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that one kid with the silly questions writes...

First off, it's been enjoyable reading through your little Q&A's, second off, this little series you’re producing, Young Justice, is incredible. Only nine episodes in and it’s done so much for me, it was really what I needed to finally take a leap into reading comics.

My question is more or less about your personal opinion and how you see your characters rather than… what the heck is going to happen. Ha-ha, I think I can wait, save my questions until the first season is out of the way.

Fans have a tendency to sprinkle series with homosexuality, sometimes because it seems like something that could be “in-character”, other times because they think it’s something that looks “good”. This has recently been the case with Young Justice, so, I wanted to ask, how do you feel about this? No so much on the level of right verse wrong, but more on level of your general opinion. Is there any character that you can potentially see as homo-, bi-, or “pan”-sexual in the main cast? Why? Why not?

… Considering the ages of the characters, ha-ha, this is probably a warped question.

You’re probably asking yourself “does this even matter?”

Greg responds...

I think of all characters in sexual terms. Not exclusively, of course, but to fully get a character, you need to think about everything major about him, her (or it). And sexuality is too big to ignore, even if it's not directly addressed on screen. And that's particularly true of teenagers.

Having said that, it also wouldn't be too wise of me to express my opinions on such matters with regards to characters in an on-going, in progress series that is owned by a big multi-division corporation.

So, in short, I think it does matter. But I'm not putting anything in writing, I'm afraid. Not at this time.

As for the fans, I say, "Knock yourselves out!"

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Joanie writes...

I have been reading the Captain Atom series and have to say great job for both you and Cary. I absolutely love it. The character is amazing when it comes to Captain Atom's powers and how he handles situations. I do have a few questions though:

1. Why hasn't the series been picked back up?

2. Did you help create the superhero himself? If so, what exactly?

3. Why has Captain Atom been featured in crossovers even though his comic has been cancelled?

4. Do you think Captain Atom would become more known if his series came back?

Greg responds...

1. Ask DC. I've offered to do it.

2. Create him? No. Captain Atom was originally a Charlton character that DC purchased along with Blue Beetle, Peacemaker, Nightshade, Peter Cannon, Sarge Steel and the Question. But Cary, myself and artist Pat Broderick redeveloped the character for the DC Universe under the supervision of editor Denny O'Neil.

3. You'd have to ask DC.

4. Well... yeah, of course.

You can watch for a bit more Captain Atom in the new Young Justice companion comic, starting in issue #9.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Ceylan writes...

hello greg

what can you tell us about Artemis' eyes cause I've been confused about them for awhile them whether they're brown or blue and since I've watched Bereft a million times because I recorded it I think her eyes were brown when Superboy was trashing the tanks and dark blue when she and KF were discussing the ninja boyfriend thing...

and seriously loved loved this episode; current favorite! I could've cried when it ended especialy since there won't be any new episodes for awhile

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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A Fan writes...

Hi, loving Young Justice (though I'm still a little sadden that getting this cool show involved the cancellation of the best Spider-Man Adaption EVER! anyway...).

I have three questions (sorry if they've already been asked)

1. was Jay Garrick a member of the justice Society on Earth-16?

2. how old is Jay Garrick?

3. and in what years was the Justice Society active on Earth-16? (I'm presuming it was during WWII).

thanks for your time.

oh, and if you answer "No Comment" I'm going to assume that means "all of this will be answered one way or another at some future point on the show" if that's the case, sorry for wasting your time.

Greg responds...

1. Yes.

2. 92.

3. 1940-1951. Though from 1941-1945, the Society expanded to become the wartime All-Star Squadron.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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collin writes...

hello greg

my question is in the comics jackson hydes love interest is aquagirl but its lorena vasquez.yet in young justice its tula.i was supprised(yet not dissapointed) at this.im not asking if we will ever see lorena,but why was there a switch up in love interests,though kaldur and jackson have alot of other differences,i was just wondering.

also i was wondering how long the mid season hiatus would be because without yj i might commit suicide (joking)?

finally will there be a yj trading card game?

Greg responds...

1. Kaldur was created before Jackson. Our plans never changed. But since Tula is long dead in the comics, one can see why that pairing didn't work for the folks at DC.

2. Don't know.

3. Don't know.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Anonymous writes...

A question about Young Justice,does Black Manta know that Kaldur is his son? There was was a hint during the fight scene in "Downtime" but I'am not sure.

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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xcccc writes...

Why are we having a repeat of young justice for two weeks?? It makes me sad :(

Greg responds...

Scheduling is not my department.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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kon-el writes...

1.In the episode Bereft why did that sphere thing help Superboy?
2.Will you tell me about the relationship between Superboy and Miss Martian?
3.Are Superboy and Miss Martian going to kiss in Young Justice?

Greg responds...

1. They bonded over being tortured together.

2. What needs telling?


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Grant writes...

1) Is the sphere suppose to be the Super-Cycle from Peter David's run of YJ?
If yes, is the Supercycle, which had some sort of animal like intelligence in the comic, suppose to be the last of the YJ ongoing cast to be introduced?

2) Is this version of the Queen Bee human or alien?

Greg responds...



2. Human.

Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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Annie P. writes...

Will there be more shirtless Superboy scenes? Please say yes. :)

Greg responds...


Response recorded on May 25, 2011

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