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Suzie writes...

1. Do M'gann and Conner ever do anything special on Valentine’s Day?
2. Do they have a yearly tradition like how Wally often forgot the holiday with Artemis?
3. Also what was their last Valentine’s Day together like since they left in February at the start of season 4?
4. Was the holiday hard for them in the season 2 episode Salvage since they were broken up? I know she was still with Lagoon Boy at the time, but did she miss Conner and secretly wished she could have spent the day with him?

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Anonymous writes...

1 Child referred to klarion as brother do the chaos Lords consider each other as siblings?
2 if the answer to 1 is yes does this also count for the Lords of order?

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Anonymous writes...

A) How does Ollie even afford to be a vigilante in Star City if he is lower middle class? How does he make up for out of pocket expenses like healthcare or his weapon storage vaults? Does he have an inheritance that he is using for his vigilante activities and a small earning (as you mentioned) from somewhere that he uses for his day to day expenses?

A.1) How is the loss of one of his Vaults in episode 5 not a huge loss for him?

B) I thought that Roys trust fund (that was set up by Ollie) was used up in the search for him by Red Arrow? How does he suddenly have a trust fund?

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Henry writes...

In which state is Geranium City located?

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Verdragon writes...

Since when did Arsenal have a trust fund? Did he pick up financial acumen from Ollie in addition to crime fighting skills?

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Hari writes...

Why did Artemis used her first name as her superhero name when she first became a superhero during Season 1 of Young Justice?

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Anonymous writes...

Mr. Weisman,

Could the Earth-16's version of Match be regarded as a combination of both Match AND Bizarro from the comics since Earth-16's Match can visibly age; whereas Earth-16's Superboy cannot?

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Davina writes...

1. Did Tim initially join the Outsiders to try to get back with Cassie ?
2. Did they broke up because of the Batman’inc thing ? ( I know it seemed pretty clear in season 3 but I still want a confirmation )

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Anton writes...

In Catwoman: Hunted, does Barbara/Cheetah have an African heritage? She mentions her mother was a Urzkartaga follower and that's an African deity (in the comics) and Barbara's skin tone does also seem much darker than in the comic.

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Dreaming Reality writes...

Hello, love young justice and where the story is going! Love how real Beast Boy's mental journey is.

I know it was a long time ago, but you and Denys Cowan pitched a Rocket series that had the general Rocket/Icon dynamic.

1) Did you pitch the series after Milestone shut down/the run ended or was it in the middle of the run? Do you remember the pitch for the show?

2) Why was Icon your favorite Milestone comic? Why was Rocket your favorite character? Did you read the other Milestone comics?

3) Icon talked about race, class, abortions, and a lot of real world things that people still do not like to talk about. I know you pitched this show to Nickelodeon, so what was the age demographic? Kids? Teens?
Was there any talk about watering down these issues to make them more kid friendly? How were you planning to show their dynamic and the themes of the comic while airing on a kids network?

4) My last question is are you reading the Milestone reboot comics?

I know all of this was forever ago and it makes sense if you do not remember any of it. Thank you so much for your time and for what you do. I and many others really appreciate it/you!

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