A Station Eight Fan Web Site
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Hi Greg.
I'm currently annotating the YJ tie-in comics while using the wiki as a resource, as it contains citations to previous Ask Greg Questions. I ask only because I think it was never clarified. I find the wiki to be a wonderful resource, so I wouldn't ask if it was clearly stated on there.
I am currently on Issue #5 (aka the origin issue) and needed something cleared up about Wally's origin. Did Wally have unfettered access to Barry's lab notes when recreating the Flash experiment, or was he simply going off of his memory of the notes he saw when he first found them?
Barry blames himself for Wally's "accident," but how responsible was he really if Wally only carelessly recreated it without supervision.
Thanks for your transparency for all these years, and I hope this is a question that can be answered.
Hi greg! I loved gargoyles growing up but i was wondering something about the clans of gargoyles. is their a term or name for the gargoyles who don't have a clan like Demona? I don't mean exiled but like how Demona is alone. She doesn't have a class. is it simply clanless or is there a term for it?
Hi Greg.
Was Harley Quinn ever considered for Young Justice?
Hi Greg.
How would you feel if Spectacular Spider-Man cameoed (Space Jam style) in Avengers Secret Wars as a minor cameo (like multiple animated characters having small but meaningful cameos, to show the animated characters also helping save the day)?
when queen bee came to take marie logan with her to have marie kill were was Garfield at the time
When did Demona discover that Burnett was Puck? was it before or after Puck gave her his "gift" in "The Mirror"?
When it comes to Avatars and the Children of Oberon, does it always have to be someone hijacking the Third Race member in question and taking control of the power solely by themselves like Jackal and the Emir, or is it possible for a more symbiotic relationship between Avatar and Child to exist? If so, is that one possible loophole for Oberonâs law?
In Young Justice what exactly are Everyman's powers? He seems to have some form of shapeshifting but he seems to only turn into monsters.
Hello Mr. Wisemen I have been along time fan and I have been wondering three things about young justice.
1. How in did the league get so many new recruits between season 2 and season 4
2. Will we ever see David Cain and orphan talk to each other
3. Will more comics for young justice come out
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GargWiki.net has answers for all your Gargoyles questions.
The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.
NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.
Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.