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Stuart writes...

Hello Mr. Weisman,
I hope you're doing well. I was just wondering if you could answer a few quick questions regarding the future of "The Spectacular Spider-Man", if you don't mind:
1.) Will we see Dr. Curt Connors in Season Two, even if we don't see the Lizard next season?
2.) Do you think it's possible we will see any of the lesser-known Spider-Man villains on this show? Like Swarm or Beetle, or Jack O'Lantern maybe?
3.) One storyline from the Spidey comics I've always wanted to see animated is the near-marriage of Aunt May and Doctor Octopus. Do you think this story could pop up on the show in a future season?

Thanks for reading. Keep up the excellent work, sir.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. Given enough episodes.

3. Less likely.

Response recorded on August 11, 2008

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Bruno writes...

Hey, Greg.

Congratulations by Spider-Man! It's great, and I'm looking forward to more!

I'm writing this one to link everybody to IGN:

Season 1 review (they gave the show a 9, and the readers a 9.5!):

Greg's interview with Eric Goldman about what's next:

Oh, and while I'm on it:
1 - Working with Spider-Man is as intimidatingas it looks?
2 - Is it weird to work knowing that Season 2 WILL air, but don't knowing WHEN or WHERE?
3 - Had any writers or artists at Marvel ever talked to you about the series?

Greg responds...

1. At times.

2. It has been, but I now know when AND where. The when is March 2009. The where is a secret for the time being -- though I don't understand why.

3. Craig Kyle.

Response recorded on August 11, 2008

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cyrus writes...

hi greg as you probobly guessed ive got a question
any news on when we can expect spectacular spider man dvds or on content or anything live in canada and it
does not air i need to know
thanks for your time
sorry about the bad spelling

Greg responds...

I don't know specifically about Canada, I'm afraid, though the first DVD goes on sale in the States on 9/9/08.

Response recorded on August 11, 2008

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Delthayre writes...

I have noticed that the episodes thus far aired of the excellent "The Spectacular Spider-Man" have titles that are thematically related to the episode in question and also across the small arcs of the series, viz. episodes four, five and six, all with the common theme of Spider-man contending with villains created at the Big Man's behest, have titles drawn from economics. The first season also had an general scientific theme to its titles as terms from evolutionary theory (1-3), physics (7-9), and psychology (9-13) also appear.

I rather liked that and am curious, provided that I have not erred in my interpretation, about who proposed the use of thematic titles and if the next season will have a similar pattern in its titles. I have guessed that you at least suggested the idea of thematic titles, which would fit with the alphabetical titles used for the second season of W.I.T.C.H., and hope that the practice will be repeated again, but drawn from something other than scienes, but only because I would find the diversity interesting.

Greg responds...

Yeah, the basic title scheme (though not all of the individual titles) was my idea. Each DVD has a title provided by Sony Home Entertainment, like "Attack of the Lizard" -- and also a title provided by us that fits "The Education of Peter Parker" theme. Our titles are:


And the first arc of Season Two will be...


Response recorded on August 11, 2008

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Michael Byrne writes...

Was Eddie Brock originally planned as in the comics, as a shallow photographer exposed for his lack of talent? Or was he planned as a childhood friend of Peter like in USM all along?

Greg responds...

You mean in Spectacular Spider-Man? If so, then what we planned from day one is exactly the same as what we did from episode one.

Response recorded on August 07, 2008

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Anonymous writes...

Hello, Mr. Weisman,
I wanted to ask a few quick questions regarding "The Spectacular Spider-Man" series, if I may:
#1.) You said there will be direct-to-DVD animated movies eventually. Will we see any team-up movies with Spider-Man pairing with other Marvel heroes, like Daredevil, the Hulk or Captain America?
#2.) Will we ever see the Parker parents storyline on the new cartoon series?
#3.) Will Doctor Octopus show up in season two and/or season three, should there be a third season?
By the way, keep up the excellent work on "The Spectacular Spider-Man". It's my favorite Spider-Man cartoon series to date. Thanks for reading!

Greg responds...

1. There are no current plans for that, but never say never.

2. Eventually, given enough episodes/seasons/dvds/whatever.

3. Yes.

Response recorded on August 05, 2008

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Greg Bishansky writes...

This here seems to have caused some debate. So, if you don't mind.

1. Does Gwen realize that Eddie Brock and Venom are one and the same?
2. If the answer above is no, what happened, from Gwen's perspective, after Eddie led her off during the parade?

Greg responds...

1. No, which will eventually be made clear in Season Two.

2. She got ahead of him and was jumped. She didn't see what happened to Eddie -- but fears the worst (i.e. that Venom killed him, not that Venom IS him). She has no reason to suspect that Eddie is Venom or vice-versa.

Response recorded on August 05, 2008

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Todd Jensen writes...

One of my favorite touches in the first season of "The Spectacular Spider-Man" was the sense of the passing year. The first episode was set in September, with Peter returning to school. Spidey's big battle with the Green Goblin was set on Halloween, and his confrontation with Venom in the season finale was set on Thanksgiving.

Will you be showing more of the year's cycle in Season Two? I hope so, because I thought it made Season One all the better.

Greg responds...

Yes, indeed. Season Two runs from December through March of his Junior year of high school.

Response recorded on August 04, 2008

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Arcturus writes...

Thanks for the response Greg! I have been able to view all 13 episodes of Spectacular Spider-Man season 1 and I've got to say that you and the crew have really brought us a wonderful show. Every episode was impressive, the plots were compelling and overall, Spectacular Spider-Man has turned out to be my favorite Spider-Man show. I can't wait for season 2 to start! I do have one more question for now, is there a possibility that you may include Hydroman in the series?

Greg responds...

Yes, eventually (given enough seasons/episodes).

Response recorded on August 04, 2008

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Webhead2006 writes...

Hello greg, I just wanted to say season 1 of SSM was very good and i cant wait to see many many more seasons come for the series. I loved it alot besides a few changes here and there i didnt like at first but grew on me over time and it works for the show itself. I just had a question i was wondering on the production side of things for the show. How long does it take to animate a single episode for the series?

Greg responds...

It takes eight to ten months - give or take.

Response recorded on August 01, 2008

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