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Julia writes...

Has Klarion the witch boy always had long sharp nails? Or he copied the shape from Teekl?

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Noah Solomon writes...

There are 45 Justice League designations but only 40 people who are confirmed to be or have been Leaguers. Who are the other five? one is a Green Lantern

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necro mage writes...

Did lady Shiva ever try to replicate the training she put her daughter through on other children?

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Ray writes...

Hello! hope you're having a good day Greg, my question is there any Plans to include Miles rogues in future issues? I recently started reading your Spectacular Spider-men run which I have been a blast so far, but after some discussion with fellow fans I have noticed that none of Miles own rogues have appeared yet. I can understand the more plot heavy villains in Ziglar's run such as Rabble or Agent Gao, but Frost Pharoah? Zip Zephyr? Bumbler? these guys are perfect for this sort of fun and whacky comic. This is really one of my only criticisms/nitpicks so far as the thing I was excited most for was seeing both the Spider-men's rogues gallery and Supporting cast clashing together in some Weismann goodness. Thanks for reading and answering hopefully!

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Anonymous writes...

Hi, Greg. I've been wondering for a while, in episode 1 Goliath told Demona to remain at Castle Wyvern alongside the other gargoyles and due to the bargain, she and the Captain of the Guard made with Hakon this got the gargoyles killed while in stone sleep

Does this mean that Goliath is partially responsible for the other clan members' deaths since he was the one who made them stay, which got them killed?

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Anonymous writes...

Did Miss Martian visit Garfield more often when Garfield live ritia farr than when Garfield live with Marie logan after Miss Martian gave Garfield her blood to Garfield to live?

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Graham writes...

I have been trying to find a way to contact Greg Weisman, the creator of Gargoyles. His storytelling and ideas are just awesome, and I am a fan of Gargoyles as well. To that end, I have a metal cover Gargoyles 1 signed by Nakayama. I really want to get Greg's autograph on it as well. I have never seen Greg at a con anywhere near me, but I am willing to fly to one if I could be told if he has any plans to attend a con soon.

Otherwise, I would like to mail the comic out for Greg's signature, if he has any such service. I would love a remarque too, but really the signature is priority. I can send a return envelope prepaid, cash for whatever Greg's fee is, etc. I am not looking for CGC certification. I am not sure if this is the right place to ask about this, but I do not know where else to try. Thank you.

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Anonymous writes...

Unintentionally Unsympathetic: Gar's arc of dealing with depression, while realistic, grated many fans the wrong way for both sides.

On one hand, several character's reaction to Garfield's condition and attempts to help him come across as quite selfishly. While there are signs of care in their words, it focuses on their desire to have the friend and leader back over wanting him to genuinely recover, or just not taking time to understand his trauma. Only Robotman during the intervention showed completely selfless empathy. This in turn makes Gar's claim that he "can't handle being needed" justifiable.
On the other hand, Gar's own attitude towards people genuinely trying to help him comes off as excessively callous, with dismissal and rudeness towards Perdita, M'gann and Robotman being particular standouts. While many viewers understood where Gar was coming from, they pointed it was not an excuse to hurt others.

If you ever plan on making a Young Justice Season 5 at some point in the future I hope you'll find a way to make up for this somehow. Like perhaps both sides admitting how wrong they were and apologizing for it.

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Antiyonder writes...


If nothing else, Xanatos himself admitted to having enemies in Double Jeopardy. Formidable at that.

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Antiyonder writes...

Kind of funny. You had two stories with a bit of an appearance of Derek/Talon:
- City of Stone as Xanatos's pilot
- Future Tense where his attempt to infiltrate "Xanatos" leads to his death.

And both times his role was taken over by a member of the Xanatos family with Fox in their name.XD

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The Dynamite Comics

Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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Gargoyles Season 1 DVD Cover

Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.

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Season Two, Volume One
Season Two, Volume Two