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Anonymous writes...

When the light picked granny goodness to join them was there concern among that she might sabotage some of their operations for darkseid?

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J$ writes...

Hi Greg,

I would love to meet you in person at a show sometime, but I'm having a hard time finding a list of shows that you will be attending. Is there a good location to find this? I cannot find it on this website. Been a fan since Gargoyles, and I love watching Young Justice with my kids.



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GTM writes...

I sincerely apologize.

How about something more established, then?

Yan Lin was shown using illusion magic, generating light, and using some sort of mind trick (kind of like Irma's) to make Hay Lin invite Will over for that fateful snack all the way back in Season 1. Are these abilities that all Guardians can learn or are they only for Hay Lin to inherit?

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Curious writes...

1a) Did you (or anyone on the YJ show) ever come up with a layout/floor plan for Mt. Justice?

2) If not, do you know if the Wikia article is accurate in regards to the amount of rooms? Or are there other rooms that weren't explored?

3) How many living quarters are there on Mt. Justice?

Thank you and I appreciate all the work you do!

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Whatthef101 writes...

1. As in what is the hawk couples favorite activity as a couple
2.does the hawk couple get frisky
3. And what is their favorite sexual activities since they are a couple ( this is a clarifying version of my previous question.)

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Mark writes...

Hi, I loved Catwoman: Hunted and wanted to ask a little about what separates it from YJ/Earth-16. You've said it's cannon adjascent, like the Green Arrow short.

There are more obvious disconnects between YJ and GA, most notably at the end of the short Vertigo reveals himself and is captured, which conflicts with him having diplomatic immunity in Coldhearted. The differences in CH, at least based on what we know of Earth-16 so far, are more minor and seem like they could be easily explained.

Similarly, while GA has a more similar visual style to YJ than the anime CH, the designs from CH feel much closer to YJ than GA does. To me CH's Batwoman and Cheshire look very much like YJ's Batwoman and Cheshire drawn by a different artist, but GA's Green Arrow and Vertigo look like a very different Arrow and Vertigo drawn by the same artist as YJ's Arrow. So to me CH actually fits with YJ better.

Heck, CH even has a 16 gag - the assassin Catwoman and Batwoman compete over on the Eiffel tower would be #16 for either of them.

So that leads me to ask:

1) Are there specific things that set CH apart from YJ/Earth-16? If so, what are they?
2) Do you have an Earth-16 version of events in mind?
3) When does the Earth-16 version of CH take place?
4) Would an Earth-16 version add significant YJ characters, like you said the YJ version of the GA short would involve Artemis and Red Arrow?

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Nathan writes...

Have you ever made a "cameo" in anything you've worked on? So for example, a background character resembling you walking in the backshot of a scene, or anything of the sort.

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Claire Sawyer writes...

Could Lexington carry Goliath while gliding?

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Nada writes...

Hey Greg, been a fan of your work a long time! Just one thing I'm curious about-

Halo didn't explore being a Muslim until s4, and explicitly said they weren't Muslim in s3. So why is Halo considered Muslim rep in s3? I just don't get what all the arguing is about if Halo wasn't Muslim at all!

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Mr.Felipe Barros writes...

Hi Greg, how are you? i wanted to ask some other things about Spectacular Spider-Man, (sorry if it is too spoilery) But it got me curious about how would you like to aproach certain specific things on the design of our protagonist.

1. Did you have any plans of changing Peter Parker design as he grew older? or he would be wearing the same blue and grey shirts? i ask this because you mentioned one time that you did have some specifc plan for his design eventually.

2. I saw the picture of peter's parentes in the show, and
realized that Peter looks a LOT like his dad, would he eventually look more like him as he grown?

3. The design of your Peter in the show is one of my favorites of all Peter Parker's, at the same time he looks geeky, he also looks like a normal teen and don't come as the steryotype nerd, and i wonder if the design of him before he was spider-man(him with glasses and button shirt) was purposeful to shown peter was like Stan/Ditko Peter, more with a "square" look and after the spider bite he become more confident to wear more "cool clothes" (kinda like Romita Peter), or did he just starts wearing the blue/grey shirts to hide his spider-man suit?

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