracture for instance) and vica versa.

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Anonymous writes...

Assuming Jason's personality is the same in the Earth-16 universe as it is in the comics, was he brought into the Team by Bruce Wayne and Dick Grayson in the hopes that learning how to be a team player and making friends with others around his age would help get Jason to simmer down on his anger and violent tendencies? Did it actually help Jason to some degree; even though he ultimately died? Also, given his personality, did Black Canary had to talk to Jason a lot in comparison to the other young heroes, and did that frustrate her at times?

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Anonymous writes...

If Wonder Girl's father is Zeus in the Earth-16 universe, does that mean all of Zeus' siblings are Wonder Girl's paternal half-aunts and paternal half-uncles, all of Zeus' children are Wonder Girl's paternal half-brothers and paternal half-sisters, and all the children of Zeus' siblings are Wonder Girl's paternal half-cousins?

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Anonymous writes...

#1. At the time when he first encountered the Justice Society of America, what was Vandal Savage trying to do, and how did the JSA managed to defeat him?

#2. Aside from Vandal Savage, what other dangerous supervillains did the JSA encountered before they eventually disbanded?

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Clark Cradic writes...

Did Superboy spend much time in Smallville? I got the implication he and the Kents were pretty familiar. Is his connection to Clark as his "brother" known to people outside the team/family?

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Alex (or Aldrius) writes...

Arc 3 "Zatanna" ramble

So, this arc is strange to me. In a good way. Lately I've sort of been trying to think of arcs and stories in terms of a core dramatic question. What is the story asking? And what is the answer? Normally to my observation the question is usually asked by the end of the halfway mark of the story, with the answer coming at the end. In some form or another.

This arc is strange because it answers the question before it's even really been properly asked.

So in effect, this story is a Dr. Fate story I think. That was the strongest element to me, that was the most important part, it was certainly the one I actively cared about the most (it's really an arc that's been going on since near the beginning of season 1). The dramatic question as such, is "are Zatanna's students worthy to take up the mantle of Dr. Fate?". But that question isn't *really* asked until the very end of the story after they've dealt with Child. And by that point the question has already, very clearly I'd say, been answered. They are. (except for Mary)

So I really like that element of the story structure, that it sort of works in reverse. Really different.

The Chaos Lord stuff just isn't really my thing, I think is what it comes down to. I like the primordial element, I like the reinterpretation of Klarion, but the body horror and the smug ageless child thing isn't my taste. (It's possible Black Lagoon ruined it for me, though.) But I do really like the mythic elements here, the need for a familiar, the way different familiars manifest. I even sort of like the idea of the Lords of Order and Chaos holding court (sometimes with one another). And I think it's cool that Vandal Savage sort of solved the problem through diplomacy. Though I think his argument was a bit obvious (though I guess it wasn't to the Lords of Chaos).

The mindscape stuff in the middle of the arc was a bit odd to me. Mindscapes have always been a Weisman classic, so I wasn't particularly surprised to see them here. These were pretty effective and at times creepy, but I kind of wish we'd gotten this information in a more traditional way. I think the main thing that threw me off here was the placement of them. They sort of come in the middle of the action, when things are extremely desperate, It's an odd time to take a break to do some character development. In fact the whole pattern of the arc is odd to me. It's almost constant rising of stakes, and then when things are at their most intense, we sort of wander off to focus on some down time. Either meeting Jason Blood, or Dr. Fate, or the stuff with Klarion and the bus.

Then there was the stuff with Zatara. Now, I think partly the purpose of the stuff with Zatara, or my impression of it was to make Zatara less of a prop. Zatara potentially could be nothing more than an objective for Zatanna. She's got to rescue her nice, but unremarkable father from despotic forces. I think that's a good intention, but again came in at an odd time in the story. It also sort of muddled the through line of the storytelling in a way I wasn't the biggest fan of.

Because ultimately, while I think I'd argue it is a Zatanna, Dr. Fate Zatara story, I'm not sure it's important to really understand Zatara beyond the fact that Zatanna cares about him. And I don't really begrudge the storytelling that indulgence, I'm not an essentialist the way some people are, but I just think this story already has so many characters and subplots going on it winds up just being another layer to contextualize and care about and the show is already asking a lot. It didn't need to work this hard to make me care about Zatara, or to explain Zatara. I already care about Zatara and Zatanna.

The religious elements too, I think I'm not sure what to think of. I'm not a religious person, and Christianity in particular makes me very uncomfortable. So the shot of Nabu and Zatara facing off with an Ankh and a cross behind them made me chuckle a bit. Just because it reminded me of a narmy 70s comic cover (was it based on a cover actually?). But I think religion is a *very* big topic, and it's hard to kind of compartmentalize in this sort of story. Like, for me, what's important about Khalid's story isn't his relationship with magic, or with god, but his relationship with his mother. Which there isn't time or space to explore because of how ambitious this arc is. So it kind of just gets boiled down to him feeling pressure to choose something, and him deciding he doesn't have to choose. And I wish we got more context for that. Though there's an obvious irony in him being pressured into becoming a doctor and ending up as doctor fate, obviously. I'm less enamored with that now a few months later than I was when I watched it, but I still appreciate it.

One other thing I wanna comment on, because I've seen this criticism that this isn't really Zatanna's story. Which I suppose is true. I've seen this idea put forth by a lot of youtubes and film critic-type people, the idea of sort of the want/need and the core narrative of a character. Like because Zatanna doesn't transform, or learn something, or realize an unrealized need it's not her story. She knows what she wants at the beginning of the arc, and she knows how she wants to get it. And things just kind of... fall into place after that and she gets what she wants, the story wouldn't really have been that different if Zatanna had just knocked on Dr. Fate's door and had a conversation with him about cycling hosts. Which means perhaps the story is less dynamic and connected than it could be, but I don't think that's a *problem* necessarily.

Because ultimately the transformation is Dr. Fate's. This is a story about Dr. Fate. And I think that's good. Your P.O.V. character or protagonist doesn't necessarily need to be the character to whom things are happening.

It's interesting because I think this is also *very* reflected in Kaldur's arc.

I've rewritten this like 4 times to try and make it sound as constructive and not negative as possible, and I think I failed miserably at that, but there *is* a lot I liked about this arc. It's generally stuff that's just... always good, though. The characters are well drawn out, the conflicts are endearing, the story's creative, the global scope was impressive. It wasn't petty, it felt like everything was consequential. I still love this show's take on doctor fate *a lot*. I liked that we got a resolution to the Dr. Fate arc that started so many years ago.

So... yeah, I liked it. The Kaldur arc was my favourite of the season, though, so I'm looking forward to writing that ramble.

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Darcy writes...

Spectacular Spider-Man is one of my most favourite shows and it sucks it only got 2 seasons. I read online that you wanted it to have 5 seasons so how come it got cancelled and is there any hope of it getting at least 1 more season ?

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Anonymous writes...

1) Does the supervillain named Metallo exist in Earth-16?

2) Does the female supervillain named Giganta exist in Earth-16?

3) Does the alien supervillain named Sinestro exist in Earth-16 and was a former member of the Green Lantern Corps who went rogue and became one of their enemies?

4) Does the supervillain named Solomon Grundy exist in Earth-16?

5) Does the supervillain named Tar Pit (Joey Monteleone) exist in Earth-16?

6) Does the Supervillain Team called the Royal Flush Gang exist in Earth-16?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Going through the "Unanswered Questions," I noticed that there are a few people who are getting things mixed up with the possible relationships between Bruce Wayne and his other family members in the Kane family tree in Earth-16 universe. To settle the matter once and for all, can you please confirm if the following information below is correct?

#1. From Bruce Wayne's point of view, his maternal cousins are Kate Kane, Beth Kane, and Bette Kane. His maternal uncles would therefore be Jacob Kane (Kate's and Beth's father) and Bette's unnamed father.

#2. From Kate Kane's and Beth Kane's point of view, their paternal cousins are Bruce Wayne and Bette Kane. Their paternal aunt would therefore be Martha Wayne (Bruce's mother), and their paternal uncle would therefore be Bette's unnamed father.

#3. From Bette Kane's point of view, her paternal cousins are Kate Kane, Beth Kane, and Bruce Wayne. Her paternal aunt would therefore be Martha Wayne (Bruce's mother), and her paternal uncle would therefore be Jacob Kane (Kate's and Beth's father).

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Hawkfan writes...

I have a question about Young Justice's "Endgame."

1. Why didn't Hawkman say something to defend Shayera? Idk it just seems kind of out of character for him not to say anything at all.

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Anonymous writes...

Does superboy feel responisble for garfield's beakup with up with queen perditia after all garfield believe he cause conner to die ?

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Anonymous writes...

This isn't really a serious question and I hope this wouldn't be something too spoiler-y, but since returning to 1997, have Brooklyn and/or Gnash ever sat down whenever a new show/episode comes on for the first time saying that it's a classic much to Lex and Broadway's confusion like the Marty McFly meme?

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Population Question writes...

I remember the statement that Mars has an overpopulation issue. Approximately how big is the Martian population in 2020(a.k.a. Team Year Ten)?