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Gargoyles 2158

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lisa writes...

in 2158 would any members of the trio still be alive?

Greg responds...


You just want me to give away every little secret don't you.

Well, I'm NOT going to answer this question positively or negatively except to say that a TimeDancing Brooklyn would be there.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

you said that demona by 2158 would be a firm ally with the clan what about macbeth would he be a ally as well?

Greg responds...

Macbeth will be much less involved in 2158. Something of a hermit. (Although don't take that too literally.) Maybe in 2159 or 2160 he'd become more of a player again.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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lisa writes...

in 2158 who would be the leader of the wyvern clan?

Greg responds...

Define "wyvern clan".

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Darkling writes...

Hi Greg,

I just read the post where you said the long term chances for getting a Gargoyles series back on the air were 'good to very good'. Since you've worked on CGI shows now, do you think a future Gargoyles show would benefit from being CGI, or would you prefer traditional animation?

Greg responds...

It would depend on the show.

I think G2158 would be perfect for CGI. But I'd hate to do Dark Ages in CGI, though maybe not for the reasons you think.

Response recorded on February 09, 2000

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Alaxk writes...


Would Brooklyn's kids still be alive for G2158?

If so, is that where Brooklyn gets the ideas for their names (I realize that this is another time loop thing, but it would be pretty neat)?


Greg responds...

I can't answer this question.

It seems imperative to me that for G2158 not to render any present day series completely undramtic and moot, I need to be very careful not to reveal too much to Brooklyn or you.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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Christina 'MacBeth' Marmann writes...

Hi Greg,
some questions on my fave immortal Scotsman:
1) to which extent is MacBeth able to use magic? i guess he could handle the Grimorum Arcanorum.
2)what would happen if MacBeth killed Duncan McCloud?
3)what does MacBeth do in 'Future Tense'? for that matter, why is Xanatos able to kill Demona in cyberspace?
4)would MacBeth be one of the Good Guys in Gargoyles 2158? i sincerely hope so.
5)did you actually know that MacBeth's name means "son of life" in Gaelic, or was he chosen because of his particular history? if it's a coincidence, that's a nice one.
'K, this is it for now, keep up the good work, cy around
Perhaps you want to check out this url: http://wwww.blaschdo.de

Greg responds...

1. Sure.
2. Who exactly is your favorite immortal Scotsman? Look, I'm not too interested in theorizing about cross-overs. That seems like something you should have your own fun doing.
3. Macbeth isn't part of Puck's illusion.
4. Macbeth is still alive in 2158, but I don't see him having a major roll, at least not early on. Maybe in 2159 or 2160.
5. Didn't know. Thanks for filling me in.

Response recorded on January 25, 2000

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My DC Comics editor finally sent me a few copies of that Justice League comic with the Captain Atom/Gargoyles story. I had forgotten just how many Gargoyle in-jokes I put in that story. There's much more there for a Gargoyle fan then for a Captain Atom fan. Though I think the scenes of Cap kissing Bette (and the mention of Las Vegas) would make a couple people (Simon Del Monte, Melissa Page, for example) a bit nostalgic. I think the story turned out pretty well. Anyway, I'm happy. My editor made a couple small changes. He removed the two references to the year the story took place (1991). And he changed the title. It was called something like: "An Exercise in Self-Indulgence". Now it's called "The Flashback of Notre Dame". Both are accurate, but his is much more clever.

Lately, I've been giving away a lot of ASK GREG tidbits for some reason. Not sure why. I'm just in the mood, I guess. But it suddenly occured to me to register this caveat.

There's canon and there's canon.

As far as I'm concerned the only true canon is the 66 episodes of the series running from "Awakening, Part One" through "The Journey". As many of you know, I don't like to consider the other twelve episodes of Goliath Chronicles to be canon, let alone whatever other stories got published by Marvel or Disney Adventures Digest or whatever.

But to be honest, even some of my ASK GREG answers cannot truly be considered canon. They're closer. But I won't be held to them in any absolute sense. Part of the wonder of producing the first two seasons of Gargoyles involved things discovered along the way. I won't etch things in stone (pun intended) just for the sake of making these ramblings and off-the-cuff answers sacrosanct. If I got the chance to produce the show (or one of its spin-offs) again, I'd ABSOLUTELY incorporate much of what's here. But I'd be a fool not to hold everything up to a microscope and decide with consideration what would and wouldn't be best for the new series.

Having said that, I've been giving some particular thought to G2158 recently, studying timelines for example. And I've changed a few things in my head. Nothing major. But certain things have changed that would in turn effect things in TimeDancer and present-day Gargoyles. Maybe even New Olympians and Pendragon. (So far nothing that would alter Bad Guys or Dark Ages.)

The good news is that none of these changes effect our three current contests. (Wouldn't that be an ASK GREG disaster?)

And all this thought has gotten me thinking about how I might handle a couple of thorny problems in any revival of the original series, specifically the time gap between 1996 and whenever the new show hit the air, and/or the existence of those 12 non-canon Chronicle episodes.

And frankly, I think the internet is the answer.

Goliath Chronicles exists. I can't change that. But I think I can ignore it. For example, if I wanted to do my version of the trial of Goliath -- the one where the question before the court is his very sentience -- couldn't I just do it?

New fans wouldn't know about the Chronicles trial and thus wouldn't be upset about it. Old fans could check here and find out why it was being ignored.

That only leaves a small percentage of people, who, for example, see the Chronicles episode on Toon Disney and wonder about it, but don't have the resources or whatever to find a site like this and learn the rationale. Would they be very put off? Is that too selfish an approach for me to take?

Likewise, the time gap. What if in the fist season, I did that Halloween story I've mentioned before. I wouldn't mention what year it was. For a new audience, they'd just assume that the story took place in say, October 2002. No harm done. But I could post here and tell people it took place in 1996. Then, by the end of the first season, I could have the series caught up to 2002, but still have gotten to do the stories that would have depended (continuity-wise) on proximity to the events in Hunter's Moon and The Journey.

What about that?

I'm very interested in all of your opinions on these notions. Please post them here.

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Will Alexander by the year 2158 have a family (besides Titania and the possibility of Fox)? Wife, girlfriend, children?

Greg responds...

Not saying. Though obviously, he'll have a HUGE extended family.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Hmm... I should have perhaps placed this question within the same post as the previous one...

Will Samson have a mate and/or children in 2158? Moreover will his attitude towards parentage be human-like (like his mother) or will he follow the older gargoyles ideas on the subject?

Greg responds...

Samson will have a fairly obvious romantic interest. Originally, I definitely wanted him to have kids and a dead mate, but now I'm hemming and hawing. Strangely, I don't want him to be too much like Goliath. And I'm afraid the absent wife and kids might push him to far in that direction.

As for his attitude, I think that inevitably it'll be an amalgam of both views. Biological progeny will matter to him somewhat. But hatchlings being raised communally by the clan will still be very important.

Response recorded on January 19, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

It's my understanding that you pitched both DARK AGES and GARGOYLES 2158 to CBS and that then CBS did away with it's Saturday Morning schedule and staff thus killing off further interest in either shows. But now that CBS has decided to restore animated shows to it's Saturday Morning schedule, do you think it might be possible to re-pitch those two shows to them?

Greg responds...

I never pitched G2158 to CBS, because everyone I knew there was booted before I got the chance.

And none of them are back, so the idea that the executives (Judy Price, specifically) who asked to see G2158 would now be interested again, since policy has changed somewhat (though not exactly as you have described it above) doesn't follow. Judy is still gone. Disney still owns Gargoyles and now they own ABC. So I don't see Gargoyles appearing on another network anytime soon.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

I've heard that when you pitched DARK AGES to CBS they suggested instead pitching a future based series instead. Was that the first time you started to think about GARGOYLES 2158 or did you previously have a developed idea of what the Gargoyles future would be like?

Greg responds...

I can't deny that CBS' suggestion was the first time I really DEDICATED thought to a specific future. (It was after that conversation, that I nailed down 2158 as the year of the setting for example.) But some of the material that I had planned for the show, had already been racing around in my head. The Nokkar stuff in particular. The Demona stuff. The children of Angela and Broadway.

But it was more amorphous, timeline-wise.

Response recorded on January 10, 2000

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Wing writes...

Hey Greg,
Eyes hurt. Reading old Archive. Ow.
Should've wrote What were your plans on prev. Questions. So I will.
What were <some of> your plans for the Clones?

Greg responds...

I'm sorry, but as I've said before, this is not the forum or format for me to give novel-length responses to impossibly huge questions. Suffice to say, I had lots of plans for them extending to 2158 and beyond...

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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lisa writes...

1.what were your future plans for demona?
2.what were your future plans for macbeth?

Greg responds...

This is not a forum for novel-length responses. You're question is too broad.

I will say that both characters would have been involved in both the main GARGOYLES series and in GARGOYLES 2158.

Response recorded on January 07, 2000

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Airwalker writes...

How long did Timedancer spend in 2158 and in Feudal Japan?

Greg responds...

I haven't worked out all the math. But those were his two longest stops. Quite some time in each. Years as least.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Robin Wynn writes...

hi..um..i think i missed something but what do you mean as per the new rules....I'm sure I'm just missing it, but I looked around and couldn't find any...and, oh well, here's the rest of my questions on a seperate post

1. In the Future Tense spinoff, who, of the characters we already know, would have been on the bad-guys side?

2. Who'dve been on the good guys side?

Greg responds...

New Rules: Questions on separate topics, must be posted separately.

1. That's very complicated. Because things change over a couple centuries.

2. Demona, Brooklyn, Owen, Samson, Nokkar among others.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings, guess I will try again on a few questions that got axed by retroactive rules changes :>

What was the main plot line in Future Tense going to be?

Greg responds...

You mean Gargoyles 2158?

(sorry, I can't resist toruturing people on occasion.)

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

Here's a question on the title of Gargoyles 2158 (formerly Future Tense). Are you sure this title will work. Say the series ran for five seasons, is it going to be 2158 for five years?

Greg responds...

Nope. If I had my way, it would be Gargoyles 2163 after five years. Make sense?

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Will any of the villians that we have appeared in the series so far (Thailog, Coldsteel, etc) appear in GARGOYLES 2158?

Greg responds...

Yes. But I'm not saying who...

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In 2158 how would New York City have been portrayed? Would it have become some sort of futuristic metropolis or would it have been shown to be largely unchanged from the way it is in the late 20th - early 21st century?

Greg responds...

Both. And that's not a joke answer.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Would the Canmore as Hunter's dynasty still exist in some form in 2158?

2. Would we have seen Canmore/Castaway descendents in G2158?

Greg responds...

1 & 2. The Canmores would be gone. But the Monmouths and the Castaways would survive -- in opposition.

The Quarrymen would still exist.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In TIMEDANCER, would there have been a major recurring antagonist for Brooklyn and family?

Greg responds...

Ultimately. Inevitably. And of course, that doesn't necessarily count the huge chunk of time spent in the years 2158 and following....

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Sep_Xanatos writes...

Hey there Greg. Ok im a first timer to asking questions on this page, but please:
1) can you tell me what this whole Gargoyles 2158 is about? This is the first time I heard of this.
2) I know you probubly get this question ALOT but I really need to know, is the show going to come back on the air?
2a) If not, is there goign to be another movie?

Thank you for your time.

Greg responds...

1. You should really check the archives. But briefly, GARGOYLES 2158 was a spin-off series that Gary Sperling and I developed for Disney (at least in part at the suggestion of CBS). It was set (surprise, surprise) in the year 2158 and starred Samson, Goliath's grandson.

2. Sorry. Questions on separate topics, must be posted separately.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

In the archive when asked if the Fey are still on Avalon with Oberon in 2158, you answered "Largely." Besides Owen/Puck, how many other Fey do you figure would be off of Avalon in that time? One? Five? Too many to count?

Greg responds...

Too many to count on one hand. But not a lot.

Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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Greg "Xanatos" Bishansky writes...

How does Demona get along with Samson and the rest of the cast in Gargoyles 2158?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on December 30, 1999

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OnyxStar writes...

Okay, this is turning into lots of little posts instead of one big one. But anyway, here are the next few:

1. Would Goliath and Elisa's "relationship" ever have become public knowledge? I mean, would someone have figured it out sooner or later and gone to the media with it?

2. If so, how will history remember Elisa Maza, "gargoyle-lover"?

3. Will others have followed in her example by, say, 2158? (not necessarily with a main character or anything, just in general)

4. What does 'protected minority' mean?

Thanks again!

Greg responds...

1. Maybe. Probably. But WAY down the line if at all.

2. Looking back from when?

3. Here and there, but not too often. We want to keep some things unique.

4. It will be a legal term both well-meaning and condescending, both necessary and a stumbling block. Otherwise, I'd say it's fairly self-explanatory.

Response recorded on December 29, 1999

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Lawrence Stone writes...

Hello Greg here are some more quistions

1) Would Demona and her new mate in the future ever have a child or childern together?
2) If Gargoyles was not canceled or it was brought back in the futuer would there be crossovers between Gargoyles and Pendragon?
3) By the time 2058 when all of Demonas grandchildren are still young will she be complety reformed?
4) How long do female gargoyles carry their eggs?
5) Could a female Gargoyle ever have twins?
6) Could a female gargoyle ever have a miscarriage while they were pregnent for their egg. Or if their egg dose not hatch is that considered a miscarrige?

Greg responds...

1. Can't reveal that.

2. This really is a separate topic, but it's short, so the answer is yes.

3. Completely?

4 - 6. Sorry, by the new rules, questions on separate topics must be submitted on separate posts. I invite you to submit these questions again. (These three can all be in one post.

Response recorded on December 16, 1999

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Kevin writes...

1.As of today, how good are our chances of getting Gargoyles back on the air with new episodes???

2.Do we stand a better chance of getting the regular Gargoyles show or one of your projected spinoffs? (like Timedancer, New Olympians, Dark Ages, Pendragon)

3. Which would you prefer to see made? (spinoff or regular Gargoyles)

Greg responds...

1. Same as they've always been.

Long term - Good to Very Good.

Short term - Not very good at all.

2. No way of knowing, though I'd guess that 2158 has a slightly better chance of going than any of the other spin-offs, with about an equal chance against a modern day setting.

3. Either, both, all.

Response recorded on October 20, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How many upgrades do you see Cyoti ultimately going through? You once said that the various version numbers (Cyoti 2.0, Cyoti 3.0, Cyoti 4.0, etc) were a homage to Marvel Comic's Ultron. But Ultron stopped numbering himself at #13. Do you think Cyoti would exceed that or not?

Greg responds...

You're just way ahead of me. I had the robot plotted through 6.0. I hadn't plotted him out farther, though I probably would have brought him back in some form in G2158. I hadn't thought about what I would name him at that point. Maybe COYOTE-2158?

By the way, though I wish I had used the Bible's spelling, the fact is I didn't, so it's COYOTE, not CY.O.T.I.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Phoenix writes...

I've been hearing about this Gargoyles 2158 thing, what is it?

Greg responds...


Now, I'm nervous....

I answered this last time I visited ASK GREG. Man, I hope we don't have another technical problem. Hopefully, human error was involved...

Anyway, Phoenix, after we finished the writing on the second season of Gargoyles, Gary Sperling and I began working on some potential spin-off shows for the series.

One of these was set in the future, the year 2158 to be specific. Originally, we called it "GARGOYLES: FUTURE TENSE". But I later changed the name to "GARGOYLES 2158".

The series featured Goliath's grandson SAMSON, a largely-reformed DEMONA and a Time-Dancing BROOKLYN, among others.

CBS was interested in airing it, but before we could put a pitch together, the whole CBS Saturday Morning dept. was fired. And shortly thereafter Disney bought ABC, rendering any deal with CBS all but impossible. At about the same time there was a major regime change at Disney TV Animation as well. The new regime wasn't too interested in Gargoyles at all, at least not in making it a priority. ABC asked for a new version of the show. But no one wanted 2158.

Oh, well.

Response recorded on September 05, 1999

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Robin Wynn writes...

Hi Mr. Wiesman,
the first of my questions was asked by another person,but because the post it was in was so long you didn't answer it. I wanted to know the answer so i thought I'd post it again.
ok, here they go:
1)Is there faster-than-light travel in the Gargoyles universe? faster-than-light communications? If yes, why is Nokkar so isolated and uninformed about outside happenings?
2) ok, originally someone asked you what made Anubis connected to death. Your answer was "Fay are tied to the pure magic of Earth. Individual fay have different 'connections', just as individual humans have different talents, etc. Anubis and other "death gods" come by it naturally". My question is this:
a) Does Alex have any special connection? any particular magical talent that he comes by naturally?
b)if so, what is it?

well, thanks in advance for your time.

Greg responds...

1. Actually, I did answer this in the sense that I rejected the form of the question. It's a two-part question that assumes a connection that doesn't exist.

And per our new rules, you'll have to resubmit your other questions (as they are on unrelated topics) as separate posts.

Response recorded on August 24, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

Upon Brooklyn's arrival in 2158, what would Samson's reaction to him be, considering that since Brooklyn is Goliath's second in command and Goliath is dead, then technically shouldn't that make Brooklyn leader?

Greg responds...

How do you figure that? Even "technically"? It's 2158. The leader of the Manhattan Clan is alive and so is his or her second in command. (By the way, when did I say that Samson was the leader of the Manhattan Clan in 2158?)

You're looking for a conflict that doesn't exist.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

1. Which is the oldest of the three races in your mind?
2. In HERITAGE, when Raven in Gargoyle form first introduced himself to Goliath and Angela had five fingers. Later when he again appeared as Gargoyle, he had four fingers. Was this an animation error or was it done on purpose as a sort of hint to Raven's true identity?
3. Who designed the Golem? In all the legends I read of the Maharal's (Rabbi Loew) Golem, he was a huge giant but of Manlike proportions, not like he was in the episode, but more like a taller version of Bane from BATMAN & ROBIN.

Greg responds...

1. Probably the Gargoyles. I know that comes as a surprise. The obvious answer is the Children, but I have this notion that the magic that birthed them needed a longer gestation time.

The Gargoyles, on the other hand, strike me as very symbiotic with the planet. The first sentient race Earth gave birth to. (Well, the second technically, but we're only counting the three that are still hanging in.) In many ways, tragically, their time has clearly passed. Humanity is ascendant. But Gargoyles aren't dead yet. And ironically, though it was largely humans who wiped out their race, it is also humans who will help to save them in the future. Though many will be dragged kicking and screaming toward that destiny.

Response recorded on August 21, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings Mr. Weisman

Just a few more questions

1. In Future Tense, when would Brooklin join up with the new group, (before or after he meets Katana and or had kids).

2. How long does Brooklin stay with in the Future Tense time, and does he come and go.

3. Coming with the next post as it might violate the rules.

Greg responds...

1. Both.
2. A while. Yes.
3. Thanks...

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Airwalker writes...

How would you deal with the time gap that cancellation has given us?

(Let's say that the show came back after 5 years of cancellation, in 2002, would you start off in 2002 or would you pick up right where TGC left off in 1997 or would you just be in favor of skipping all of those problems and just going far enough in the future, 2158, so that a time gap wouldn't matter?)

Greg responds...

Honestly, I can't answer that without knowing the circumstances of our proposed ressurection.

Are we coming back on TV or in some form of print media or both?

If TV: Are we coming back as an hour show or a half-hour again? Are we coming back as a daily or weekly? As prime time or in kids?

To take your specific example, lets say we came back in 2002 as a kid's show. I'd probably just set things in 2002, and assume that most of my audience hasn't seen any of the old episodes. I would maintain continuity for my old audience, but I would clearly have to introduce the show and its characters anew. Some things would seem to pick up right where we left off. Others would be different, and we'd occasionally do flashback stories (both from the distant past and from the 1997-2002 gap) to bring both audiences up to speed.

Also keep in mind that although I had planned to do, for example, TimeDancer in 1996, I didn't get to. So there's nothing to stop me from introducing TimeDancer as a brand new concept in 2002.

As to doing 2158. I'd be happy to do that anytime. But it doesn't prevent or preclude me from doing stories in the present. In fact, I'd love to do BOTH.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Alaxk writes...

Greetings again

3. Would there be conflict between Samson and Brooklin similar to the conflict that was building between Brooklin and Goliath?

4. This may seem stupid, but... Is Samson the son of Broadway and Angela?

Greg responds...

3. I don't accept the premise of your question. Or maybe I don't understand it.

4. Yes.

Response recorded on August 17, 1999

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Aris Katsaris writes...

Nice to have this place back up... Well here are my questions...

1. The Arthurian survivors' list (by the way I assume that fays like Oberon which are known from other stories aren't included in the seven survivors list though they were alive back then): 1. Arthur 2.Merlin 3. Lady of the Lake 4. Duval 5. The Green Knight 6. Blanchfleur 7. Morgana
2. We know about human and gargoyle attitudes towards parentage; but what's the attitude of fays concerning it? Do they raise their children collectively like the Gargoyles do? Or is it a more human-like system? Or something else entirely?

3. How long since Oberon overthrew his mother?

4. How did his father feel about it? (about the whole overthrowing business I mean)
5. I was intrigued by the maiden-mother(or atleast adult)-crone appearances of the Weird Sisters. So:
5a. Was this an intentional reference to similar maiden-mother-crone trinities in various mythologies?
5b. Did they have a particular reason for their form and apparent age in each scene? Or was it just what felt cooler to the writer?
6. Have you decided what it was that made Anubis (a normal fay originally I'd guess) be connected to death? Will you tell us anything about it?
7. Do halflings like Merlin, Fox and Alex age slower?
8. What made Oberon create the non-intervention law?
9. Would the mutates' mutation also affect their children?
10. If the Talos we saw in 'New Olympians' is the same robot, built time and again since ancient times... who had the technology back then (somewhere between 1400-1200 BC I'd guess) to build the original?
11. Angela in 'Grief' implied that Sphinxes could have been gargoyles. From New Olympians it seems that sphinxes were New Olympians. So... what were they, Gargoyles or NOs?
12. Is there faster-than-light travel in the Gargoyles Universe? Faster-than-light communications? If yes, why is Nokkar so isolated and uninformed about outside happenings?
13. How long has Nokkar been on Earth anyway?
14. Do Oberon and Titania have any children? (With each other I mean)

Greg responds...

1. Try again with eight on a separate post. See the new contest rules.
2. Every fay is different. The only custom (other than fealty to or rebellion from one's lord or lords) is no custom.
3. Saying when would reveal too much. Just saying that reveals too much.
4. Father's a whole 'nother story.
5a. Yes.
5b. It had more to do with the person being spoken to. What they expected to see. But it wasn't random.
6. Fay are tied to the pure magic of Earth. Individual fay have different "connections ", just as individual humans have different talents, etc. Anubis and other "death gods" come by it naturally.
7. Depends.
8. Relative maturity.
9. Not answering that now.
10. Well, the original was fairly primitive. I think Daedelus had a hand in it. Maybe Hephaistos too. Or a cyclops.
11. Some gargoyles may have been mistaken for sphinxes and vice versa.
12. This is so complicated. See, the problem with asking eight hundred questions in one post, is that I get exhausted and tend to just give short answers (or non-answers) to everything. Like here for example.
13. A long time, ya whipper-snapper. (Didn't I just do that joke.)
14. Titania has (as of "The Journey") given birth to two children by Oberon. Two. One male. One female. (After all the abbreviated stuff above I thought you deserved one good juicy tidbit. Hope that qualifies.)

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Airwalker writes...

Glad to see AskGreg is back up.

1. Does Demona know about the Illuminati Society?
2. Does the Illuminati Society know about Demona?
3. Why exactly did you decide that Jackal and Hyena would become Cyborgs and that Wolf would become a Mutate? Why specifically that combination instead visa versa?
4. How long has Nokkar's intergalactic war been going on?
5. What happened to the helicopter Lexington fixed in HER BROTHERS KEEPER?
6. You said that New Olympians generally live for 13-250 years. So would any of the New Olympians we know be alive and around in 2158?
7. How does the Avalon Clan feel about Demona and Macbeth? (They must know those two weren't acting under their own will during the fight with the Archmage but to someone who they injured that little bit of information might not exactly displace anger at being injured.)
8. After all these years, does Macbeth know that Demona was listioning outside his window when Bodhe suggested betraying her clan to the English?
9. What are the Mutates feelings towards Alex Xanatos?
10. Why didn't Xanatos try to make Coldfire and Clodsteel look more "alive"; meaning why not slap some fake flesh on them like he did for Cyoti 1.0?
11. In POSSESSION, why wasn't Angela shocked at seeing Coldstone? After all when Goliath first saw him, he called him an abomination.
12. What was Goliath thinking in SANCTUARY and MARK OF THE PANTHER when he kept tellin Angela that she has many mothers and fathers? Who was he thinking of? There's only him, Hudson, Coldstone, Demona, and the Trio at that point. Did he seriously expect the Trio to think of Anglea as their daughter?
13. In 2158, how do you picture the world political status? Are there still seperate countries for example?
14. What is the legal status of Gargoyles in 2158?
15. What is Renard's opinion of Petros Xanatos?

Greg responds...

1. Yes.
2. Quite a bit.
3. A lot had to do with what felt right for the characters I guess. Wolf was very animalistic and hostile. Seemed perfect to make him a genetic werewolf. Jackal & Hyena were just nuts. A sociopath and a psychopath. It felt right that they would take things to the ultimate extreme.
4. Quite some time, young feller.
5. Kenner decided not to make a toy out of it.
6. That wasn't my plan.
7. Indiviuals all react differently. I'm not going to give you thirty-six individual responses.
8. I think he figured it out that night on Lunfanan Hill.
9. Which Mutate?
10. Fake gargoyle flesh? What would be the point?
11. Well, the truth here is that Angela had seen him already in the Himalayas. At least that had been my plan if the comic book hadn't been cancelled.
12. He was trying to instill in her the idea that her preoccupation with her biological parentage was an unhealthy human notion. (And since he knew Demona was her biological mother, you can see where his fear was coming from.) Of course, he lost the forest for the trees as Diane Maza pointed out in "Mark". He tried to make up for it later.
13. Yes and no.
14. Protected minority.
15. They barely know each other. And on some level, I think they'd get along, except for one thing... Renard hates David. And though Petros doesn't approve of much of his son's actions, I can't see him standing calmly by while someone else berates his son. Blood. Whatchagonnado?

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