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Anonymous writes...

Since Martians have a fondness for earth television, have cultures from earth affected Martian culture? Did they have their own tv shows before Martian Manhunter sent tv signals back to his home? Does Martian Manhunter send tv shows of different languages or mostly western tv shows?

Greg responds...

Mostly American television shows, but not exclusively. As for the effect on Martian culture - beyond HELLO, MEGAN! on M'gann - that's a SPOILER REQUEST. NO COMMENT. Also keep in mind that just because Robin said "All Martians love television," that doesn't make it so.

Response recorded on April 12, 2013

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Nightwing writes...

Hi Greg. Can you tell me what happened to Ocean Master? And was he REAL brother of Aquaman?

Greg responds...

I'm not sure what you mean by "REAL" in all-caps. They were brothers, as clearly established in the YJ companion comics.

As to what happened to him, come on, seriously?


Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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Janey writes...

I just wanted to say I really like what you guys have done with the villians in Young Justice. Especially Black Manta, I love the relationship he seems to have with his son, and seems to really love him. Most shows make the bad guys just pure evil and without a care in the world and all villians think the same way. All of them have different personalities so to me it seems more real. I do have one question about Miss Martian. I looked through the forums and didn't see it so if you answered fill free to delete this post!
1. When Miss Martian is not in her true form and having to concentrate on the way she looks like does it take away from her mental abilities or is it like a subconsense thing. I guess what I mean is if she wasn't shape shifting and was in regular form would her mental powers be more focused and more powerful?

Thanks for the show!!! I love watching it, you and your team have done an amazing job with it. I love how the heroes aren't perfect and have faults too, and how the bad guys aren't pure evil(maybe seem to focus on themselves, but not you know trying to blow up the world all the time) Thanks again for all the hardwork!!!

Greg responds...

1. Somewhat. As already esttablished in episode 126.

Response recorded on April 11, 2013

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B writes...

Given that he also has Lex's DNA, does Superboy look *exactly* like Superman did at 16 or just extremely similar?

Greg responds...

Pretty much exactly, except for the hairstyle.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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Albert writes...

What is Garth's, as well as his parents Thar and Berra, Atlantean name? Thanks!

Greg responds...

Garth is Garth's Atlantean name, as you saw if you watched episode 108. We have not addressed his parents yet at all.

Response recorded on April 10, 2013

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West writes...


I've really gotten addicted to Young justice ( it has converted me from marvel to dc lol) and I watch it religiously.
My favorite characters are aqualad and superboy.
1. I kind of see superboy as the main character of the series, he seems to have the most number episodes centered around him, picks up the best toys (sphere and wolf) and over all seems to have had the most character development. While kalder is my favorite character, my favorite episodes have always been the ones centered around Conner.

So I would like to know, while the series is really more of team show, which character would you consider more of a main protagonist? ( blue beetle, nightwing etc)

2. I loved how kalder pulled an "anakin " ( went over to the dark side, so to speak,), and he's really a awesome at it!!!
I loved the scene where came out of the water to fight artemis and nightwing, and then the ALL SHALL SUFFER IF BLACK MANTRA COmmands it, along with how he instantly fired his laser while the team was in stealth mode was beautiful.

Does kalder enjoy being bad? Even a little..

3. Young justice is INCREDIBLEly well drawn, are you more motivated to make more intricate battle scenes because they come out so well?

Greg responds...

1. It doesn't work that way. This isn't Spectacular Spider-Man, where we had one clear lead, and everyone else was a satellite orbiting around him. We think of this as a DC Universe series. It's an ensemble piece. "Leads" are defined by story. Hopefully, we laid enough groundwork in Season One that any character can step up and be interesting and carry an episode.

2. I'll leave that to your interpretation.

3. Nah. We always just want the show to be the best it can be. Period.

Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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Robin's Girl writes...

First off thank you so much for this show! I don't know what I would do without it. Anyways my question is what ever became of Queen Mera's pregnancy? Did she manage to have the child sometime during the time skip?

Greg responds...


Response recorded on April 09, 2013

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M. writes...

In the past, has a relationship between Dick and Artemis ever been seriously considered?

Greg responds...

Do you mean a romantic relationship? If so, then no.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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The Somnabulist writes...

Young Justice is the reason I awoke after 23 solid years of uninterrupted slumber. My gratitude...


Greg responds...

I'd respond, but it looks like you've gone back to sleep.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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Kyle Kincaid writes...

Greg, when is Artemis, Miss Martian, Aqualad and many other of the citizens' birthdates?

Greg responds...

As I've stated before, I have NOT assigned specific birth dates to anyone until or unless I require those for a specific story. Only birth years.

Response recorded on April 05, 2013

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