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Megatron writes...

1) There are other canon adjacent products set in earth-16 aside from DC showcase Green Arrow, Green Lantern: The Animated Series and Catwoman: Hunnted?
2) If yes and if it's possible to know, which ones?
3) Are the Green Lantern: The Animated Series tie-in comics canon adjacent too?
4) What is the timeframe where is the storyline of Catwoman: Hunted set? (Year/Month/Day-Year/Month/Day)
Thx for your future answer.

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Verdragon writes...

Was there any pushback to you changing the ending of the Judas Contract when adapting it during Outsiders, or was everyone pretty much on board with doing a new spin on the storyline? I personally think what you did with Tara and Brion was brilliant, and that scene in Nevermore is probably my favorite in the entire series.

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Anonymous writes...

Can you describe what M'gann's "bad days" were like in season 4 after she got back to Earth?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Catwoman: Hunted" is canon-adjacent in the Earth-16 universe...

#1. How old is Julia Pennyworth as of 2020?

#2. How old is Catwoman/Selina Kyle as of 2020?

#3. Do Batman and his proteges know who Julia Pennyworth is and that she is Alfred's daughter?

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Anonymous writes...

Since "Young Justice: Targets" finally introduced Merlyn to the Earth-16 universe...

#1. What year was he born?

#2. What year did he became an assassin?

#3. Is his real name Arthur King or Malcolm Merlyn?

#4. Has he ever been identified as the Dark Archer?

#5. When did he first encountered Oliver Queen/Green Arrow?

#6. When were the exact dates of the 16 duels that he won against Green Arrow?

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Parker writes...

During Season 1, where did Kaldur live? From what we got in “Downtime”, he clearly wasn’t living in Atlantis. It was never mentioned that he lived in the cave. In “Welcome to Happy Harbor” M’gann only mentioned herself and Superboy as living there.

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Dee Wayne writes...

Why did the person seen the google glass to Perdida in episode nightmare monkeys in young justice outsiders and if was because the person wants her to put the google glass on then why did the person what Perdida put google glasses on?

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Newton writes...

Before the breakup How did Green Arrow feel about the fact Garfield and Perdita were dating?

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Sam writes...

Why did queen Perdita go to conner and m'gann's wedding without her bodyguards in the last episode of young justice phantoms? Why was she allowed to go to the wedding without her bodyguards?

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Notforprofit writes...

Is Cadmus a 501c3 on Earth-16? Though we know a lot of their work behind the scenes is anything but charitable, on the surface it seems like they could easily portray themselves as dedicated to the advancement of science or education, as the IRS defines it.

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