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The Phoenix Gate

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Nick writes...

When was Forager born?
When was Mantis born?

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Anonymous writes...

In regards to Joan Garrick...

#1. What was the reason why she was hospitalized in the first place before she eventually passed away? Was it illness, or Jay found her collapsed on the floor at their home, or was there another reason?

#2. What was the decision to have pass away in Season 3 at the age of 96; as opposed to around or after the age of 100 (which is an age some people have reached in real life)?

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Anonymous writes...

Questions in regards to the Earth-16 version of Arrowette:

#1. Is her full name Suzanne "Cissie" King-Jones?

#2. Is her mother's name Bonnie King?

#3. How many years did she trained in archery before joining the Team in 2017?

#4. Is her father aware of her superhero activities?

#5. When she saw Green Arrow and Artemis again (presumably after many years), did she ever thanked them for saving her father's life?

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Steve Hockensmith writes...

When did Dudley take in Billy?

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Suzie writes...

I was wondering the way Conner and M'gann got back together... was that always how you intended for them to reconcile their relationship or did you have any other ideas in mind?

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Anonymous writes...

Doesn't the public find Lex Luthor and Godfrey to be hypocrites since they actively supported the Reach prior to their exposure?

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Suzie writes...

Why did you decide to break up Miss Martian and Superboy in season 2? Was this just to further challenge and strengthen their relationship. I can understand why since they are the main couple and have gone through more challenges and obstacles than any other romance on the show. Still I loved to know your thoughts about what you thought of the couple and their future at the time.

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Anonymous writes...

Why did Beast Boy choose Cassie to replace him as the leader of the Outsiders while he was on Mars and during his depression ?

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Anonymous writes...

1 What influenced your decision to make rictus female?
2 Does the light consider sportsmaster a target after attacking black manta?

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Iris writes...

Love young justice watched it since I was a kid.
Is Artemis’s dog named Brucley or Bruce Li cuz I feel like those names are easy for people writing Wikipedia pages to mix up.

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Gargoyles Comic from Dynamite

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Gargoyles Figures by NECA

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