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Andrew writes...

Hello, Greg. I’m a big fan of your work, especially Young Justice and The Spectacular Spider-Man! I’m glad the former was able to make a comeback, and can only wish the latter had not been canceled when it was. Had there been a third season of The Spectacular Spider-Man, is there anyone in particular you think would be good voices for Scorpion, Hobgoblin, and Carnage?

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Anonymous writes...

So, after watching the animated film "Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths - Part Three," and seeing how the DC Animated Universe (Earth-12) ended up being destroyed, should we assume that the "Young Justice" Earth-16 DC Universe was destroyed too (off-screen), and is that the reason, why the show had not been picked up for a fifth season? If so, whoever made that decision clearly made a huge mistake, and if the show doesn't get renewed, I think "Young Justice" should be given a proper conclusion via a series of animated feature-length movies; at least up to the year 2030 in the present-day Earth-16 timeline so that Superboy's role during that year can finally be revealed.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

At the risk of potentially causing you to get pissed off at me, I’m going to predict what I think will happen in Season 5 of “Young Justice” should it somehow gets renewed. Keep in mind that my predictions are not listed in any particular order.

#1. Supergirl and Black Mary will be the main focus of Season 5.

#2. The Justice League will face another situation in which the public loses faith in them; this will be in art due to Supergirl and Black Mary.

#3. Supergirl will initially be loyal to the cause of Apokolips, but her loyalty will gradually waver over the course of the first half of the season due to her encounters with Superman, Superboy, and Jonny Kent. Supergirl’s encounter with Superboy would be similar to what happened in the comics; to the point of temporarily dislocating his jaw after punching him.

#4. As Mary Bromfield was considered to becoming a member of the Justice League Reserves, she will become an infiltrator until she eventually betrays them publicly.

#5. After Black Mary’s public betrayal, Khalid will privately confront Zatanna about her indirect role in Mary’s turn to villainy.

#6. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Black Mary will attempt to personally kill Zatanna and ends up killing Doctor Fate instead when he takes the fatal blow for Zatanna. Zatanna will initially believe it is one of her apprentices; until the mask falls off and it is revealed to be her father, Giovanni. Shocked yet satisfied with the outcome, Black Mary whispers something in her ear and leaves; causing Zatanna to suffer an emotional breakdown and causing her to go into a catatonic state for most of the second half of Season 5.

#7. In the second half of Season 5, Superboy reveals to his teammates and some members of the Jsutice League that he heard what Black Mary told Zatanna to cause the latter to have a breakdown and go into a catatonic state. Black Mary’s words to Zatanna is that once again Zatanna lost her father, and this time it’s for good, and Zatanna ha no one to blame but herself.

#8. Khalid is confronted by the Team, Shazam and some of the members of Justice League who personally knew Giovanni; causing him to reveal Zatanna’s indirect role in Mary becoming a villain.

#9. In the Season 5 midseason finale, Supergirl ends up crashing at the school where Jonny Kent is attending. Upon seeing Jonny, Kara recalls a memory that was suppressed due to her trauma from her time in the Phantom Zone; this memory would be her being introduced to her baby cousin Kal-El for the first time. Therefore, she assumes Jonny is Kal-El due to the fact she does not believe Superman is Kal-El. When one of Black Mary’s attacks causing a large gas truck to fall over and causes it to burn and leak gasoline. numerous children and parents flee for their lives because the turck is about to explode. When Jonny is knocked down and cries and Lois is apparently unable to reach him in time, Kara hears Jonny’s cry (as it mixes with her memory of baby Kal-El’s cry and how she tried to console him), and reaches Jonny at blindly fast speed to shield him from the explosion. Enraged that Jonny was almost hurt, Kara lashes out Black Mary and fights her; only to end up being stabbed with Kryptonite dagger in her gut by Black Mary. Black Mary then deems Kara a traitor due to the latter’s actions.

#10. Supergirl recovers in what appears to be a cross between a hospital room and a jail cell; due to the fact that there is mixed opinions about her due to her actions during the first half of Season 5. Likewise, Supergirl admits to having doubts and doesn’t know what to bleive anymore.

#11. Despite their previous misunderstanding, Supergirl will share a familial bond with Superboy; due to the fact that they are both close in age physiologically. She would learn about Earth culture from him as well.

#12. Black Mary will prove to be apparently irredeemable by the end of Seaosn 5; as such, two possible scenarios regarding her possible fate will happen to her:

Scenario A: As an indirect nod to the film, “Man of Steel,” Black Mary will attempt to kill a group of innocent people in order to validate her rage towards everyone hwo apparently betrayed her. Supergirl, who would have Black Mary in a chokehold would beg Black Mary to stop before being forced to snap Mary’s neck; leaving Kara emotionally distraught over what she was forced to do..

Scenario B: Black Mary is captured and sent to Sanctuary while wearing a power-dampening collar around her neck. As a sign that she has mentally slipped towards insanity and her willingness to accept that she was not shunned by those around her, Mary would be shown having dark bags under her eyes; which would be shown as her being consumed by hatred and her belief that everyone has put her down.

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Anonymous writes...

Was the reason "Young Justice" was NOT renewed for a fifth season was because the multiverse was wiped out in the "Justice League: Crisis on Infinite Earths" animated movie trilogy?

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Anonymous writes...

1) Did Wally ever truly have the potential to phase? You’ve said before that Wally’s speed is about acceleration we’re as Barry has more control over his actual speed, is this why Barry was able to phase and Wally wasn’t it was it due to a lack of experience?

2) It’s heavily implied that Impulse’s speed is like Barry’s (he can phase, experience time slown down, disarm enemies quickly, organise rocks in a pattern within 2 seconds to resemble himself, and play ping pong against himself). Do you think Jay Garrick’s speed is the same as Barry and Impulse’s or do you think it is more akin to Wally’s speed or something else entirely?

3) Is Wally faster than Jay?

4) Icon was somewhat compared to Superman (as it was asked if superman thought he was kryptonian), does this mean he is of a similar speed to superman while flying?

5) Do you think if Jay, Superman, Captain Marvel, Lieutenant Marvel, and Sergeant Marvel where all contributing kinetic energy in “endgame” Wally would have survived, or do you think more would have died?

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BrooklynX writes...

Hello Greg, this Brooklyn (Shaun), and as promised here is my CONvergence 2024 Con Journal:

I am going to admit that the last time I had written one of these was for the final Gathering of The Gargoyles back in 2009. Hard to believe it has been 15 years, which not only makes me feel old, but probably does the same for Greg Weisman. Sorry Greg.

After the Gatherings came to end, I attended a few other cons, but none of them quite had the same feel. I tried out AnthroCon for the first time in 2013 so I had been kind of curious about the furry fandom. I ended up behind the tables again, but not as a volunteer, but as a dealers assistant. And it became my go to summer convention.

I hadn't beard about the 20th anniversary get together for 2014, so I missed that one. If I had known about it, you can bet I would have been there instead of AnthroCon. Oooops.

In the 2017, I went from living in Sacramento, CA to the small city of Pacific, WA (about 30 miles south of Seattle). I guess I felt the need to spread my wings a bit. Fast forward to AnthronCon 2023, and I heard about the 30th anniversary of Gargoyles. And that it would be at CONvergence.

More or less immediately, I told my roommate that they were going to be on their own next year. After not seeing my fellow fans for 15+ years, I had to go. Now we fast forward to 2024.

Wednesday July 3rd, 2024:

I departed for SeaTac airport a little later than intended, but had given myself plenty of time. Getting through security was quick, but my flight was delayed just under an hour. Wouldn't be a trip without some sort of minor hiccup early on. Thankfully, the flight was nice, and relatively smooth.

Got into Minneapolis Saint Paul airport a bit later than planned. Not going to lie, it was quite the hike trying to find my way over to the car rental place. Felt like I was going up, down, left, and right. I tend to have a decent sense of direction, but that airport design was defeating me.

Finally located it, got my car, and headed for the hotel. After some minor issues with the card, and after getting that settled, I got checked in, and went up to the room. After a bit, I decided to mosey across the street to pick up my badge.

After doing that, I went back downstairs where I ran across Patrick, Karine, Greg B., and a few others whose names escape me at the moment. We ended up talking for a while when Seth, Sammy, and some fans I hadn't met before joined us.

We ended talking for a while before calling it a night.

Thursday July 4th:

As I was preparing to get ready for the day, I noticed I had forgotten to pack socks. Usually when I take a trip, I will forget something, and typically something rather minor. Toothbrush, comb, toothpaste, or some other small item that easy to get from the hotel itself. But socks? Yeah, that rather dumb of me.

So off to the Target that was 3 or 4 blocks away. Of course, it started to sprinkle as I headed over there. Why not add a little insult to injury? Got the socks, some drinks, and snacks for the con. Hoofed it back, and had to get out of the wet shirt into something a bit more dry.

Off to the main hotel. I joined various others in the lobby area. While there, I started passing out some of the “Beware of Gargoyles” badges I had brought along. I had brought along 24 of them. Some of the first ones I handed out to were some of the fans that I ran across from the Gathering of The Gargoyles. Gave out to a few of the newer fans, but wanted to make sure to save one for Greg, Thom, and Keith David.

After a while, wandered down to join the Meet and Greet Gargoyles Cast line. Missed out getting an autograph from Thom, Brigitte Bako, and Greg. But was able to get Keith David's autograph, and a selfie with him. And was able to hand off one of the badges to Greg. It was neat to see him clip to his lanyard nearly right away.

Went across the street to the diner with Seth, Sammy, and Laurean to get some dinner. Tried out the grilled cheese, which was pretty decent. And it came more fries than I was expecting. It was a tasty meal before heading back for the Gargoyles 30th Anniversary Celebration.

It was great to see both Gregs, Brigitte, Thom, Karine, Keith, Jennifer, Zehra, and Erin on stage. Probably the first time I've attended a panel of any sort in years. Made sure to take a couple of pictures to send to one of the German fans; Duncan.

Got to talk with Greg Weisman, along with a few others for a bit. Kind of found it surprising that he remembers who I am 15 years after the last the Gathering. Remembers the handle, but not my name (It is Shaun). To be honest, the same applies to me as well. I can sometimes remember both, or just one. Happens to us all.

Friday July 5th:

After getting ready for the day, back to the con hotel. Chatted with some fellow fans before going to the Voice acting panel. Once that was done, I decided to wander the dealers room before going to the “Voices from Eyrie” panel. Not going to lie, going to need to catch up on those podcasts.

From there, headed up for the Gargoyles in comics one. Not going to lie, I was happy when the comics started coming out again, and was hooked once again. Would love to see more of Dark Ages, along more Timedancer as well besides what was covered in the SLG run. Plus would love to see, and learn more about Gargoyle customs. Especially their courting rituals. What can I say? I'm curious.

Received some art from Y2Hecate that I commissioned her to draw of my characters. And handed off another art idea of a couple of different characters that needed some love too.

Went back to my hotel room for a little before getting dinner at the diner again. The next thing I checked out was the Fancy Bastard Pie Competition. Only 5 pies were submitted. Even so, it was an interesting thing to behold.

After that ended, I have Brigitte Bako my Beware of Gargoyles badge. She had been looking for one, and I was more than happy to give her mine. Certainly made her night. Seeing the joy, and smile made it all the worth while. And got to take a selfie with her.

My roommate has the master file for the badge design, so next time I will make sure I have far more than the 24 I brought.

Skip forward a bit in time for the Blue Mug, and then off to sleep.

Saturday July 6th:

Made a dash up the street to Target again since Kythera suggested getting some Oreos before taking a picture with them to send off to Duncan. Ate some breakfast, and off to the con hotel.

Went off to a panel whose name escapes me at the time of writing this. Wandered for a bit afterwards, and then got in the line for the radio play. “I'm right here!” indeed.

From there, off too jump in the Meet and Greet line to get a Gargoyles comic signed by Greg Weisman. I spotted a couple of variant covers that I did not have, and was able to have those signed instead. I do the love the comment “I feel sorry for you, I sign the same thing for you every time.” Replied saying that I didn't mind. To me, it is always a treat.

Probably wandered some more before Hitting up the Young Justice, and Spectacular Spider-Man panels. Admittedly, I need to watch both of those.

Did a little more talking with a few folks before getting some badly needed food.

Back into my hotel room, I had very random thought; minus the whole time dancing thing, part of my younger life was sort of like gNash's life. Moving from one place to another without being able too settle down. Not really the sort of thing one expects to pop into ones head when trying to get to sleep.

Sunday July 7th:

I guess while I slept, my brain probably kept it bouncing around. And came to a realization after I woke up. Pardon some of the phrasing.

It is weird realizing one of the reasons that "Gargoyles" drew me in 30 years after the show came out. I was a military (USAF) brat until I was 15. So moving around was a regular thing, but hard to understand when you are young. More so when you live 7 (technically 6 as we came back to the same place for a second time, but one doesn't know what's changed either) different places in 13 years.

Wanting to make friends was a challenge. Not just a matter of trust, but not knowing when said friendship might end because of him being assigned to a different base states away. Or being deployed overseas. Even after the final move, it was still difficult to make, and to hold on to friends for years.

Seeing the show when it first came on the air, I could empathize with their thoughts, and feelings of being in a strange new place. Figuring out the layout, who to trust, or even become friends with. In high school, I could count my amount of friends on one hand.

That aside, going to the Gathering of The Gargoyles 2000 in Orlando was the first step in spreading my wings. And a leap of faith. I didn't know what I was getting into. What sort of folks would be meeting? I was still in my shell as as I was still a fairly shy person.

It started cracking my shell, and then the subsequent Gatherings finally brought me out. Along with meeting folks that I can still call friends to this day.

And today, I realize just how much that show meant to me. The connections it helped make to so many wonderful, and talented people. But more importantly, it helped me find a clan that I'm lucky to be a part of. Plus helped change into what I sincerely hope is a far person than I might have been if it hadn't been for Gargoyles.

Heck of a thing to wake up to.

The day of going to three back to back Gargoyles panels. First up was Bio/ Culture, and of course, the panel ran over on time. After Greg, loves to hear himself talk. But hey, that's part of the reason the fandom likes you.

Gargoyles to screen quickly followed. Unlike his previous panels where he has prepared “Absolutly nothing,” he was prepared. I've heard most of this before, but it is still awesome to see, and hear again for the first time in years. And “Better than Barney.” I don't think I'll ever get over that comment. Much like the previous panel, this one ran over as well.

And last one up was Gargoyle visually. He was prepared for this one as well, and again I've seen all of these before. Still a treat though. Didn't have time to show all of the clips. Some of us were saddened by the sight of the Ed Asner clips. I wish I had gotten to chance to meet him, even just once.

A little while later, it was off to closing ceremonies. Got a selfie with Greg before some of us went off to get dinner. After coming back to the hotel, we met up with him in the lobby for a bit before getting milkshakes at the diner.

All of us had to order online since they wanted an $3 if we placed the order in person. Probably took close to an hour to get all of our orders, and there were a few mix ups. I got a butterscotch one. Was okay, but I've had better.

We hung around talking for a bit in the lobby before various folks in the the group started saying their goodbyes before going to bed for their various early morning flights. Very bittersweet moment to say the least.

Headed back to my hotel to pack, and prepare for my trip home the next day. It certainly felt bittersweet; getting to see fellow fans for the first time in 15 years, if not longer, and feeling the line did not last enough. Always hard to say goodbye.

Monday July 8th:

The day felt rather bittersweet as I drover back to the airport. Nearly got lost on the way after being able to get into the proper highway lane. After getting to the airport, and returning the car, the fun started trying to get from Terminal 2 to Terminal 1.

MSP does not make it easy. More going all over the place to find the light rail to get there, and more hiking all over the place. Got lost inside more than once due the signage not being great. After 30 minutes, I finally got to the security check point, and was through that in 5 minutes.

Started typing this out while waiting for my flight. No delay this time, and a little over 3 hours later, I was back at SeaTac airport. Took an hour to drive home, bringing the trip to end. Typing this out also feels bittersweet, but I did promise Greg that I would write one up even if it will be a few years before he responds. Plus akes me realize I really need to be less of a stranger in the fandom.

Already miss talking to you, and all of the others as well.

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amy writes...

Hi Greg, I absolutely LOVE this show so much and wanted to say don't listen to haters !! i think this show in wonderful. I wanted to ask why season four of young justice isn't available in Australia? I actually shed a few tears when i found out i couldn't watch it :'( .

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Anonymous writes...

1. What are the human biological equivalent ages and the chronological ages of all the New Gods from both New Genesis and Apokolips that have been shown thus far in the Earth-16 universe?

2. If Kalibak, Grayven, and Orion are paternal half-brothers (since their father is Darkseid), that what are the names of their respective mothers?

3. What are the physiological ages of all the people who have been trapped in the Phantom Zone in the Earth-16 universe? Furthermore, how long ago was each person sent to the Phantom Zone prior to Krypton's destruction?

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Amy writes...

in a scene, Klarion and Child talked about an 'Earth 17 fiasco', what was it about??

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fighteer1 of TVTropes writes...

"Everyone's SO impatient for everything to be included instantly. And then they also bitch when we include too much and THEIR favorite character isn't getting enough screentime because of it. Talk about a no-win scenario."

This type of pathetic whining and bitching is why I don't have a lot of respect for you! You IGNORE these type of questions instead of responding to them! If I ever meet you in person, I'm going smack you upside the head!

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

The NECA Figures

Gargoyles Figures by NECA

NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.

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Gargoyles on Disney+

All seasons of Gargoyles are available for streaming through Disney+.

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

Season One
Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two