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The Phoenix Gate

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Rania writes...

It’s a real shame that you decided to end up Chalant. Even if I believe that’s the worse decision you’ve made regarding this show I can’t blame you for that, it’s still your show and do you do whatever you want after all. But did you really needed to do it like that ? Like breaking their relationship out of nowhere, without any explanation when everything seemed to be perfect in their relationship ? Whenever people ask you why they broke up, your only answer is « no spoilers » and you keep saying that since 2011 but here we are in 2022 like literally 11 YEARS LATER and still not an official answer, all we have are fan theories. Why don’t you just say it ? At this point I’m not even asking you to bring them back just to respond to a simple answer so I can get over this ship PLEASE.

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Anonymous writes...

1 Why did G. Gordon insult gretchen and her devices on his show if they are both on the same side
2 Have ultra humanite and granny goodness always disliked each other

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Tolle writes...

Did hundreds or thousands or millions of people die due to Child's rampage on Earth before Child was stop in young justice phantoms?

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Anonymous writes...

In the YJ-verse are Kryptonians considered stronger than (Greek) Gods and demi-gods?

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Anonymous writes...

Does Arsenal still act too recklessy when dealing with lex luthor. Or has he managed to keep his anger under control.

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to Dick's uncle, aunt, and cousin in the Earth-16 continuity, are they from his paternal side of his family since they all shared the last name of Grayson?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In regards to the Earth-16 version of Thirteen's parents, are their names Terrence "Terry" Thurston and Meihui Lan-Thurston; with the latter's maiden name being Lan?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

In the Earth-16 continuity, are the full names of Barry's parents Henry Paul Allen and Nora Thompson-Allen; with the latter's maiden name being Thompson?

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Hafiz writes...

how did you cast Maggie Q as Wonder Woman?

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Jordan writes...

Was cyborgs Outsider designation D08 before he joined the League? And did the D06 designation get skipped in memory of Brion’s time on the Outsiders?

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