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The Phoenix Gate

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Anonymous writes...

Questions about the Earth-16 version of Kru-El:

#1. What year was he sent to the Phantom Zone and how old was he when that happened?

#2. Why is there a cut across Kru-El's House of El family crest?

#3. What crime did Kru-El commit that caused him to be sent to the Phantom Zone?

#4. What is Kru-El's exact relationships to the other House of El family members that have been shown thus far in the Earth-16 universe?

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Maks from poland writes...

“Thank you for all your hard work on Young Justice! I’ve been a huge fan since the first season, and I love how you’ve developed the characters and storylines over time. I understand you can’t reveal spoilers or future plans, but I wanted to ask if there’s any possibility of a 5th season? Many fans, including myself, would be thrilled to support more Young Justice adventures. Thank you for everything, and I hope there’s more to come!”

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Lucas Pontes writes...

Hi Greg, there is a possibility that the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series will return, even if it is in comic books?

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Lucas Pontes writes...

Hi Greg, there is a possibility that the Spectacular Spider-Man animated series will return, even if it is in comic books

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awesome_sauce writes...

Dear Greg, I was born just after your show "The Spectacular Spiderman" aired on T.V. Despite this tragedy as a young boy I craved all forms of Spiderman content, watching the Raimi movies and Andrew Garfield while watching your show on blu-ray, your show particular though, after re-watching my favourite childhood series really astounded me at how much care and love you put into something that I didn't really pay much attention to as a child. Subtle things like introducing characters tees before they're properly use and making Pete and Spiderman almost different people is a genius move and I praise you, Mr. Victor Cook and all who were involved in the making of this great piece of television for. All I wanted to say was thank you and please make your intended projects that were meant to be made after season 2. Anyways that you and god bless

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Julia writes...

Has Klarion the witch boy always had long sharp nails? Or he copied the shape from Teekl?

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Noah Solomon writes...

There are 45 Justice League designations but only 40 people who are confirmed to be or have been Leaguers. Who are the other five? one is a Green Lantern

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necro mage writes...

Did lady Shiva ever try to replicate the training she put her daughter through on other children?

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Ray writes...

Hello! hope you're having a good day Greg, my question is there any Plans to include Miles rogues in future issues? I recently started reading your Spectacular Spider-men run which I have been a blast so far, but after some discussion with fellow fans I have noticed that none of Miles own rogues have appeared yet. I can understand the more plot heavy villains in Ziglar's run such as Rabble or Agent Gao, but Frost Pharoah? Zip Zephyr? Bumbler? these guys are perfect for this sort of fun and whacky comic. This is really one of my only criticisms/nitpicks so far as the thing I was excited most for was seeing both the Spider-men's rogues gallery and Supporting cast clashing together in some Weismann goodness. Thanks for reading and answering hopefully!

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I've been wondering for a while, in episode 1 Goliath told Demona to remain at Castle Wyvern alongside the other gargoyles and due to the bargain, she and the Captain of the Guard made with Hakon this got the gargoyles killed while in stone sleep

Does this mean that Goliath is partially responsible for the other clan members' deaths since he was the one who made them stay, which got them killed?

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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