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1how did you get into showbiz?
2 When and how did you get angent
Hey Greg Weisman,There's a fanfiction writer on Reddit who goes by Chaos Rubix. created some incredible fanfic scripts for a potential Season 5 of Young Justice, in case the show ever gets renewed.
Hi Greg,
Assuming you have a timeline written up for The Spectacular Spider-Men, I would like to know how many Wednesdays does the series span in total?
Hi, Greg! I'd like to start out by saying that I grew up on Spectacular Spider-Man. I was here years old when I came out, and it formulated so much of what I like in Spider-Man today, and it deeply depresses me to see what happened with the show, since it's one of my favorite shows of all time.
My question to you is: has there ever been consideration for completing the series in comic book format? Kind of like how Smallville had a Season 11 in the form of a comic book. I've thought of this for a while, but never gave it serious consideration knowing that some TV show runners just aren't trained in the ways of the comic industry, but I was recently surprised to know that you are very familiar with writing comics, and have actually done series for Gargoyles and Young Justice! I'm sure you are very busy with the "Spectacular Spider-Men" series that is ongoing, but to know if this had been in consideration might give me some closure. I would really appreciate your opinion, and I'm looking forward to seeing more stuff from you because of your talent!
Hi Greg,
I was wondering your thoughts on how the art of writing superhero comics has changed from when you started with Captain Atom back in the day, to now working on the Spectacular Spider-Men. For example things like writing arcs for the trade paperback, working in an office vs working from home, metrics of success, approaches to continuity and crossover events, the death of thought bubbles, multimedia synergy, frequent new #1s, etc. I'd be interested to know if you had challenges or some sort of learning curve to adapt to any of these industry changes. Does the process feel substantially different, or is it all the same once you get in front of the keyboard?
Thank you
Mr. Weissman, I'd like to question. When you were creating Gargoyles: Bad Guys you weren't inspired by manga? It just has a manga-like style. Sorry, if this not the smartest question. Just interested.
Mr. Weisman, do you plan to open a Bluesky account in the near future? Please consider joining and leaving the fascist platform behind.
You've historically added queer representation to almost every show you worked on, from Gargoyles to W.I.T.C.H. to Young Justice, but I'm curious if there were any characters you saw as queer when you and Cary were writing Captain Atom back in the 80s?
What noises do baby gargoyles make? Do they they sound like a human baby or can they make similar animal noises like a full grown gargoyle?
Hay I just wanted to ask about w.i.t.c.h. season 2 on different hearts of the worlds i Wonder from whom Lilian got and inherited her powers as Heart of Earth and if any blood relatives coule take power without permission juste as it is case for the Heart of Meridian?
i'm kinda 10 years late asking this but in yj season one when jade was 13 and running away from home she said that she can't take artemis wih her because she would "slow her down". But do you think jade would have taken artemis if artemis had asked to come with her? I mean did she pretend not to want to take her sister with her because artemis didn't want to go?
I hope this isn't a foolish question or me asking for spoilers, but in Young Justice or DC's Earth-16, were there HUMAN magic users before the emergence of the Homo magi in Atlantis, aside from Lord Arion? Also, I'm unsure if this was ever addressed in the series, but did Arion practice magic in any capacity before receiving the crown from the Lords of Order? Thanks so much for crafting such amazing stories and for taking time to answer any of our questions.
Hello Mr Weisman i must know since you are honestly the best animated show creator of our time will Young justice ever be expected to be revived. If you want to email me back just do elijah11807@icould.com. BTW you are the best creator of animated shows ever
Don't know when you'll get to this, but earlier you mentioned Amazons not aging physically while on Themyscira is a world-building rule for the Earth 16 continuity. I was wondering if you could give some clarification on this. Using Wonder Woman as an example with the dates you gave fans for the show, she was born in 1925 and was 16-years-old when she originally debuted as Wonder Woman ca. 1941. She then returns to Themyscira in 1946 (where she is presumably 21-years-old) and does not return to "Man's World" until 2001, where, assuming she didn't have a year-or-two sojourn back in Themyscira (which I won't even speculate on for this question since it would count as SPOILER territory), she would have continued to physically age and is now around 40-years-old (physically but not chronologically) in 2020 (which is I believe when Season 4 ended in the show's timeline).
So, my clarification is how the no-aging thing works since Wonder Woman clearly aged 16 years (presumably) before her first venture into Man's World ca. 1941.
Thank you for taking the time to respond.
In the Earth-16 universe, has there been any suggestions amongst the members of the United Nations to form a UN-controlled counterpart to the original Justice League in the event that latter cannot be trusted and may end up turning against humanity? Alternatively, has Amanda Waller yet considered the possibility of forming her own Justice League (which I suspect will likely either be called the Justice Squad or Task Force VII)? If that hasn't happened yet, what are the chances that this MIGHT end up happening in Season 5 of "Young Justice"?
If you ever return to the gargoyle series, do you think you maybe could show some of the clans from around the world from every continent? Iâm sure there are many different breeds. It would be cool to see what each clan looked like. If this was too personal, Iâm sorry for asking.
In the Earth-16 Universe, what are the exact words of each power ring oath for each of the Lantern Corps? Also, what is the human language translation of the power ring oath of the Indigo Tribe/Indigo Lantern Corps?
In Demona's cell there is the Blue Beaked Gargoyle, who is the only one without a script name. Was the name lost or is it still kept secret?
Hey Greg! I love Young Justice. Enjoy the show! But I love the introduction of Guardian, a golden age hero!
But I did notice some differences, particularly his shield. In the comics, his shield was big and capable of being used in combat. What was the reason for the change in Young Justice, where his shield (being two) shrank to the size of bracelets?
Aside from his family members that have been shown on the "Young Justice" TV series, are there any heroes or villains in the Earth-16 universe who are somehow related to Vandal Savage (assuming their lineages can be traced all the way back to him); considering Vandal Savage has lived on Earth for over 50,000 years?
In comparison to real-life history, what exact years did Vandal Savage created the following alias listed below? Also, how did each of his aliases "died" in comparison their real-life counterparts?
Sun Tzu (born 544 BCE; died 496 BCE)
Attila (born 406 CE; died 453 CE)
Genghis Khan (born 1162 CE; died August 1227 CE)
Blackbeard (aka. Edward Teach or Edward Thatch) (born 1680 CE; died November 22, 1718 CE)
#1. Assuming he was NOT the first, exactly when did the Earth-16 version of Darkseid become the Lord of Apokolips, and how old was he (in terms of human biological equivalent years) when that happened?
#2. Was the Earth-16 version of Desaad originally born on New Genesis (like in the comics) or was he born on Apokolips?
#3. If the Earth-16 versions of Darkseid and Vandal Savage were to ever eventually fight each other directly in combat, who would most likely win and why?
#4. Is it possible that the year 2030 is when the final battle between Vandal Savage and Darkseid will occur, and that Superboy's role is most likely to put an end to the war once and for all on May 14th, 2030 at exactly midnight?
#1. When did the Old Promethean Gods first come into existence in the Earth-16 universe?
#2. How old was the Earth-16 version of Gog; both chronologically and in human biological equivalent years?
#3. When exactly did Gog and some (if not all) of the Old Promethean Gods become part of Source Wall, and why?
#4. What were the exact circumstances that caused part of the Source Wall to break away and eventually falling to New Genesis as a meteor, forming Boiling Lake Crater? Also, what was the name of Old Promethean God on New Genesis?
#5. Did the Old Promethean Gods originally come from a world known as GodWorld (which is alternatively known as Asgard or Urgrund in the comics)?
#6. Aside from Gog, which of the following names listed below are also the Earth-16 versions of the Old Gods?
Nameless One
Wotan (not to be confused with the supervillain of the same name)
Questions about the Earth-16 version of Kru-El:
#1. What year was he sent to the Phantom Zone and how old was he when that happened?
#2. Why is there a cut across Kru-El's House of El family crest?
#3. What crime did Kru-El commit that caused him to be sent to the Phantom Zone?
#4. What is Kru-El's exact relationships to the other House of El family members that have been shown thus far in the Earth-16 universe?
âThank you for all your hard work on Young Justice! Iâve been a huge fan since the first season, and I love how youâve developed the characters and storylines over time. I understand you canât reveal spoilers or future plans, but I wanted to ask if thereâs any possibility of a 5th season? Many fans, including myself, would be thrilled to support more Young Justice adventures. Thank you for everything, and I hope thereâs more to come!â
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GargWiki.net has answers for all your Gargoyles questions.
The story of Gargoyles continues in the comic book series Gargoyles and Gargoyles: Dark Ages published by Dynamite. Available online or at your local comic book shop.
NECA has produced a line of Gargoyles figures which continues to grow. Available through online and department store retailers.
Includes episode commentaries by co-creator Greg Weisman, interviews with the cast, and a documentary on the fan convention.