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Anonymous writes...

Dear Mr Weisman Before i ask my questions I what to say i am fed up with the ''House of zod''Getting its way and hope that the Kryptonian luck will end soon now then 1. Why did you and the production crew Decide to give Ursa the powers of the Emerald Empress ? 2. Was Phil Morris happy that he finally got to say ''Knell before Zod!'' in a Young Justice episode ?

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6f5e4d writes...

Hello Greg,

It's seemingly become a pattern that the second half of season 4, unlike prior episodes, has rather vague episode descriptions, whether only stating minor plot details, or containing riddles. Is this because you became wary of possible leaks and wanted to keep everything a surprise?

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Anonymous writes...

Hello Greg. Just want to say i am absolutely loving young justice so far.
I've been wondering. Would you mind answering if jason todd died in 2013 or 2014?

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Anonymous writes...

I recently read an article about some of the characters’ favorite movies and books (https://www.polygon.com/entertainment/23014687/young-justice-movies-beast-boy-miss-martian-artemis). How do you come up with small background details about the characters that feel meaningful and genuine (rather than randomly deciding that a character likes Honey Nut Cheerios or something), especially ones you know you probably won’t use? Is it easier when you’re doing this for original characters rather than adaptations of characters from other works?

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AlphaRomeo writes...

Hi there, I'm so happy we got to see this much of Young Justice. Hopefully by the time you read this HBO Max will greenlit a season 5. But I'm still gratefull for all that we have already.

I have to say that I particularly loved Kaldur's arc and Rocket's arc in season 4. I do wish we got to learn a bit more about Rocket's backstory on earth 16, since she is such a unique take on being a sidekick and has a pretty cool lifestory in the comics.

I also hope one day you guys choose to explore the more unique parts of the Wonder Woman universe and we get to learn more about Cassie Sandsmark and some cool takes on villains from that world. But I get it if you guys have others part of the DC universe that interest you more. It's fair.

Anyway, my main question is what was the process you took in season 2, 3 and 4 to determine how much you wanted to jump forward in time between each season? Five years was a big jump in season 2, but since then you've made shorter and shorter time jumps. What aspects of the story made you decide to jump so much at the beginning, and jump so little nowadays?

Thank you for all you give us

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!!!

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Anonymous writes...

The YJ Discord and Reddit ruuuuuuuules. This site suck sloppy cock!!!!!!!!

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