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Anonymous writes...

big time fan, love so much about the show. its like the next generation of cartoons. except for one gripe.

the dialogue, after watching spectacular spider-man, where one could actually envision a real person speaking those lines, i saw how a correct balance of realism and fantasy could be blended. Peter Parker would be going through spider-man situations with banter and conversations that outdid the Motion Pictures.

while young justice on the other hand, loses this major component that drew so many to spectacular spider-man, i know its unfair to compare that to anything considering how stand alone it was in the quality department but, i wouldn't if the dialogue in young justice, by consensus, wasn't so noticeable off than your previous efforts.

aqualad, and superboy MIGHT get away with a few natural sounding lines, but everyone recording voices in the main cast BLEW it when establishing their character's voice tone and delivery.

kid flash sounds like a father trying to imitate his son.

miss martian really does sound like an alien, in the sense that the voice actor speaks like she has never heard the English language. that's not a good thing.

robin... i can deal with the pre-puberty angle but for his actor being one of the most high profile on the show... what material are you guys giving him for real. when it comes to robins dialogue, the people who test and feedback on these lines obviously have too much respect for this writing team to break the bad news to them,

The grand scope of this storyline is incredible, the animation is bar none, again, huge fan. But with all of the blood, sweat, and tears that i know have been put into this work of art, how on earth did anyone approve "hello megan?", or robin's 13 year old S.A.T. word of the day (terbed? yall set your self up for all the backlash/insults from that gimic.)

I wish it was just my opinion but you know, the internet these days Greg, if everyone's saying it its fact. I'll watch regardless, please believe that, but just know i'm a die hard, your losing others fast.

Greg responds...

Well, obviously it's not "fact". That's just silly.

I get that a percentage of people share your opinion.

But guess what? I do NOT. Not even a little bit. Not even slightly. And this OBNOXIOUS and completely hyperbolic tirade just makes me want to ignore whatever legit concerns you might have.

So congrats. You've insulted a ton of hard-working people and pissed me off AND accomplished NOTHING beyond (maybe) making yourself feel superior at the expense of a show you profess to love and be a big fan of.

Good work.

Response recorded on April 06, 2011

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