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Litwolf writes...

You may have answered this in a ramble after I posted this question but I thought Id throw it out there. Youve said that its possible that the Gargoyles comic will leave SLG publishing and fall fully into Disney's hands. At first, I thought you meant the comic was going to die all-together and I nearly cried. But then, I realized you meant it might just be changing to a Disney publisher. I was relieved but still worried because, from the Gathering Rambles others have posted, it sounds like it would be a bad thing if Gargoyles got moved to Disney's publisher.

Why is that bad? I mean, we'll still have the comic, just under a new name. So why is it bad that its moving? What would change if Gargoyles moved? There would still be the same artists, writers, and stories, right?

Also talking about the future of the comic, you've said that we'll see the other spinoffs if Bad Guys does well. So I wanted to ask how the series is selling (and for that matter, how is the main Gargoyles comics selling? Any idea how many issues of the main comics we'll see?) Also, I believe you've said that, after Bad Guys, you'll do Bad Guys (because of a nagging story, right? ^_^), Pendragon, and then TimeDancer. Any idea which spinoff (2198 and New Olympians) will be up after that, what the order will be following TimeDancer?

Thanks for answering these questions! Ive been dying to get some comic news since Ive read these Gathering Rambles!

Greg responds...

I never said it was a bad thing if Disney decided to publish Gargoyles on their own. But Disney has expressed no interest.

Gargoyles and to a lesser extent Bad Guys both did well for SLG in sales. Not necessarily in profits. Not enough to justify an increased license fee. SLG is done publishing individual issues, but the trades will come out and will cover all creative material that would have appeared in Gargoyles #7-12 and Bad Guys #1-6.

Response recorded on September 17, 2008

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LadyMidnight81 writes...

Hi, this has probably been asked already but I can't find it in the archives or the faq and don't have the time to read through all the archives. I was wondering if you were planning on turning the other spin-off ideas, besides Gargoyles: Bad Guys, into comics if the first the first two did well enough and SLG was in favor of the idea? I would love to read the Timedancer and the one that takes place in 2198 in this format if the cartoon version aren't possible at this point.
Sorry if this has been asked a bunch and if you don't want to answer the question again could someone just tell me what the original answer is under in the archives....anyway thanks for bringing back Gargoyles, any format is better than no format at all, and I love comics so it's nice to see a good one on the shelves.

Thank you for your time and keep up the excellent work.

Greg responds...

You couldn't have checked the archives too well. And a routine question can definitely be answered more quickly in the Station 8 Comment Room. But, yes, I'd love to do all the spin-offs, eventually. And I'd happily do them as comics. The SLG license has ended, but hopefully someday.

Response recorded on September 10, 2008

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Hey gang,

There seems to be some confusion about where things stand with the comic books, so I'm going to try again to clear things up. The SLG license expired on 8-31-08. That means there will be no more individual comic book issues on either Gargoyles or Bad Guys.

However, SLG does still have the right to put all existing material out in the Trade Paperback format. They are also allowed to include Bonus Material in these trades.

Gargoyles: Clan-Building, Volume One will remain available, and as soon as possible, we will be putting out Gargoyles: Clan-Building, Volume Two and Gargoyles: Bad Guys: Redemption out in trade.

Gargoyles: Clan-Building, Volume Two will include (obviously) Gargoyles issues #7-8, but it will ALSO include what would have been issues #9-12, including the covers, as QUOTE-UNQUOTE Bonus Material. You WILL get to see the end of the Clan-Building arc. Currently, issue #9 is done except for a few minor lettering corrections. Issue #10 is being pencilled as we speak. Issue #11 has been scripted, and we are looking for the right artist to pencil it. Issue #12 is being scripted now. The trade will come out when ALL this material is complete and approved.

The Gargoyles: Bad Guys: Redemption trade will include (obviously) Bad Guys issues #1-4, but it will ALSO include what would have been issues #5-6, including the covers, as QUOTE-UNQUOTE Bonus Material. You will get to see the end of the Redemption limited series. Currently, issue #5 is done except for a few minor art corrections and the lettering. Issue #6 is scripted, and Karine will begin roughing it out shortly. The trade will come out when ALL this material is complete and approved.

Hope that clears things up.


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THE BIG BAD NEWS (and a little bit of good news).

THE BIG BAD NEWS (and a little bit of good news).

As many of you have probably heard, we found out Saturday (7/26/08) at San Diego ComicCon that the GARGOYLES (including BAD GUYS) license will not be renewed after it expires on 8-31-08.

Just to be very, very clear... this is NOT the result of poor sales. GARGOYLES is still one of the best selling book SLG publishes (if not THE best). BAD GUYS doesn't do too badly either by SLG standards. Of course, delays didn't help sales... and there are probably other factors that reduced the upside -- including the writing -- but none of that is the point.

According to SLG's President, Publisher and Owner Dan Vado, the Disney execs told him that the money they were taking in did not justify their administrative costs. So they raised the license renewal fee to a rate that put it beyond SLG's reach. (Dan had hoped to renew both Gargoyles and Haunted Mansion -- though not Tron or Wonderland -- but neither book will now be picked up.)

I don't know what effect recent announcements about Kingdom Comics and Boom! Comics had on this decision. Dan was told one thing had nothing to do with the other. No one at either company has approached me about doing Gargoyles, and I don't know that there will be any interest now that the license is coming to an end.

That's the bad news. But there is a bit of a silver lining.


We will finish both GARGOYLES: Clan-Building and BAD GUYS: Redemption. That's the equivalent of seven more issues of material.

BAD GUYS #4 should be out next week. The book is done and has been done for some time. It's been sent to the printers.

GARGOYLES #9 will hopefully be out next month. David is done with the art. All that remains is for Robby to color it and David to letter it -- tasks that both these gentlemen have proven able to do with great speed.

Whether or not the remaining issues (BAD GUYS #5-6 and GARGOYLES #10-12) are published as individual issues is a bit up in the air. BAD GUYS #5 and GARGOYLES #10 have decent (if long) shots at getting out in time. But whatever doesn't get out as individual issues will still be scripted, drawn, colored or toned, lettered and published as "BONUS MATERIAL" in individual trade paperbacks that will collect GARGOYLES: Clan-Building Volume II and BAD GUYS: Redemption. And these compilations WILL come out! There's still a lot of work to be done. (Personally, I still need to script Gargoyles #11-12.) So I WON'T take this moment to thank everyone and say au revoir. That'll come later. For now, we're still a going concern.

In addition, Dan hasn 't given up on us. He wants to put out these two new trades and keep all three trades available for sale (and btw we sold a bunch of the trades at ComicCon -- when I left Sunday at 1pm, hours before close of con, we only had a handful of Clan-Building Volume I left to sell). After a year, he hopes to go back to Disney with a different, perhaps more modest offer to do Gargoyles Graphic Novels. Might work out. Might not. But he's still game and just in case it isn't 100% clear...


I'm as determined as ever -- if not moreso -- to continue bringing you canon Gargoyles stories. The eighteen issues we've done/are doing have only whetted my appetite! I'm still going to be out here swinging... for more comics or graphic novels, for the DVD releases, for a live action film, etc. But I can't do it alone! So please don't you guys give up on Gargoyles either!

Remember, a few years ago, we didn't even have this. In that time, we will have brought you two big arcs, six big stories, eighteen "episodes" and numerous sub-plots, plot-twists, new characters and old familiar favorites. Would we have Shari, Quincy, Coco, Amp, etc. if the fans haven't kept the faith?! No. Would we grok the Illuminati number system?! No. Would we have seen Goliath and Elisa declare their love?! NOPE!!! (Oh, and for those of you who wish Demona could have figured more prominently in the comic... well, guys do you really think I'd do a twelve issue re-introductory story arc in Gargoyles without prominently including the crazy red head? Please.)

So what can YOU do? Well, nothing's changed on that front, really. We still need people to buy comics, trades, DVDs, HOT TOPIC T-Shirts. We still need people to attend the GATHERING. (Check out www.gatheringofthegargoyles.com ) And whether or not you've spent all the disposable income you have to spend on the property, then help us SPREAD THE WORD!!!! Make sure every gargoyle fan knows about what's out there. Show friends the first 39 episodes on DVD. Lend them the comics or trades. Create converts.

And mostly... just keep the faith.

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Wayne writes...

Since the cancellation of Gargoyles with the other stories that you have created have you tried to take the ideas for any of the spin offs to other companies such as Scifi, Cartoon Network, etc to try to get a new series or one of the spin offs produced? I loved Gargoyles, as well as, your work on other series, loved the Goliath Chronicles and would love to see the completed spinoff for King Arthur and Gryph. Do you have any plans to work on any other series in the future other than Spiderman, yours or others?

Greg responds...

Boy someone could stand a little meander through the archives. Not saying who. But someone.

Anyway... DISNEY owns Gargoyles and all its spin-offs. Period.

But we are continuing both the original series and at least one (and maybe more) of the spin-offs in comic book form. Check it out!

I'm very happy doing Spider-Man for now, but odds are I'll work on a lot of other series (hopefully), you know, before I die or whatever.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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bwyell writes...

If I buy 30 copies of every issue of the Gargoyles comic book, will you promise not to kill Gwen Stacey?

Greg responds...

Let's test the theory and find out.

Response recorded on June 25, 2008

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Nicole North writes...

Firstly, thx much to all who've contributed to this excellent webpage; the quantity of Gargoyles show information is almost overwhelming (at least to a new fan like myself)! And thx especially to Greg Weisman, for creating such a truly unique and remarkably clever animated series.

I never watched Gargoyles in my younger years and now, thirty years of age, have become a total fan-- originally from just watching The Awakening movie (w/ some kids I was babysitting years ago), then eventually from buying the DVDs of the first season and the first half of the second season.

I've now watched the DVDs repeatedly and have become increasingly impressed with the complex storyline and character development, surprisingly clever dialogue, and cool action/fantasy animation. It truly is an awesome show, extraordinarily entertaining, even for adults.

I've been reading all the threads here and on Amazon about the reasons we haven't seen the release of the second volume of the second season. The situation for a fan like me (who's never watched the show on television) is that there's this utter blankness, after watching the shows on the DVDs-- without even the vaguest remembrance of how the story continues. It's like reading the first half of some very enjoyable book and then having the book cruelly yanked away from my hold! So unfair!

I am one of those people who doesn't have television at my place (just TV sets to watch DVDs) so I cannot even watch any repeats of the show on cable (although I am seriously considering *paying* friends who have TiVo to record any/all episodes of Gargoyles for me, that I might watch them on their TVs).

So my questions to Greg Weisman or anyone else who reads this (apologies for the lengthy background info) is: what might be the best way for a viewer like me to encounter the rest of the Gargoyles story? Do the comic books tell the stories I haven't seen yet . . . and if so, should I read them in a specific order? Or are there detailed episode descriptions somewhere online that you'd recommend?

I really wish it was not an unacceptable violation of creative copyright for me to offer a fan of Gargoyles money for VHS/DVD copies of the second half of the show-- because I so want to view the rest of the series!

Mr. Weisman: you must have access to all the recorded shows. So if you were offered a large sum (to be distributed among all who have a share of the Gargoyles copyright . . . including Disney, if it must be <g>) for DVD-R copies of the episodes of the second half of the second season of Gargoyles-- and perhaps the third season-- to be purchased by fans for private viewing only . . . that would be legal, right? (All right, I don't personally have a large sum . . . but perhaps fans here on s8.org could create a shared fund for this purpose . . . ?)

Greg responds...

I have the same DVDs that you have, and I have a single old VHS copy of every episode. But there's NO WAY that Disney would approve me releasing the missing episodes on my own, even if I were inclined and/or had the technical ability, etc. I think your idea of asking buddies to record the shows for you off Toon Disney/Jetix is a good one, frankly. (There's also YouTube, though God knows that's a god awful way of viewing anything.) Other than that... we're all a bit screwed until BVHE decides to release that last set.

I'd still recommend the comics. Any information you NEED is refreshed in any given issue. And frankly, the better the comics sell, the more likely the DVD release becomes.

Response recorded on May 21, 2008

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Kenneth Chisholm writes...

I've read that you imagine your character on the ideal voice actor for it such as Morgan Freeman for Quincy Hemings.

I was wondering, what are the criteria for the voices you imagine. Do they have to be living? If not, have you ever imagined characters appropriate for major Star Trek actors that did not appear as voice on the series such as James Doohan, DeForest Kelly, George Takei, Grace Lee Whitney and Walter Koenig?

Greg responds...

Character comes first, so casting in the comics is much more to type than in the television series, where we were free to cast someone who didn't physically look anything like the character. I could -- in theory -- do the same now, but it's just less likely.

Response recorded on May 16, 2008

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Beto writes...

Hi all, just want to point out that I have greatly enjoyed the Gargoyles comics so far. I have been a fan since 1994 when the TV show came out. I have stuck with it up to now. If you do the math, this makes me a young twenty-something. This, I think, gives the title of "Gargoyles geek" (or most likely, simply just geek), and i'm cool with that. In reality if we are that old and still following an animated kid's tv show in comic book form, which one of us is not a dork. I do believe, though, that we have to take this awesome series for what it is...and awesome story line fabricated genius Greg Wiseman and co. There are more important things in life than to sit and figure out who laid what eggs at x point in the future, etc. Take Gargoyles for what it is: an older children's story transformed into a slightly more mature comic for us geeks. Sorry for the ramble, but I have seen many of this postings and half the time I wonder, "Where does all this come from? (I've watched every episode at least 5 times...literally and read all the comics to date).

Anyways as for my question. Any word on the Gargoyles license renewal? I'm really praying for other installments after Clan-Building and Bad Guys! Thanks

Greg responds...

No word that I've heard yet.

And I don't mind all the detailed questions. They helped keep us alive for ten fallow years.

Response recorded on May 14, 2008

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Peter Sunnergren writes...

Hi Greg, thank's for the answers to my previous question about prodcuing/writing a comic!

A few more questions have come in to my mind.

1: What kind of format do you use when you write a script for a comic? I have been considering a treatment form such as;

-// Open up on John sitting at the desk in his office. He is on the phone. His expression suggests that he he is stressed and afraid. He says "What? How long?". John drops the phone and looks at a clock on the wall, which shows 12:56. He bolts for the door and exists //-

In that example (which is totally random by the way, it has nothing to do with my, or anyone else's work) I would just describe things; what they are, how they look and what happens, but not how it is presented in framing and paneling, leaving that for the artists.
I have also considered writing as a film script (similar to the treatment form but with different formatting for actions, names and spoken dialogue.) Another possibility I can imagine would be a storyboard. Like a "doodled" version of the page showing what I would like the framing/paneling/positioning to look like.

What are your thoughts on these different approaches?

2: On average, how much time passes on between you starting to write a comic and it goes off for printing?

Thanks! I'm off to the post office to pick up the latest issue of Gargoyles (curses England for having tiny mail slots that comics won't fit through)

Greg responds...

1. I do something like this...


Describe the action here as specifically as possibly.




Describe what we're seeing in this panel now.





Usually takes a couple months at least for stuff to get drawn/letttered/approved etc. Sometimes much longer.

Response recorded on May 08, 2008

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